New York Business Institute 124 E 40th St, Suite 801, New York, NY 10016 p 212.922.1000 | f 212.922.0796 | | [email protected] Financial Support Form (財政サポートフォーム) Sponsor スポンサー Last name (surname) 姓 Middle initial First name (given) 名 State/Province 県 Zip 郵便番号 Street and Apt. #町丁名、番地、マンション名、住戸番号 City 市町村 Phone 電話番号 Relationship to student 関係 Self Other 本人 Country 国 e-mail メールアドレス その他 Student 生徒 Last name (surname) 姓 Middle initial Country of birth 出生国 First name (given) 名 Date of birth 生年月日 Gender 性別 Male Female Marital Status 婚姻 Single Married Divorced Widowed 独身 離婚 死別 Month Country of citizenship 国籍 / / Day / / Year 既婚 Street and Apt. # 町丁名、番地、マンション名、住戸番号 City 市町村 State/Province 県 Phone 電話番号 e-mail メールアドレス Zip 郵便番号 Country 国 Name of spouse and children accompany or following to join student. 同行する家族 Last name 姓 First name 名 Date of birth 生年月日 Month Last name 姓 First name 名 First name 名 First name 名 Page 1 / / Day Relationship to you 続柄 / / Year Date of birth 生年月日 Month Financial Support Form (11/08) / / Day Relationship to you 続柄 / / Year Date of birth 生年月日 Month Last name 姓 / / Day Relationship to you 続柄 / / Year Date of birth 生年月日 Month Last name 姓 / / Day Relationship to you 続柄 / / Year Tuition, cost and expenses 授業料、支出、滞在費用 The financial support includes all expenses such as tuition, books, fees, living, and medical expenses for the whole duration of my/our/their stay in the United States. 財政サポートは授業料、教科書、諸費用、生活費、医療費等滞在中すべての費用を含みます。 Based on the duration and accompanying dependents, this cost is estimated at: 滞在期間と同行者を考慮した費用 ( refer to the Tuition, cost and expenses worksheet 下記の算出表参照) USD Funding Sources 財源 I have on deposit in savings of USD 金融機関に預金がある場合 預金額 ドル * Attach a bank statement that is less than 6 months old. 6 ヶ月以内の銀行の残高証明(英文)を添付) I am employed by 雇用主が証明を出せる場合 with the position of 会社・組織名 役職 at with an annual income of USD . 会社住所 年収 ドル * Attach a letter from the employer stating title, and income, or tax return if self employed. 雇用主からの役職と収入を証明する手紙か、 自営業の場合は確定申告を添付 (英文) I have other assets with the market value of USD 他の資産がある場合 株、債権、生命保険など * Attach a statement that is less than 6 months old. 6 ヶ月以内の残高証明(英文)を添付 評価額 ドル I affirm that the contents of this financial support document are true and correct. I also attest that the student and the family member named above will not become a public charge in the United States. Documents verifying my financial support accompany this form. この書類に記載されていることが正しいことを確約します。また生徒とその家族が米国社会の負担にならないことを保証します。私の財政 サポートを証明する書類を添付します。 / Signature of Sponsor スポンサーサイン / Date (Month/Day/Year) Tuition, Cost, and Expenses Worksheet 授業料、支出、滞在費用算出表 Total support must be equivalent to estimated expenses checked below: ここで計算される支出と同額以上の証明が必要です。 I need a student (M-1) visa for 3 months Tuition, Books, Reg. fee 授業料、本等 Living Expenses 生活費 6 months $3,900 $2,400 9 months $7,500 $4,800 12 months $11,000 $7,200 $14,400 $9,600 Expenses for Dependents 同行者費用 $1,500 x # $3,000 x # $4,500 x # $6,000 x # Total $ $ $ $ Total amount calculation sheet 総額早見表 Number of family member(s) Student Only Student and Spouse Student, Spouse and one child Student, Spouse and two children Student, Spouse and three children Financial Support Form (11/08) 3 months 6 months $6,300 $7,800 $9,300 $10,800 $12,300 $12,300 $15,300 $18,300 $21,300 $24,300 Page 2 9 months $18,200 $22,700 $27,200 $31,700 $36,200 12 months $24,000 $30,000 $36,000 $42,000 $48,000
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