The Parish Community of Our Lady of the Angels founded July 2005 Church of the Immaculate Conception (ICC), est. 1875 Church of Saint Joachim (SJC), est. 1901 Parish Office: 21-23 Bayard Street, Trenton, NJ 08611-1344 Email: [email protected] 609-695-6089 fax: 609-695-4376 SHOWING REVERENCE AND LOVE IN CHURCH The Lord our God, gave Himself to us under the form of bread and wine. This gift is our spiritual nourishment. Have we become so accustomed to this Divine gift, that our attitude can become too familiar and routine? We must remember that our Lord is present in the tabernacle of our Church at all times. The following represent a few simple ways that we can show our reverence and love for the gift of Christ’s body and blood as individuals and as a parish family. Parish Office Hours: Monday–Thursday -9:00am-8:30pm Friday – 9:00am-5:00pm No Office Hours on Saturday & Sunday Parish Clergy: Rev. Fr. Cesar Rubiano, ext. 119 (Pastor) Rev. Fr. Raymond Hughes (Weekend Assistant) Rev. Fr. Philip Cordisco, O.Ss.T Mr. Guido Mattozzi, Deacon Mr. Benito Torres, Deacon Mr. Michael Scannella, Deacon Parish Overseers: Mr. & Mrs. Benedict & Clara Gioe Mr. & Mrs. Carlos & Maritza Lopez Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Barbara Sanna Business Manager: Mr. Edwin Sevillano, ext. 115 With the understanding that our Lord is always present in the Blessed Sacrament within the tabernacle, let us work together to create a climate of quiet, which is an aid to prayer. It shows our respect, love and honor for the nourishment that Our Lord has given us. A way of witnessing to the Presence of the Lord in our midst is to genuflect or bow when passing before the tabernacle. Remember that confession is necessary when we are aware of any serious or mortal sins we have committed. Also, we should remember that we should fast for one hour before the receipt of Holy Communion. When processing to receive the Body and Blood of Our Lord and returning to our seats, we should be intent on the gift we will be receiving. This is not a time for socializing with others. When receiving Communion, our response to the “Body of Christ” and “Blood of Christ” is “Amen”, a simple one word profession of our faith. Upon returning to our seats, we should spend a few moments in private prayer, thanking the Lord for coming to us for all the blessings He has given us. Faith Formation: Sr. Carolyn Houck, MPF ext. 121 Pastoral Care: Sr. Domenica Troina, MPF ext. 110 As we celebrate the Easter Season, and remember Jesus’ death and resurrection to bring us salvation, showing our reverence and love while in Church seems a simple task. (Para la versión en español vaya a la página 10) Worship & Music: Miss Yuko Unehara, ext. 106 Mr. Joseph Pucciatti, choir director Ms. Monica Pollich, organist Mr. Alvaro Rivera Office Support Staff: Mr. Walter Muñoz ext. 102 Mrs. Jennifer Campos (eve) ext.100 Ms. Felícita Martínez (eve) ext.127 Facilities Staff: Mr. Mario Huitz Mrs. Xinia Monge CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PARISH COMMUNITY OF OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS $1,095.00 In memory of Albert Carmignani Gift of family and friends at the time of his funeral $1,580.00 In memory Maryann Bartolozzi Gift of family and friends at the time of her funeral Please remember Our Lady of the Angels in your will. Page Two 2nd Sunday of Easter 594 HAPPY EASTER! This Easter season is a beautiful time for us to renew our Christian life and our genuine desire to follow and serve the Lord. A special opportunity to do this is participating in Sunday Mass: The Eucharist is Jesus’ great gift to us, and the fulfillment of His promise to be with us always until the end of time. It is a central part of God’s saving plan of infinite love for us. Many Catholics today seem to take the gift of the Sunday Mass for granted. In the early days of the Church, Christians did not enjoy the freedom of religion that we do today in the United States. They were regularly persecuted by the Roman authorities for attending Mass. Pope Benedict XVI used to tell the story of the martyrs of Abitene (in modern-day Tunisia). In 303, forty-nine Christians suffered torture and martyrdom because they defied the Roman Emperor Diocletian’s order not to celebrate the Eucharist on Sunday. When asked why they had disobeyed the emperor, one of them said, “Sine dominico non possumus” — “Without Sunday, we cannot live.” In fact, for nearly 2,000 years Christians have risked their lives to participate in Sunday Mass. During the Reformation in England, priests were martyred when caught offering Holy Mass for English Catholics. Courageous lay people who gave their homes over as places of Catholic worship, and who harbored priests, suffered torture and death. The witness of saints in our own lifetime testifies to the tremendous price paid by some of our Catholic family for celebrating the Sunday Eucharist. In the past and even in this century, Catholics in former Communist countries like the Soviet Union, Ukraine or Vietnam were persecuted for practicing their faith. Today in places such as Egypt, China, North Korea, Iraq, Sudan and countless other areas, Catholics risk their lives and travel for hours to attend Sunday Mass. We give thanks to God that we do not have to put our lives in jeopardy to attend Mass at our local parish. The vast majority of us can walk “safely” down the street or make a short drive to arrive at our beloved parish. But the ease, convenience, and legality of the Mass should not cause us ever to lose sight that the Mass is so precious that many of our Catholic brothers and sisters around the world are braving great inconvenience and persecution to receive what we, by God’s love, have available near us. Today we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday, what a beautiful moment to give thanks to God for his goodness and love, and even more for those who through their service and selflessness continue to be witness to the world that is worthy to live for Christ and his Church. Here, we give thanks for the infinite mercy of God as we receive new adults into baptism, we welcome the newly confirmed, and we rejoice with those who for the first time received the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks to all who helped in one way or another to make our Holy Week a memorable one. To each of you I wish you from the bottom of my heart, HAPPY EASTER. Fr. Caesar A. Rubiano 594 12 April 2015 WELCOME VISITORS. We want to extend a warm welcome to all who attend Mass with us each weekend as visitors to Our Lady of the Angel Parish. We are happy to have you with us. Please if you are new or bringing someone, let the priest know at the end of Mass. We would like you to join our parish. We look forward to having you become a member of our faith community. Each individual member of our Parish is an important part of the Catholic family. The gifts of faith from the Lord are strengthened and deepened by our Communion in Jesus Christ. The celebration of the Eucharist is the heart of our parish life. Come share your “faith”, your time and your talents with us. DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY. From the diary of a young Polish nun, a special devotion began spreading throughout the world in the 1930s. The message is nothing new, but is a reminder of what the Church has always taught through scripture and tradition: that God is merciful and forgiving and that we, too, must show mercy and forgiveness. But in the Divine Mercy devotion, the message takes on a powerful new focus, calling people to a deeper understanding that God’s love is unlimited and available to everyone — especially the greatest sinners. The message and devotion to Jesus as The Divine Mercy is based on the writings of Saint Faustina Kowalska, an uneducated Polish nun who, in obedience to her spiritual director, wrote a diary of about 600 pages recording the revelations she received about God’s mercy. Even before her death in 1938, the devotion to The Divine Mercy had begun to spread. The message of mercy is that God loves us — all of us — no matter how great our sins. He wants us to recognize that His mercy is greater than our sins, so that we will call upon Him with trust, receive His mercy, and let it flow through us to others. Page Three LETTURA DEL GIORNO COMPLETAMENTE D’ACCORDO Leggere della fede dei primi Cristiani puo’ essere un vera ispirazione per coloro di noi che siamo stati Cristiani per molto tempo, come pure per coloro che sono stati battezzati ultimamente. Potete immaginare gente di questo mondo che sia “completamente d’accordo” come era la prima comunita’ di credenti? La prima lettera di San Giovanni oggi sembra avere la chiave di come questo puo’ essere realizzato. Mantenendo i comandamenti di Dio ed amando tutti i figli di Dio sembra essere il principio per stare ”completamente d’accordo”. Noi viviamo in un mondo che da’ importanza alle differenze----differenze fra religioni, fra razze, fra generi e fra classi economiche. Oggi siamo chiamati a concentrarci su tutto cio’ che abbiamo in comune in questo nostro fragile pianeta. ATTENTION RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PARENTS A meeting for parents of those Children receiving Holy Communion in May, Communion II. Will be held on Wednesday April 15, at 6:30PM at St. Joachim Church. Parents must attend. FOOD FOR THE NEEDY Our Lady of the Angels Parish will continue to collect food donations for the poor on the third weekend of each month. Next food collection: next weekend 18/19 April 2015 CATHOLIC APPEAL IN ACTION PARISH GOAL: $40,000.00 Come bambini appena nati, bramate il puro latte spirituale, che vi faccia crescere verso la salvezza. Alleluia. (1Pt 2,2) Page Four 2nd Sunday of Easter SAVE THE DATE Apr. 18/19 May 1/2 May 9 May 10 May 10 May 14 May 24 Second collection & Food collection Winter Drive Collection Sacrament of First Communion Crowning of our Blessed Mother Mothers Day The Ascension of the Lord Pentecost Sunday MOTHER’S DAY: An envelope is included in your packet for Mother’s Day. Kindly write your mother’s name both living and deceased on the envelope may be place in the collection anytime this month prior to 26 April. The envelopes will be placed on the side altar for the month of May. This is a great way to remember your mother. RENEWAL OF THE BAPTISMAL PROMISES Every year during this time, we will be doing this renewal as a part of our commitment to live a Holy and Christian life. The opening prayer is a beautiful reminder of this obligation. “Dear brothers and sisters, through the Paschal Mystery we have been buried with Christ in Baptism, so that we may walk with him in newness of life. And so, now that our Lenten observance is concluded, let us renew the promises of Holy Baptism, by which we once renounced Satan and his works and promised to serve God in the holy Catholic Church.” WINTER DRIVE We will have an extraordinary second collection the weekend of May 1-2 to help the parish defray the seasonal expenses of this rough winter. These include not only the high snow removal costs and public services bills but also repairs to keep our boilers running. A letter has been mailed to all our registered parishioners with an envelope for this drive. Please drop the envelope at the second collection that weekend or return it at your earliest convenience. Thank you all for your continued support of our parish! 594 READING OF THE DAY OF ONE HEART AND MIND Reading about the faith of the early Christian believers can be a real inspiration to those of us who have been Christians for a long time, as well as for those who are newly baptized. Can you imagine people of this world being “of one heart and mind” as was the first community of believers? Today’s First Letter of John seems to hold the key to how this can be accomplished. Keeping God’s commandments and loving all of God’s children seems to be the start of being “of one heart and mind.” We live in a world that stresses differences—differences among religions, among races, between genders, and among economic classes. Today we are summoned to focus on what we all share in common on this fragile planet of ours. First Reading: Acts of the Apostles 4:32-35; Second Reading: 1 John 5:1-6; Gospel: John 20:19-31 Thomas believed because he saw the risen Jesus. Although we have never seen him, we believe that Jesus is the Christ, begotten by God. We give thanks to the Lord that he has formed us into a community of believers, united in the Spirit. From ORDO 2015 REFLECTION QUESTIONS OF THE WEEK ADULT: Do you believe that there are situations in people’s lives when they can withhold forgiveness from another? CHILD: Do you ever choose not to forgive someone? Like new born infants; you must long for the pure, spiritual milk, that in him you may grow to salvation, alleluia. (1 Peter 2:2) 594 12 de Abril de 2015 Página Cinco ¡FELICES PASCUAS! Este tiempo de Pascua, es un bello momento para que nosotros renovemos nuestra vida cristiana y nuestro auténtico deseo por seguir y servir al Señor. Una oportunidad especial para hacerlo es con la Misa Dominical: La Eucaristía es el gran don que Jesús nos ha dado, y el cumplimiento de su promesa de estar con nosotros siempre hasta el fin de los tiempos. Es una parte central en el plan de salvación de Dios por su infinito amor por nosotros. Hoy día, muchos católicos parece que no dan importancia al don de la Misa del domingo. En los primeros tiempos de la Iglesia, los cristianos no disfrutaban de libertad de religión, como lo vivimos hoy nosotros en los Estados Unidos. Ellos constantemente perseguidos por las autoridades de Roma por asistir a Misa. El Papa Benedicto XVI nos contaba a menudo la historia de los mártires de Bitinia (hoy Túnez). El año 303, cuarenta y nueve cristianos sufrieron tormento y martirio por desobedecer la orden del emperador romano Diocleciano de no celebrar la Eucaristía el domingo. Cuando les preguntaron por qué habían desobedecido al emperador, uno de ellos dijo: “sine dominico non possumus” – “sin el Domingo, no podemos vivir.” De hecho, durante casi 2000 años, los cristianos han arriesgado sus vidas para participar en la Misa del domingo. Durante la Reforma en Inglaterra, hubo sacerdotes que fueron martirizados al ser encontrados celebrando la Santa Misa con católicos ingleses. Hubo laicos valerosos que, por dejar sus casas como lugares de culto católico y dar refugio a sacerdotes, sufrieron tortura y muerte. El testimonio de los santos en nuestro propio tiempo atestigua el precio tremendo pagado por miembros de nuestra familia católica por celebrar la Eucaristía dominical. Durante el siglo pasado y aún en este siglo, los católicos de los antiguos países comunistas, como la Unión Soviética, Ukrania o Vietnam, eran perseguidos por practicar su fe. Hoy día, en lugares como Egipto, China, Corea del Norte, Irak, Sudán e incontables más, los católicos arriesgan su vida y viajan horas para asistir a Misa el domingo. Damos gracias a Dios por no tener que arriesgar nuestras vidas para asistir a Misa en nuestra parroquia local. La inmensa mayoría de nosotros puede tranquilamente atravesar la calle o ir en nuestro carro para llegar a nuestra querida parroquia. Pero la facilidad, la comodidad y la legalidad de asistir a Misa no debiera ser causa de que perdamos de vista que la Misa es tan preciosa que muchos de nuestros hermanos y hermanas católicos alrededor del mundo están afrontando con valor graves inconvenientes y persecuciones para recibir lo que, por el amor de Dios, tenemos a nuestra disposición cerca de nosotros. Hoy celebramos el Domingo de la Misericordia, que bello momento para dar gracias a Dios, por su bondad y su amor, y más aún por aquellos que a través de su servicio y su entrega desinteresada siguen dando testimonio al mundo de que vale la pena vivir por Cristo y su Iglesia. Aquí, por la infinita misericordia de Dios recibimos nuevos bautizados adultos, celebramos la confirmación, y nos gozamos con aquellos que por primera vez recibieron dignamente el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. A cada uno de ustedes les deseo FELICES PASCUAS, Padre César Rubiano Página Seis Segundo Domingo de Pascua II Domingo de Pascua Abril 15 Abril 18/19 Mayo 1/2 Mayo 9 Mayo 10 Mayo 10 Mayo 14 PRÓXIMOS EVENTOS Reunión de Padres Segunda Colecta & Colecta de Alimentos Colecta de Invierno Primera Comunión Coronación de la Virgen Día de la Madre Ascensión del Señor DOMINGO DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA La misericordia de Dios se puede describir como la respuesta de Dios que viene en auxilio de sus criaturas débiles. Ninguna criatura es merecedora de la misericordia de Dios, sino es una gracia que Dios concede gratuitamente a sus hijos, por su inmenso amor. El pecado es la miseria mayor del hombre y la creación. Nuestra miseria es el pecado y por eso el hombre al ser pecador, es también considerado como miserable. Pero hay una distinción muy importante entre la miseria y el que es miserable, y es, que Dios aborrece al pecado pero ama al pecador, ama al hombre miserable y débil. Este amor con cual Dios ama al hombre se define como Misericordia. La misericordia no es precisamente compasión o perdón, estos son más bien los efectos de la misericordia. En la lengua hebrea significa “rahamin” y se define como “un sentimiento que nace del seno maternal o de las entrañas del corazón de un padre” Is 49. La misericordia de Dios es un atributo de Dios que solo existe para sus criaturas. Dice el Santo Cura de Ars: “La misericordia de Dios es como un torrente desbordado que arrastra los corazones a su paso.” No lo merece nadie sin embargo es accesible a todos. ATENCIÓN PADRES DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Una reunión se ha programado el miércoles 15 de Abril 2015 en la Iglesia San Joaquín a las 6:30PM para los Padres de niños de Primera Comunión segundo año. La reunión es obligatoria. 594 LECTURA DEL DÍA UN SOLO CORAZÓN Y UNA SOLA ALMA Al leer sobre la fe de las primeras comunidades de creyentes puede ser fuente de gran inspiración para los que han sido cristianos por largo tiempo, como también para los que acaban de ser bautizados. ¿Te puedes imaginar a gente de hoy que “tiene un solo corazón y una sola alma” igual que la primera comunidad de creyentes? La primera carta de san Juan que leemos hoy es la clave que nos dice cómo podemos lograrlo. Si guardamos los mandamientos de Dios y si amamos a todos los hijos de Dios parece ser la base de poder tener un “un solo corazón y una sola alma”. Vivimos en un mundo que recalca las diferencias –ya sean entre religiones, razas, géneros y clases. Hoy se nos pide que nos enfoquemos en lo que tenemos en común en este frágil planeta que ocupamos. BIENVENIDOS Deseamos extender una cálida bienvenida a todos los que asisten a misa con nosotros cada fin de semana y a todos los que visitan nuestra Parroquia. Estamos felices de tenerlo con nosotros. Por favor si usted es nuevo o ha traído a alguien que lo es preséntese con el sacerdote al final de la Misa. Esperamos contar con usted como miembro de nuestra comunidad de FE. Cada miembro de nuestra parroquia es una parte importante de la familia católica. Los dones de la Fe del Señor se refuerzan y profundizan con nuestra comunión en Jesucristo. La celebración de la Eucaristía es el corazón de nuestra vida parroquial. Venga a compartir su "Fe", su tiempo y su talento con nosotros. A aquellos que ya tienen un tiempo con nosotros, les invitamos por favor a que se registren. Es importante hacerlo. Gracias. Como niños recién nacidos, desead una leche pura y espiritual que os haga crecer hacia la salvación. Aleluya. (1 Pedro 2,2) 594 12 de Abril de 2015 Página Siete NOTICIAS DE ORGANIZACIÓNES DE NUESTRA PARROQUIA NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LOS ÁNGELS Y DE LA COMUNIDAD DÍA DE LAS MADRES MISA DE LOS JUEVES En su paquete de sobres de ofrendas, se Durante los 8 jueves de Pascua incluyó uno para el Día de las Madres. Si estaremos aprendiendo a como desea ofrecer una intención, escriba en el Redescubrir Nuestro sobre el nombre de la madre a quien Catolicismo…. Cuando nuestro quiere recordar y deposítelo en la canasta, junto con su culto a Dios está basado en ofrenda antes del 26 de abril. Los sobres se colocarán en Espíritu y verdad, la vida diaria el altar por el mes de mayo. comienza a cambiar. Participar en la Celebración en Espíritu y COLECTA MENSUAL DE Verdad es el ideal de nuestra fe, ALIMENTOS pero para vivirla tenemos que conocerla. Nosotros Agradecemos a todos aquellos que participan por su generosidad para con estamos cambiados desde adentro. Recordando que Dios como Creador y Redentor, siempre inicia la nuestros hermanos necesitados. Próxima Colecta de amante relación con nosotros, reflexionemos juntos en Alimentos será el 18 y 19 de abril 2015. este aspecto de Vivir Nuestro Catolicismo. Cuando la amenaza del agnosticismo, el materialismo, el CAMPAÑA CATÓLICA consumerismo, el ateísmo y de las sectas se presente, ANUAL queremos estar preparados para dar razón de nuestra META PARROQUIAL: esperanza. Estén siempre dispuestos a defenderse $40,000.00 delante de cualquiera que les pida razón de la esperanza que ustedes tienen (1 Pedro 3:15). COLECTA DE INVIERNO Los esperamos a las 7:00 pm. Todos son bienvenidos. El fin de semana del 1 Y 2 de mayo tendremos una segunda colecta RENOVACION DE LAS extraordinaria para ayudar a la parroquia PROMESAS BAUTISMALES. con los gastos propios de este pasado Cada año, los cristianos renovamos invierno. Esto incluye no solo los gastos de remoción las promesas bautismales en la de la nieve y los costos de gas, sino también las Vigilia Pascual y los confirmandos reparaciones para mantener operativos los sistemas de lo hacen en la celebración de su calefacción. Se ha enviado una carta a todos nuestros Confirmación. Es evidente la feligreses registrados con un sobre para esta colecta. conveniencia pastoral de que Por favor, entregue el sobre con su ofrenda en la también las renueven quienes van a segunda colecta del 1 y 2 de mayo o lo antes posible. hacer la Primera Comunión: Gracias por su continuo apoyo a nuestra parroquia «Renovar la fe —se afirma en el catecismo Esta es nuestra fe— sellada en el bautismo, es un signo de que ésta crece y progresa a lo largo de toda su vida.» Virtus es un programa educativo para todos los maestros, catequistas y padres de familia que nos enseña a cómo proteger y a estar alertas con nuestros hijos a cerca de qué hacer si sospechamos de situaciones peligrosas alrededor de nuestros niños. Por favor de registrarse con Jennifer en la Parroquia al 609-695-6089 o directamente con la Diócesis con Josie Ruiz 609.403.7151. Si usted es un Catequista de la Liturgia de los Niños en las Misas (CLOW) debe asistir a este programa. CORRESPONSABILIDAD DE OFRENDA El dinero recaudado en las misas hispanas el fin de semana del 28 y 29 de marzo fue de $7,886.00. El detalle de la colecta se encuentra en la página 9 del boletín. Por favor recuerden hacer uso de sus sobres de ofrenda, es la mejor manera de llevar la cuenta de sus ofrendas familiares. ¡Mil gracias por su generosidad! Page Eight 2nd Sunday of Easter 594 Worship Schedule INTENTIONS REQUESTED BY Saturday, 11 April 4:00 PM (SJC) English 6:30 PM (SJC) Spanish † Bill & Eleanor Kuhn † Angelo & Barbara Barnaba † Donna Mraz Russo Intención especial al Niño de Praga † Carlos Collado † 1er año fallecido Santos Estuardo Guerra Phyllis Amodie Julie Barnila Joseph & Michele Rita Julisa Masa María Collado Familia Guerra † The Wagner Family En acción de gracias a la Virgen de la Nube Feligreses, ex alumnos, amigos y Benefactores vivos y fallecidos de nuestra parroquia Holy Name Society † Joetta Buck † Dante Conti † Maria & George Haesili † Josephine Radice † Donato Lorenzo † Stefano & Vincenza Barrafato † María Cristina Monge † Cándido Martinez Por la salud de María Clementina León Parish Francisco Lopez & María Gonzalez † Emilio Martelloni † Joseph Sanna † Geraldine Peroni Rosa Robert & Barbara Sanna Ed & Jo Bogacz † Philip Carlini † Tony & Helen Riccardo † Albert Carmignani Robert & Barbara Sanna Lucy & Al Mazzagetti Thomas & Bethann Reardon † Joseph Russo † Felicia Phyllis De Joie † Gerardo Belviso Gilda Baldassari Ronald & Emily Conti Rosemary Castaldo † Orsola Gervasio † Stephen Kovacs † Maryann Bartolozzi † Lorette B. Bossler † Mr. & Mrs. Frank Castaldo Marie Silvestro & Family Lou & Elsie Mimmo Elaine M. Conti † Josephine Scartocci † Tim Nolan † Rosemary Bencivengo Joseph Procaccino Nora Freatis Marie Silvestro † Pasquale De Lorenzo † Ersilia Amadio † Connie & James Preto † Eladio Rodas De León Intención especial familia González Rivas Daughter Norma Rosetti Family Frank & Marie Capasso Su familia Familia González Rivas † Lucas & Eleaquin Alvarado, Elida Ureña, † Jeanne Conte † † Barbara Lang † Marino Guerrini Int. of Bonnie Bishop † Mary & Michael Sciarrotta † Rev. Garrett Fitzgerald † Vincenzo Amantia † Eric Lizeth Alarcón Guerra En agradecimiento al Señor del Gran Poder Feligreses, ex alumnos, amigos y Benefactores vivos y fallecidos de nuestra parroquia Ralph y Ana Jeter Rosa Amodio Sunday, 12 April 8:00 AM (SJC) Spanish 9:30 AM (ICC) English 11:00 AM (SJC) English/Italian 12:30 PM (ICC) Spanish Parroquia John P. & Maureen M. Moroze Elaine, Ron, & Emily Conti Pollich Family Radice Family Daughters, Carmela & Rose Zina Amantia & Children Su hija Patricia Monge Familia Martinez Su nieta y bisnieta Monday, 13 April 12:15 PM (SJC) English Tuesday, 14 April 12:15 PM (SJC) English Wednesday, 15 April 12:15 PM (SJC) English Thursday, 16 April 12:15 PM (SJC) English 7:00 PM (SJC) Spanish Friday, 17 April 12:15 PM (SJC) English Saturday, 18 April 4:00 PM (SJC) English 6:30 PM (SJC) Spanish Sunday, 19 April 8:00 AM (SJC) Spanish 9:30 AM (ICC) English 11:00 AM (SJC) English/Italian 12:30 PM (ICC) Spanish Pollich Family Josephine Ridolfi & Family Janice C. Swierczek Emily & Ronald conti Ben & Clara Gioe Zina Amantia & Children Familia Guerra Alarcón Wilson Masa Parroquia 594 12 April 2015 STEWARDSHIP… A Way of Life SANCTUARY LAMP (SJC) In Loving Memory of: Vincenzo Riccitiello Requested by: Children Lena & Anna Maria Sharing Our Treasure 28 & 29 march Weekly Sacrificial Stewardship Offering $13,807.00 Masses in English $5,647.00 Masses in Spanish $7,886.00 Solemnity of the Annunciation (trilingual) $274.00 Envelope Contributions $9,446.00 Parish Pay (6) $235.00 Youth envelopes $313.00 Loose Money collected $3,813.00 Number Registered Households 1,168 Families Number Using Envelopes Last Week 579 Families Average Envelope Contribution $16.55 Candle offerings $316.00 Poor Box Page Nine SANCTUARY LAMP (ICC) In Loving Memory of: Philip Carlini Requested by: Robert & Barbara Sanna We still have sanctuary lamps available for ICC for the weeks of May 3 & 17 $154.00 Next weekend our 2nd Collection will be for a portion of our Annual Diocesan Assessments. Please be generous. Thank You. The Easter collection will soon be published. Those who have not yet sent your gift, please do so soon. May God bless you for your continued generosity. LITURGICAL MINISTERS SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEKEND PROGRAMACIÓN DE MINISTROS, LECTORES Y MONAGUILLOS 3rd Sunday of Easter 3er Domingo de Pascua Ritual Occasion Celebración Day/Date/Time/Place Readers Precious Body Precious Blood Altar Servers Día/Fecha/Hora/Lugar Lectores Cuerpo de Cristo Sangre de Cristo Monaguillos Sat, 18 Apr 4:00pm SJC Sab, 18 de abr 4:00pm SJC A. Conte N. D'Agostino Celebrant I Deacon I (BM) L. Bronski C. Candelori R. Castaldo (CM) M. Rhodes E. Rhodes Sat, 18 Apr 6:30pm SJC Sab, 18 de abr 6:30pm SJC Mass in Spanish / Misa en Español R. Fernandez G. Zárate Celebrante I C. Mateo (BM) A. De Leon H. Linton F. Soto (CM) J. Abarca N. Linton D. Ramos Sun, 19 Apr 8:00am SJC Dom, 19 de abr 8:00am SJC Mass in Spanish / Misa en Español O. Cerna Y. Rivas Celebrante I K. Umaña (BM) A. Barillas R. Barrera V. Lorenzo (CM) M. Calvo D. Pérez J. D. Pérez Sun, 19 Apr 9:30am ICC Dom, 19 de abr 9:30am ICC M. Karpowicz R. Locane Celebrant I Deacon I J.Pege G. Persichilli E. Schmidt K. Schmidt F. Berson Sun, 19 Apr 11:00am SJC Dom, 19 de abr 11:00am SJC Readings in Italian/Lecturas en Italiano A. Pantaleoni Celebrant I Deacon I (BM) S. Minelli A. Persichilli J. Tancreda CM J. Foley Sun, 19 Apr 12:30pm ICC Dom, 19 de abr 12:30pm ICC Mass in Spanish / Misa en Español J. Concepcion R. Muñoz Celebrante I W. Torres Diácono I R. Contreras E. Huitz F. Martínez N. Sandoval G. Torres C. Ortiz E. Bodon J. Bodon M. Huitz Page Ten 2nd Sunday of Easter Sanctuary Guild Cleaning Group # 4 Friday, 17 April Lorraine Lee—Sacristan, Carol Carmignani, Maryann Petrino, Elsie Mimmo, Diane Bonanno. LINEN SCHEDULE Maritza Albarran & Maritza Lopez Please pick up linens by Friday, 17 April. Thank you so much for your services! Rest in Peace James Giannini Jean J. Laudato Rudolph Palombi Sr. Michael Riccitiello OFFERING ENVELOPES Offering envelope packets are mailed quarterly before the beginning of each quarter. If you have not received your April to June envelopes, please contact the parish office at 609-695-6089 immediately and we will print them in house. Thank you for your generosity! Join Our Lady of the Angels Starr bus trip to the Tropicana Casino Atlantic City, NJ to see “A Tribute to Jersey Boys.” Monday, May 11, 2015. $48.00 per person, trip insurance $10.00 per person available. Includes: $15.00 slot play, Matinee Performance and Motorcoach and Transportation. Depart: 10:30AM AMC Theatre. Return: 8:00PM AMC Theater. Reservation: Call Lorraine Lee at 609-586-6749. THE HOLY INNOCENTS SOCIETY Attention all parents with children that require special need in learning, The Holy Innocents Society is having an enrollment date for parents that want their children to receive Sacraments and have a special need. The enrollment date is May 2, 2015 between 9:30a.m. to 10:00 a.m. The person to contact is Mrs. Rose Anna Romanello at 609-882-4567 she is located at 201 Adeline St. Trenton, NJ 08611. Parents please bring birth certificate and Baptismal certificate on this date. 594 MOSTRAR REVERENCIA Y AMOR EN LA IGLESIA Para que no olvidemos, el Señor nuestro Dios, se entregó a nosotros bajo las especies de pan y vino. Este don es nuestro alimento espiritual, el alimento divino para nuestra jornada terrenal. ¿Hemos llegado a estar tan acostumbrados a este don Divino que nuestra actitud puede llegar a ser demasiado familiar y rutinaria? Debemos recordar que nuestro Señor está presente en el tabernáculo de la Iglesia siempre. Lo siguiente son algunas maneras sencillas por las que podemos mostrar nuestra reverencia y amor hacia el don del cuerpo y la sangre de Cristo como individuos y como familia parroquial. Entendiendo que nuestro Señor está presente en el Santo Sacramento en el tabernáculo, trabajemos juntos para crear un ambiente silencioso el cual favorece la oración. Esto demuestra nuestro respeto, amor y honor por el alimento que nuestro Señor nos ha dado. Una manera de dar testimonio de la presencia del Señor entre nosotros es la genuflexión o reverencia con la cabeza cuando cruzamos frente el tabernáculo. Recordemos que la confesión es necesaria cuando nos damos cuenta de cualquier pecado serio o mortal que hayamos cometido. Al igual debemos recordar que se debe ayunar una hora antes de recibir la Santa Comunión. Cuando vamos en procesión a recibir el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Nuestro Señor y al regresar a la banca, debemos estar atentos al don que vamos a recibir o que hemos recibido. Este no es tiempo para socializar, o para saludarse unos a otros. Para recibir la comunión, nuestra respuesta al “Cuerpo de Cristo” y “Sangre de Cristo” debe ser “Amén”, una palabra simple de profesión de fe. Al regresar a la banca debemos arrodillarnos y tomar unos minutos en oración privada dándole gracias al Señor por entregarse a nosotros y por todas las bendiciones que Él nos ha dado. Cuando recordamos que Dios nos dio a su Hijo, Jesucristo, para que tengamos la salvación, el demostrar reverencia y amor en la Iglesia parece muy simple en comparación a lo que Él sacrificó por nosotros. 594 12 April 2015 Page Eleven OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS PARISH ORGANIZATION & COMMUNITY PARISHES NEWS LADIES OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Next Corp. Comm. will be on Sunday, 19 April at the 9:30AM Mass at ICC. SENIOR CITIZENS: Bus trip to Atlantic City Resort Casino will leave ICC parking yard on Monday 13 April at 11:00AM. SANCTUARY GUILD: Corp. Communion will be on Sunday, 26 April at 11:00AM. HOLY NAME SOCIETY: Regular meeting scheduled for Friday, 17 April 2015, starting at 7:00PM; the main agenda item will be the upcoming officers' election. All active members are urged to attend this meeting. FIRST FRIDAYS. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION AND MASS @ ICC Eucharistic Adoration is the adoration of Jesus Christ present in the Holy Eucharist. You are invited to come to pray and worship Jesus from 10:00 am to 12. Then we will have the Reposition followed by Holy Mass at 12:15. Remember Jesus loves us without limit, and offers Himself to us in the Holy sacrament of the Eucharist. We will have the First Fridays from May to October at Immaculate Conception Church and from November to April in St Joachim. Notice that the Mass on these first Fridays will be moved from St. Joachim to ICC. Please park your card on Division St Parking lot, since Chestnut Parking lot is being used by the School. ADORACION EUCARÍSTICA Y MISA DE LOS PRIMEROS VIERNES. Ven a compartir la adoración de Jesucristo presente en la Sagrada Eucaristía. El Santísimo se expondrá a las 10:00am a las 12 será la reposición y luego a las 12.15 la misa en Inglés. Recuerda Jesús nos ama sin límite, y Él mismo nos ofrece en el Santo Sacramento de la Eucaristía. Tendremos la adoración y la Misa de los primeros viernes, en Inmaculada de Mayo a Octubre, y en San Joaquín de Noviembre al mes de Abril. Si vienes por favor parquear en la calle Division. ST. GREGORY THE GREAT ACADEMY YARD SALE. Saturday, April 25, 8 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 4680 Nottingham Way Hamilton Square • NJ 08690 To reserve a table contact: e-mail Debra Leonardi at [email protected] Buy a space (12 x 10) to set up and sell your items ($25/space). Checks are payable to “St. Gregory the Great Academy PTA.” You may bring your own table(s) or just set up on the ground. Set up no earlier than 7 a.m. Open to customers at 8 a.m. All proceeds you make are yours. All non-refundable monies collected from space sales will benefit charity. Please send in space requests to Debra Leonardi [email protected] by Friday, April 17 Yard Sale is sponsored by Social Concerns/SGGA PTA. IS GOD CALLING YOU? Whether you are seriously discerning God’s Call to the priesthood, or just curious about how God is calling you to serve Him in some aspect of your life, come and join us to learn more about this exciting and powerful approach to life in the Lord! If you are a faithful, single, Roman Catholic man, between the ages of 18 and 40, and you are asking yourself whether God is calling you to be a priest, you are cordially invited to attend this month’s discernment meeting on Sunday, April 26, 2015, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Church of Saint Benedict at 165 Bethany Road, Holmdel, New Jersey. Join Very Rev. Dan Swift as he shares in his ministry of the priesthood, followed by great fellowship, and conclude with a meal. Please register with Diocese of Trenton Vocation Office at [email protected] or by calling (609) 406-7449. Join us at this exciting time as you discover this awesome way of serving the Lord and respond to His invitation! We look forward to seeing you! NOTRE DAME HIGH SCHOOL Come to know Notre Dame High School… Our High School Preview for grades 6 & 7 on Sunday, May 3, 2015 from 1:00PM to 3:00PM. To register Online, go to For additional information, please call the admissions office at 609-882-7900. Schedule includes academic and co-curricular presentations as well as campus tours. Vizzoni Pharmacy, L.L.C. now has 3 locations to serve you! Vizzoni’s Pharmacy 1616 S. Broad St. Trenton, NJ 08610 Phone: 609-394-5784 Allentown Pharmacy 2 S. Main St. Allentown, NJ 08501 Phone: 609-259-6121 Siegel’s Pharmacy 1201 S. Broad St. Trenton, NJ 08610 Phone: 609-394-8111 Whitehorse Merceville Chapel, LLC Chambers D’Errico & Correnti Funeral Home Joseph A. D’Errico, Mgr. - NJ Lic. No. 3651 2365 Whitehorse Mercerville Rd., Hamilton Joseph A. D’Errico, Dir. NJ Lic. No 3651 Albert D. Correnti, Jr., Mgr. NJ Lic. No. 3538 609-587-9050 825 Chambers Street • Trenton, NJ 08611 • 609-396-3354 Esmeralda’s BRENNA FUNERAL HOME Fashions Sport The Original Since 1929 340 Hamilton Avenue 609-393-2857 Daniel Brenna Founder Frank M. Immordino Owner-Manager, N Lic. No. 3673 609.599.9301 CHIACCHIO Southview Funeral Home Vestidos para Todas las Ocasiones: 10% 990 South Broad Street David C. Chiacchio, Mgr. DESCUENTO 1127 S. Clinton Trenton, NJ 08611 N.J. Lic. No. 3449 Modest Cost / Parking SINCE 1977 609-695-8234 224 WOODLAND ST TRENTON NJ 08611 LIC# 13VH00282500 GUTTER CLEANING 609-586-2300 GUTTER DOCTO RX Lic. & Ins. NJ #13VH07195600 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or ofce. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted • FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! 396-4686 609-278-0026 325 Jersey Street Trenton, NJ 08611 Tel: 609.394.3400 A family approach to Rehabilitation and Skilled Nursing Care Up to 7 days a week short term rehab including Physical, Occupational and Speech therapies post hospitalization Some of our medical specialties include Cardiac, Orthopedic, Respiratory and Post-Surgical Care Admissions accepted 24/7 Please stop by anytime or call to schedule a tour Jardineria/Vivero Se necesitan trabajadores de estacion para trabajar en un vivero. Trabajo al aire libre a tiempo completo. Varias funciones de trabajo: Podado, envios, irrigación, siembra aplicación de pesticidas. Si eres bilingüe y tienes experiencia en jardineria o en el trabajo en un vivero, aun mejor. Para mas información contacta a Medford Nursery al (609) 280-5969 o aplica en persona en nuestras ocinas 560A Eayrestown Rd., Lumberton, NJ 08048 311 Chestnut Avenue, Trenton Toni Gruerio, Manager, N.J. Lic. No. 2634 393-4966 Serving PA, NJ & DE 877-401-4777 Follow us on: Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 202 Edgehill Road • Merion Station, PA 19066 15% OFF Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning $75 OFF 20% OFF Tile & Grout Cleaning (200 sq ft min) Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT Check out our reviews on: 25% OFF Carpet Stretching & Repair John W. Berkenkopf, RPh EPISCOPO’S PHARMACY 393-3017 • All Major Prescription Plans • Visa-Mastercard-MAC-Discover • Free Delivery Licensed & Insured 1.877.490.5599 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED CLEANING SOLUTION INC. ✔ Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) ✔ Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair ✔ Tile & Grout Cleaning - Kitchen, Bath & Shower Re-caulking, Re-grouting, Sealing, Tile Replace & Repair ✔ Dryer Vent Cleaning (major re hazard!) ✔ Power Washing for Decks, Walkways, Patio & Siding SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Also available FRANCISCAN MISSION ASSOCIATION Mass Cards. CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT Our Family Caring for Your Family 1125 CHAMBERS STREET Buklad Memorial Home 2141 South Broad Street • Trenton Christopher Merlino, Manager/Director, N.J. Lic. #4079 • Kenneth E. Moore, Sole Owner / Director, N.J. Lic. #3412 609-695-1868 Buklad Yardville Memorial Chapel 30 Yardville - Allentown Road • Yardville Buklad Memorial Homes, Inc. 594 Our Lady of the Angels ~ Trenton, NJ ~ Rt. Tr Kenneth E. Moore, Sole Owner / Manager, N.J. Lic. #3412 Christopher Merlino, Director, N.J. Lic. #4079 John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 •
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