10-22-14 PTSA General Meeting Attendance: Beckie VanHollebeke, Kellie Dummer, Donna Blauet, Rachel Wilson, Julie Hill, Denise Bracali, Chris Berry, Nancy Haas, Whitney Wuebben, John Wuebben Meeting Called to Order 7:01 P.M. Motion to approve minutes from Sept. 16th, by Julie Hill, seconded and approved President Report: BWW Dineout is going on currently (10-22) Communication E-mail blasts; working out kinks with links; website; Facebook Page; PTSA Newsletter “News You Can Use.”; Bulletin board Thanks from Mr. Chinavare for volunteer help with the Frost library; it opened this week Thanks to parent volunteers, donations, for Student Activity Night and the Fall Fun Run Principal Report: 2012-13 Annual Education Report-Copies available on website School improvement plan, test scores, etc. Thanks for the parent involvement in activities (i.e. Student Activity Night, Fall Fun Run) Coffee w/principal: 1st Thurs. of month 9-10 a.m. Next one is Nov. 6th Treasurer Report: $1640 in budget under craft show moved from admissions to vendor booths 990 has been submitted to local PTSA (Donna will check that it gets submitted to state) Budget approved last month, and updated for this meeting Membership: 388 members to date (100 less than last year) If you have a PTSA membership, you get a discount at Biggby and others (on PTSA Council website) Teacher Report: Mrs. Haas reported on Market Day for the Science Dept./Washington D.C. trip (wants to promote during craft show) Committee Reports Box Tops— the Box Tops Pizza Party contest has started, additional promotion and collection bins will be place in the classrooms this month. Dine Outs—BWW was today; staff made special orders ($212 total) Teachers very appreciative. Reflections—Jen Cleaveland, Angie Reina chairing together; info is on school website YMAD-No chair yet Craft Show—Sarah Wisner still needs volunteers for the 11:30-2 p.m. shift. Student Council Report a. Frost Free—may or may not happen b. Costume Activity Night—about 200 kids attended; very successful; c. Costume Run—about 125 kids d. Spirit Week—More participation this year than last year e. Pumpkin Decorating-homerooms competing during Phantom Time—due Oct. 27th f. Wednesdays are “Fancy Day” (posters will be put up, announcements will be made). g. Watch for the “Winter Ball” coming up in December, and a possible after-school event at Dave and Busters or another venue. Old Business—Open House was successful; some parents were confused about whether students accompany to conferences. New Business—Mock Election, Social Studies Dept.—Monday Nov. 3rd. Beckie has four volunteers already and needs at least two more for a goal of two per hour for five hours. Variety Show coming up Tues. Dec. 16th; 7th grade, Wed. Dec. 17th 8th grade; show for parents Tues. Dec. 16th 7:00 p.m. Raffles—Student Winners: Ariana Hernandez, Alyssa Hill ($30 gift card, Best Buy) Parent Winner: Allison Johnson (Pandora bracelet) Announcements: Nov. 1 Craft Show Nov. 3 Mock Election Day, Social Studies dept. Nov. 4 No School, Professional Development Day Nov. 10th-14th Canned Food Drive (Student Activities) Nov. 13 PTSA Meeting 7:00 p.m. (2nd week) Meeting Adjourned 8:01 p.m.
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