CLASS XIi PAINTING SUMMER HOLIDAY HOME WORK 1) Make two still life and colour them with any media like oil pastel, pencils colours or water co lo u rs. 2) lt/lake two composition with 3 human figures (any media) Size = half IVORY SHEET. RAMAKRISHNA SR. SECONDARY SCHOOL M BLOCK VIKASPURI, NEW DELHI HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK CLASS XII - ENGLISH toasis Public Schooii notice board", school for the words 50 than not more Bareilly. Draft a notice in part lnter-Class in the for taking asking the students to give their names swimming cornPetition. You are Rakesh/Raveena, Head Boy/Head Girl of 1. your school has planned an excursion totLonavali near Mumbai during the autumn holidays. Write a notice in not more than 50 words for yoru school notice board, giving detailed information and inviting the names of those who are desirous io join. Sign as Naresh/Namita, Head tsoy/Head Girl, DAV English School, Thane, Mumbai. J. you are Nimish/Nimisha. You feel concerned about global wilrming and its harmful effect on lndia. You decide to write an article expressing your views on the problem. Do not exceed the limit of 150-200 words' you are Tushar/Tusharika. Wriie an article in 150-200 words on the iopic "Mobile phone -a boon or bane". 4 6 Write a iettor io the Editor, "The Hindu"about the rnosquito menace due to siagnani r;ater in your locaiity. Give suggestions to irnprove the situation. You are Kirti/Karan living in Rajaji Nagar, Trichi' 6. Write a letter to the Editor of "The Times of ln<jia", Delhi expressing your concern over the increase in the rate of road accidents, rash driving and suggesting ways to curb the accidents. You are Prlya/Priyanshu of Jwahar Nagar, Delhi. yctu. *Now those fellows out there, will have the right to say to you, 'How is it; ^, r'rri\c 'ro* C^] Xol^}uq|.N: pretend to be Frenchmen, and yetyou Can neitherSpea*nsr Irtcontext of this statement, write an article on the impor^tance of mother tongue' 7. g. ,,personal freedom and identity are quite important if one is deprived of them, one loses one's self pride and confidence". Consider these remarks with reference to saheb's story in "Lost Spring" How it can be conquered? How did Douglas conquer his fear of water. Write an article on it' 9. What do you think of fear? 10.Read and enjoythe novel "The lnvisible Man". (Chapter 1 to Chapter 10) ACCOUNTS HOLIDAY HOMEWORK. l ' 2' 'B and M are Partners in a firm' They withdrew Rs. 4g,000 and Rs. 36,000 respectivery J e pa*n ersh o,u*inf .yli:,?ffil' partnership? X,,1! roo.priare rormura. uv 1i:T and..urr"rr.i.nt '"uuiul;;;;i;rr"ts orriabirities on rhe of the firm? what purpose ^ A, B and C are partners 3. ift affi 4 ip i{i:i:Ti;fr Calculate the interest ill{ onfr?il? t*ftriit*a1i;illl,"*,.,h i;,i'.;r aoes in a it ,.rrr" ,n. tim. or.".onriitrtion or firm. When the Account '*-Q:'*i**=_*t:rry;rrlti,r,ts'fl Give the neces :*i,:l.1ffi#,ilTl for the l, following: 3ffi 'J";x;':n rhe r r xed fJlffi'l^Tff T,l;r*"ri;l.*:, y. The partnership deed provicied a. lnterest on capital @12% p.a. b..Ram,s salary Rs. 6000 pu, rnonth c. tnterest on drawing Ram Rs.350 ffi ffi t;[T,j[:i;: cieariy. #Hl#:;1;" Rs.60000 per year. was n, i^o-g, +oo wh ich was distributed 'o 'vr L'u: qvUV€' rass necessary eq ua ry adiustment entrv. show irJur.,,vcl.kings f :#i::010 r 5.AnandandSonuwerechildhoodfriends:n.ln^ll^^ ,r,i"ri"goi;;r"s:om:thins.;il'J,lrffij#1ffilr,"Tfi of srarring a starionery a"pot%, ,rt".1*"*r;t;;.ilard children of thjr area. ',oo?lr#il,,;, #',Tffiil#:l:1#ffi*$fi1Tilt#i#*#?nty.ue*r,o*u,'.,-,,empr.yed jxTffi i::iiffi :i:n "n:J'hir#il**;;;.*#TH:"5.1H},"j, The following terms wher" ugruiJ^,lpor"u i) Anand, Sonu and Rohit *il?.""rlrnute -v4'!'rvqrs 3O000;50,000 capital. ')v,vvu; cu.uuu and 4,0o000 respectively ii) profit will be shared equallv. iii) Interest on caoital *ifil"lfi"wed @ S% p.a. The profits or an"'rir1r"t ,r.." y"", ""0* 31r, Dec 2011 were 50,000. ilJiTffl,:illrT;1"r""'*i-.i"r-,,g,.-y."--"*atedthemtostart 3ffi?fi:;:'.Trtr:"ss Appropriation Accounr or the rirm ror the year as 6. A and B were partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio of 3:2. They admitted c into partnership for 1'/5 share in profits of the business. He brought Rs. 1,50,000 as his share of capital and goodwill. Good will of the firm was valued at Rs. 1,50,000. pass necessary journalentries on ddmission of c showing your workings clearly. 7. P,Q and R are partners_with Fixed capital balances of Rs.2,00,000,Rs.r,50,000 and Rs' 1,00,000 respectively. According io partnership deed tlre partners are entitled for the following i) Interest on capital @I0% p.a. ii) P and Q are entitled for a sarary of Rs.2,000 each per month. iii) Profits are to be shared in the rutio of 4:3:2. iv) Q is^entitled to get a guaranteed minimum profit of Rs.12,000 annualry. Profits for the year ended 3 l st Dec. 2007 were Rs. 1,20,000 (before interesi'on capital and salary) Show profit and loss appropriation account for the year 2oo7 8. . X and Y are Partners in a frrm sharing Profits in the ratio of 3:2They decid ed,to admit z as a newpaftner w'e'f' April I ,2003. Future profits will be shared equally. The Balance Sheet of X and y as at April r,2003 and the terms of uamisrion Liabilities Capitals: x Y S. 3,00,000 3,00,000 Creditors are given berow: Balance Sheet of X and y Amount Rs. Amount Rs. Plant and Machinery 4,53,000 Fumit'crc and |itiiiigs 62,00* 6,00,000 Stock g4.000 60,000 S. Debtors Assets Outstanding Expenses 15,000 Cash in hand 6,75,000 :O,OOO 40.000 6,75,000 (a) capital of the firm was fixed at Rs. 6,00,000 to be contributed by partners in the profit sharing ratio. The difference will be adjusted in cash. (b) zto bring his share of capital and Goodwill in cash. Goodwill of the firm is to be valued on thebasis of two year's purchase of Super profit. The averag" expected in future by the firm is Rs. 90,000 p.iy.ur. ".ip."nt The normal rate of return on capital in similar business is 10o/o. calculate Goodwiil and prepare partnerq capital A/c and Bank A/c. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Business studies holiday homework. What is meant by management? Name the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals working together in groups efficiently accomplish selected aims. Henry Fayol points out the danger and cost of unnecessary labour turnover in one of his principles of management. Name the principle and explain it. Name the plan, basically formulated to meet the challenges of special circumstances. Explain it. "Business Environment should be analysed by managers properly before making major business decisions by them." Explain why it is so. Planning always leads to success." Do you agree/ Give reason in support of your answer. Name the type of plan which does not allow for any flexibility or discretion. Name the technique given by Taylor which says " Change in the attitude of workers and management towards one another. From competition to Co-operation.,' 9. The directors of XYZ Ltd., an organisation manufacturing computers, have asked their production manager to achieve a target production of 200 Keyboards per day. The production manager has asked his foreman to achieve this target, but he did not give him the authority for the requisition of tools and materials from the stores department. The foreman could not achieve the desired target. Can the director blame the production manager, and c,sn the production manager blame his foreman for not ar:hievino the iarget? Expiair':, iii b:'ief, the re!e'.'ant principles re!:t!ng tc this situation in suopirt of your answer. 10. ln an organization Ramesh, a global operation officer, was also given thetask of looking after domestic market. Which principle of management is disregarded and briefly explain 7. 8. this principle? 11. Mohan, the manager of a business undertaking, is very lax with his fellow employees and subordinates.He does not give them parameters or rules for reporting to work and completion of assignments. Which principle of managernent is being overlooked and why? 12. Ashok a marketing manager was able to identify a bulk buyer for the inputs. He was authorized by the management to give discount of 10 percent for credit period of 30 days and beyond it only 5 percent while the buyer was insisting for a discount of 10 percent for a credit period of 45 days and hence the deal could not be finalsised. Explain which principle of management was overlooked and why? 13. Gamma is a chemical producing company. lt has not set-up its waste disposal unit. All the chemical waste is thrown in river. What kind of organizational values are ignored which could effect the people living in that area. 14. A manager of a firm always takes into account the business environment while determining the plan for the business. What values are reflected in the manager's behavior? 15. Aman runs a factory wherein he manufactures leather shoes. The business is doing well and he intends to expand by diversifying into leather bags as well as leather jackets. Which type of organization structure would you recommend for expanded organization and why? Give any two reasons. Class Xll Economics H.HW Do the below mentioned question in Economics C.W. register. Q.1 Define opportunity cost. Q.2 State two features of resource that give rise to an economic problem. Q.3 what does a ppc show? when will it shift to the right? Q.a Why does a PPC look concave to the origin? Q.5 what does the slope of an indifference curve measure? Q.6 Given price of a good how does a consumer decide as how much of that good to buy? Q.z Explain the three properties of indifference curve. Q.8 When will rise in demand be called expansion of demand ad when will it be called an increase in demand? Q.9 Explain with the help of the diagrams the effect of the following changes on the demand of a good. fall in the income of the buyer, if the commociity is inferior. b) Rise in the price of related goods. a) A c) An unfavorable change in taste of the buyer for the commodity. Q.L0 A consumer buys 20 units of a good at a price of Rs.5 per unit. He incurs an expenditure of Rs. 1-20 when he buys 24 units. Calculate price elasticity of demand using the % method. Comment upon the likely shape of demand curve based on this information. Q.11 lsthe elasticityof demand equal on all points of a straight line demand curve? Give reasons. Q.12 Explain the likely behaviour of Tp and Mp when only one input is increased while all other inputs are kept unchanged. Revise the syllabus covered so far. CLASS XII INFOR.MATICS PRACTICES SUMMER HOLID.\Y HW MYSQL Consider the tables given below and answer the questions that follow: able: Em Salarv Zone Ase Grade Dept No Name 10 A 1 Mukul 30000 West 28 10 A Kritika 35000 Centre 30 2 40 20 J Naveen 32000 West 30 C North 38 38000 4 Uday 20 26 East Nupur 32000 5 10 B Moksh 37000 South 28 6 A 30 7 Shelly 36000 North 26 Ql. Dept 10 20 30 Table: Department Maxsal DNamd Min ial 32000 2s000 Sales 50000 30000 Finance 40000 25000 Admin HOD 5 7 Write SQL comrnands to: CREATE pATABASE. USE. DROP DATABAIP. DESC. SHOW TABLES. SHOW l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Create a database mira Get inside the database mira Create tables Employee and Department Insert tuples as shown above I only one record ] Display the databases that are already created. Display the tables that exists in the current database. Display the structure of the table Department S,imple Select Display the Salary, Zone, and Grade of all the employees. Display the records of all the employees along with their annual salaries. The Salary ' column of the table contains monthly salaries of the employees. 10. Display the records of all the employees along with their annual salaries. The Salary column of the table contains monthly salaries of the employees. The new column should be given the name "Annual Salary". Conditional Select usins Where Clause 1 1. Display the details of all the employees who are below 30 years of age. 12. Display the names of all the employees working in North zone. 13. Display the salaries of all the employees of department 10. 8. 9. Usins NULL 14. Display the details of all the employees whose Grade is NULL 15. Display the details of all the employees whose Grade is not NULL" Usins DISTINCT Clause l6,Display the names of various zones from the table Employee. A zone name shruld appexr only once. lT.Display the various department numbers from the table Employee. A departrnent number should be displayed only once. Usins Loeical Operators (NOT. AND" OR) 18. Display the details of all the employees of department 10 who are above 30 years of age. 19. Display the details of all the employees who are getting a salary of more than 35000 in the deparlment 30. 20. Display the names and salaries of all the employees who are working neither in West zone nor in Centre zone. 2I. Display the names of all the employees who are working in department 20 or 30. 22. Display the details of all the employees whose salary is between 32000 and 38000. 23. Display the details of all the employees whose grade is between 'A' and 'C'. Usins IN Operator 24. Display the names of all the employees who are working in department 20 or 30. 25. Display the names and salaries of all the ernployees who are working neither in West zone nor in Centre zone. Usine BETWEEN Operator 26. Display the details of all the employees whose salary is between 32000 and 38000. 27 .Display the details of all the employees whose grade is between 'A' and 'C'. Using LII(E Operator 28. Display the name, salary, and age of all the employees whose names stafi with 'M'. 29. Display the name, salary, and age of all the employees whose names end with 'a'. 30. Display the name, salary, and age of all the employees whose names contain 'a' 31. Display the name, salary, and age of all the employees whose names do not contain 'a' 32. Display the details of all the employees whose names contain 'a' as the 2nd character. Usine ORDER BY clause 33. Display the detaiis of all the employees in the ascending crder of their salaries. 34. Display the details of all the employees in the descending order of their names. 35. Display the details of all the employees in the ascending order of their grades and within grades in the descending order of their salaries. Usins GROUP BY clause 36. Display thi: total number of employees in each department. 37. Display the highest salary, lowest salary, and average salary of each zene. 38.Display the average age of employees in each department only for those departments in which average age is more than 30. Usine UPDATE. DELETE. ALTER TABLE 39. Put the grade B for all those whose grade is NULL. 40. Increase the salary of all the employees above 30 years of age by l0%. 41.Delete the records of all the employees whose grade is C and salary is below 30000. 4Z.Delete the records of all the employees of department 10 who are above 40 years of age. DROP TABLE. ALTER TABLE 43. Add another column HireDate of type Date in the Employee table. 44. Modify the column age to favsub with char(l5) 45. Remove the column HireDate Q2. Submission of Completed MySQL Practical File on July 7 ,2014. Q3. Unsolved Exercise T'ype A - C of Chapter -- HTML Q4. Revise the entire syllabus HOLIDAY HOMEWORK CLASS SUBJECT - Xil - PHYSICAL EDUCATION *ALL THESE WORK TO BE DONE IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION FILE Athletics 1. History 2. Track Events 3. Field Events 4. lmportant Tournaments and Venues (any five) 5. Sports Awardees Yoga 1. History 2. Mention the eight elements of yoga 3. Asanas :Tadasana Vrikshasana Trikonasana Shalabhasana Pashch imota nasa na 4. Pranayama :Sheetli Pranayama Sheetkari Pranayama Kapalbhati pranayama Ujjai Pranayama -K 1. History of the game 2. Latest General Rules of the Game 3. Fundamental Skills of the game 4. Terminologies of the game 5. lmportant Tournaments and Venues 6. Sports Awardees 7. Draw a neat diagram showing the dimensions of the game your of choice (Volleyball or Kho-Kho).
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