A new style online catalogue for Early Japanese Books bibliographic description through text data and image data PNC 2005 Annual Conference at University of Hawaii at Manoa HIDEO YAMANAKA Tenri University 2 Table of Contents Functions of Catalogue Sources of the Bibliographic Description Limitations of the Bibliographic Information based ONLY on Text Combination of Text Data and Image Data Issues about the Costs Conclusion PNC 2005 1st/Nov./05 Functions of Catalogue 3 Four function Find → Identify → Select → Obtain Identify of described material Compatible bibliographic description → based on a standard cataloguing rules → codes for source of information for bibliographic description Early Japanese Books Many variations → many typographic styles which differ according to epochs and/or genres PNC 2005 1st/Nov./05 4 Sources of the bibliographic description Offer the users useful information to make the item distinguish from other items → provide the source of bibliographic information Transcript of the source of information Traditional method for descriptive catalogue of rare books • Western books – title page (almost) • Japanese books – scattered in different parts Both users and cataloguer share the information of described books PNC 2005 1st/Nov./05 Transcription : western rare book 5 transcription PNC 2005 1st/Nov./05 Transcription : Japanese rare book PNC 2005 6 1st/Nov./05 Transcription : Japanese rare book 7 transcription PNC 2005 1st/Nov./05 Limitations of bibliographic information based ONLY on text data 8 Traditional method → recording the description of items through the text data Early Japanese books In some cases, when expressed in text data • ambiguous or redundant • difficulty to re-create the layout of the source How is it express to solve these issues? PNC 2005 1st/Nov./05 Example 9 : issue of redundancy 〈Kanki〉 many publisher 『九州軍記』 NOTE: 刊記「天明八戌申歳十月/ 大阪書林 心斎橋筋久太郎町 河内屋喜兵衛 /心斎橋筋南久寳寺町 河内屋八兵衛/ 發行書肆 江戸日本橋南壱丁 目 須原屋茂兵衞/ 同浅草茅町二丁目 同伊八/ 日本橋通二丁目 山 城屋佐兵衞 / 同芝神明前 岡田屋嘉七 / 同兩国横山三丁目 和泉 屋金右衞門 / 同下谷池端仲町 岡村庄助 / 同本銀町三丁目 永樂 屋丈助 / 同十軒店 英屋大助 / 京都三條通御幸町角 吉野屋仁兵 衛 / 尾州名古屋本町通 永樂屋東四郎 / 同同所 菱屋藤兵衞/大阪 PNC 2005 1st/Nov./05 心斎橋筋久太郎町 河内屋喜兵衞板」 Example : representation of a layout (1) 10 author painter title Cover of book PNC 2005 Volume number 1st/Nov./05 Example : representation of a layout (2) author painter 11 title Volume number Verso of cover (Mikaeshi 見返し)and prologue(Jo 序) PNC 2005 1st/Nov./05 Combination of text data and image data 12 Settlement of the limitation of text data → offering also image data Image data Precise information about its dimensions, colour, design, condition of the title, etc. → providing substantial information for users → combine image data together with text data But not defined as all existent cataloguing codes PNC 2005 1st/Nov./05 General sample (based on NACSIS-CAT format) 13 ACCN: 006757383 NCID: BA67573834 RTYP: P YEAR: 1749 CNTY: ja TTLL: jpn TXTL: jpn TITL: 歌人漫筆 2巻 / 北村季吟 [編] ; 萱草生行 [画] TITY: カジン マンピツ TITY: Kajin manpitsu MATY: 刊 PHYS: 2冊 : 見開き3図(乾、坤冊共) ; 21.8×15.3cm VTTL: VT: 哥人漫筆 || カジン マンピツ || Kajin manpitsu PUBL: 浪花 : 長門屋兵助, 嘉永2 [1749] NOTE: 「岩津々志」の改題再刷本 NOTE: 序題「歌人漫筆 乾」(乾冊は序題のみ改変。本文巻頭には元の「岩津々志上」を残す) NOTE: 巻頭「歌人漫筆 坤」 NOTE: 題簽左肩双辺黄紙「歌人漫筆 乾」「哥人漫筆 坤」 NOTE: 責任表示は跋より。跋に「岩つゝしの一帖は誰人のかけるとも見えぬを/北村季吟老人の述作し 給へる書とて [中略] /今所々に畫図を加へあつさにち/りはめておこなふ事しかなり/洛邊散人 萱草生行 書之」とあり NOTE: 刊記「嘉永二年酉正月/浪花書肆 心齋橋通大北向イ 長門屋兵助」 NOTE: 匡郭 四周単辺 17.5×12.9cm NOTE: 印記「竹柏園文庫」 WORK:歌人漫筆 WORKL: WK[797568] AUTH: 北村, 季吟(1624-1705)||キタムラ, キギン <DA00759366> ATL: AU14267 AUTH: 萱草, 生行||カヤクサ, セイコウ <DA14465410> ATL: AU122270 VOL: VOLN: 乾 VOLN: 坤 SH : 国書 : 歌書 IMLINK: 序題,巻頭,題簽,刊記 transcription link to image data PNC 2005 1st/Nov./05 Costs in the realization of this new form 14 Spreading of digital library the photographic reproduction of early Japanese books → alternative texts of original → with deep care and facing high costs This proposal Not necessary to reproduce the whole text Not need to devote many funds → test to verify the applicability of this proposal ‘Marega collection’ at Universita’ Pontificia Salesiana in Rome PNC 2005 1st/Nov./05 Equipment for photograph 15 at Marega collection Università Pontificia Salesiana , Biblioteca “Don Bosco” in Roma PNC 2005 1st/Nov./05 16 Advantages of this method Distinction of the passages photographed Take photographs of the parts needed immediately Costs Extremely reduced costs Additional job of librarian Not require a high photographic quality PNC 2005 1st/Nov./05 Conclusions 17 Realization of this new style Not defined as cataloguing codes → but in MARC21, available to record Online catalogue of Marega collection • Publish via web from next January Recognition as standard rules One of the regulations of the Union Catalogue For best use of Early Japanese Books PNC 2005 1st/Nov./05 18 PNC 2005 1st/Nov./05 19 PNC 2005 1st/Nov./05 20 PNC 2005 1st/Nov./05 21 PNC 2005 1st/Nov./05 22 PNC 2005 1st/Nov./05 23 PNC 2005 1st/Nov./05 24 PNC 2005 1st/Nov./05 25 PNC 2005 1st/Nov./05
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