CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY CROSS DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY APRIL 12, 2015 CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY CROSS LA CATEDRAL DE LA SANTA CRUZ 1400 Washington Street., Boston, MA 02118-2141 Mailing Address: 75 Union Park Street, Boston, MA 02118 Phone: 617.542.5682 • Fax: 617.542.5926 Website: • Email: [email protected] HIS EMINENCE, SEÁN PATRICK CARDINAL O’MALLEY, OFM CAP Archbishop of Boston CATHEDRAL STAFF/ EQUIPO PASTORAL Very Rev. Kevin J. O’Leary, VF, Rector • Rev. Felipe Gonzalez, Parochial Vicar • Ricardo Mesa, Deacon Robert V. Travers, Jr, Pastoral Associate • Sr. Velinda Sanchez, MSW Evangelization • Sr. Ruth Haley, SSND Pastoral Associate Christopher Kelley, Finance & Operations Manager • Jessica Santiago, Secretary • Elizabeth Babaian, Administrative Assistant Brian Frawley, Gift Store Manager• Leo Abbott, Director of Music • William Maldonado, Hispanic Choir Director MASSES IN ENGLISH SATURDAY VIGIL: 4:30 P.M. SUNDAY: 8:00 A.M., 11:30 A.M. MONDAY THRU SATURDAY : 9:00 A.M. SACRAMENTS / SACRAMENTOS: BAPTISM/BAUTISMO - WEDDINGS/BODAS RCIA/CATECUMENADOS CONTACT PARISH OFFICE FAVOR DE CONTACTAR LA OFICINA MISAS EN ESPAÑOL DOMINGO: 9:30 A.M. MARTES Y JUEVES: 7:00 P.M. RCIA (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS) CLASSES MEET ON SUNDAYS AT 11:00 A.M. IN SPANISH CATECUMENADOS DOMINGOS A LAS 11:00 A.M. (ESPAÑOL) EXTRAORDINARY FORM : LATIN MASS SUNDAY: 11:00 A.M. (LOWER CHURCH) VESPERS (EVENING PRAYERS) SUNDAY: 5:00 P.M. (SEPTEMBER – JUNE) VÍSPERAS (ORACIÓN DE LA NOCHE) DOMINGO: 5:00 P.M. (SEPTIEMBRE– JUNIO) EUCHARISTIC HOLY HOUR OF ADORATION FIRST FRIDAYS: 7:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. (SEPTEMBER—JUNE) RELIGIOUS ED. FOR CHILDREN SUNDAY AT 11:00 A.M. CATEQUESIS: PARA NIÑOS (4–13) DOMINGOS A LAS 11:00 A.M. CONFIRMATION: SUNDAYS AT 11:00 A.M. YOUTH 14–17 CONFIRMACION: DOMINGOS A LAS 11:00 A.M. 14–17 ROSARY GROUP: MEETS ON WEDNESDAY AT 7:00 P.M. CONTACT: LUIS SANTIAGO 617-935-9153 EXPOSICIÓN DEL SANTÍSIMO HORA SANTA Y ADORACIÓN GRUPO DE ROSARIO: LOS MIERCOLES A LAS 7:00 P.M. PARA MAS INFORMACIÓN LUIS SANTIAGO 617-935-9153 PRIMEROS VIERNES 7:00 P.M. a 8:00 P.M. (SEPTIEMBRE—JUNIO) EVANGELIZATION: LET GOD ILLUMINATE YOUR LIFE. COMEAND JOIN OUR BIBLE CLASS. CONTACT SR. VELINDA SANCHEZ 857–615–1975 CONFESSIONS: SATURDAYS AT 4:00 P.M.– 4:15 P.M. OR BY APPT. CONFESIONES: SEGUNDO Y CUARTO SABADOS DEL MES, 4:00 P.M. O POR CITA. GRUPO DE ORACIÓN / SPANISH PRAYER GROUP TODOS LOS VIERNES DE 7:00PM—9:00PM EN LA CAPILLA DE LA SACRISTÍA DE ABAJO EVERY FRIDAY 7PM-9PM LOWER SACRISTY EVANGELIZACION: DÉJÀ QUE DIOS ILLUMINE TU VIDA. VEN A RECIBIR LAS CLASES BIBLICAS. HERMANA VELINDA SACHEZ 857–615–1975 GIFT SHOP: LOCATED AT THE FRONT FOYER OF THE CATHEDRAL 617-574-4758 HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY 9:30 A.M.–1:30 A.M. SATURDAY 10:00 A.M.– 6:00 P.M. SUNDAY 10:30 A.M.– 4:00 P.M. TIENDA : LOCALIZADA EN LA ENTRADA DE LA CATHEDRAL. HORARIO: LUNES–VIERNES 9:30 A.M.–1:30 P.M. SABADO 10:00 A.M – 6:00 P.M. DOMINGOS 10:30 A.M.– 4:00 P.M. CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY CROSS BOSTON, MA FROM THE PARISH NURSE: April is Alcohol Awareness Month Let’s raise awareness about alcohol abuse and take action to prevent it, both at home and in the community. “Alcoholism and addiction affects each and everyone one of us. More than 23 million people, (9.2% of population over the age of 12) have an alcohol or drug problem.” “Alcoholism is a mental disease with a higher death rate than all the other mental diseases combined. It is a primary, chronic, relapsing brain disease. One family member addicted to alcohol and drugs means the whole family suffers. Various treatments which involve a brief intervention, individual or group counseling, an outpatient program, or a residential inpatient stay may help. Reduce stigma: “Most people see alcoholism as having elements of both a disease and a moral weakness. Regardless, it is a disease and your loved one needs your help. The families of addicted people are also stigmatized which causes shame, anger and guilt within the family. The stress of this can lead to medical and social problems for spouses and children. Please call for help and begin the healing process Catholic Appeal Previously, our parish launched the 2015 Catholic Ap-peal. Thank you to all who have given so generously to support our parish. With $4,880.00 already pledged, we are at 13% of our goal. The parish goal is $38,502. If you were unable to attend Mass before and wish to make a pledge to the Catholic Appeal, please take a pledge form from the back of the church. You also can make a gift or pledge online at Thank you for your sup-port and for helping us reach our parish goal. NEW to Cathedral of the Holy Cross or want to Register? Simply register online For more information call the parish office today. 1-800-662-HELP (4357) at 617-542-5682 MASS INTENTIONS OUR LADY’S Sunday, April 12 9:30AM Mercedes Hernandez R.I.P 11:30AM Davis Clifford VEIL Tuesday, April 14 7:00PM Intención Special Thursday, April 16 7:00PM Jorgie Sanabria R.I.P BAPTISM Beautiful Beginnings We wish to welcome into our parish family. The following young people, who were Tessa Thomas Mc Clutchy Emma Madeleine Dunn Please keep these little ones, their parents and godparents in your prayers as they begin their journeys of Cathedral Cares is offering a class to create a personal veil for you or a loved one, perhaps a family member attending a First Communion, Wedding, Sunday Mass or Mothers Day. Please join us to create a veil and discuss Mary’s veil of protection, how she is present in your life and powerful in the world today. All are welcome. Materials available for $20.00 donation RSVP via Email: [email protected] Questions call Carol Gaudreau at 781-217-5744 Saturday, May 2, 2015 9:00am‐ 12pm Sunday, May 3, 2015 9:00am ‐12pm Please enter through Union Park Street. faith. APRIL 12, 2015 CATEDRAL DE LA SANTA CRUZ BOSTON, MA BIENVENIDOS Deseamos extender una cálida bienvenida a todos los que asisten a misa con nosotros cada fin de semana y a todos los que visitan a la Catedral de la Santa Cruz . Estamos felices de tenerlo con nosotros. Por favor preséntese a nuestros sacerdotes, P. Kevin O'Leary, P. Felipe González ~~~~~ TODOS SON BIENVENIDOS ~~~~~ Nos gustaría extender una cordial invitación para que se unan a nuestra parroquia. Esperamos contar con usted como miembro de nuestra comunidad de FE. Cada miembro de nuestra parroquia es una parte importante de la familia católica. Los dones de la Fe del Señor se refuerza y profundiza con nuestra comunión en Jesucristo. La celebración de la Eucaristía es el corazón de nuestra vida parroquial. Venga a compartir su "Fe", su tiempo y su talento en uno de nuestros maravillosos ministerios. Puede registrarse en o llame a nuestra oficina parroquial al 617-542-5682 Si usted ya es un feligrés registrado nos gustaría darle las gracias por todo su apoyo! Te Invitamos Celebración Divina Misericordia 12 de abril, 2015 2:00PM. Con una hora Santa en la Capilla. Tendremos Bendición Solemne con la reliquia de Santa Faustina. VELO DE NUESTRA SEÑORA La Catedral te Cuida está ofreciendo una clase para crear un velo personal para usted o un ser querido, tal vez un miembro de la familia para asistir a una primera comunión, boda, la misa del domingo o día de la madre. Por favor, únase a nosotros para crear un velo y aprender mas del significado del velo de María , como ella está presente en sus vida. Todos son bienvenidos. Los materiales disponibles una donación de $20.00 para reservar su lugar por correo electronic a : [email protected] o Preguntas favor de llamar a La Catedral 617-542-5682. Las clases serán el Sábado, 2 de mayo 2015 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Domingo, 3 de mayo 2015 9 a.m. -12pm. Favor de entrar por la calle Union Park La Campaña Católica 2015 Anteriormente, nuestra parroquia lanzó la Campaña Católica 2015. ¡Gracias a todos los que han dado tan generosamente para apoyar nuestra parroquia. Con $4.880.00 dólares ya prometidos, estamos en el 13% de nuestra meta. La meta de la parroquia es $ 38.502. Si usted no pudo asistir a la misa antes y desea hacer un donativo a la Campaña Católica, por favor tome un formulario de compromiso en la parte posterior de la iglesia. También puede hacer un regalo en Gracias por su apoyo y por ayudarnos a alcanzar nuestra meta de la parroquia. CLASES DE BAUTISMO Para Bautizar a sus niños las clases de bautismo serán los cuarto domingo de cada mes de 12:30 a 3:30pm en la Grammar School 595 Harrison Ave. Con Hermana Velinda, La próxima clases serán el 26 DE ABRIL - 24 DE MAYO Los padres y padrinos tienen que participar en las clases. Los niños no pueden tener mas de 7 años de edad. Para registrarse para una de estas clases bautismales favor de llamar a la oficina al 617-542-5682 Las Misioneras Servidoras de la Palabra De la Palabra en La Catedral de la Santa Cruz ofrecemos cursos de Biblia todos los días y a cualquier hora. También tenemos grupos de jóvenes 14-17, Adulto 18-30, misioneros pequeños 7-12. Rosario meditado en los hogares. Para más información favor de llamar al 857- 615-1975 o la oficina al 617542-5682. Anuncios para el boletín: Deben ser recibidos a través de correo Electronic a [email protected] todos los lunes para que se incluyan en la publicación del domingo. Si no recibimos los anuncios los lunes NO serán sometidos al boletín. Gracias! Despensa de Alimentos Abierto a todos los que lo necesitan. Lunes, Martes y Jueves 9:30 am-2:00 pm. Situado en Msrg. Reynolds Way. parte inferior de la iglesia. Para más información por favor llame 617-350-5026. 12 DE ABRIL 2015 Favor de traer su identificación. CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY CROSS BOSTON, MA CATHEDRAL Free PLAY GROUP You are invited to be part of something new! WHO: Local families who would like to meet their neighbors. AGES: 0-5 are welcome in a classroom WHEN: Friday Mornings form 10am to Noon PLACE: Cathedral Grammar School 595 Harrison Ave, Boston MA ADULT SACRAMENTAL EDUCATION Here at the Cathedral if you are seeking full initiation into the life of the Catholic Church, or have a family member or friend who has expressed interest in being welcomed into the Church, now is the time to consider the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults ( RCIA) We offer classes to meet your needs… The RCIA program is for those 18 years of age or older who seek full incorporation into the Catholic church. It is intended primarily for: •Those who have never been baptized in any faith community. •Those who have been baptized in another Christian denomination but would like to Enter The Catholic Church. •Those who have been baptized Catholic but have not received the sacraments of Reconciliation , First Communion and Confirmation meet other local families who live in the neighborhood Places are ready for babies, toddlers and their parents to enjoy Indoor space to keep your stroller while you play, preschool activities are available For more information contact The Cathedral of the Holy Cross At 617-542-5682 E-mail: [email protected] The Fontbonne Academy 60th Anniversary Gala will be held on Thursday, May 7, 2015 at Granite Links Golf Club in Quincy, MA. All alumnae , parents and friends of Fontbonne are invited to attend. Tickets are $150.00/person. The Honorees are Marilyn McGoldrick, CSJ and Jean Porter Falvey ‘58 and the evening’s MC will be Julianne Welby ‘89, Senior Producer at WNYC radio in New York . For information and tickets , please call Fontbonne Academy at 617-696-3241 Adult Grief Support Group This group for adults will provide participants a safe place to explore and share their grief make connections with others experiencing similar losses and foster coping skills along the grief journey. April 27,2015 6:008:00pm RSVP Email: [email protected] Eucharistic Ministers Needed at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center: is God calling you to serve as a volunteer hospital Eucharistic Minister? Beth Israel deaconess Medical Center Department of Spiritual Care and Education is looking for Eucharistic Ministers to serve the sacrament of Holy Communion to our patients once a week, either on weekdays or weekends. Pray about it! If you are interested in exploring the possibility, please contact the BIDMC Spiritual Care Department at (617) 6328103 or [email protected] for more information. Parking and a meal coupon will be provided. Thank you and God bless you! Give us a call at the Cathedral office 617-542-5682 Leave a message for Sister Ruth Haley, SSND Thank you God Bless You “We are a Church of love and mercy”. Pope Francis CATHEDRAL FOOD BANK Open to All in need. Every Monday , Tuesday & Thursdays 9:30am– 2:00pm. Located on Msgr. Reynolds Way (lower church) For more information please call 617-350-5026 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Would you like to spend some free time with the elderly? Little Sisters of the Poor is looking for volunteers to help with activities with our elderly. Please contact Gina at 617-776-4420 x306 for more information. LIFT Worship Night Join LIFT Ministries on Tuesday, April 21st @ 7pm for an inspiring night of worship at St. Anthony's Church in Lowell with guest speaker Colby Flis. The night will include uplifting music, a relevant talk, confessions, Eucharistic Adoration, and is FREE to attend and open to ALL AGES. A downloadable flyer, along with more information about LIFT, can be found on their website at Come and worship with hundreds of Catholics from around the Boston area! APRIL 12, 2015
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