(ttto ヽ ヽ′ 1¬ │・ (「 Rゝ ■ 三 汀 な/ :::i::i戸 「 二 二 I_1:1警 :]こ fl\5 ' り 榮 時 釧 辮 捌 『 1lI:』 事 晏 毬 liliNNA,60oo211:_._「 f乳 I.__ 11-11.2071 Ll"rno".r"",",*u ヽ mぬ m sadm,11:〔 毅nd, [lItl,:".fi]:'lr:iix,:x. '[ ,tp"'fiffi;,F;;.--;,;:.1:l A!'"r':eihi' d 'n+u' Siι Rei Re「 ll E ec● On COmrn 1)ElectiOn ′ cOmn■ta^ぃ .^.__ ss On¬ etter No __ 56/56プ 2006カ iFl']]]テ ::請 2)yourtetter No. 56l M tsc_/2O11/ppS3). |/ Ii:::: dated :14.7.2011 our letter dated 14.09.2011 .L We have atready submitted atons wl reterred in 3 above, Lonsrrtution and arso the Amended !,)fy .t intr,.-a ,n" .r"""'l,li'.letter rhp or rhe parrv. other detairs rike pafty;;.";;.;"r, such thcre i, no chdnsc in the #:;;le,,ame ^s 2. AnnualAudited Balance Sheet dnd Re. " "iLerpts and Payments Account for the Financiat year March, 2011are encloseo ended 31,, ,"r"r,i_ 3. We have not received any donations /, Hence, the annuar report-,; ;; i"".:I;fl:l:trlions rrom anv person since formdtion or rha ,Jr ry. 4. We have already submitted __"- the LxE JaiF(, constrtution of the party. However, tlt" r,r,.a rno ,ort.ofi". 'dten we are encrosin' herewith .. We kindly request you to send us the lF,ra vour records as atready Thanking you. in(orpordtion oI chanse ril;*;'il"Jj:.torhe ndme of the partv " "" or ""'drrre in : our letter referr€d in 3 a'*" YoursTruly, 鷲ド President 巫 懃銹 嫌 Qla` D.KALAIVANAN & CO. CHARTERED ACCOuNTANTS AUDITOR,S RXPORT We have audited the attached Balance Sheet of MAKKAL MANADU KATCHI 82/1,5rH STREET,PADMANABHA NAGAR,ADYA&CMNNAI.6OOO2O, ;; J'F'i"i..ir," ZOI I thE INCOME and Expenditure and also the Receinrs and payments ,""ornt fo.',fr" ,"-".*" on that date annexed rhereto. These financiar stateme,,. ;,i;;;.p"rilbiiil'J;" ;.r"ii;;.":: _"nasernenr. our -iu'r"j responsibiliD is only ro express an opinion on *,"r" nnun"lur .iut Inlnt" on orr ."ro* repon that: i ) ii) *" We have obtained all the information and explanations, which to the best ofour knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of our audit. We have examined the Expelditure for the year 珊 T:!1・ ℃肝 2器 ll棚 ell 憫 憾 榊 酬 expenditurc fOr the ycar ended On that datc and lCttle鮮 も鮮l∬ b潔 T翼 1靴 出[縫 椰 fair view Of thc exccss OF Incomc Ovcr For D KALAIVANAN&Co, CHARTERED ACCOuNTANITS, (D KAfAIVANAN) PIaccl cHENNAI Date 1 09 o9 2011 N観 :A&、 y,1期 鶏鶴誌111::」 )8盤凝 l計 乳[鮨 漱::3,累 器P7 :∫ 、 さ MAKKAL MANADU KATCH】 82′ 1,sTI sTREET,Rへ DMANABHA NACAR,ADYAR,CHENNA1 6ooo20 BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31sT MARCI,2011 LIABILITIES GENERAL FUND ASsETs 10,049 00 FIXED ASSETs ADDi ExcESS oF INCOi、 E OVER EXPENDITuRE CASIN_HAND _=塾 堅■■L 8,68800 13,73700Bハ ヾK ACCOuNTS 5,049 oo 築 1373た OЮ に As per Our rep。・ t Ofevendate annexed For D KALAIVANAN&co, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTs, , 鵞 論 図 (∼ [R SAMARASAMl TREASURER 総精 PRESIDENT 幽 ハ ウ● 粍 「■ chen■ ) _li Qla´ MAKKAL MANADU KATCHI STREET,PADMANABHA NACARADYAR,CHENNA1 600o20 lNCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCoUNT FoR THE YEAR ENDED31ST MARCⅡ 82/1,5TⅡ ,2011 EXPENIDITuRE INCoME EXECUTlvE CoMMITTEE MEETNG EXPENSES 23,800 00 RECEIVED TRAVELLING EXPENSES 19,37000 CENERAL OFFICE EXPENSES EXCESS OFiNCOME OVER EXPENDITURE MEMBERSHIP suBscRIPTIoN 54,0000o 7.14200 3,68800 54,00000 54,000111 As per our repOrl oFevendate annexed For D KALAIVANAN&co, C比 へRTERED ACCouNTANTS、 (D.KdfirvANAN) PARTblER 靡 (Mr R SAMARASAM) TREASURER PRESIDENT _ 1上 MAKIKAL MANADU KATCHI 82/1,5TH STREET,PADMANABHA NACAR,ADYAR,CHENNAI‐ 600020 RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31ST MARCH,2011 RECEIPTS PAYMENTs BY EXECuTIvE COMMITTEE MEETING EXPENSES TO BALANCE B/D CASHIN HAND CASH AT BA鍮 ヾK 23,800 oo 500o oo 504900 TO MEMBERSHIP SUBSCRIPTION RECEIVED 10,049 0o BY TRAVELLING EXPENSES 19,3700o 54,000 00 BY GENERAL OFFICE EXPENSES 7,14200 BY BALANCE B′ D CASH N HAND CASH AT BANK 868800 504900 64,04900 13,73700 64,04900 As per our report OFevendate annexed For D KALAIVANAN&CO, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, 鮨 (D.KATaAtVANAN, TREASURER :ハ 繹 PRESIDENT "2盆 : )│ :ぶ 酬 脳 CMnⅢ " `1`
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