BUONI for Overseas branch and Representative offices 2012.03 財務部 経理G(システム担当) Copyright © 2010 IHI Corporation All Rights Reserved. Table of contents 1.System constitution summary 2.Buoni‘s Homepage 3.Login screen 4.After login screen 5.After login screen<function of each menu> 6.Slip(経費一覧画面) (1)Payment slip Entry(支払伝票) (2)Receipt slip Entry(入金伝票) (3)Exchange/Account(withdraw/transfer)Entry 【Supplement 】Confirmation of input data 7.Journals ( Cash・Bank Book,仮払台帳,未取付解除等) (1)Output of journal (2)change the status of uncleared or cleared check (3)Conform Bank Account 8.Output Reports (収支報告書等) (1)Out put Office Balance Sheet (2)Balance Detail Listing (3)Out put Cost Sheet 9.Workflow(apply and approve accounting report) (1)about fiscal period (2)Apply (3)Approve 10.Maintenance master (1)Office Master 11.Change Role 1.System constitution summary 2. Buoni‘s Homepage URL on the homepage is sent to the user by E-mail. Please preserve it in user's personal computer. ※It is necessary to acquire an electronic certificate to use the system. <Image > 3.Login screen After pushing the 【Login】 button of the homepage screen the user code and password ※ Allows the user code and password after applying 4.After login screen After log in, APPLY LIST is displayed. A red frame is each menu. Logout 5.After login screen<function of each menu> Registration and inquiry of slip (経費一覧画面) Inquiry of receipts and disbursements book (Cash・Bank・ Suspense payment , 未取付解除等) Out put various report (収支報告書等) Application and approval of slip The master's setting (システム管理画面) (マスタ管理画面) Release of user lock The system is shut. Logout 6. Slip(経費一覧画面) The slip is selected from three Slip Type. ③ After the slip kind is selected, 【New Slip】 the button is pushed. ①【Slip】is pushed. ② The slip kind is selected. Logout <Slip Type> Payment slip 支払伝票 Cash and the deposit are paid. ( Cash and the deposit decrease. ) ※It contains it Advances paid, return the money Receipt slip 入金伝票 receipt of money Exchange/Account (withdraw/transfer) 換金/ 口座振替 Realization, movement of amount of deposit between bank accounts 6.Slip(経費一覧画面) (1)Payment slip Entry(支払伝票) Spending cash transactions (ex:expense/cash, Advances paid /bank・・・) Check No: Alphanumeric character:→20CH ①.Input part 【Vendor】 Code of cliant Voucher No:Alphanumeric character→30CH 【Slip Date】 Date of issuing slip (Date) Contents :Alphanumeric character→60CH 【Contents】 Payment reason (Description/Remarks) The input line is increased (Five input lines). journalizing(経費投入) ※It explains by the subsequent page. 6.Slip(経費一覧画面) (1)Payment slip Entry(支払伝票) ②. The item of journalizing AcCode (T/B) AccountType (Cash/ Bank) Currency ※Automatic display When it is AcCode expenses (30: Expenses) it selects it. Amount ※ The minus can be input. Type CostCode WorkNo (Expenses Code) Contents/Remarks Alphanumeric character Contents/Remarks (Description / Remarks) ※選択入力可。MAX100件 Display automatically. Configuration are done in Account Type of office master. c.f. title 10 (1) →100character Chinese character →50Character Type(負担番号種類) Use Department for the time being ⇒ Department 部門番号 Construction 工事番号 Estimate 見積番号 6.Slip(経費一覧画面) (1)Payment slip Entry(支払伝票) ③.Vendorcode master's new registration ※The same also in other slips. ①The 【EDIT】 button is pushed. ②VenderCode is seven digit input ③The name of the customer is input. (Up to 40 character ) ④ The 【Submit】button is pushed after it inputs 6.Slip(経費一覧画面) (2)Receipt slip Entry(入金伝票) Receipt of money From head quarter(A/C:21)・Selling fixed assets(A/C:24), Interest(A/C:25) 【Vendor】 【Slip Date】 Code of cliant Date of issuing slip(Date) Voucher No 【Contents】 Payment reason (Description/Remarks) journalizing 6.Slip(経費一覧画面) (3)Exchange/Account(withdraw/transfer)Entry Realization, movement of amount of deposit between cash and bank accounts Example : Deposit account → Cash 口座振替の場合は Transfer Ahead(換金先)は 入力不可 6.Slip(経費一覧画面) 【Supplement 】Confirmation of input data After posting, Displays list of slip ※The slip displayed by the search condition can be changed though the start displays the slip for which it doesn't apply. The journalizing displayed by the search condition can be changed. Logout 【Detail】 The content can be confirmed. Voucher No Voucher No journalizing 7.Journals ( Cash・Bank Book,仮払台帳,未取付解除等) Chiefly a function of the accountbook. Seven kinds of accountbooks can be referred to. Output Journal is selected. Cash Journal Bank Account Journal Suspense Payment Journal List for Remittance Accounts Payable Journal Accrued Expenses Journal Accounts Receivable Journal 現金出納簿 預金出納簿 小口仮払い出納帳 送金一覧 未払金管理表 未払費用管理表 未収入金管理表 7.Journals (Cash・Bank Book,仮払台帳,未取付解除等) (1)Output of journal ④chose a out put type of file (PDF or EXCEL) Log Out ① It selects accounttype EXCEL PDF ②the date of displayed data ③push a search button 7.Journals (Cash・Bank Book,仮払台帳,未取付解除等) (2)change the status of uncleared or cleared check Only the line ‘Check No’ register display ‘Update’ button. データ検索・帳票出力条件 【Check No】 “Yes” ・・・input ‘Check No’ data only ”No”・・・All data 【Bank Adjusted】 “All”・・・All data “Yes”・・・cleared check only “No” ・・・uncleared check only Status of cleared or not Ex. ‘Bank’ ① ・・・uncleared ② none・・・cleared Slip input Check No is registered the status as cleared. If you deal it as uncleared status , upload the status by press ‘Update’ button. Upload status by press the ‘Update’ button. ①cleared⇒uncleared ②uncleared⇒cleared 7.Journals (Cash・Bank Book,仮払台帳,未取付解除等) (3)Conform Bank Account ①input ‘Slip Date’ the date you want to conform. Date is 1 to end of the month. ア.Conform Bank Account Bank Adjustment Sheet(Condition:“All”) ②【Bank Adjusted】Choose”All” st PDF ③press PDF out put or Excel out put You can conform the amount of bank account on the last day of specific month EXCEL 7.Journals (Cash・Bank Book,仮払台帳,未取付解除等) (3)Conform Bank Account イ.Conform the amount of un cleared Bank Adjustment Sheet( Condition“No”) ①【Bank Adjusted】 Choose ”No” ②press PDF out put or Excel out put PDF You can conform the uncleared check amount. EXCEL ※when you output uncleared check slip, that is choose No on ‘Bank Adjusted’, regardless designated period, out put the data of status as uncleared. Passbook balance = ledger balance + un cleared amount 7. Journals (Cash・Bank Book,仮払台帳,未取付解除等) (3)Conform Bank Account ウ.抽出データ0件時の前月繰越表示 検索条件を入力しPDF(PDF 出力)かExcel(EXCEL出力) かSearch(画面出力)を押下 Search EXCEL PDF 8.Output Reports (収支報告書等) Function of output statements. 4 statements can be out put. Office Balance Sheet(Form:1) Balance Detail List(Form:2) Cost Sheet(Form:3,4) 収支報告書(様式1) 翌月繰越金内訳表(様式2) 海外事務所費支払明細書(様式3) 費目内訳表(様式4) Selection for Download Data データ提供 8. Output Reports(収支報告書等) (1)Out put Office Balance Sheet Logout ①configure the date of displayed data EXCEL PDF ②chose a out put type of file(PDF or EXCEL) 8.Output Reports (収支報告書等) (2)Balance Detail Listing Logout ① configure the date of displayed data EXCEL PDF ②chose a out put type of file (PDF or EXCEL) 8. Output Reports(収支報告書等) (3) 3)Out put Cost Sheet ④chose a out put type of file(PDF or EXCEL) Logout ①chose a currency ③configure the date of displayed data Check the tub if you want to display Yen amount ②chose a Cost Type PDF WorkNo単位の合計行 AcCode単位の合計行 通貨単位の総合計行 Form:3-1 Form:3-2 Form:4-1 Form:4-2 Department(1~6) Department(1~8) Department(1~6) Department(1~8) 9.Workflow(apply and approve accounting report) Apply and approve the slip by putting the function of Slip. (every month) (1)about fiscal period fiscal period: from 21th to 20th of next month. It is possible to omit it. 9.Workflow(apply and approve accounting report) (2)Apply ① Display list of slip Choose ‘Apply List’ from work flow Logout 【New Apply】 Display a data of application 9.Workflow(apply and approve accounting report) (2)Apply ②Conform the data of application→apply (begin the accounting report) 2010/12/21 2011/01/20 【Apply】 <caution> It take a long time to deal because after application, automatically out put Form1 to 4 and store it to Attachment. 9.Workflow(apply and approve accounting report) (2)Apply ③Finish application →conform the content of application Logout 【Detail】 Conform the detail of application 【Status】 Conform that ‘Status’ become applied. 9.Workflow(apply and approve accounting report) (2)Apply ④Conform the detail of application status Display the status of application Compare check (Output Form1~4) Display the total trail balance of applied data 9.Workflow(apply and approve accounting report) (3)Approve ①open an approve request mail sender: local admi address:local director Each address should be written Access an Internet (local) and activate a system 9.Workflow(apply and approve accounting report) (3)Approve ②Choose an application from list Logout Click the ‘detail ’button 9.Workflow(apply and approve accounting report) (3)Approve ③Conform and approve the content of application 【Approve】 approving button Send a Email to next step 【Reject】 rejecting button When deficiency exist, rejected email is sent. Display the situation of application Compare check (Output Form1~4) Display the total trail balance of applied data 9.Workflow(apply and approve accounting report) (3)Approve ④Attachments Click ‘Download’ button , and display Form 1 ~4. Conform application detail. 10.Maintenance master Office Office Apply Route Vendor Control office information like type of journal Control application route divided offices Register and control the payee 10.Maintenance master (1)Office Master Establishment of Account Type&Work No You can configure the Work No connected with Account Type. 10.Maintenance master (1)Office Master When you choose Ac Code30, auto input Work No connected with Account Type. 10. Maintenance master (2) Office Master イ.Transfer Slipの利用 Transfer Slip(振替 伝票)の利用が可能 10. Maintenance master (1)Office Master イ. Transfer Slipの利用 【補足資料】 Transfer Slip(振替 伝票)の利用が可能 11.Change Role After login, this button is the function change the authority. Display ‘Role Selection ’ after click. Choose authority.
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