Instructie voor het instellen van de E-mail functie bij de

How to set up e-mail notifications for your digital salary slip
With the e-mail service of payroll provider You Force it is possible to receive a notification when
your new salary slip is available online. You may also decide to have You Force send you the
salary slip as an attachment to the email. This service is easily set up by following the instructions
1. Go to YouForce at
2. Log in with your username and password.
3. The following screen will appear:
(The screen may vary a little, but important here is the button “Mijn instellingen” (My settings).
4. Click on the button “Mijn instellingen”.
5. The following screen will appear, showing your details:
6. In the menu on the left, click “E-mailservice salarisstrook” (email service salary slip).
The following screen will appear:
7. Select your email service:
Send me an email with the new salary slip attached as pdf-file.
Send me a notification per email when the new salary slip becomes available in
YouForce’s Mijn Dossier (My File).
Do not send me any emails about new salary slips (default).
8. Select the email account you would like to use:
Your private email account
Your business (LUMC) account
9. Please note the warning:
Please note: Salary slips and annual income statements contain sensitive personal information.
Emails are vulnerable to security risks. Whether the comfort of receiving your salary slips via
email is worth those risks, is up to you to decide.
10. Save your settings by click the green button.