高2英語【虎の穴】№4 - FC2

012 ●次の対話文の空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ①~④の中から1つ選び、
1)・You should take one of these pills (
① each six hour
② each six hours
2)・Keep the door closed, (
① don't you
③ every six hour
)? It is rather cold here.
② shall we
③ will you
④ won't we
3)・Let's talk about our business plan for next year (
① from
② in
④ every six hours
③ over
) a nice lunch today.
④ to
4)・Last night three men robbed a bank on 33rd Street. The police said they have arrested one of
them but that (
① another
) are still at large.
② the other
5)・He got his fingers (
① catch
③ others
④ the others
) in the train doors.
② catching
③ caught
④ be caught
6)・A:It's really hot in this room. Do you mind if I open the window?
We need some fresh air.
① No, please don't.
② No, go ahead.
③ Of course I do.
) the salesman says is too good to be true.
① That
② Which
③ What
④ Whom
④ I have a cold.
8)・The children were all very (
① excited
② exciting
) about the Christmas presents, and couldn't wait to open them.
③ tired
④ tiring
013 ●2つの英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように空所に最適な英語一語を入れなさい。
1)・The rail strike will prevent me from getting to work on Monday.
≒ I won't be able to get to work on Monday (
) of the rail strike.
2)・He would never attend such a party.
≒ He would be (
) person to attend such a party.
3)・You are not responsible for it, and I'm not, either.
) you (
) I am responsible for it.
4)・My father was in the habit of taking a walk before breakfast.
≒ My father (
) often take a walk before breakfast.
014 ●並び替え
This sofa isn't [ three people / wide / to sit / for / enough ] on.
What [ remind / does / this watch / of / you ] ?
The teacher says [ like / in / the essays / he'd / handed ] by Friday.
012 ●次の対話文の空所に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ①~④の中から1つ選び、
1)・You should take one of these pills (
① each six hour
② each six hours
③ every six hour
2)・Keep the door closed, (
① don't you
④ every six hours
)? It is rather cold here.
② shall we
③ will you
④ won't we
→③。「ドアを閉めたままにしてくれますか。ここはかなり寒いので」 命令文の付加疑問は, will you?
参考、shall weはLet's に続く付加疑問。
3)・Let's talk about our business plan for next year (
① from
② in
③ over
) a nice lunch today.
④ to
overにはover A(飲食物など)で、『Aをとりながら』という意味がある。
4)・Last night three men robbed a bank on 33rd Street. The police said they have arrested one of
them but that (
① another
) are still at large.
② the other
③ others
④ the others
2人は逃走中であると発表した」 ⇒ 括弧には「残りの2人」を意味する選択肢を入れる。
othersは残りのものの1部、the othersは残り全部を示す。 (cf.2つあるとき⇒ one... the other...)
at large:逃走中
5)・He got his fingers (
① catch
) in the train doors.
② catching
③ caught
④ be caught
→③。「かれは電車のドアに指をはさまれた」 get~pp.:~を…される。
cf. get 人 to~:人に~してもらう、させる
6)・A:It's really hot in this room. Do you mind if I open the window?
We need some fresh air.
① No, please don't.
② No, go ahead.
③ Of course I do.
④ I have a cold.
→②。「この部屋は本当に暑いね。窓を開けてもかまわないかな」- - - 「新鮮な空気が必要だね」
⇒ go ahead:ええ、どうぞ。Do you mindのmindは本来「気にする」の意味。
) the salesman says is too good to be true.
① That
② Which
③ What
④ Whom
→③。「そのセールスマンが言うことは話がうますぎて本当とは思えない」 saysまでが主語の固まり。関
係代名詞 what=the thing(s) which。 thatにも『ということ』の意味があるが、後ろに完全文(=その部
8)・The children were all very (
① excited
② exciting
) about the Christmas presents, and couldn't wait to open them.
③ tired
④ tiring
013 ●2つの英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように空所に最適な英語一語を入れなさい。
1)・The rail strike will prevent me from getting to work on Monday.
≒ I won't be able to get to work on Monday (
) of the rail strike.
→because。鉄道のストライキのせいで月曜日は仕事に行けないよ。S prevent A from~ing:SはAが~
するのを妨げる⇒ SのためにAは~できない。 *because of A:Aのために、Aのせいで。
2)・He would never attend such a party.
≒ He would be (
) person to attend such a party.
→the last。彼はそのようなパーティーに参加するような人ではないでしょう。
the last person to~:
3)・You are not responsible for it, and I'm not, either.
) you (
) I am responsible for it.
neither A nor B:「AもBもどちらも~でない」述語動詞はBに一致。cf. both A and B、either A or B
4)・My father was in the habit of taking a walk before breakfast.
≒ My father (
) often take a walk before breakfast.
→would。父は朝食前に散歩をするのが習慣だった。be in the habit of ~ing:「~するのが習慣になっ
014 ●並び替え
This sofa isn't [ three people / wide / to sit / for / enough ] on.
→This sofa isn't wide enough for three people to sit on. まず「3人が座れるほど大きい」の表現を
考える。 形+enough to~:~できるほど(形)…、enoughは形容詞の後ろに置く、
for A to ~:Aが~する
*for A部分を不定詞の意味上の主語と呼ぶ。
What [ remind / does / this watch / of / you ] ?
→What does this watch remind you of? ⇒ S remind A of B: SはAにBを思い出させる。
本問ではBに当たる部分が疑問詞whatとして文頭に出ている。remind of youの解答多し。
The teacher says [ like / in / the essays / he'd / handed ] by Friday.
→The teacher says he'd like the essays handed in by Friday.
he'd(=he would) like~、を用いる。would like A to~はAに~して欲しい。
ここではwould like O done:Oが~されて欲しい、を用いる。hand in A:Aを提出する。