Grow Share Serve TheWater’s Edge January 2015 Minnetonka Lutheran Church Happy New Year! 16023 Minnetonka Blvd | Minnetonka, MN 55345 | 952.935.3419 FYI Prayer Requests Call the church office at 952.935.3419 or email [email protected] with your prayer requests. If you want a pastoral visit or would like to be included in pastoral prayers during worship, please call the church office. Sunday Worship Times 9:00am Traditional Worship 10:05am Friendship and Education Hour 10:00am Adult Forum (meets occasionally, watch bulletins for details) 10:45am Contemporary Worship Communion Sundays First and Third Sunday of the month at 9:00am Worship Second and Fourth Sunday of the month at 10:45am Worship We practice an “Open Table” at MLC. All baptized Christians who recognize the Presence of Christ in the bread and wine are welcome to celebrate regardless of church membership. Grape juice is available from the final server. Welcome to the Lord’s Table. Address, Phone and Email Contact Us Corrections Email Online Office Hours Church Office Fax MLC maintains a database of all its members. If you have had any changes to your address, phone number, marital status, etc. please contact the church office with your name, phone number and the changes that need to be made. If You Are Ill Hospitals no longer notify churches when their members are admitted for care. Call 952-935-3419 and let us know so we can support you with prayer and with presence. Publication Deadlines [email protected] Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm 952.935.3419 952.931.9341 MLC Staff Bob Rusert Sue Lungstrom Rachel Coen-Tuff Tim James Senior Pastor /x201/ [email protected] Office Administrator/x200/[email protected] Intern Director CYF /x202/[email protected] Chancel Choir Director/Edgy Waters leader x 206/[email protected] MLC Organist / x 204 Property Manager Weekend Custodian Diane Tuseth Norm Gehrke Thomas Whisler MLC Council Sue Hlavac Matt Haakenstad Stu Deuring Joanna Koenig Rae Vanek Pastor Bob Rusert Pam Grossmann Jean Schlemmer President Vice President Secretary Treasurer [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Weekly Bulletin: Thursday at Noon January Newsletter: December 8 Grow in Faith, Share the Good News, Serve in Love All in Jesus’ name. 2 The Water’s Edge January 2015 2015 A New Year, A New Creation.!. 17 So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! 2 Corinthians 5:17 Pondering New Year’s resolutions, this wonderful, grace-filled and life-transforming Word of our Lord came to mind. Connected to Christ we waltz right into the Kingdom and I am wondering if we might find here too… inspiration for more readily waltzing into or through other transforming experiences… including behavioral resolutions. Willpower being what it is for me at least, over the years I have found myself making poor and unrealistic choices of resolutions and far too often too quickly failing miserably at keeping any. If… in good Lutheran form we can agree that… God does all the work of salvation and making us new creations, why not invite our Lord to co-opt our meager efforts at self-transformation to empower and enable us beyond our disabilities? If God does the heavy lifting of our transformation {sanctification?}, then perhaps we can find ourselves in a better place in the new year. The thing of it is, God usually always has better ideas and more power than we. So, given relying on the Lord for our salvation works so wonderfully, why not rely on the Lord for our sanctification/transformation/reshaping? For 2015 I am inviting any who have ears to hear to join me in some God-powered behavioral modification: Resolution # 1: Practice praying these inspiration-for-reshaping passages each night and morning… 8 Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8 Resolution # 2: See Resolution # 1! OK… so… 365 consecutive nights and days sounds improbable if not impossible.?. 30 Day trails are popular these days. OK… so… 30 consecutive nights and days sounds daunting.?. Let’s take a page from the AA folks and their behavioral transformation plan --Let’s resolve to a 1 Day @ a Time Trial… of praying 2 Cor 5:17 & Phil 4:8 tonight and tomorrow morning and see if we can find ourselves celebrating the God-powered reshaping of our lives… body, mind, and spirit. Watch for it… enfolding our lives ---evening and morning--- in prayer of God’s Word… well--- “with God, {who knows} all things are {made} possible!” A Blessed New Year 2015 Pastor Bob 3 The Water’s Edge January 2015 MLC Asset Enhancement Continues! Our Refresh Asset Enhancement Team continues its exploratory phase of investigating other churches that have transformed parts of their facilities to assist with ministry and outreach. Improved welcoming, openness, and expanded gathering space in our Narthex and at the rear of our Sanctuary remains the primary focus, but the team’s work has led to awareness that more parts of our facilities can be improved. The team intends to present an update of learnings and progress at the Annul Meeting January 25. If you have questions or input, Council and the team members are eager and available to respond. Council: Sue Hlavac, Matt Haakenstad, Stu Deuring, Jo Koenig, Rae Vanek, Jean Schlemmer, & Pam Grossmann Team: Team Leaders Gail Conroy & Matt Haakenstad with team members Jenn Vorland, & Sue Hlavac. While Susan Friedrich has chosen to step down from the team, she remains available for consultation and when the time comes… implementation of the possible improvements. What a Great Year to Love Books! The Women’s book group has selected their reading list for 2015. The group meets the third Monday of each month to discuss the book of the month. All are welcome—even men! 2015 Book List Date- Book- Author- Host 19-Jan-15 16-Feb-15 16-Mar-15 20-Apr-15 18-May-15 15-Jun-15 20-Jul-15 17-Aug-15 21-Sep-15 19-Oct-15 16-Nov-15 21-Dec-15 Olive Kitteridge Life After Life Unbroken Elizabeth Strout Kate Atkinson Laura Hillenbrand Anne Deuring Karen Antonovich & Jean Schlemmer Kathryn Schmidt Lila The Elegance of the Hedgehog Redeployment Ordinary Grace Animal Farm The Fault in Our Stars All the Light We Cannot See Planning Party Marilynn Robinson Muriel Barbery Phil Kay William Kent Krueger George Orwell John Green Anthony Doerr Diane Reishus Nan Peterson Jo Koenig Sue Hlavac Heather Simso Amy Olson open open open open Nancy Sorebo 4 The Water’s Edge MLC Membership Information Class January 2015 Constructive Conversations on Contentious Issues Sunday, January 18 beginning at 12:05pm Interested in membership information for Minnetonka Lutheran Church family of God? The fourth in the series of dinner conversations was attended by 34 MLC members On November 13. Come and share friendship and a meaningful introduction to life in Membership. The topic discussed was the battle with ISIS in Syria and Iraq. We discussed who ISIS is, why it is so complicated and the long history of the Sunni-Shia divide, the US 6 point plan, and various recent opinion polls of American’s views on the issue. Conversation was lively and informative. The dinner was as always, excellent. We will share the ministry programs and opportunities through MLC, examine our Lutheran Faith, share with and get to know one another, and dialog about the future of MLC. Child care is available—please make your needs known. Call or e-mail the church office to RSVP 952-935-419 [email protected]. The next dinner conversation will be Thursday January 22 on the topic of Gun Control. A sign up will be available at church in January. Come, share your views in a cordial respectful environment, bring a friend. “Away From The Manger” 2014 Sunday School Christmas Program—Was this fun, or what?! 5 The Water’s Edge January 2015 Children, Youth and Family Ministries Rachel Coen-Tuff—Intern Director CYF Welcome to 2015! I would like to give a big thank you for all of the kind words of care and support for the kids after the Christmas program “Away from the Manger”. The kids did a great job, but we couldn’t have done it without all of our volunteers. Thank you! The New Year brings lots of fun things in store for the children youth and their families at MLC. The Sunday School is going to be preparing for Memory Olympics this winter. Each class will have a specific Bible verse or prayer to memorize and present to the rest of the Sunday school class. The Sunday school will also be getting ready to decide upon what we will be giving with our funds raised for God’s Good Gifts. Last year we were able to send animals and supplies to families in a developing country. Keep an eye out for what we decided to pick! The confirmation group will be having a rescheduled winter retreat, these retreats are a great bonding experience for our youth and they enjoy spending time together having fun and playing in the snow! In the month of January is also our service month and this year, upon popular request we have chosen to do Feed My Starving Children, which is a nonprofit organization that packs meals for families full of healthy nutrients and then sends those healthy meals to places in need. And the best part is this organization is located right here in the Twin Cities! Our youth group will also be preparing for their summer trip. Please keep an eye out for fundraising opportunities to help our youth get to their summer destination! The youth summer trips are partially funded by youth but also a large amount comes from the church. We appreciate all of our support during the fundraising process and we are excited about another fun summer opportunity! Blessings to all of our families at Minnetonka Lutheran, and welcome to a joy-filled 2015! In Christ, Rachel Coen-Tuff Intern Children Youth and Family Director Wednesday Night Family Dinners Our Wednesday Night supper program is in full swing. Delicious, affordable meals will be ready for your dining pleasure at 6:00pm on Wednesday evenings, with a suggested donation of $3 per person, or $10 per family. Confirmation students along with their families are asked to serve the meals, and clean up. NEW this year, a ministry team will also serve and clean up one meal per month. This year’s offerings will be a rotation of 4 menus, to include: Lasagna, Grown Up Mac & Cheese, Tacos and Chicken Wild Rice Soup. The supper program will run concurrently with the confirmation program. Who should come to Wednesday Night Family Dinner? YOU! All are welcome and invited to come. Give it a try—you might decide to make it a weekly tradition! 6 The Water’s Edge Miss a Sunday Message? January 2015 A Word From the Financial Secretary If you are unable to attend worship, but don’t want to miss one of Pastor Bob’s insightful sermons or wonderful special music … visit us online to catch up. 1. Offering Envelopes will be out on tables in the entrance to the church as of 12/12/14. Please use your Offering Envelopes to insure timely and accurate data entry. If you do not have your 2015 Envelopes after 12/12/14, please e-mail me at JAWinberg @ If you do not do e-mail, please call me weekdays between 7:30 and 9:30 PM @ 952-4751491. 2. I will credit your 2014 Contribution Record with any 2014 Offering Envelope or loose check dated 12/31/14 or earlier if received by 12:00 noon Sunday, 1/4/15. 3. You may contribute to multiple accounts with one check inserted into one envelope. Simply designate the fund (General, Missions, etc.) and the amount to go to each fund on your envelope. PLEASE DESIGNATE HOW MUCH IS TO GO TO EACH FUND! If you miss a week you do not have to write separate checks and use separate envelopes. Simply write one check and designate the amount to go to each fund on the front of the envelope. 4. Please consider using "Simply Giving", the automated withdrawal program. This program insures an even flow of contributions throughout the year, and saves time and money depositing funds into the church's bank account. You can sign up for Monthly withdrawals by contacting me by e-mail or phone. 5. If you would like an update on your 2014 giving, please e-mail or call at the addresses listed above. Sunday sermons dating back to April 6, 2014 are now available on our website. Visit us at Can Recycling The can recycling program continues at MLC, Please save your cans, and empty them into the trailer near the road. Let’s make the job of our faithful volunteers associated with this project a little easier by following a couple of simple rules: No food cans (they are not aluminum) No tin foil no bags—please empty your bag directly into the trailer Pictorial Directory Update Thank you to everyone who had their picture taken for the pictorial directory. You may still submit your own photo for inclusion if you wish. There will also be two make-up photo days in January: January 18 and 25. Thank you, John Winberg, Financial Secretary We will now be working at adding the photos to the directory, designing the front pages, and uploading to our website. The directory will also be available in print version for a nominal charge. WHAT?! Yes, because we are not selling photos, the printed version will incur some costs for paper and printing. More details to come. You may request a digital copy of your own photo to be emailed to you. Again, a printed copy or a digital copy will incur some cost. Thank you for understanding this new paradigm! 7 The Water’s Edge Mission Partnership January 2015 Healing Prayer Service — All Things New! The Gospel message of loving and sharing was abundantly expressed at MLC this Holiday Season. The many, many gifts for MN Teen and Adult Challenge, Plymouth Christian Youth Center, and the ICA food shelf have surely been a blessing to those who received them. May you also feel blessed by your care for those in need. 5 And the one who was seated on the throne said, "See, I am making all things new." Also he said, "Write this, for these words are trustworthy and true." 6Then he said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give water as a gift from the spring of the water of life. 7Those who conquer will inherit these things, and I will be their God and they will be my children. Revelation 21:5-7 MAKE OLD THINGS NEW For many years MLC has provided some support for Make All Things New. This is a non-profit organization started by John Troyer to provide meals for transient people. This evolved into a residential Christian ministry for men coming from prison to help them transition back into the mainstream. Now the ministry has expanded to include those with mental health issues and the chronically homeless. The facility is housed in two apartment buildings with a total of 12 apartments. A Healing Prayer Service takes place monthly at MLC, capturing the power of God to “make all things new!” Come and grasp the blessings of the power of prayer and the advantages of a caring friends willing to walk together to share burdens and celebrate joys. Experiencing a time of affliction… searching for hope in time of struggle… searching for encouragement in time of feeling alone? Illness or anxiety leading to disease? Look no further… God is still, as always, healing. Find here a source of compassion and promise of healing? Prayer in the power of the Spirit and the presence of a sensitive and faithful prayer team could be the blessing you need. ICA FOODSHELF PARTNERSHIP The "Food of the Month" for January is PASTA. Any type of pasta, pasta sauce or canned pasta meals will be welcomed. Please leave your donations in the wicker basket right inside the front entrance doors. Sunday January 18th {* note this is 3rd Sun of Jan} Following 10:45 AM Worship Minnetonka Lutheran Library Seasoned Citizen Care Watch for information on our upcoming February speaker for our Aging Abundantly series. 7 "Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. 8For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. 9Is there anyone among you who, if your child asks for bread, will give a stone? 10Or if the child asks for a fish, will give a snake? 11 If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him! Matthew 7:7-11 Let your need, your curiosity, the inkling and the urging of the Holy Spirit inspire you to come and capture the hope and blessings of gathering and praying in the power of Jesus’ Name… Pastor Bob 8 The Water’s Edge January 2015 December 11 Council Meeting Highlights Financial Secretary John Winberg presented a proposed budget for 2015, which Council voted to recommend to the congregation for adoption at the Annual Meeting on January 25, 2015. Pastor Bob submitted his written report. Highlights - Refresh 2014 Facility Enhancement Team has visited other churches as part of an analysis for facility enhancements we could consider. Great koinonia experiences at the annual smorgasbord, led this year by Mark and Heidi Peterson, and at Bob and Lori Rusert’s “Christmas on the Mississippi” party. We’re blessed with great leadership by Cindy Beltz and others for the Sunday School Christmas Program. Treasurer’s Report – as of November 30 our total income for the year to date was $330,338.34, above budget of $323,298.67 for the same period. Expenses for the year to date were $339,457.08, in excess of budget of $336,816.88 for the same period. Our prayers are with Sue Lungstrom and her family as she encounters significant health issues. 9 The Water’s Edge January 2015 Narrative Lectionary The Season of Epiphany “The Star of the Show!” January 4 – February 15 (Transfiguration) January 4, 2015 January 11 Festival of Epiphany Matthew 2:1-12, Psalm 2:1-12 “The Star of Wisdom!”—Wise Men come and worship… First Sunday after Epiphany Matthew 3:1-17, Psalm 2:7-8 “The Star of Amendment!”—John the Baptist’s call to repentance… January 18 Second Sunday after Epiphany Matthew 4:1-17, Psalm 91:9-12 “The Star of Self-Restraint!”—Temptation in the wilderness… January 25 Third Sunday after Epiphany Matthew 5:1-20, Psalm 1:1-3 “The Star of Vision!”—Beatitudes… {See selves as blest} February 1 Fourth Sunday after Epiphany Matthew 6:7-21, Psalm 20:7 “The Star of True Treasure!”—Lord’s Prayer and true treasure in heaven… February 8 Fifth Sunday after Epiphany Matthew 14:13-33, Psalm 95:1-5 “The Star of Resourcefulness!”—Feeding of 5000… February 15 Transfiguration Matthew 16:24-17:8, Psalm 41:7-10 “The Star of Self-Denial!”—Cost of discipleship and Transfiguration Christmas Day Children 10 The Water’s Edge January 2015 January 2015 28 9:00 AM Traditional Worship 10:45 AM Contemporary Worship w/ HC 11:00 AM Great and Mighty Ministries in Youth Room 11:45 AM Healing Service 29 7:30 AM Men's Bible Study 30 9:30 AM Al-Anon Meeting 6:30 PM Forward XIX AA 6:30 PM Handbell Rehearsal 7:00 PM Scout Troop 426 Activity Rm 4 ICA Emphasis Sunday 9:00 AM Traditional Worship with HC 10:45 AM Contemporary Worship 11:00 AM Great and Mighty Ministries in Youth Room 5 7:30 AM Men's Bible Study 7:00 PM Boy Scout Parent Meeting 11 9:00 AM Traditional Worship 10:45 AM Contemporary Worship w/ HC 11:00 AM Great and Mighty Ministries in Youth Room 31 9:30 AM Wednesday Morning Bible Study 1:30 PM Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Rescue from Shipwreck - AA 1 Building Closed 2 9:00 AM Friday Boys 3 9:00 AM Edgy Water's Rehearsal 6 7 9:00 AM Quilting Group 9:30 AM Wednesday 9:30 AM Al-Anon Meeting Morning Bible Study 6:00 PM Scout Parent 1:30 PM Staff Meeting Meeting 6:00 PM Wednesday Night 6:30 PM Forward XIX AA Dinner 6:30 PM Handbell 6:30 PM Confirmation Rehearsal 6:45 PM Chancel Choir 7:00 PM Scout Troop 426 - Rehearsal Activity Rm 7:00 PM Rescue from Shipwreck - AA 8:15 PM Edgy Waters Rehearsal 8 9:00 AM Al Anon 1:30 PM Naomi Circle - Colleen Bom Hostess 6:00 PM Den 5 in Activity Room 9 9:00 AM Friday Boys 10 9:00 AM Edgy Water's Rehearsal 12 Newsletter Deadline 7:30 AM Men's Bible Study 13 9:30 AM Al-Anon Meeting 9:30 AM Hannah Circle Vollie Hinrichs Hostess 4:15 PM CMTMT Meeting in Conference Room 5:30 PM Witness Team Meeting in Conference Room 6:30 PM Forward XIX AA 6:30 PM Handbell Rehearsal 7:00 PM Scout Troop 426 Activity Rm 14 9:30 AM Wednesday Morning Bible Study 1:30 PM Staff Meeting 6:00 PM Wednesday Night Dinner 6:30 PM Confirmation 6:45 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Rescue from Shipwreck - AA 8:15 PM Edgy Waters Rehearsal 15 9:00 AM Al Anon 6:00 PM Den 3 in Youth Room 6:30 PM Pack 426 in Activity Room 7:00 PM Council Meeting in Conference Room 7:00 PM Den 5 in Activity Room 16 9:00 AM Friday Boys 6:30 PM Derby Weigh In 17 9:00 AM Edgy Water's Rehearsal 9:00 AM Fantastic Prayer Shawl Ministry 9:00 AM Pinewood Derby 18 9:00 AM Traditional Worship with HC 10:45 AM Contemporary Worship 11:00 AM Great and Mighty Ministries in Youth Room 19 7:30 AM Men's Bible Study 7:00 PM Bookclub at Anne During Home 20 21 9:00 AM Quilting Group 9:30 AM Wednesday 9:30 AM Al-Anon Meeting Morning Bible Study 6:30 PM Forward XIX AA 1:30 PM Staff Meeting 6:30 PM Handbell 6:00 PM Wednesday Night Rehearsal Dinner 7:00 PM Scout Troop 426 - 6:30 PM Confirmation Activity Rm 6:45 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Rescue from Shipwreck - AA 8:15 PM Edgy Waters Rehearsal 22 9:00 AM Al Anon 6:00 PM Den 5 in Activity Room 6:30 PM Pack 426 in Activity Room 6:00 PM Constructive Conv. on Contentious Issues in Fireside Room 23 9:00 AM Friday Boys 24 9:00 AM Edgy Water's Rehearsal 25 9:00 AM Traditional Worship 10:45 AM Contemporary Worship w/ HC 11:00 AM Great and Mighty Ministries in Youth Room 11:45 AM Healing Service 26 7:30 AM Men's Bible Study 27 28 9:30 AM Al-Anon Meeting Newsletter Assembly 6:30 PM Forward XIX AA 9:30 AM Wednesday 6:30 PM Handbell Morning Bible Study Rehearsal 1:30 PM Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Scout Troop 426 - 6:00 PM Wednesday Night Activity Rm Dinner 6:30 PM Confirmation 6:45 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Rescue from Shipwreck - AA 8:15 PM Edgy Waters 11 Rehearsal 29 9:00 AM Al Anon 30 9:00 AM Friday Boys 31 9:00 AM Edgy Water's Rehearsal Minnetonka Lutheran Church 16023 Minnetonka Boulevard Minnetonka, MN 55345 January 2015 Return service requested Inside From the Pastor page 3 Asset Enhancement page 4 Book Group Book List page 4 New Member Class page 5 Constructive Conversations page 5 CYF page 6 Pictorial Directory Update page 7 Letter From Financial Secretary page 7 Mission Partnerships page 8 Healing Prayer Service page 8 December Council Highlights page 9 Epiphany Sermon Series page 10 January Calendar page 11 www.mtkalutheran. org 12 NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #181 HOPKINS, MN 55343
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