Ladies and Gentlemen, We are currently preparing for taking over the calculation of salaries from the Landesamt für Besoldung und Versorgung (LBV, State Office for Salaries and Pensions) for the university sector of KIT as of January 2015. It is our objective to establish a joint salaries office for the large-scale research sector and the university sector of KIT. For this purpose, our team has to check, process, and transfer to our SAP system all data relating to payroll accounting transmitted by the LBV. Among these data are e.g. salaries, salary groups and stages, wage tax and social insurance data, conversions of salaries, contributions to the VBL (pension scheme for employees in the public service sector), capital formation savings payments, etc. As the accounting systems of LBV and KIT differ considerably, only some of the data can be taken over automatically. The remaining data have to be input manually. We very much strive to offer good services and correct payroll accounting on the campus from January 2015. For this reason, we prepared your personal data list with the most important payroll accounting data. We would very much appreciate your checking all data carefully. Mark any discrepancies directly on the list and send it back to our in-house mail address or our electronic mail address given below. We will immediately clear the discrepancies and give you a feedback. This data check is to ensure that all necessary data are available in the system and are correct. Please note that sometimes small rounding differences may result for salaries of parttime employees. This is due to the different procedures of calculating the salaries and rounding of the collectively agreed working time. Unfortunately, the LBV was not in a position to apply the collectively agreed upon regulation to round up to the third position after the decimal point, if necessary. 1 Anschreiben-zum-Stammblatt-für-englische -Übersetzung.docx Contact E-mail: [email protected] Mail address: Personalservice-Personalbuchhaltung Campus Nord Fax: 0721 608-24807 2 Anschreiben-zum-Stammblatt-für-englische -Übersetzung.docx Payroll Accounting: PSE is presently establishing a new payroll accounting team that will be located on Campus North and complement the existing staff. We therefore kindly ask you to send all documents that you directly transferred to the LBV in the past to PSE-Personalbuchhaltung Campus Nord from November 22, 2014. You will find your direct contact person on your first salary slip in January 2015 or on the PSE homepage under “Ansprechpartner” (contact persons) from December 2014. Salary Slip: The salary slip will be sent to you at the end of every month. An example can be found on the PSE homepage under “Informationen von A-Z / Entgeltnachweisäuterung_Intranet.pdf Salary Slip by Electronic Mail: We also offer the service to send you your salary slip every month by electronic mail. This pdf file will be encoded by a password. The respective procedure was agreed upon with our Data Protection Commissioner and the IT Security Commissioner. We would very much appreciate your using this service, as this up-to-date process very much accelerates the delivery of salary slips, reduces printing costs and paper consumption, decreases the workload of all persons involved, and protects the environment. The corresponding application is enclosed with this letter. Kindly complete it and send it back to us. Wage Tax: In case the data used for your income tax deduction differ from those used for your previous salary calculation and if this difference is not due to a change of your personal status (e.g. by marriage, divorce, birth of a child), please be so kind as to contact your tax office directly. Registrations for Social Insurance and Supplementary Benefits: 3 Anschreiben-zum-Stammblatt-für-englische -Übersetzung.docx Due to the transfer of payroll accounting, you will be unregistered in your social insurance and additional benefits supply by the LBV and registered again by KIT. This will not have any consequences for you and is a purely organizational measure. Working Time Allowances: From January 01, 2015, we will apply the collectively agreed upon option to pay working time allowances (premiums for overtime, work during the night, on Sundays, and holidays, etc.) in the month following their incurrence as it is already done in the largescale research sector. However, this can only be done, if this information is transferred to us in due time (on the 15th day of the following month at the latest). Family Allowance: The KIT has authorized the Kommunaler Versorgungsverband Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe, (Municipal Maintenance Association of Baden-Württemberg) with the administration of family allowances. The family allowance is paid together with the salary of KIT. Persons entitled to receiving the family allowance will be informed in detail by a separate letter. If you are among these persons and will not receive any information letter by November 30, 2014, we would like you to contact us. Beihilfe (additional financial aids): For information on additional financial aids (Beihilfe), contact the Beihilfestelle of PSE. The phone numbers are 25017 (Mr. Sabadisch) or 26677 (Mrs. Rocca). Forms: The presently used LBV forms will be redesigned soon by PSE and made available via the master document management system (Vorlagenmanagement). Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation. 4 Anschreiben-zum-Stammblatt-für-englische -Übersetzung.docx
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