St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church, Lebanon, Tennessee

Our Giving Plan to God
New Year’s Eve 5:30 Vigil Mass—————–—-$878.00
New Year’s Day Mass———————–————-—$140.00
Sunday Offertory ——–——–————————–—$6,079.00
Online Giving Offertory———————————–$440.00
Giving Cabinet————————————–-———--$275.00
Hispanic Sunday Offertory—–—–——-—–-—–—$723.80
Building Fund/Pledges———————————--$3,455.00
Building Fund———————————————-—$2,570.00
Mass Intentions————————————————-$40.00
Hispanic Young Adult Group————————-—-$350.00
Diocesan Engaged Couples' Retreat, Scarritt-Bennett Center, 1016
18th Avenue S., Nashville. Info: (615) 383-6393. 2015: Jan. 10, Feb.
21, Mar. 22, April 11, June 13, July 11, Sept. 12, Oct. 17, Nov. 14.
Beginning with the June 13, 2015 Engaged Couples Retreat, the location will move from Scarritt-Bennett to the New Catholic Pastoral Center.
Baptismal Preparation Class: First Saturday of each month at 3 P.M.
in the church, a Baptismal Preparation Class will be held. In order to
have a child baptized at St. Frances Cabrini both parents and godparents will need to attend one of these classes. Baptisms will be after
Masses only on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month. Please call
the church office at 444-0524 to get registered for these classes.
Brides & Grooms: Don’t forget to schedule your pre-marital meetings
with pastor; also don’t forget, you will also be required to attend an
Engaged Couples Retreat. No completion certificate, no ceremony!
So don’t delay.
Legion Of Mary meet Wednesdays
at 6 P.M. in the Ashley House. Anyone who would like to have the “Our Lady of Fatima” pilgrim statue to visit their home, please contact Suellen
Simpson at 598-1840.
If you are new to the parish and would like offertory envelopes, please call the church office at 444-0524 so we can get
you registered as a parish member. We look forward to meeting you.
Sponsor of the Week
Deacon Jim Dixon
Deacon Hector Martinez
Deacon Paul Taylor
Cathy Maggart
Theresa Wiggington
Adam Howell
Finance Council Rep.
Lisa CunnighamKen Condit
Ed Simko
Carol Manning
Francisco Huerta
Nancy Garcia
Olga Watkins
Ministers of the Liturgy for Next Weekend
Children’s Liturgy: Denise Smith
5:30 P.M.
8:30 A.M.
11:00 A.M.
Anne Tomlinson
Mike Conroy
Tina Lynch
Roger Hutto
Josiah Smith
Eucharistic Ministers
Deacon Jim Dixon
Sonny Wooldridge
Debbie Mitchell
Deacon Paul Taylor
Lou Ann Hutto
Dottie Climer
Deacon Hector Martinez
Bertha Martinez
Ina DePass
Altar Servers
Faith Kowal
Carrie Moscardelli
Emma Fung
Eric Fung
Emma Stafford
Madi. Bumbalough
Skylar DePass
Gift Bearers
George & Jackie Calvo
Joan Hendren, Lily McPeak,
Jenni Mason
Olga Watkins Family
Ushers & Greeters:
Carl VonLinden
Tom Gorman
Theresa Wiggington
Mike Russell
Scott Howard
Ken Condit
Bosco Allocco
Robert DiGiacomo
Joy Poole
Don Davis
Please visit our new website for schedules, bulletins, calendars and more at
Lectors who prepare ahead of their week of Ministry can go to the church website, and link to
The Baptism of The Lord
Requested By:
January 11 Jean M. Jenkins
Jean Jenkins
Edna Stephens
January 12 Phil Frazier
January 15 John Hobbs
Legion of Mary
Legion of Mary
Please Remember to Pray for:
All our service men and women serving around
the world. The sick of the parish: Suzanne Bischoff, Jim
Williams, Jim Ashby, Leo Gonzalez, Kathleen Kissane, Larry
Divney, Naidene Dixon, Theresa Von Linden, Pete Burgeson,
Josephine Vogel, David Tomlinson, Sarah Hobbs, Wanda
Hillesheim, J.T. Harris, Geraldine Simko, Jacques & Doris
Fisher, Rita Spradling, George Isovitsch, Joe Collins, Donald
Loso, Billy Watson, Jim Canavan, Joan Harding, Bernadette
Valladao, Kenneth Lawrence, Ed Chapman, Karen Pruitt, Stan
Borinski, Robin Webb, Beaula Shorter, Laura Berry, Katie
Roth, Phil Phillips, Jerry Lazarz, Bertrand Sy, Debbie Brown,
Allie Shamblin, Beth Haskell, Susan Francoeur, Brittany
Brandon, Ruby Frazier, Lynn Krause, Mason Burris, Jill
Marburger, Perry Smith, Angela Andrews, Karen Pruitt, Carol
Milner, Joe VonLinden, Tom Hughes, Kurt Brown, Charlie
Tride, Melissa Del Lackey, Steve Thames, Jane Maze, Heather
Noble, Theresa Buschoff, Joe Keegan, Ronnie Lawson, Karin
Swanson, Cody Warren, Jaxon Lowe, Witt Robertson, Jackson
Rowland, and Joe Fertitta.
The Parish Community of St. Frances Cabrini
extends their prayers and sympathy to the
family of Leon McLean,
the father of Debbie Trouy and father-in-law of Buddy
and grandfather of Chris and Nick Trouy.
May he enjoy life with the Risen Christ and his
family and friends the comfort of God’s Holy Spirit.
Rest In Peace
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Next FREE MOVIE NIGHT...on Saturday,
January 24, 2015. The movie is “I Confess”
an Alfred Hitchcock film.
St. Frances Cabrini will be having a men's basketball team again this year. Anyone interested
in playing can sign up, there will be a form at
the back of the church please put your name and phone
number. Contact Jessica Hight 306-8798 or Josiah Smith
580-9763 with any questions. Games start in January
and practices will be starting ASAP. Thank you.
If we have any parishioners celebrating
their 25th or 50th Wedding anniversary this
year, please contact Nikki at the church
office at 444-0524 or email [email protected]
with your name and address. Bishop Choby will honor and recognizing these couples at a Mass celebration on Sunday, February 8th.
There will be a liturgy to celebrate the sacrament of marriage to honor
these couples at The Cathedral of the Incarnation on Sunday February 8, 2015, at 2pm. A reception for couples and their families will be
held after Mass in the Fleming Center.
Six Dates – Reminder There are still positions available for the Six Dates series starting on January 31 st. There
will be handouts available in both English and Spanish. Please contact Amy Taylor at either [email protected], or call at (615) 754-6963.
SFC Giving Cabinet: The Giving Cabinet at St. Frances Cabrini provides
foods for church members and the
community. This gives the opportunity to those who
need food to have access to healthy meals. The Giving
Cabinet is operated on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of
each month from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. January's dates
of operation are January 8th and January 22nd.
Volunteers for January 22nd are Karen Christensen and
Linda White
January 12- St Frances Knights of Columbus for a fundraising night at Chick-Fil-A from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
January 13– OA Boy Scout Meeting from 6:30-8:30 P.M.
January 19– Boy Scout Meeting from 6:30-8:30 P.M. in the
parish hall and Church Office closed.
January 22– Giving Cabinet open from 9:30– 11:30 A.M.
January 24– Movie Night beginning at 6:30 P.M. in
the parish hall.
January 31- Six Dates series starting at 7 PM in the
church office.
Altar Duty for February– Joan Hendren
Please join the St Frances Knights of
Columbus for a fundraising night at
Chick-Fil-A on Monday, January 12th,
from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Tuesday Co-ed group will not meet again until January 13, 2015.
Join fellow parishioners in examining the Sunday readings to gain
further insight into their impact on Christian life. Contact: Kathleen
Kissane 444-6756 or [email protected]
Card ministry– send a greeting card to any parishioner or family member you
feel may appreciate or benefit from knowing that SFC is keeping them in their
thoughts and prayers. Send requests to Lisa Cunningham at [email protected] or
615-480-5142. Be sure to state which type of card needs to be sent, the name of
the recipient and their address. All cards will be sent from SFC.
Parishioners can devote altar flowers as a memorial to remember or to honor a loved one, whether living or deceased. The
intention will be recognized in the bulletin. The Altar flower
memorials will be available for the weekend Masses and will consist of freshlycut flower arrangements. There is a stipend of $35.00 for the flower arrangement. Contact Nikki at the office to make arrangements for the weekend
you would like- call 444-0524 or email [email protected] with your date.