St. Cecilia Church Iglesia Santa Cecilia

St. Cecilia Church
Iglesia Santa Cecilia
Celebrating 100 Years est. 1913
5105 SW Franklin Ave.
Beaverton, Or 97005 Phone:(503) 644-2619 Fax: (503) 626-7204
Web Site:
August 23, 2015
Rev. Cary Reniva, Pastor
Fr. Mark Bentz, Parochial Vicar
Deacon Bill Richardson, Hispanic Ministry, Ext. 176
Parish Office, Press 2
Cheryl Motal, Office Coordinator, Ext. 160
Jim Cassinelli, Business Manager, Ext. 164
Shelly Schultheis, Accountant, Ext. 162
Michelle Hallett, Development, Ext. 178
Erika Ascencio, Hispanic Asst., Ext. 161
5:00pm (Vigil)
Adult Faith Programs
Betsy Willing, Ext. 163
2:30pm (Spanish)
Mike Flanigan 503-524-6922
Monday through Saturday
Elementary RE (Grades 1-5)
Amy Maris-Volf, Ext. 172
Middle School/High School
Mary Kiefer, Ext. 171
Nursery & Preschool
Betsy Willing, Ext. 163
Spanish RE, K-12
Letty Rodriguez, Ext. 173
8:40am - 10:00am
3:30pm - 4:40pm
Sue Harris, Principal
Tami McIntyre, Registrar
School Office, 503-644-2619
Press 3
Parish Office Hours (English): Monday through Thursday 8:30am to Noon, 1:00pm to 5:00pm.
Horario de Oficina en Español: para bautismos, quinceañeras y catecismo para niños, jóvenes y adultos,
Lunes-Jueves 2-5pm only
St. Vincent de Paul: 503-643-1702
Infant Baptism: Before scheduling a date for baptism, parents must be registered members of St. Cecilia Parish and attend a
baptism preparation class. To register for English baptism classes and for more information, contact Betsy Willing 503-270-6564.
Inquiries for Spanish baptisms should be directed to Erika Ascencio, 503- 644-2619, Ext. 161.
Matrimony: Couples must contact a parish priest and arrange for pre-marriage instructions. No date will be set until there is a
conference with a parish priest, at least six months prior to the wedding.
Ministry to the Sick & Homebound, Anointing, & "Welcome Ministry": Call Joye Boone, 503 644-2619, Ext. 170.
Are you pregnant and considering your options? Catholic Charities can help: 503-238-5196.
Funeral Services: Please contact the parish priest before scheduling any funeral services.
Perpetual Adoration: Chapel is open 24 hours and located in the Parish Center.
Bulletin Deadline: 10:00am Monday for the following Sunday.
Please submit bulletin information to a “new” email account, [email protected].
The Catholic Journey
Are you considering becoming Catholic?
Are you a Catholic adult interested in being confirmed?
Are you a Catholic who is ready to explore your faith anew?
Would you like to join a faith-filled team?
Join us for RCIA
(Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Beginning September 13th, 2015
Each year, men and women embark on an exploration of the Catholic faith.
Some are deciding if they are called into the Catholic Church; others have been
Catholic all of their lives and are now interested in discovering what this really
means. Together, we witness to the fact that our search for God is a lifelong
journey, a journey on which we make the most progress when we walk it with
others and with intention.
When: Sunday Mornings,
9 am-Noon, to include Mass.
Beginning September 13th
What is R.C.I.A.? It is not simply another
parish program. It is not simply a
convert instruction class.
Where: St. Cecilia School Library
What: Exploring the Catholic
Who: Non-Catholics and Catholics
How: Contact Mike Flanigan at
503-524-6922 or
[email protected]
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a
process through which adults are initiated
into the Catholic faith community.
Classes for Children/Youth will be
provided at the same time.
The Rite provides human experiences through
a sense of belonging and growth in the spirit
as knowledge is put into
perspective and hearts are opened to the
Lord. The RCIA calls for serious and
sustained attention to spiritual growth as the
person experiences a Catholic way of life.
For the past four Sundays, we have been hearing the Bread of Life stories or discourses
from the Gospel of John. I mentioned before in one of my homilies that every three years,
when we use Evangelist Mark as the Gospel, it is interrupted for five straight Sundays by
the Gospel of John, where Jesus is presented to us as the Bread of Life. Let’s recap the
gospels for the last four Sundays: On July 26th, the gospel was about the multiplication of
the bread; then on August 2nd, we heard about the story of the same crowd who were present in the
multiplication of the bread, who were asking Jesus for more miracles and bread, and Jesus clarified to them that
they should not work and aspire for the bread that easily perishes. On August 9th’s Gospel, since the people
were having a hard time understanding what that bread, which does not perish is, Jesus reveals himself to them
as the Bread of Life. He said in the Gospel two Sundays ago: “I am the living bread that came down from
heaven.” Then in last Sunday’s Gospel (August 16th), Jesus pushes it a little bit more when he said “Amen,
amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within
you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day. For my
flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.” We see in here a progression of revelation of who Jesus is. This
Sunday’s Gospel, we will see that people could not take and accept that revelation, so they deserted him. As
what is described in John’s Gospel this Sunday: “Many of his disciples returned to their former way of life and
no longer accompanied him.”
Reflecting on the gospel this Sunday, one may realize that the struggles and difficulties of the early followers
of Christ, the disciples of Jesus, are still the same struggles that a lot of people face nowadays. Even at times,
no matter how faithful and sincere one can be in his/her journey of faith, there are still questions that arise or
pop up that challenge what we believe — whether this or that particular teaching makes sense or not. This is part
of having an active faith. To have faith does not necessarily mean having everything figured out already. It does
not also mean that we do not have the right to question or even challenge what we believe at times so that we
can have a better understanding of it. To keep the faith is to wrestle in finding and understanding the truth.
Because, if we believe deep within our hearts that what we believe and assent to is the truth, then there is
nothing to fear because the truth will always triumph/win in the end.
And, if there are times when things do not make sense, if there are particular teachings of the Church that we
have a hard time understanding, one should not lose heart or just walk away like the disciples in the gospel
today, but rather find meaningful ways in order for us to have a better grasp or understanding of the issue. There
will always be a way to enlighten our minds because the truth cannot be hidden. To walk away from God is to
walk away from our real selves. Let us make the words of Peter as our own, “Master, to whom shall we go? You
have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.”
– Fr. Cary
Vocations Committee Welcomes our Archdiocesan Seminarians as our Special Guests
September 5th – 5 pm Vigil Mass
On Saturday, September 5 at the 5 pm Vigil Mass, St. Cecilia’s parishioners will be joined by some very special guests –
Fr. Jeffrey Eirvin, Archdiocesan Vocations Director; Fr. Pat McNamee, former pastor; Msgr. Joseph Betschart, President Rector
of Mount Angel Seminary; possibly an Archdiocesan bishop; Archdiocesan retired priests, and the current Mt. Angel seminarians
of the Archdiocese of Portland. This is an opportunity for parishioners to greet and meet our future priests, and for them to greet
and meet you. We are honored as a parish family to have them at this Mass to serve as greeters at each of the church doors,
deacons, lectors, cantors and Mass servers, gift bearers and ushers for the Mass. Fourth Degree Knights will lead the beginning of
the Mass procession with the Mass Celebrants and some 22 seminarians. The seminarians’ attendance is a part of their pastoral
priestly formation as they join the parish for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist and meet the parishioners whom they will
someday Shepherd. Following Mass, our guests will join the Vocations Committee for a special dinner.
It’s an honor again to have them among us. Please come. Make our guests feel like members of our parish by talking with them
before and after Mass.
Sponsored by the parish Vocations Committee. Please see the parish website at
Place your items for
St. Vincent de Paul in the barrels at the
main entrance to the church and
the West annex door:
Needed this week:
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Reaching out to people in need of comfort,
Prayer Shawls are “gifted” to those
experiencing illness, recovery, loss
or any of life’s stressful situations.
Please pray for all Prayer Shawl recipients.
If you are interested in joining our ministry as a knitter
or to request a Prayer Shawl, contact:
Jeannine Hooper 503-891-0587 or
Marylyn Klesh 503-579-3767, [email protected]
Note: The Prayer Shawl Ministry members will take
the summer off from knitting —— but
“shawl gifting” is available year round.
Just give us a call.
We ask each parishioner to pray the following
Petition to God:
“That trusting in Christ’s words to Peter, all those called
to follow the Lord as priests, deacons and in the
consecrated life will recognize the gift of their call and
follow Him faithfully,”
We pray to the Lord.
St. Cecilia’s is very pleased to welcome its newest
members, Joshua Jerald and Emma Louise
Jungwirth, baptized in Christ Sunday,
August 16, 2015 during the 10:45am Mass!
If you would like to have your baby baptized
please visit
 What happened when 70 Portland Catholics
met at a shopping mall, prayed, sang and set
out to tell shoppers about the love of God
 What will be ringing again at St. Mary Cathedral
 A pro-life protest organized by students
 How faith is helping runner Galen Rupp and his coach
Alberto Salazar navigate doping allegations
 College students in Oregon who report that religion is
sometimes ridiculed, often ignored on campus
 Chinese schismatic bishops ordaining priests
 How Bishop-elect Robert Barron responds to his earlier
statements on Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner
Saturday, August 22nd
5:00pm †Paul Trask—Kathleen Trask
Sunday, August 23rd
7:30am †Edward Pierson—Joe & Frances Regalia
9:00am †Tony Trotti—Ken & Barbara Balmforth
10:45am People of St. Cecilia
12:30pm †Sung Hoon Pang—Jane Murray
2:30pm †Isidra Torres—Marina Cordova
Monday, August 24th
8:00am †Russell Thompson—Marylyn Klesh
Tuesday, August 25th
8:00am †Maria H. Pham
Wednesday, August 26th
8:00am Int. St. Jude Guild Members
Thursday, August 27th
8:00am †Lien Lai—Hang Nguyen
Friday, August 28th
8:00am Int. Kathleen & Mychal Rinella--Family
Saturday, August 29th
8:00am †Van Minh Nguyen—Hang Nguyen
John S. Boyle,
Msgr. Campbell,
Leonard Fortun,
Alan Young
This is the motto for the
Jubilee Year of Mercy
“We need constantly to
contemplate the mystery of
mercy. It is a wellspring of joy,
serenity, and peace. Our salvation depends on it.
Mercy: the word reveals the very mystery of the Most
Holy Trinity. Mercy: the ultimate and supreme act by
which God comes to meet us. Mercy: the fundamental
law that dwells in the heart of every person who looks
sincerely into the eyes of his brothers and sisters on the
path of life. Mercy: the bridge that connects God and
man, opening our hearts to the hope of being loved
forever despite our sinfulness.”
Pope Francis’ Misericordiae Vultus
Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy.
Come experience Jesus’ mercy as we pray
The Chaplet of Divine Mercy every Monday at 7pm
in the Adoration Chapel.
Nursery & Pre-K on Sunday’s @ 9am
Kindergarten on Sunday’s 10:15-11:30am
Betsy Willing, ext. 163
[email protected]
Little Blessings nursery is now closed
for the summer and will reopen in
September during the 9am Mass
Little Blessings Sunday School has an
opening for the role of Sunday School
teacher for 2015-2016 school year. If you love the
Gospel, kids, and "working" with an awesome crew, please
email [email protected] for more details!
Believers grades 1-2
Disciples grades 3-5
Meet Sunday Mornings 10:15-11:30am
Amy Maris-Volf, ext. 172
[email protected]
Planning for 2015-16 Faith Formation has begun. ☺
Pre-Registration is open☺
Go to for registration form.
Sept. 13— Registr ation weekend after Sunday
Sept. 20—Catechetical Sunday:
Blessing of Catechists and Faith Formation Families
at 9am Mass
Sept. 27—Elementary Faith Formation First
session/Family Day:
Families attend together in the gym for orientation,
praise & worship, and fun!
Oct. 4—Elementary Faith Formation Classes and
First Eucharist Parent only meeting (see First
Eucharist section for more information)
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Children, K-5th grades, are invited to attend during the
9am Sunday Mass. Children process to the
Parish Center with adults during the Liturgy of the Word
and then return to celebrate the rest of Mass.
Adult/Youth Volunteers interested in helping,
please call Vicki Giampietro at 503-639-8745.
First Eucharist Preparation
SEEKERS Grades 2-5,
English Program
Sunday Mornings, 10:15-11:30am
Amy Maris-Volf, ext. 172
First Communion Photos are Here!
Please pick up in the Parish or School Office
NEXT FALL:Is your child baptized Catholic?
Are you and your child now ready to join our
Seekers-First Eucharist Preparation?
Have you been involved in Religious Education
classes either through your parish or school?
Information about our preparation program and
Registration forms are on our website,
Please pre-register by September 1, 2015.
Sept. 13—Registration Weekend
Sept. 27- First class/Family Day for Elementary
Religious Formation
Oct. 4- Seekers PARENT ONLY meeting
Nov 1- Seekers First Parent/Child session
See you in September ☺
Elementary Faith Formation: Prayer, Care & Share Needs
*Prayer warriors—Prayers needed for our Formation programs as we plan for next year, for the families
that we serve, and for much needed volunteers to hear God’s call to serve in this ministry. Please pray for
our amazing returning volunteers as well!
*People who love children and have faith to share—Many of our volunteers are moving on as their
children age out of our programs. Please contact Amy at 503-644-2619 ext. 172 if you are interested in
sharing your faith and guiding our youth.
*Extra administrative hands—If you have the gift of administrative duty skills and would be willing to
help with Elementary Faith Formation computer tasks, please contact Amy at 503-644-2619 ext. 172.
Youth Ministry & Confirmation Sacramental Preparation
Mary Kiefer, ext. 171
[email protected]
“Leading Teens Closer to Christ”
First Edge and LifeTeen Gathering: Sunday, Sept. 27th. Stay tuned for details!
NEW SCHEDULE: Gathering Time: 10:30am--12:15pm
Life Teen Mass: 12:30pm
The Youth Ministry Team is Expanding!
A Comprehensive Youth Ministry Program in a parish requires involvement of many people, each doing
something to create a TEAM that offers many types of gatherings and opportunities for catechesis.
Do you love Jesus? Do you love being a Catholic? Can you help in small or big ways?
JOIN OUR Expanding Outreach to the youth of St. Cecilia.
Pray ~Discern ~ Act - If the Lord is calling you, He will equip you to do the work.
!! Do you drive up I-5 towards Washington, past Delta Park?
If so, Bottle Drop has a location there — you could HELP the parish’s ONGOING Youth Ministry Fundraiser
by dropping off 2 bags of donated bottles & cans in the chute …super easy!
Teens/families/adults are needed to keep the donation of bottles and cans moving thr ough the bottle closet .
SIGN UP for a day of the week, a weekend, a week or a month to drop by.
This need is eligible for share hours for school families or teens needing to do service.
Last Summer LIFE NIGHT is Aug. 26 –
Pool Party anyone? MUST RSVP with
Mary, so our hosts know how many to prepare for and for you to know where the host lives. Time: 6:00-8:30pm
youth Conference – NCYC November 18-22.
This National Youth Conference will have over 20K in attendance. Come and celebrate being Catholic with youth and adults
from all over the country. Contact the YM office by August 13th.
Scholarships are limited; invite a friend and get registered today .
Sign up TODAY! GREETERS and Youth Band/Choir MEMBERS are NEEDED at 12:30pm Mass.
The Youth & Young Adult Choir is now leading worship at this Mass. Greeters need to arrive 15 minutes before and offer a smile and a warm greeting
while giving out the worship aid. Choir practices begin at 11:15am in the Fireside Room of the Parish Center..
Confirmation Preparation: The expectations for the Preparation Program are now on the parish website. The calendar and
registration forms will be available on August 20th. Our preparation focuses on Worship, Evangelization, Catechesis and Service.
Youth who want to prepare to receive the Sacrament next school year will need to fully participate in our Life Teen Program:
Sunday Morning Youth Ministry Gatherings, our First Saturday Service Days, our Weekend Retreat Nov. 6-8 ,
The Rise Up Rally on March 5, and our 25 hour Service Retreat April 9 & 10.
Mark your calendar for these important dates and plan to attend the following:
Parent/Teen Meeting: Thur sday, September 10 at 6:45pm
A copy of the candidate’s Baptismal Certificate must be turned in with Registration Form.
The Youth Ministry Team Needs YOU!
JOIN OUR Expanding Outreach to the youth of St. Cecilia.
The Youth Ministry Team needs YOU! Do you love Jesus? Do you love being a Catholic?
A Comprehensive Youth Ministry Program in a parish requires involvement of MANY PEOPLE…
each doing something to create a TEAM ready to offer a variety of offerings.
Interested or still pondering? Plan to come to our .....
Days of Training: Saturday, September 12.
There will also be an initial Called to Protect Training date required if you have never been trained.
Thanks for prayerfully discerning! Contact YM office.
Pray ~Discern ~ Act
- If the Lord is calling you, He will equip you to do the work.
HOST a Barbeque OR a S’mores night? *** How about Soccer or Frisbee in the field?
Serve up ice cream or frozen treats? *** Offer a Trivia Night? *** Softball Game?
Join the teens to serve the homeless on Thursday at Night Strike? *** Bowling Party
HOST a breakfast/donuts after a weekday morning Mass or before/after the 12:30pm Sunday Mass?
All events could include someone sharing a Faith Story (how Jesus has worked in their life), a time of prayer,
a reading and reflection on the Liturgical Scripture Readings of the day, or praying the rosary.
Getting to know the young members of our community by sharing the love of Jesus with them at a social gathering
is so important. Contact Mary to offer to help.
Scholarships for Teens If you are able to help fully or partially fund a teen to attend Catholic
Retreats and Conferences that are offered off campus this summer and next school year, please contact Mary.
The upcoming events and costs are:
*****High School Retreat at FBYC in Mt. Angel $80. to $90.00****National Catholic Youth Conference in
Indianapolis $500 to $950 (depending upon airfare cost) ******Called Middle School Rally $35-$45
***** H.S. Rise Up Rally $35-$45***Service Retreat $25.00*****
August 23, 2015
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
First Reading
Second Reading
Joshua 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b
Psalm 34:2-3, 16-21
Ephesians 5:21-32
John 6:60-69
You can access FREE videos highlighting the teachings
of our Catholic faith—everything from the Sacraments
to the Saints. More information to come in the next few
weeks. To preview and register, go to:
Women’s Weekend Retreat “Touched by Christ” — August 28-30, 2015
Fr. Bernard Youth Center, 980 S Main Street, Mt Angel, OR 97362
Retreat Director: Fr. Peter O’Brien, Pastor, St Edward Church, Lebanon, OR
Join us for a weekend that will refresh your soul and allow you to find stillness in a noisy world.
Work through burdens such as unresolved grief, regret or resentment, struggles in relationships, or everyday cares that have grown
to the point where you need some special help. Experience a deeper understanding of God’s presence through guided meditations,
purposeful reflection of scripture and meaningful conversation.
Cost is $125.00. Arrive Friday at 7pm. Depart Sunday at 2pm. Bring Bible, Linens, Towel, Pillow and Toiletries.
For more information: Contact St. Edward Church, Lebanon, OR - Phone 541-258-5333
E-mail: [email protected] Register & Pay Online: (Retreats tab)
St. Cecilia School News
Auction 2016
Dear St. Cecilia Community,
Greetings from your Auction Co-Chairs for this coming year! As you may know, our annual Auction is comprised of a dedicated
group of parent volunteers, who each year go above and beyond to create an outstanding fundraising event that not only benefits,
but is necessary, for our school. This year, we have 3 co-chairs with kids ranging in grades 2-8. We are super excited about our
theme of Willy Wonka’s “World of Pure Imagination.” We can’t wait to create an imaginary world at our Auction event on
February 27, 2016. We hope you will be able to join us!
As many of you know, St. Cecilia School is one of the top schools in the Beaverton-Metro area. There are many reasons for this
ranking, but it is a combined effort of our family community, strong focus on Catholic-Christian values, and our successful fund
raising that we are able to continue to provide an outstanding teaching staff with exceptional academic programs.
This year, we will once again be asking for everyone’s support to help us create another fabulous event that will help raise money
for our school community and benefit each and every one of our students. Our need is great in order to stay at the leading edge of
education. Please join us in supporting our school as we live out our Mission and nurture life-long learners with the funds we
raise from our annual Auction.
Mark your calendars now for Saturday, February 27, 2016. The event will be held at NW Events and Environment in Hillsboro.
More ticket information will be available in December.
Thank you in advance for your continued support and for being part of our
“World of Pure Imagination,”
Jennifer Dixon
[email protected]
Molly Wright
[email protected]
COMING SOON: Parish Basket Drive
The Auction team usually asks for our
parishioners’ help in procuring fun items that we
can group into baskets and auction off. This “ask”
usually takes place in July, but we postponed it this
year — the drive will take place in September.
We wanted to give you a heads up to be looking
forward to the drive a little later this year!
You will have the opportunity to select an item(s)
you would like to purchase to support our auction.
Volunteers will be at the doors after Masses on
three weekends — Sept. 12 & 13, Sept. 19 & 20
and Sept. 26 & 27 — to distribute the basket wish
list items. Please return purchased items to the
school or parish office by October 3rd.
Thank you so much for your continued support!
Lyndsey Lanphere
[email protected]
Friday, October 2, 2015
Reserve Vineyards & Golf Club
7am Registration
8am Shotgun Scramble
1pm Fiesta & Prizes
$105 Per Player includes:
range balls, green fees, snacks & catered lunch
Go to
to sign up to play and/or become a sponsor!
First 1000 Days: A Catholic Culture of Life Initiative
The 1000 days from conception through a child's second birthday are the most crucial for a
child's development. These 1000 days are our best opportunity to shape a
healthier, more prosperous future for the child. All children.
Why the 1000 Day Initiative?
Photo credit ©
Jim Carpenter
We cannot not have a conversation about life. Let us ask how do we cherish life from its
beginning. Our culture lulls us into complacency. We can create a culture where all are
welcomed and loved with mercy.
Where All Are Welcomed and Loved With Mercy — Day 161
“Among the vulnerable for whom the Church wishes to care with particular love and concern are unborn children,
the most defenseless and innocent among us.” Pope Francis
We Continue to Standup and Pray for Life!
Join us to peacefully pray for the end to abortion. We meet outside the Planned Parenthood located at
12220 1st Street in Beaverton across from the post office. We pray every Friday beginning at 8 AM.
Drop by for even 15 minutes. Call Mary at 503-888-8179 for information.
This weekend, St. Cecilia’s Respect
Life Committee will hold its
11th Annual Baby Bottle Drive.
Proceeds from this drive support two
much-needed ministries:
Birthright and Project Rachel.
Birthright provides support and services to women
facing unexpected pregnancies.
Project Rachel offers help to women and men suffering
from an abortion experience.
You can contribute coins, bills or checks made payable
to St. Cecilia Church. Return your bottle at any Mass or
to the Parish Office, filled or empty (so we can reuse it
next time).
Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Did your abortion, or a loved one’s abortion, “change” you?
Is there a dividing point in your life: “before the abortion” and
“after the abortion”? Have you convinced yourself that you
have dealt with your abortion experience, but you still feel
uncertain? Have you been looking at the Rachel’s Vineyard
Retreat ad in the bulletin for years and wondering
what it is all about?
This coming September 18-20th there will be a retreat in the
Bend area at the Powell Butte Retreat Center where
healing, forgiveness, hope, and transformation are offered
in a safe, caring, and strictly confidential environment
To attend or for more information, please contact:
Patricia Hutchinson, Project Rachel Coordinator, at
[email protected] or
[email protected].
For more information about the national program,
FORTNIGHT FOR FREEDOM can continue with our
personal prayers. The Religious Freedom cards, in
English and Spanish, are in the pamphlet rack in the
vestibule of the church. Please take one.
The U.S. bishops are inviting the faithful nationwide to
join the movement of prayer, penance and sacrifice for
the sake of renewing a culture of life, marriage, and
religious liberty.
Visit or text “fast” to 55000
Catholic Families with
Family Members with Disabilities:
Summer Weekend Retreat,
August 28-30, 2015
Journey Together In Hope – a retreat for Catholic
families who have family members with disabilities
will be held the weekend of August 28-30, 2015,
at Aldersgate Conference Center
(just outside of Salem in Turner, Oregon).
This weekend is designed to bring together Catholic
families with children (all ages) with disabilities to
have fun together, to celebrate, to share faith, to rest
and relax, and to build supportive friendships.
For registration information, call the
Archdiocesan Office for People with Disabilities
at 503-233-8399 or email [email protected].
Coordinador: Diácono Bill Richar dson
Sacerdotes: P. Cary Reniva y P. Marcos Bentz
Secretaria: Er ika Ascencio
Teléfono oficina: 503-644-2619, Ext. 161 o Ext. 176
Horas de oficina en español: de Lunes a J ueves de 2:00 a 5:00 PM
23 DE AGOSTO, 2015
En la Iglesia, acostumbramos cantar una hermosa
alabanza que incluye estas conmovedoras palabras tomadas
del evangelio que leemos hoy en la Misa. El contexto lo hemos
estado viendo durante estas últimas semanas, leyendo del
capítulo 6 de San Juan.
A pesar de críticas y falta de apertura de parte de sus
oyentes, Jesús recalca la importancia de comer su carne y
beber su sangre (recibiendo la Sagrada Comunión) para
poder tener vida eterna. El resultado es que muchos de sus
discípulos y seguidores dejan de caminar con él. Encuentran
su enseñanza demasiado difícil de aceptar…
Se vuelve a sus apóstoles para ver si ellos también lo van a
abandonar por esto, y su respuesta consiste precisamente en
las palabras de esta alabanza. ¿A quién iremos, Señor, a
quién iremos?
Una de las consecuencias inmediatas de añadir una Misa de
vigilia en español los días sábado, es la gran necesidad que
tenemos ahora de reclutar y formar MÁS MINISTROS para
servir. Por ejemplo, ocuparemos más LECTORES, más
TODOS los que asistimos a Misa regularmente debemos
preguntarnos: ¿De qué manera puedo ayudar yo? ¿Es que el
Señor quiere que yo sirva durante la Misa en uno de estos
Nos van a hacer falta unas 40-50 personas más para que
nuestras celebra-ciones se lleven bien con buen respaldo de la
comunidad. Hable con Erika en la oficina parroquial, o con el
Diácono Bill, o con el coordinador del ministerio que le
interesa para obtener más información.
El MIERCOLES 26 de AGOSTO, concluiremos el taller
en 4 partes para orientación y formación de catequistas y
ayudantes de nuestros programas de Catecismo.
Las monjitas en el convento de Murray ofrecen de nuevo
clases de inglés, de ciudadanía y para obtener el G.E.D.
Todas comienzan en septiembre.
Comuníquese en agosto con Sr. Catherine Hertel, al
503-644-9181 para inscribirse.
Podríamos tenerla en SEPTIEMBRE … para niños entre
4 y 7 años.
Incluye un programa para niños de 4 y 5, y Liturgia de
la Palabra para niños de 6 y 7 años.
Para llevarlo a cabo, NECESITAMOS
VOLUNTARIOS, personas que pueden ayudar a cuidar,
y para guiar y orientar a los niños. Si usted es bilingüe,
sería una ayuda, pero no es necesario.
Si le interesa averiguar más, hable con Erika en la
oficina parroquial (ext. 161).
Si usted tiene un deseo de servir en la parroquia, pero
no sabe exactamente dónde y cómo hacerlo, ni como
comenzar, hable con el Diacono Bill en la oficina para
explorar algunas alternativas.
En nuestra historia hay santos que se destacan por la
enorme influencia que han tenido, no solamente durante
sus vidas, sino por décadas o incluso siglos, después de su
muerte. San Agustin es uno de ellos.
Su pensamiento y sus escritos hacia los fines del siglo 4 y
principios del 5 en cuestiones de fe, unidos a su experiencia
pastoral de ser obispo en el norte de Africa tuvieron una
influencia profunda sobre la manera de entender y de
expresar la fe de la Iglesia de muchos maestros y teólogos
que le siguieron en liderazgo durante los siguientes siglos.
Las INSCRIPCIONES para clases de catecismo y
los que se necesitan preparar para la PRIMERA
COMUNIÓN se pueden efectuar durante este mes de
agosto en la oficina parroquial.
Hay clases tanto para niños y jóvenes, como para
sus padres. El curso de preparación es de 2 años.
“!Queridos hijos! También hoy los invito para
que a través de la oración se acerquen aún más a
mí. Hijitos, yo soy su Madre, los amo y deseo que
cada uno de ustedes se salve y esté conmigo en el
paraíso. Por tanto, hijitos, oren, oren, oren hasta
que sus vida llegue a ser oración ¡Gracias por haber
respondido a mi llamado! 25 de agosto de 1998.
Estas cantidades abajo son las que aportamos en
nuestra Misa de español. No se olviden de ofrecer
LA PRIMERA HORA de nuestro trabajo de la semana
a nuestro Señor.
8/9/15 $1,439
7/26/15 $1,567
GRACIAS por su continua generosidad y participación
en el trabajo del Señor.
Communion Visitors and Welcome Ministry
Joye Boone, ext. 170 [email protected]
We will be listing anniversaries monthly in our parish
bulletin. But we need your help!
Please call or email Joye Boone with your names
(John & Mary Smith), anniversary date (January 31) and
how many years (12) you’ve been married!
If you have a loved one who is no longer able to come to
Mass, has moved to a “care” facility, changed
residences or is hospitalized,
please notify Joye at the Parish Office.
We want to be a friendly voice from St. Cecilia Parish
to keep in contact and provide Sacraments.
John & Mary Lauer, August 3, 58 years
Bill & Margaret Walker, August 4, 42 years
Angelito & Zenaida Buganan, August 6, 26 years
John & Josephine Moore, August 9, 63 years
Patrick & Kathleen O’Claire, August 9, 29 years
Bill & Judy Kunz, August 10, 52 years
Bernie & Diane Tomasko, August 10, 52 years
Kasey & Tina Griffin, August 10, 24 years
Joe & Carrie McCarthy, August 10, 19 years
Ken & Barbara Balmforth, August 12, 48 years
Maynard & Alex Hobarts, August 17, 52 years
Allen & Georgann Reel, August 19, 49 years
David & Lori Thom, August 22, 23 years
Tom & Nancy Eyer, August 24, 47 years
Rick & Michelle Hallett, August 31, 24 years
A Worldwide Marriage Encounter is like a spiritual
spa weekend for your marriage. It is a time of special graces for
your marriage! It is your spiritual retreat away from home
where you and your spouse can be alone with God and
experience for yourselves God’s awesome love and peace.
For more information, call 503-853-2758 or apply on-line at for the
August 28th – 30th weekend at Our Lady of Peace.
Additional dates and locations are listed on-line.
The Continuing Education for Young Parents (CEYP)
program needs people to help take care of babies and toddlers
while their teen parents attend high school. Volunteers are
asked to give one morning or afternoon a week at a beautiful
facility at Merlo Station High School. You can satisfy your
love for babies and, at the same time, help a young mom or
dad complete her or his high school education. If you are
interested or have any questions, please contact Kate Richman
at 503-297-3861 or email at [email protected].
We would love to have you join us.
Teachers Needed for ESL (English as a Second Language) Classes at
St. Anthony Church in Tigard
ESL classes for adult immigrants will begin at St. Anthony in Tigard on Tuesday, September 22.
Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4 will be taught in the middle school every Tuesday and Thursday evening from
7:00 to 8:30pm. There is no charge for the classes. This will be the 18th year that classes will be taught.
Last year, there were 35 teachers — more teachers are needed. Training is available, and a second
language is not necessary or a requirement for teaching. Teachers teach one night a week.
This ministry is a very rewarding experience, and the students are very grateful.
For more information and/or to volunteer, contact Bob or Derene Meurisse at 503-590-5582 or
[email protected]
CYO registration for Football, Cheer and Volleyball is now open. Go to to sign
up for fall teams. Contact Joe McCarthy, [email protected], with any questions.
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