Messages from Tohoku March 2012 When asked what they would like people in North Texas to know now that one year has passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, people in Tohoku sent the following messages. Special thanks to members Tim Jones for obtaining the messages and Atsuko McCulley for the translations. Kentaro Hosokawa Hairstylist, originally from Furukawa City, Miyagi 3 月 11 日の地震から 1 年が経ちます。この 1 年日本、日本人はこれまで見て見ぬ振りをしてきた現状を 知りました。そして、何が大切なのか気づいたと思いま す。それは人との繋がり、一人じゃないという 事です。現代の社会では忘れかけていた助け合うことを、3 月 11 日の地震によって思い出すことが出来 たので す。亡くなった方の分まで、子孫に恥ないような世界にできる様に日本は歩んでいきます。それ こそ本当の復興だと僕は思います。 One year will have passed soon since the earthquake on March 11. Over the past year, Japan and the Japanese people had to face the reality that we had pretended not to see, and then I think we have realized what is truly important, which is the connection with others. In other words, we are not alone. We were reminded by the earthquake to help each other, which we had almost forgotten in this modern society. Japan will keep moving forward to make this world such a place we can proudly pass on to our children, working extra hard for those who lost their lives. I believe that will be the real recovery. Tomomi Takahashi Owner of Stationery Store, Sendai City, Miyagi 『「ありがとう」と「ごめんなさい」をちゃんと伝えて生きていきたい。』 結局、もう会えないひとに思うのは「ありがとうと言えばよかった」とか「ごめんなさいってちゃんと謝 りたかった」なんだなあと痛感。 私はあの日助かって、生きていくのだから、この二つは伝えたいです。 I would like to convey “thank you” and “I am sorry.” When I think of the ones who I can never see again, these two regrets hit me so hard: " I should have said thank you" and "I wish I had apologized properly." So from now on, I am going to make sure I express these two things, since I survived that day and will continue to live. Yuka Saito Office Worker, originally from Sendai City, Miyagi 世界中から温かいご支援をいただき、心より感謝しています。ありがとうございます。希望をもって、復 興に向けて頑張りたいと思います! I am so grateful for the warm support from all over the world. Thank you so much. I will work hard toward the restoration with hope. Noriko Memezawa Miyagi University of Education, Sendai City, Miyagi 東日本大震災への様々なご支援を有難うございました。これからも被災地のことを忘れないで、時々思い 出してください。少しでも気にかけていただければ嬉しいです。 Thank you so much for the various support after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Please keep the devastated areas in mind and think of them sometimes. Your thoughts will be greatly appreciated. Kazuya Hatakeyama Miyagi University of Education, Sendai City, Miyagi あの時感じた「素直な気持ち」。いつまでも持ち続けよう。「世界はひとつ」、皮肉にも未曾有の悲劇が それを確認するきっかけになったけれど、もっと大切なことは、それを忘れないことだ。もう一度叫ぶ、 「世界はひとつ!」。 Let’s keep the “honest feeling” we had at that time. "One world." Sadly it was the greatest tragedy that got us to think of it. However, what is more important is that we will never forget it. I would like to shout out again: “one world!" Miu Yamanouchi Office Worker, originally from Natori City, Miyagi 先日、日本の新聞でハリケーン襲来から見事に立ち直ったアメリカの都市の話を知りました。復興の鍵は コミュニティの力と若い起業家達の力とのこと。仙台も、草の根の力で復興して行きたいと思います。応 援よろしくお願いします I recently read in a Japanese newspaper about an American city which made an excellent recovery from a hurricane attack. According to the paper, the power of the community and the power of young entrepreneurs played key roles in the restoration. Sendai would also like to rebuild with grass-roots effort. I would appreciate your support. Mayumi Kudo Asia-Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU), originally from Shibata-machi, Miyagi 3 月 11 日の地震を通して、そんな当たり前の日々がとても大切だということに気づかされました。そし て、世界中の遠くにいる方からも、たくさんの支援がありました。 毎日の生活や周りの人やつながりを大 切にしていきたいです。 You have a home, food, and friends to laugh and chat with, and maybe you go to school or work like it's nothing special. Then one day they all disappear suddenly. The earthquake on March 11 made me realize that such ordinary things are so precious. Also, even people in far away places all over the world gave us a lot of support which I feel grateful for. I would like to cherish everyday life, people around me and the connection with others. Akiko Nakada Asia-Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU), originally from Sendai City, Miyagi 2011年3月11日から1年たって、世界の人に知ってほしいこと。 ・永遠に忘れてはいけないこと。 ・私たちは常に自然によって生かされていることを意識し、そして感謝し続ける ことの大切さ実感 ・日本各地から、世界各地からいろいろな援助があり、とてもありがたいことだ と思います。 本当に私たち日本に必要な支援はお金です。莫大なお金が必要です。 As the first anniversary of March 11, 2011 approaches, here are a few things that I would like the people in world to know. ・Never forget it. ・I became strongly aware that it is important to keep in mind and be grateful that we exist by grace of nature. ・I really appreciate the various support we received from all over Japan and the world. The kind of support that Japan really needs is money. An enormous amount of money is needed.
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