Pastor’s Corner Christ is truly risen! Alleluia! Starting from the Easter Vigil until Pentecost Sunday (May 24), we contemplate as one community of faith the renewing and reinvigorating power of the triumph of Christ over death. We are indeed people of the Resurrection! O, death where is your sting?! Death does not have the final word, but eternal life with Christ has the final say. Reflecting on my Holy Week experience this year, I must say that every year has given me a new aspect of faith to ponder upon. This year was Father Mark’s and my first Holy Week here at St. Cecilia’s. It was a very spiritual journey for me. Being a priest now for over five years, the liturgical preparation for Holy Week has now been transformed more like a prayer. Before, I was more consumed with the logistical aspects of the preparation, making sure that the checklist was complete and every detail was scrutinized. I still made sure that all the logistical preparations were covered, but I found more time to pray and internalize the true spirit of the celebrations for the Triduum this time. I cannot deny that it was physically exhausting, especially preparing and celebrating in two languages (English and Spanish) for Holy Thursday and Good Friday, and we only had a 30 minute window between the two services, but I must say that it was one of the most spiritually enriching celebrations that I have celebrated in my priestly ministry. It was a deeply spiritual experience that I would not mind doing again and again. After my last Mass in Spanish on Easter Sunday, I got a text message from a priest-friend. He said “It is finished!” – quoting the last sentence of Christ on the cross. I responded “Alleluia!” He just laughed. It might have been the busiest week for us priests, but it has personally enriched and deepened my relationship with the Lord. It re-ignited a new fire of faith and priestly zeal in me. I hope your Holy Week was also spiritually recharging and uplifting. I would like to thank the Hispanic Neo-Catechumenate group in our parish, whom I asked to decorate the altar of repose during Holy Thursday’s Adoration. They did a great job transforming the Parish Center into a garden where we could accompany the Lord in his last hours before his crucifixion. We are also very grateful for the Knights who acted as sentinels during the Adoration. Our two main choirs (9am and 10:45am) worked really hard to provide us wonderful music that allowed us to enter into the spirit of the celebration for the Triduum. We thank Steve Hurd and Vicke Hammes for their leadership. As you can see, our sanctuary is beautifully decorated for the Easter season. We thank the St. Therese Guild for their continuous dedication in beautifying our sanctuary. Marcia Whitelock, Georgann Truszkowski, Rose Stormer together with Jeff & Scott Peterson, Rick Evers and Mark Betterman labored with love in making our sanctuary festive for the season. Our new altar cloth is courtesy of John Malek from the Blessings from Heaven bookstore. The liturgy would be handicapped without our very able altar servers led by our homegrown seminarian, John Hesla. The Holy Week liturgies ran smoothly with John’s direction. It’s a great training for him as he prepares for his theological studies in Rome for the next school year. We might see him next year serving in Papal Masses! As we celebrate Divine Mercy this weekend, let us relish into the joy of Easter by plunging into the loving embrace of Christ who offered his very life out of his loving mercy for us. What we celebrate today is not a separate reality from the Resurrection of Christ, as if the Feast of the Divine Mercy is only inserted during the Easter season, but rather, this feast springs forth from the fact that because Christ has triumphed over death and sin that we have a greater reason to trust in the mercy of God. We thank John Malek from Blessings from Heaven in organizing our annual Divine Mercy celebration. We have a special Mass this Sunday (April 12) for the celebration of the Divine Mercy at 5:30pm, preceded by confessions that will begin at 4:30pm. The Hispanic community too has an extensive Divine Mercy celebration that begins on Saturday (April 11) until Sunday with various activities and talks lined up. I wish we could combine the two celebrations since we form one community of faith, but our church will not accommodate everyone. The Hispanic community alone would fill the entire church, and the same thing can be said for our English-speaking community. As some of you might have already heard, Deacon David Hammes would be transferred to another parish by the end of April. Archbishop Sample is moving him to St. Anthony’s in Tigard. We thank him for his many years of wonderful service to our parish, and we assure him of our prayers as he begins his new ministry at St. Anthony’s. To show our appreciation and gratitude for his long service to St. Cecilia’s, we are hosting a simple reception in his honor after the 9am Mass next Sunday, April 19 at the Activity Center. It would great if you can join us for that celebration. – Fr. Cary JESUS I TRUST IN YOU Singing of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for the sick and dying and pro-life causes Monday evenings at 7:00pm in the Adoration Chapel. DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 2015 Confessions at 4:30pm Mass at 5:30pm Kathy Curtis, Bob Eastvedt, Gloria Lee, Lucille Lukesh, John Palmer, Fernando Pekson, Beverly Quenemoen, Richard Shaw PROVIDENCE is offering a free one-hour presentation “Seven Strategies: Coping with the Recent Death of a Loved One.” PROVIDENCE ST VINCENT MEDICAL CENTER 9205 SW Barnes Road, Portland East Pavilion Entrance, Stanley-Shaffer Room 22 Tuesday, April 28, 11am-noon Registration is appreciated. Anne Kister at 503-215-4636 or [email protected] MINISTRY NEWS & INTENTIONS Place your food items for St. Vincent de Paul in the barrels at the main entrance to the church and the West annex door: This weeks food items: CANNED CHILI VOCATION COMMITTEE We ask each parishioner to pray the following Petition to God: “For all our priests, deacons, sisters and brothers whom God has sent in the name of Jesus to serve the people of St. Cecilia, that they will be blessed with continued faithfulness to Him and inspire many more to consider a vocation to consecrated life and ordained ministry,” We pray to the Lord. Sisters & Staff at Our Lady of Peace Retreat 3600 SW 170th Avenue, Beaverton are offering two Retreats in April themed "Vocation to Holiness" preached by Fr. Serge Propst, OP Women's Silent Retreat is April 17-19, 2015. MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, April 11th 5:00pm †Robin Dalebroux--Family Sunday, April 12th 7:30am Int. Gloria Bernard—Rigert Family 9:00am †Joe Santoro—Chuck & Gwen Shikany 10:45am Int. Sr. Elizabeth Gilhooley—Mary Waldron 12:30pm People of St. Cecilia 2:30pm †Marcella Donoghue--Family Monday, April 13th 8:00am Int. Fr. Cary—Social Concerns Tuesday, April 14th 8:00am Int. of St. Gerard Guild Members Wednesday, April 15th 8:00am †Thelmo Gunanan—Julie Angulo 9:00am †Terry Kiefer—Mary Kiefer Thursday, April 16th 8:00am Int. St. Vincent de Paul Members Friday, April 17th 8:00am †Joe Santoro—Elizabeth Lux-Haugen Saturday, April 18th 8:00am Int. Fr. Joseph Nguyen—Vocations Committee Men's Silent Retreat is April 24 -26, 2015. All Mom’s, any age, are welcome to join Mom’s Fellowship, guaranteeing fellowship, spirituality and friendship! Each Retreat begins with dinner on Friday evening and concludes at Noon on Sunday. Free child care provided by caring and experienced child care providers. $150 for the weekend (two nights & 6 meals). We meet 9:00-11:00am in the Parish Center on the 1st and 3rd Thursday’s each month. Register online at; phone OLP Retreat House at 503-649-7127; or email [email protected]. Next meeting is Thursday, April 16 Sunday, April 26, I will say goodbye to all of you. Before then, I want to thank you for all your support and prayers on my vocation. I was happy to serve during my school year here in St. Cecilia's. I will keep you all in my prayers. Also, I want to cordially invite you to my Priestly Ordination on September 19, 2015 at 11:00 am at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish 2316 180th Street SE, Bothell, WA 98012. (425) 481-0303. Blessings to all of you. Sincerely, Deacon Armando Hernandez, MSpS. Questions can be emailed to [email protected] July 2014—March 2015 Offertory Report Actual Budget Actual to Budget July 2014-June 2015 Annual Budget $858,000 $843,000 102% $1,120,000 Money Counters This ministry involves a commitment of two hours every sixth Sunday in the morning starting after the 9am Mass. If you are interested, please contact Jim Cassinelli, ext. 164 or [email protected] APRIL 12 Homemade Buttermilk Pancakes, Blueberry Pancakes, Chocolate-Chocolate Chip Pancakes - French Toast Sausage - Scrambled Eggs Coffee- Tea - Juice - Hot Chocolate At the Knights Café, we use the freshest ingredients possible. Our pancakes are from scratch, French toast is made from fresh loaves of french bread, we crack our eggs, and the coffee is served with whole milk or half and half. We also have gluten free pancakes and do not use any products with high fructose corn syrup. All you can eat only $5.00 Serving after the 7:30, 9:00 and 10:45am Masses You are invited to the 2015 Ecumenical Luncheon “Seeing God’s Individual Love for You” Please join us for lunch, prayer, and fellowship as we build bridges of friendship among women of faith. When: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 11:30 am to 1 pm Where: St. Pius X Catholic Church Community Center 1280 NW Saltzman Road, Portland, Oregon 97229 Hosted by St. Pius X Women’s Club Want to Share? Are there community events or ministries you would like to promote? Bring flyers or brochures for the sharing table. RSVP: RSVP by May 4, 2015 to Anne Hanchek at 503-526-9693 or email [email protected] Betty Arrigotti, local author and spiritual counselor, will be our guest speaker. On her website and in her Lenten email series “4 Minutes 4 Growth”, she writes about topics such as spirituality, homemaking, being Jubilee Women, and healthy relationships. She speaks from over 50 years of life experience, 30+ years of happy marriage, over 100 combined parenting years, a certificate in Spiritual Direction, and a Masters in Counseling. None of which, she says, gives her all the answers. But she firmly believes God’s words, ‘I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ Jer 9 :55NIV Nursery & Pre-K on Sunday’s @ 9:00am Kindergarten, Sunday’s 10:15-11:30am Betsy Willing, ext. 163 [email protected] The Nursery is OPEN during the 9:00am Mass Follow Us! Twitter: @sclilblessings Instagram: sclilblessings Children’s Liturgy of the Word Children, K-5th grades, are invited to attend during the 9:00 am Sunday Mass. Children process to the Parish Center with adults during the Liturgy of the Word and then return to celebrate the rest of Mass in the Church. Adult/Youth Volunteers are needed. If interested in helping, please call Vicki Giampietro at 503-639-8745. ELEMENTARY FAITH FORMATION Believers grades 1-2 Disciples grades 3-5 Meet Sunday Mornings 10:15-11:30am Amy Maris-Volf, ext. 172 [email protected] April 12 - Regular Class grades 1,3,4,5 -Seekers Gr.2 and those preparing for First Communion April 19—Regular Class **Please be working on your at home scriptures for our Treasure Box Program. **Rice Bowls will be collected at April 12th class. First Eucharist Preparation SEEKERS Grades 2-5, English Program Sunday Mornings, 10:15-11:30am Amy Maris-Volf, ext. 172 [email protected] *Registration is CLOSED for this year’s Sacrament Preparation. *Thank you to all who came to the 6th session! 7th Session: April 12th, 10:15-11:30am ADULT/Child together @ Parish Center Banners for Mass are DUE TODAY Homework: Please attend Mass regularly and pay special attention to the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Be working on your song Upcoming dates: April 17th First Eucharist Rehearsal @ 5pm in the church, MANDATORY Bring to Rehearsal: 2 dozen cookies to be used the next day at reception, an Adult, and a ☺. ***April 18th First Eucharist Mass 10am; students need to arrive by 9:10am for group photo. Youth Ministry & Confirmation Sacramental Preparation Mary Kiefer, ext. 171 [email protected] Upcoming YM Gatherings—10:00-11:30am: Middle School meet in Fireside/Dining Room High School (H.S.) meet in Parish Center or School April 12—YM Gathering. It is also a YM fundraising breakfast thanks to the Knights of Columbus. Teens, come between 9:30-10:10am to eat or eat at 11:30am after our gathering. April 19—YM Gathering CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES: Contact Mary to pick up your Chosen book, so you can complete the chapters from the gatherings you missed. ALL preparation requirements are due NOW. Confirmation Retreat/Rehearsal/Potluck— May 3, 5-7:30pm with Sponsor Confirmation Mass—May 5, 7pm; Youth arrive 6:30pm. for ALL teens is offered on most Tuesdays with MARK HART’S—”T3 TIMELINE OF THE OLD TESTAMENT.” 3:00-3:45 OR 6:00-6:45pm in the Parish Center. Upcoming Studies: April 14, 21, 28. Invite a friend and come join us. Prayers for Ana – NOTHING BETTER that we can do…..but to Gather at 9:30am in the Chapel TODAY and EVERY Sunday before we have YM Gatherings! Service Opportunities in the Parish: Surprise Secret Service Retreat—April 17 & 18. High School Youth: Friday night 6pm thru Saturday at 7pm . Middle School Youth: Saturday 7:45am to 7pm. (or however much time you can give). STILL ROOM to join us for this RETREAT—be prepared to be a blessing and to be blessed. Details and Permission Forms are on the parish website under Faith Formation. Invite a friend and come join us! More ADULTS are needed to drive, chaperone and work alongside the youth as they serve members of our parish on Saturday, April 18 — contact Mary right away if you can help. First Saturdays – May 2—8am Mass and then Minister to the Homeless in Portland. Please bring socks and/or toiletry items to give out. Invite a friend and COME!! Parent Drivers/Chaperones needed! SVDP—St. Cecilia’s Monday—Friday mornings, 8:30am Faith Café—April 26, 4-6:30pm. 4 spots available. Night Strike—LAST ONE for this school year is April 16, 6-10pm. Permission forms and drivers needed. Youth Band/Choir is Starting! PRACTICES begin April 12 th at 11:30am in the Parish Center. Do you play an instrument or like to sing? Contact YM office to indicate your talent/interest and to get on the e-mail list. We’ll begin singing at 12:30 p.m. Sunday Mass on April 26. Communion Visitors and Welcome Ministry Joye Boone, ext. 170 [email protected] HAPPY APRIL ANNIVERSARIES! ST. CECILIA WOULD LIKE TO HONOR & PRAY FOR YOU! We will be listing anniversaries monthly in our parish bulletin. But we need your help! Please call or email Joye Boone with your names (John & Mary Smith), anniversary date (January 31) and how many years (12) you’ve been married! Steve & Sharon Hurd, April 9, 39 years Rob & Roberta Powell, April 12, 35 years Jeff & Sherri Moore, April 22, 26 years Kenneth & Paula Peterson, April 26, 35 years If you have a loved one who is no longer able to come to Mass, has moved to a “care” facility, changed residences or is hospitalized, please notify Joye at the Parish Office. We want to be a friendly voice from St. Cecilia Parish to keep in contact and provide Sacraments. ADULT FAITH FORMATION You can access FREE videos highlighting the teachings of our Catholic faith—everything from the Sacraments to the Saints. More information to come in the next few weeks. To preview and register, go to: register/664558 April 12, 2015 Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday) First Reading Psalm Second Reading Gospel Acts of the Apostles 4:32-35 Psalm 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24 1 John 5:1-6 John 20:19-31 In today's Gospel, Jesus greets his disciples with the gift of peace. Jesus then commissions his disciples to continue the work that he has begun; as Jesus was sent by God, so Jesus sends his disciples. He gives his disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit so that they will be able to accomplish this task. Jesus' words to his disciples also highlight the integral connection between the forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit. With the grace of the Holy Spirit, we can share forgiveness and reconciliation with others. Thomas, the doubting disciple in today's reading, represents the reality of the Church that comes after this first community of witnesses to Jesus. All but the first disciples of Jesus must believe without seeing. Like Thomas, we may doubt the news that Jesus, who was crucified and buried, appeared to his disciples. Our human nature seeks hard evidence that the Jesus who appeared to his disciples after his death is indeed the same Jesus who was crucified. Thomas is given the opportunity to be our representative in obtaining this evidence. He gives witness to us that the Jesus who was raised is the same Jesus who died. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, we are among those who are blessed, for we have not seen and yet believe. Bible Basics Everything you wanted to know from Genesis to Jesus A Women ’ s Bible Study with Fr. Mark Bentz Tuesday, April 14th 7:00 pm, Parish Center—Rooms A BC Meets 2nd & 4th Tuesdays through May Contemplative Prayer Group: 2nd & 4th Saturdays This month meets on April 11th and 25th in the Parish Center—NE Conference Room) from 3:15 to 4:45 pm. Will include periods of silent prayer and lectio divina. For additional information, call Marylyn Klesh at 503-866-2478 or [email protected]. RESPECT LIFE & OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS First 1000 Days: A Catholic Culture of Life Initiative The 1000 days from conception through a child's second birthday are the most crucial for a child's development. These 1000 days are our best opportunity to shape a healthier, more prosperous future for the child. All children. Photo credit © Jim Carpenter Why the 1000 Day Initiative? We cannot not have a conversation about life. Let us ask how do we cherish life from its beginning. Our culture lulls us into complacency. We can create a culture where all are welcomed and loved with mercy. Where All Are Welcomed and Loved With Mercy — Day 28 The regulations and all efforts to reduce the impact of climate change should respect human life and dignity, especially that of the poorest and most vulnerable: from children in the womb to the elderly. Catholic Radio KBVM Spring Sharathon – 25th Anniversary Your Catholic radio station, KBVM 88.3 FM, will broadcast its Spring Sharathon April 20th-24th. The weeklong event will feature a variety of special guests, interesting conversations about the importance of our faith, and an opportunity for listeners to support the region’s only Catholic radio station. More information is available by calling 503-285-5200. SERRA INTERNATIONALWANTS YOU TO JOIN US! The Search is on for Youth and Young Adult Musicians and Vocalists who want to be part of leading Praise & Worship and the 12:30pm Sunday Mass. Practices will be on Sunday mornings at 11:30am in the Parish Center. Your musical gifts are needed. Contact the YM office to indicate your interest. Invite your friends, middle school through young adult, who are musically talented, and let’s build this! The 12:30pm Mass on Sunday, April 26 will be our first opportunity to lead the congregation in praising God. Knights of Columbus breakfast TODAY, 8am-1pm, supports YOUTH MINISTRY summer and youth conference trips. Come enjoy good food and fellowship. Thanks! Bottle and Can Fundraiser is ONGOING. Thanks to those who support Youth Ministry Trips through your donations of bottles and cans to the back door of the parish office…..all of those nickels add up. Drivers are needed to take 2 bags per trip to ANY Bottle Drop Location in the Portland Metro Area, any day or night. The closest locations are at Delta Park, NE 122nd. and in Oregon City. Contact Mary, ext. 171, if you can add one more stop on your way to places near these locations. Flamingo Flocking is back! Why not celebrate a birthday, anniversary, new job, graduation, or any other special occasion and support St. Cecilia Youth Ministry too. A dozen flamingos will flock the lawn at the address you give us for up to one week for a suggested $20 minimum donation. Contact Mary at ext. 171 or [email protected] to schedule a flocking. WHAT IS SERRA? Serra is the Global Lay Apostolate for Vocations in the Catholic Church. Ser r a (named after Blessed Junipero Serra) was founded in 1935 in Seattle, Washington and has chartered 1,170 Serra Clubs in 46 countries on six continents. Serra’s Objectives and purposes are: 1. To foster and promote vocations to the ministerial priesthood in the Catholic Church and to support priests in their sacred ministry. 2. To encourage and affirm vocations to consecrated religious life in the Catholic Church. 3. To assist its members to recognize and respond in their own lives to God’s call to holiness in Jesus Christ and through the Holy Spirit. The Portland Serra Club wants to sponsor and help charter a NEW Southwest Portland Club, and we’re looking for potential members! MARK YOUR CALENDAR and plan to attend. NEW SOUTHWEST PORTLAND SERRA CLUB Informational Meeting: Wednesday, May 20, 6:30 pm Heavy appetizers/refreshments St. Cecilia Parish For more information or to RSVP, contact Michelle Hallett 503-644-2619, ext. 178; [email protected] To find out more about Serra, check out our website: MINISTERIO HISPANO - PARROQUIA SANTA CECILIA, BEAVERTON Coordinador: Diácono Bill Richar dson Sacerdotes: P. Cary Reniva y P. Marcos Bentz Secretaria: Er ika Ascencio Teléfono oficina: 503-644-2619, Ext. 161 o Ext. 176 Horas de oficina en español: de Lunes a J ueves de 2:00 a 5:00 PM SEGUNDO DOMINGO DE PASCUA DE RESURRECCIÓN 12 DE ABRIL, 2015 LA MISERICORDIA DE DIOS SE REVELA En las lecturas de hoy, resalta la increíble MISERICORDIA de nuestro Dios y Señor de una manera extraordinaria. En los Hechos de los Apóstoles, personas que antes ni se conocían, gracias a su experiencia con Jesús, forman parte de una comunidad en la que todos comparten lo que tienen con los demás y vivían unidos en “un solo corazón y una sola alma”. Con San Juan, en la segunda lectura, descubrimos que Dios nos ha dado la victoria en Cristo; ya está ganada. Lo único que nos toca es recibirla, acogerla, y vivirla, con un corazón agradecido. Y en el evangelio, si nos podemos identificar con Tomás, sentimos los ojos llenos de misericordia de Jesús mirándonos y haciéndonos la invitación de creer en él, incluso en momentos en que ni vemos ni sentimos nada. Es Dios mismo quien siempre toma la iniciativa para amarnos, pidiéndonos solamente que pongamos en él TODA nuestra confianza. TENEMOS RECEPCIONISTA BILINGÜE Hemos encontrado a una joven que va a estar tomando el lugar de Erika Ascencio mientras tiene a su nuevo bebé. Jessica Rios, una servidora en el ministerio de Preparación Matrimonial, va a estar en la oficina parroquial trabajando como recepcionista durante las próximas 9-10 semanas. Su horario es de 2 a 5 de la tarde, de lunes a jueves. LAS CLASES DE CATECISMO … comenzaron de nuevo esta semana. Este ABRIL será el último mes de clases para este año escolar, pues las clases se suspenden durante el mes de mayo y vuelven a empezar en SEPTIEMBRE. Inscripciones para el nuevo año 2015-16 comienzan en el mes de julio; se estará informando más detalles cuando se acerque la fecha. Por ahora, sabemos que la preparación para los sacramentos de Primera Confesión y Primera Comunión consiste en un curso de DOS AÑOS, y que incluye no solamente al niño o joven, pero también a sus padres. Las clases para los padres de familia se ofrecen el mismo día y a la misma hora que las de los niños, y tienen como objetivo ayudarles a profundizar su fe, y ayudarles a poder apoyar y guiar a sus hijos en los caminos de Dios y de la Iglesia. RECIBIENDO LA SAGRADA COMUNIÓN Nuestro pastor, el P. Cary, explicó recién a la comunidad las razones por las que comenzamos a recibir la Santa Comunión directamente en la lengua de ahora en adelante en Santa Cecilia. Se han observado varios casos de abuso de la Eucaristía en la parroquia, lo cual es una ofensa sumamente grave contra la majestad de Dios y la reverencia que debemos siempre tenerle. Como consecuencia, y para tratar de evitar que se repita, cuando las personas se acerquen para recibir la Comunión, ya no se ofrecerá en la mano como una opción, sino que se recibirá en la lengua. Usemos este cambio para recalcar nuestro respeto y agradecimiento por la grandeza y la misericordia de Cristo, quien se nos ofrece como nuestro alimento, fortaleza, y fuente de salvación. OPORTUNIDAD PARA CRECIMIENTO Ofrecemos un programa de formación para adultos QUE ESTAN SIRVIENDO en algún ministerio y desean crecer en su cercanía a Dios. Les ayudará mucho. La formación se da principalmente a través de talleres un sábado al mes, desde marzo hasta noviembre. Los talleres se llevan a cabo en Tigard, en la parroquia San Anthony, entre 9 AM y 4 PM. Todavía hay tiempo para inscribirse. Si está interesado en más información, hable con el Diacono Bill. LAS PRIMERAS COMUNIONES … se celebrarán este año en Misas de español los sábados 18 de abril (la 1 PM) y 25 de abril (a las 10 AM). Oremos por estos jóvenes de nuestra com unidad y por sus familias en este tiempo de gracias para ellos. PLÁTICAS PARA BAUTISMO … de niños menores de 5 años se ofrecerán para padres y padrinos los JUEVES, 7 y 14 de MAYO, de 7 a 8:30 PM. Inscríbanse en la oficina, recordando de traer el certificado de nacimiento del niño para bautizar. MENSAJE MARIANO “¡Queridos hijos! También hoy los invito a renovar la oración en sus familias. El Espíritu Santo, que los renovará, entre en sus familias por la oración y la lectura de la Sagrada Escritura. Así ustedes llegarán a ser educadores de la fe en vuestra familia. Con la oración y vuestro amor el mundo marchará por un camino mejor y el amor comenzará a gobernarlo. !Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado!” 25 de abril, 2005. OFERTORIO Estas cantidades abajo son lo que aportamos en nuestra Misa de español. No se olviden de ofrecer LA PRIMERA HORA de nuestro trabajo de la semana a nuestro Señor. 3/29/15 $1,676 3/22/15 $1,529 3/15/15 $1,663 Gracias por su continua generosidad en el trabajo de Nuestro Señor. NEWSWORTHY PROGRAMS, EVENTS & NEEDS Natural Family Planning: Based on self-understanding, shared decision-making, and responsibility. It works. It’s livable. It’s good for marriage. A new series will begin Tuesday, April 14, 2015, at Nor thwest Family Ser vices, 6200 SE King Rd. Por tland, OR 97222. For more information or to register, call Northwest Family Services at 503-546-6377 or e-mail: [email protected]. You may also register online at St. Juan Diego Catholic Church in Washington County's Bethany area has an immediate opening for a full-time Director of Religious Education and Youth Ministry. They are looking for someone with strong organizational and communication skills, a passion for God, and the ability to work collaboratively. Responsibilities include designing, planning and implementing religious education for adults and children, sacramental prep for First Eucharist, Reconciliation, Confirmation and RCIA for children; Children’s Liturgy of the Word; Middle and High School Youth Groups; and Vacation Bible School. A successful applicant must be a practicing Catholic in good standing with the church. A degree in theology or pastoral ministry is desired, but not required. Experience with parish child and youth programs is preferred. The ability to speak Spanish and English would be helpful. Please submit a resume and references to Peggy Brice, Business Manager at [email protected] or mail to St. Juan Diego Church, 5995 NW 178th Avenue, Portland, OR 97229 Members of the Seminary Tea Committee cordially invite all members of the Archdiocese to greet Archbishop Alexander Sample; Archbishop John Vlazny; Bishop Peter Smith; Bishop Kenneth Steiner; Abbot Gregory Duerr; Msgr. Joseph Betschart of Mount Angel Seminary; and the Vocations Director for the Archdiocese, Fr. Jeff Eirven at the 80th Annual Seminary Tea on Wednesday, April 29th, 3:00 to 7:00pm at The Portland Golf Club, 5900 SW Scholls Ferry Road, Portland, 97225. Tickets are $30 and will be available at the Tea. This fundraising event is held each spring to assist the Archbishop in funding the education of our seminarians. For more information, please call Seminary Committee Chair, Patty Campbell, at 503-646-1808.
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