ST. PAUL CATHEDRAL January 18th, 2015 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 15 S. 12th Ave., Yakima, WA 98902 Parish Phone: 575-3713 Cathedral School: 575-5604 Religious Ed.: 575-3713 Fax: 453-7497 E-mail: [email protected] Web Page: Most Rev. Joseph J. Tyson Bishop of Yakima Pastor: Rev. Msgr. John A. Ecker—VicarGeneral Associate Pastor: Rev. Rogelio Gutierrez Deacon: Cathedral School: Terry Faletto, Principal Cathedral School Web Page: Parish Secretary: Viviana Cárdenas Pastoral Care: Alma Jauregui DRE: Sr. Lourdes Colin R.C.I.A.: Colette Sattler 457-4717 Music Director: Jerry Kaminski Youth Minister: Shawn Exner Life Teen Music: Todd and Elise Physical Plant Mnt.: James Colbert “The Haven” Young Adult Ministry Center 1-402-214-8289 or [email protected] Office Hours: Monday—Friday from 8:00 a.m.—12:00 noon and 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. Weekend Masses: Saturday Vigil—5:30 p.m. Sunday 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. (Spanish), 7:00 p.m. (Life Teen). Daily Mass: Monday, Wednesday, Friday—7:00 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday—8:00 a.m. Reconciliation: Sat., 4:00 p.m. or by Appt. Baptism: Please call parish office Weddings: Four months preparation— required Exposition & Adoration: All day Friday, from 7:30 a.m. concluding with Benediction at 6:45 p.m. SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Events for the Week of January 19, 2015 Mon., January 19 Weekday Tues., January 20 St. Sebastian Wed., January 21 St. Agnes Thurs., January Fri., January Sat., January 22 For Unborn Children 23 Weekday 24 St. Frances de Sales Sacrificial Offering from Last Sunday $ MARTIN LUTHER KING HOLIDAY: This weekend we and our country commemorate the birth of Martin Luther King, a wonderful example of peaceful protest and a hero to so many, especially those who are victims of racial prejudice. We are reminded of our obligation to work and speak against such discrimination due to race, color, language, sexual orientation, religious preference or whatever separates people here in our own community and beyond, and to uphold and respect the dignity and worth of every human being. Check the local paper and news for events, both religious and civil which commemorate his birth. Also, the office will be closed on this day in observance of the holiday! THAT GOD LOVES AND CARES FOR HIS OWN. STEWARDSHIP: In today’s first reading, we hear Samuel responding eagerly; “Here I am,” each time the Lord calls him. May we, too, be listening for the call of God in our lives and be ready to say like the Psalmist: “Here am I, Lord; I come to do you will.” HAPPY BIRTHDAY: To: “RED” GRESS, Jacob Johnson, Lauri Smith, Terri Sutton, MICHELLE TETRAULT, Nancy Davis, Connor McVey, Allison Erickson, Tracy Hangee, Bruce Moorer, Karly Sattler, RUTH PLEASANTS, Andrew Vargas. JILL ARNOLD, Diane Dahlke, Darin OUT OF TOWN: Msgr. Ecker will be on vacation Donaldson, Delores Feist, Jason Fonfara, Jerry Aucutt, Eric (training out from the Cathedral Ministries Conference last Delp, Stephen Foster, Kimberly Kershaw, Trent Roybal, Thoweek in Minneapolis/St. Paul). This week until January mas Spratt, and all who celebrate this week!! 29th. Please hold all calls until the 30th. Thank you!! WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNTITY: BeCATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK: Begins next Sunday, gins this Sunday and continuing until Sunday, January 25th January 25th. The 9:00 a.m. Mass will be a special obser- (the usual Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul) encompasses vance and celebration for our own Cathedral School a treas- this special week when all Christians are encouraged to pray ure of our parish. As we approach this special week, set and work for the unity of Christ’s followers. With the theme: aside each year to raise awareness and appreciation for the “The Well is Deep,” from the Gospel story of the Samaritan privilege of having such a wonderful tradition of quality woman at the well and Jesus meeting with her, we encourage Catholic education, we invite you to gather for this Mass, all to pray for healing of the divisions that split the Christian joining with our school choir, staff and students. If you have world. children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews that would benefit from a Catholic Education, call the school this week YOUNG ADULTS: All are welcome to join in the activities at 575-5604. of the “Haven” our young adult and drop in Center at 810 S. 16th Avenue. For information of activities for the new year, R.C.I.A.: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: It is time to contact: [email protected] start a new series of gatherings for those who are seeking truth and willing to make the journey to become fully initi- LIFE TEEN: For all high school students and their friends ated into the life of the Church. People need to be invited!! is held each Sunday, including this week with Life Teen Everyone who professes to be a Catholic Christian is, as a Mass at 7:00 p.m. and Night following in the Cathedral Cendisciple of the Lord, also an evangelist—one called by God ter (3rd floor of school). Check with Shawn Exner, our to share and spread the Faith. INVITE SOMEONE TO AT- Youth Minister, for scheduled activities. TEND THESE SESSIONS WITH YOU, maybe a family member; spouse, parent or child; a business associate or fel- CURSILLO: The Cursillo Movement seeks to empower the low worker; a classmate, teacher or student; whoever is curi- living of a full, Catholic, Christian Life. The 3-day Cursillo ous and looking for that which we possess and so often take weekend will provide attendees the opportunity to reflect on for granted. The next R.C.I.A. process begins on Monday, their lives, encounter Jesus more deeply, and grow in fellowJanuary at 7:00 p.m. in the Cathedral Center, 3rd floor ship with other Catholics. The 3-day weekend includes a of our school—(entrance at East end, slow elevator to the short retreat, review of Catholic Christian values, Catholic 3rd floor). We are blessed with an energetic and talented instruction by lay persons and ordained ministers, celebration team. Help them to be of assistance to others!! BE AC- of the Eucharist, and Christian fellowship. Speakers will ofTIVE IN YOUR SHARING OF THE GOSPEL MESSAGE fer unique and powerful insights on prayer, Church teaching, and sustained Christian renewal in the world. Attendees will leave spiritually enlivened, encouraged by new friendships, and equipped to strengthen their faith journey. Join us January 15-18, 2015 (men) or January 22-25, 2015 (women) at St. Andrew’s in Ellensburg. Registration forms are available by calling the parish office at 509-962-9819. Call Barbara Johnson at 509-962-9819. CONVALESCENT FACILITY MASS: Mass will be offered at Crescent Convalescent Facility on Monday at 10:00 a.m. and at 11:00 a.m. at Englewood Heights for residents and their guests. FOLLOWERS OF JESUS BIBLE STUDY: “For all adults with developmental disabilities” - meets each month at the Pastoral Office of the Diocese, 5301 Tieton Drive. For information, call Michelle Wall at 965-4642. SPY EDGE: Is held Thursdays at 7:00 p.m., also in our Life Teen Room in the school for all Middle School students. Info.? Contact Shawn Exner at the Parish Office. CAUTION!! Unscrupulous people are breaking into cars parked on the on the streets and in our (and other) parking lots during Masses. DO NOT LEAVE ANY-THING VISIBLE IN YOUR CARS, MAKE SURE THEY ARE LOCKED (AND ALARMED)! We have video cameras on our lot and do send people out to patrol the lot, but we can’t be guarding the whole area every minute. Please be careful!! Please report any suspicious vehicles and always inform the police if your car is broken into. NEXT SUNDAY SCRIPTURE READINGS: If you would like to prepare for Masses next weekend, the Scripture readings are: * Jon. 3, 1-10; *1 Cor. 7, 29-31; * Mk. 1, 14-20. ABUSE HOTLINE: Our Diocese has this private line for those wishing to report incidents of sexual abuse regarding clergy, diocesan employees or church volunteers at 1-888276-4490. For more information and events. E-MAIL: PLEASE E-MAIL YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS TO US AT [email protected] FOR PARISH LETTERS AND NEWS. PARISH MAILINGS: Monthly Letter: We are preparing to send out another monthly letter. To cut down on increasing postage costs, we again ask you please to forward your e-mail addresses—Thank you!! ONGOING ACTIVITIES: Spy Edge: Middle School Religious Education - Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. Call Shawn for information at 575-3713. Life Teen: Sundays: Mass at 7:00 p.m., Life Nite following. Prayer Line is open for your needs: LaDonna Schoengarth at 574-8194 and Yvonne Lane at 457-8792. Mother Teresa Grief Ministry: Call Barbara Calhoun at 4537816. Knights of Columbus: 1st Monday of each month - 7:00 p.m. - Cathedral Center (3rd floor of the School). Serra Club: Supporting Diocesan Religious Vocations - 2nd Wednesday of the month. Call Maggie at 452-7683. Ultreya: 2nd Monday of Month, 7:00 p.m.- Louis 452-4461 or Stephanie 949-5457. Y.L.I.: 2nd Thursday of Month, 7:30 p.m. - Knights of Columbus Hall 56th Avenue and Chestnut. C.D.A.: Meeting at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 56th Ave. and Chestnut. Contact Thereasa Trujillo at 910-1691. RCIA: Inquiry Sessions weekly on Mondays at 7:00 p.m. Info? Call Colette Sattler at 457-4717. EVENING PRAYER: Mondays 5:30 p.m. - Chapel. ADULT EDUCATION: Call Barbara Calhoun 453-7816 or John Klingele 457-6085 coming up. HAVEN: Young Adult Ministry Center - 810 S. 16th Avenue. Tel. 1-402-214-8289 or [email protected]
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