Holy Cross Catholic Church • 2300 Main St., Batavia, Illinois 60510-7625 • • 630-879-4750 Parish • 630-879-4751 Rel. Ed. • 630-593-5290 School • Third Sunday of Easter May 4, 2014 WELCOME TO HOLY CROSS MSGR. THOMAS BALES! PASTORAL STAFF CONFESSION TIMES DEVOTIONS Rev. Msgr. Aaron Brodeski, Pastor Rev. Msgr. Thomas E. Bales, Administrator Rev. Timothy J. Draper, PV Rev. Daniel P. Zdebik, OFM Conv., PV Mr. Raymond J. Martin, Deacon Mr. Larry J. Motyka, Deacon Monday Tuesday Chaplet of Divine Mercy Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mon - Fri 8:30AM-4:30PM Sunday 7:00AM-7:30AM 7:00AM-7:30AM and 6:00PM-Until all are heard 7:00AM-7:30AM 7:00AM-7:30AM 7:00AM-7:30AM 9:00AM-Until all are heard and 3:00PM-3:45PM 9:15AM-9:45AM Mass begins Tuesdays 8:30AM Saturdays 4:00PM Chaplet of Divine Mercy with Healing Service Tuesdays 6:00PM Daily Rosary Monday-Friday 6:00AM & 7:30AM Saturdays 8:00AM Hour of Prayer and Adoration for Life MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Mass Saturday 4:15PM Anticipatory Sunday 6:30AM, 8:00AM, 9:45AM, 11:15AM Weekday Mon-Fri 6:30AM, 8:00AM Saturday 8:30AM 1st Saturday of Month PARISH E-MAIL: [email protected] PARISH WEBSITE: www.holycross-batavia.org 9:00AM First Friday Holy Hour 1st Friday of Month 7:30PM Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Sunday 1:00PM - Saturday 1:00PM 2 F r o m t h e D e s k o f F r. T o m . . . Dear Parishioners, Hello Everyone! My name is Fr. Tom Bales and I will be helping at Holy Cross while Msgr. Brodeski is away. I’m sure you are still confounded by what has taken place and would like to know what is going on. You know as much a I do. What we can do, is be open to God and trust Him, and pray for Monsignor. I have had some experience in the Valley, as my first assignment was at Holy Angels in Aurora. After that, I moved to St. Patrick Parish in St. Charles. We’re talking 1974‐1980 here and Batavia was a little city to the north. What happened? Where did all you people come from? It’s unbelievable, Randall Road was a quick shot north with three stop signs. One thing you can’t count on in life is knowing what’s around the next corner. That’s probably what you’re experiencing now in light of these recent events. Just keep pray‐ ing and I’m sure things will work out. If there is anything I can do for you during my stay let me know, although I am limited not knowing how long I’ll be here. Congratulations to all the children who received Our Lord on Saturday for the first time, what a beautiful day for them and for the parish! Go Bears! Fr. Tom P.S. Join us for the monthly Festival of Praise (FOP) this Monday, May 5th at 7:00PM in the church. VOCATIONS CORNER: WHAT IF I’M STUCK? by Fr. Keith Romke, Vocations Director, Diocese of Rockford Sometimes in life we’re not sure where we are supposed to go, and at other times we don’t even know where we currently are! In these moments it can be difficult to make any choices, because we become afraid of making wrong decisions. As a result we can tend to sit back and wait for something to happen, rather than boldly trusting that so long as we are seeking to do God’s will, He will help us to achieve it! Let’s put it this way, if we truly give our best effort to discerning God’s will, why would He not honor that by guiding us along the path that truly is His will? In other words, if in striving to do God’s will we make the right decisions, then God will bless this and give us the grace that we need to continue. If, on the other hand, in seeking to do God’s will we drift off from the path that He intends for us, He will certainly do what He needs to do to guide us back onto the right path. He’ll never leave us hanging as long as we are intentionally try‐ ing our best to follow Him. So, if you are afraid to take the next step in your life, whatever you feel it might be, have courage that as long as you have prayed about it, and as long as there is a sense of peace surrounding the decision, there is no need to fear. One way or another, God will use that step to eventually lead you to Him. Take that step! On that note, right now is the time that many students are planning on what they will do next year. This is the perfect time to mention to young men and women that they should pray about considering a call to the priest‐ hood or religious life! LITURGY, PARISH CALENDAR, MASS OFFERINGS LITURGY Sat. 4:15PM 5/10 1st Reader C. Plewa 2nd Reader K. Meeker Commentator Cantor/Deacon EMs L. Cella G. Norris C. Augustine J. Norris R. Heise Need One B. McLear Altar Servers D. Denton L. Tallman N. Ward T. Musuras B. O’Brien Greeters Duck Family P. Stachowicz J. Garrey Sun. 6:30AM 5/11 1st & 2nd Reader J. Iwanski Commentator S. Bangs EMs R. Kautz B. Schlameuss P. Schnaitman K. Kosek K. Ramsey Altar Servers K. Farrell C. Farrell P. Baker C. Baker S. Baker Greeters S. Foran P. Zink Monday, May 5 6:30AM t 8:00AM SI Tuesday, May 6 6:30AM SI 8:00AM t Jovita Burke Gene and Elaine Oddo John and Amy Iwanski on their 25th Wedding Anniversary John Glenn Wednesday, May 7 6:30AM SI Rotter Family 8:00AM SI In Thanksgiving for the Teachers and Staff at Holy Cross School Thursday, May 8 6:30AM SI Dave Adam 8:00AM t Janice Fennell Friday, May 9 6:30AM t 8:00AM t Tony Ramia Nellie Blacksmith Saturday, May 10 Saint Damien de Veuster, Priest 8:30AM SI The Stoffel Family 4:15PM t Audrey Rauwolf Sunday, May 11 Fourth Sunday of Easter - Mother’s Day 6:30AM t Percy and Doris Chesley 8:00AM t Mary Racs, Maria Treml and Edith Nichols 9:45AM t Isabel Flores 11:15AM SI Parishioners of Holy Cross t Repose of the Soul of SI Special Intentions of L/D Living and Deceased Members of CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sun. 9:45AM 5/11 1st Reader S. Grau 2nd Reader T. Grau Commentator Cantor/Deacon EMs M. Middendorf D. Schroeder A. Fiascone C. Gundrum T. Schroeder J. O’Reilly T. Gilligan R. Phelan Altar Servers J. Roche P. Roche I. Strong D. Hoffner J. Jochum Greeters A. Luebbering H. Luebbering J. Melcher J. Olsen Sun. 8:00AM 5/11 1st Reader G. Myers 2nd Reader M. Cheaney Commentator Cantor/Deacon EMs C. Clarey J. Glemkowski R. Russell M. Moss K. Kennedy J. Dillenburg S. Touney P. McEniry L. Lanute Altar Servers A. Baus A. Gotfryd S. Martin E. Shumaker M. Figueras Greeters J. Kase J. Fischer C. Clarey H. Clarey MASS SCHEDULE 3 Sun. 11:15AM 5/11 1st Reader L. Hammack 2nd Reader S. Russell Commentator Cantor/Deacon EMs Acolyte B. Hammack R. Hoffner T. Hoffner R. Fuchser S. Studlo M. Mikos C. Anderson Altar Servers K. Murphy R. Murphy T. Mele P. Donahoe D. Czerwinski Greeters J. Bala J. Balek CANDLE SCHEDULE The Adoration Chapel Candles are lit for the intentions of any parishioner or in memory of any of our deceased. The offering is $40.00 for one week, Monday through Sunday. The Sanctuary Presence Lamp, that burns to let us know of Jesus’ Presence in the Tabernacle, will be lit for the intentions of any parishioner or in memory of any of our deceased. The offering is $10.00 for one week, Monday through Sunday. The Lamp will burn in Special Intentions of The Kauth and O’Dwyer Families the week of May 5th May 11th. Monday, 8:30AM 5:30PM 6:00PM 6:00PM 6:15PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM Tuesday, 4:30PM 6:00PM Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 7:00PM Midnight, 8:00AM, 9:00AM, 4:00PM 1:00PM Midnight, 1:00AM, Noon, 7:00PM 6:00AM, 5:00PM, 11:00PM Noon, 5:00PM 2:00AM In addition, Hourly Captains are needed for midnight and 1:00AM. Hourly Captains’ duties are to find a sub when needed for their hour or fill in when a sub cannot be found. If you can help, call Pat Roatch at: 630-879-4750 x110 or [email protected] May 6 Adoration, Chapel HCCSchool, Entire Facility Cursillo, MR Healing Service and Confessions, Church Wednesday, May 7 Adoration, Chapel HCCSchool, Entire Facility 8:45PM CHJ Group, Donovan 7:00PM Hope for Haitians, Therese 7:00PM Forum, Jude Thursday, 5:30PM 6:15PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 7:00PM 7:30PM Friday, 7:00PM 7:00PM Saturday, 6:30AM 7:00AM 9:00AM 9:00AM 1:00PM 1:00PM 5:00PM ADORATION UPDATE: We are in urgent need of adorers on: May 5 Adoration, Chapel HCCSchool, Entire Facility Women’s Group, MR Abbellimenti, Cecilia CHJ Group, CECC 223 SPRED, CECC 217, CECC 216 Cantate Deo, Cecilia Festival of Praise, Church Boy Scouts, Donovan AHG Leader Mtg., Mary May 8 Adoration, Chapel HCCSchool, Entire Facility Youth Bells, Cecilia Youth Choir, Cecilia Teens for Life, Jude St. Vincent dePaul, Mary CHJ Group, CECC 223 Chancel Choir, Cecilia May 9 Adoration, Chapel HCCSchool, Entire Facility AHG, Donovan Leah Darrow, Church May 10 Adoration, Chapel That Man is You, Donovan Men’s Group, Therese CHJ Group, CECC 223 NFP, CECC 200 Camp WOW Mass, Church Camp WOW Counselor Training, Donovan PMT Closing, Donovan Sunday, May 11 Mother’s Day 11:00AM CHJ Group, Donovan 4 HOLY CROSS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION, YOUTH MINISTRIES AND YOUTH ACTIVITIES RE Calendar of Events Registration is currently being accepted for Totus Tuus, Vacation Bible School, Camp WOW, the High School Mission Trip and Steubenville. Forms are in the narthex and on the parish website at: holycross-batavia.org. Register now so you don’t miss out! TOTUS TUUS “Lord I am Totally Yours” 1st–6th Grades June 9th–13th (8:45AM TO 2:15PM) SACK LUNCH & SPORTS EQUIPMENT FOR DAY PROGRAM Cost is $25.00 per child or $50.00 per family (SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE) 7th–12th Grades June 8th–13th (6:45PM TO 9:15PM) T‐SHIRTS $10.00 EACH Totus Tuus is a weeklong summer camp held at Holy Cross. Four college students including semi‐ narians from our diocese will share their energy, enthusiasm and love for Jesus Christ and our Catholic faith. Totus Tuus includes sacraments, silly skits, songs, snacks, games, crafts, water fights, inspiring and interactive teaching and so much more creative fun. We also need a number of our wonderful volunteers to help make this a success. Please contact Pat Roatch at 630‐879‐ 4751 x110 with questions or if you would like to volunteer to help this summer. Registration forms can be picked up in the narthex, in our parish office or can be found on‐line at: holycross‐batavia.org. CAT.CHAT VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL CAMP WOW REGISTRATION IS STILL OPEN! WE STILL HAVE A FEW MORE SPACES OPEN FOR CAMPERS! Camp WOW is a four day overnight summer camp focused on faith, fun, friendships, and growing closer to God. Camp WOW is open to all current 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Don’t miss out! Information and registration forms are available in the narthex and on our parish website at: holycross-batavia.org July 14th – 18th 9:00AM to Noon each day for ages 4 – 11 Cost is $25.00 per child or $50.00 per family (SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE) We also need a number of our wonderful vol‐ unteers to help make this a success. Please contact Pat Roatch at 630‐879‐4751 ext 110 with questions or if you would like to volun‐ teer to help this summer. Registration forms can be picked up in the narthex, in our parish office or can be found on‐line at: holycross‐batavia.org. Corporal Works of Mercy: Feed the hungry; Give drink to the thirsty; Clothe the naked; Harbor the harborless; Visit the sick; Ransom the captive; Bury the dead. Spiritual Works of Mercy: Instruct the ignorant; Counsel the doubtful; Admonish sinners; Bear wrongs patiently; Forgive offences willingly; Comfort the afflicted; Pray for the living and the dead. RESPECT LIFE ‐ Habor the Harborless ‐HOLY CROSS RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY...To get involved or for more info call Kathleen at: 630‐482‐9908 or [email protected] . ‐RACHEL’S VINEYARD RETREAT...Do you know of someone who is hurting from a past abortion? God has forgiven them already. Please let them know that there is healing for them. Have them look into the next Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat from May 2nd – 4th, sponsored by the Diocese of Joliet. Contact Kay at 1‐866‐99‐4‐GIVE ‐OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE IMAGE...A framed image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is now available for parishioners to have in your home for a two‐week period. Pro‐life rosary intentions, novenas and informa‐ tion about the image will be included. If you are interested contact Kathleen at: [email protected] or 630‐482‐9908. ‐WHO WILL PRAY FOR ME?...Sign up to pray for one hour at Planned Parenthood along with other Holy Cross parishioners on the fourth Friday of each month. Please come out for an hour to pray for an end to abortion, and for the conversion of all those involved. Thank you for your dedication to promoting and protecting the sanctity of life. Our presence speaks volumes to the people involved with Planned Parenthood. If you need further information please contact, Kathleen Dietz at: [email protected] ‐SPIRITUAL ADOPTION UPDATE...EIGHTH MONTH AFTER CONCEPTION...You're in the homestretch with your spiritually adopt‐ ed baby. All of the organs that were developed by the 8th week are now basically completely formed. The baby is just gaining weight now and making the mother uncomfortable with his or her size. An interesting detail about this time of development is that the eyes are usually blue, regardless of the permanent color. The final formation of eye pigment or color usually happens a few weeks after birth. In a short time the baby will be born. The mother has planned to bring him or her home, or place the baby for adoption. Either way, she knows she can receive the assistance she needs from the Catholic Church and from crisis pregnancy centers. The prayers you have said for this baby and his or her mother have certainly been appreciated and helpful. It hasn't been easy, but your prayers have given the baby's mother the grace to seek the help she has needed through‐ out the pregnancy. We will be having a "baby shower" for our babies in May. Look for details. ENRICHING LIVES MINISTRY ‐ Comfort the Afflicted Our Mission: The mission of the Enriching Lives Ministry is twofold. First, to spiritually and emotionally enrich the lives of the elderly, home‐bound, disabled, sick, and any other people needing compan‐ ionship, love and/or other assistance through Jesus’ boundless love for all people by providing friendship, caring assistance, enjoyable times, spiritual and social fellowship, transportation to church func‐ tions, other assistance…and love to these people on a long‐term basis. Second, to connect those who want to help people with those who need assistance. If you need assistance or know somewho needs assistance or if you would like to become a volunteer, please see the information listed in the box below. Phone: 630 879‐4750 x‐321 E‐Mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.holycross‐batavia.org/outreach/elm/ (Access the church’s home page or the above website for a sign‐up sheet for the ministry.) HESED HOUSE MINISTRY ‐ Feed the Hungry ‐HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED HELPING THE HOMELESS AT HESED HOUSE IN OUR COMMUNITY...There are MANY ways for ALL to get involved with the ministry of helping our homeless. Holy Cross pro‐ vides relief for Hesed House on the first Friday of each month. Our next time of service will be June 6, 2014, please join us! If you missed our information meeting, please contact the parish office. 5 ST. MICHAEL BEREAVEMENT MINISTY ‐ Bury the Dead A thought to ponder ~ Grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. ~ 2 Peter 3:18 We have been enriched by God's amazing gifts of love and wonder recently with Easter Sunday, Divine Mercy Sunday, the Canonizations of two new Saints, Confirmation and the First Holy Communion of our youngsters. God has truly opened His heart for us in profoundly beautiful ways as He has filled our hearts, minds and souls with His mercy, forgiveness and joy! Through all of these beautiful liturgies, we have had the opportunity to grow and nurture our faith during this marvelous rebirth of Spring. With our young First Communicants, let us reaffirm that the Holy Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith and prayer life as Catholics. The Eucharist is truly the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ! What a magnificent gift He has given us for all time, and most espe‐ cially in the celebration of Holy Mass! We are invited daily to enter into this sacred mystery as we worship and give thanks to Him for His goodness, grace and mercy! We are also very blessed with His presence in our Adoration chapel. Stop by for a visit with Him! This beautiful quotation unites all of us in our common love and pur‐ pose: You and I will always meet at this table of remembrance ~ while you are absent or at another Eucharistic community. You are always in our hearts; and we do meet, we do remember, and we do go on. That's the strength and the power of our tradition as a Eucharistic community, that we have this power to transcend physical presence, but always to meet in the heart. ~ Msgr. Robert Hoffman Thank you, Msgr. Hoffman, for walking with us while you were with us on your earthly journey! This week let us pray for the repose of Msgr. Hoffman's soul and for all of our deceased priests. We could not have received the Holy Eucharist or any of the Sacraments without the gifts of their holy vocations and their sacred hands! May God grant them their eternal rest and reward! What transformation can happen in our lives when we fully realize that Jesus is with us in the breaking of the bread...go forth and share some of who you really are with others through your love and com‐ passionate care! Do allow your Easter transformation to continue to deepen your faith and love for your spiritual life! May each of your Communions be as Holy as your First and as Sacred as your Last! Mother Mary, draw us closer to your Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of your Son during this Mary Month of May! Mark your calendar: The final meeting, of the current season, of the St. Michael Ministry of Compassionate Care will be held on Thursday, May 15th at 7:00PM in the St. Therese room. It would be great to see you there! ST. VINCENT DE PAUL LENTEN ALMS BOXES ‐ Feed the Hungry, Clothe the Naked Alms giving along with prayer and fasting is one of the three pillars of Lent. St. Vincent de Paul Society’s would like to thank you for helping the less fortunate in our community by donating money in our Lenten Alms Boxes. If you forgot to bring your box back today, we will still have the three Collection Baskets out in the Narthex for the next couple of Sundays. You can also make a donation in the Poor Box located in the narthex. 6 :ŽŝŶƵƐĨŽƌƚŚĞ ŽŵĞũŽŝŶƵƐĨŽƌĂĚĂLJŽĨŐŽůĨĨƵŶ ϭϮƚŚŶŶƵĂů ĨĞĂƚƵƌŝŶŐDĂƌŐĂƌŝƚĂǀŝůůĞ͊ ^ƚ͘sŝŶĐĞŶƚĚĞWĂƵů ŚĂƌŝƚLJ'ŽůĨůĂƐƐŝĐ ΨϭϱϬƉĞƌƉĞƌƐŽŶŝŶĐůƵĚĞƐ͗ ŐŽůĨǁͬĐĂƌƚ͕ůƵŶĐŚ͕ďĞĞƌ͕ŵĂƌŐĂƌŝƚĂƐ͕ĚŝŶŶĞƌ͕ƐĂŶĚ ǁĞĚŐĞŐŽůĨĐůƵď;ΨϲϬǀĂůƵĞͿ͕ĨƵŶŐŽůĨĐŽŶƚĞƐƚƐ͕ ƐŝůĞŶƚĂƵĐƟŽŶĂŶĚƌĂŋĞƐ͘ ,ŽůĞŝŶŽŶĞƉƌŝnjĞƐŝŶĐůƵĚĞ &ƌŝĚĂLJ͕:ƵŶĞϲ͕ϮϬϭϰ ϭϮ͗ϬϬƐŚŽƚŐƵŶƐƚĂƌƚ ΨϭϬ͕ϬϬϬĐĂƐŚ͕ ĂŶĚĂΨϱ͕ϬϬϬƚƌŝƉƚŽƚŚĞ&ůŽƌŝĚĂ<ĞLJƐ͊ DŝůůƌĞĞŬ'ŽůĨůƵďŝŶ'ĞŶĞǀĂ EŽƚĂŐŽůĨĞƌ͍:ŽŝŶƵƐĨŽƌŚŽƌƐĚ͛ŽĞƵǀƌĞƐ͕ ŵĂƌŐĂƌŝƚĂƐĂŶĚĂDĞdžŝĐĂŶďƵīĞƚĚŝŶŶĞƌ ĨŽƌΨϱϬƉĞƌƉĞƌƐŽŶ͘ ZĞŐŝƐƚĞƌďLJDĂLJϭϱƚŚĨŽƌLJŽƵƌ ĐŚĂŶĐĞƚŽǁŝŶĨŽƵƌϮŶĚƌŽǁ ƟĐŬĞƚƐƚŽĂŚŝĐĂŐŽtŚŝƚĞ ^ŽdžŐĂŵĞŝŶĐůƵĚŝŶŐƉĂƌŬŝŶŐ ĂŶĚƐƚĂĚŝƵŵĐůƵďĂĐĐĞƐƐ͊ YƵĞƐƟŽŶƐ͍Ăůů^ĂŶĚLJ<ŽǁĂůŬŽǁƐŬŝĂƚ ;ϲϯϬͿϰϴϮ-ϯϲϱϵ͕Žƌ:ŝŵDĂůůĞLJĂƚ;ϲϯϬͿϰϬϲ-ϬϲϯϮ͘ dŽƌĞŐŝƐƚĞƌŐŽƚŽǁǁǁ͘ĞǀĞŶƚƐ͘ŽƌŐͬ^s^Ϭϭ ůůƉƌŽĐĞĞĚƐŐŽƚŽŚĞůƉůŽĐĂůĨĂŵŝůŝĞƐŝŶŶĞĞĚ SAVE THE DATE! FIRST ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL FEST SUNDAY, MAY 18TH FOLLOWING 11:15AM MASS IN DONOVAN Please sign up to help! Here's how it works in 3 easy steps: 1. Please go to our invitation page on VolunteerSpot: http://vols.pt/A96vtF 2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on VolunteerSpot) 3. Sign up! Choose your spots VolunteerSpot will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy! Note: VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact [email protected] or kathleen at 630-482-9908. HOLY CROSS SPRING BLOOD DRIVE SAVE THE DATE! Saturday, May 17, 2014 Donovan Hall 7:00AM -11:30AM Please prayerfully consider giving the gift of live to someone in need. For more information please contact, Kathleen at: [email protected]. Support Your Business and Holy Cross! Be a part of the Matt Maher Come Awake Tour with an ad in the keepsake program. Available as sizes/rates: Full Page $200, 1/2 Page $100, Business card $50. Color rates available upon request. Contact Laurie Schweik for details at: [email protected]. Deadline for space reservation is May 26, 2014. 7 May 3, 2014 Russell Abner Hailey Adams Ryan Adams Jacob Anaya Olivia Apostal Stephanie Ashe Cameron Bader Katherine Ball Kathryn Banahan John Paul Bangs Robert Barnes Alexa Bartoszek Elizabeth Beirne Martin Beirne John Bielat Brendan Blair Sophia Blankenship Morgan Blazier Ryan Boe Nathan Brandon Sophie Bremner Lillian Brinka Benjamin Brown Gina Burdi Bryce Burgoni Caitlin Callahan Riley Callahan Keira Capeless Luke Capo Brooke Carlson Violet Carlson Benjamin Clinard Oscar Collins Beckham Cournaya Tyler Culotta Joseph Curtin Alexander Curtis Kathryn Danosky Caroline Darby Isaac Del Toro Mikayla Denton Maeve Devlin Rocco DiLeonardi Zachary Dineen Amber Edwards Nicholas Evangelista Benjamin Fender Benjamin Fiegel Elizabeth Figueras Ryan Fioresi Kaidan Forsyth Alana Fritz Luke Ghobrial Noah Gibson Suzanne Gilligan Catherine Glavin Gianna Gradisca Benjamin Hansen Madison Hauser Allison Hayden Anthony Heeg Libby Honn Catherine Howland Hannah Huber Alyssa James AnnMarie Japlon Gianna Jensen James Jochum Kaylie Jursich Anne Keppel Sophie Knazur Katherine Kolb Olivia Koral Jake Krasucki Hayden Kress Mary Kruce Abigail Kulikowski Anthony Lambert Aiden Lamela Matthew LaMirand Preston Lane Benjamin Levandoski Anika Lindholm Jocelyn Lisner Jack Loria Addison Lowe Nicole Lynch Nicole Magerkurth Mia Malczyk Lea Mapes Matteo Marten Jeffin Martin Jadynn Matas Jack Matthews Griffin May Connor McElligott Nathan McKay Mirabella McKendall Patrick McNamara Callie Meinel Laeni Meinel Grace Melcher Shelby Mielke Daniel Miller Mitchell Minnec Ava Mirelez Faith Myles Amanda Naylor Jacob Nelson Juliana Park Lauren Parker Olivia Pastovich Angela Patton Micheal Pavnica Kaitlyn Paulin Alyssa Perez Domenic Perez Joshua Perez Maggie Perreault Daniel Peters Luke Petersen Kyle Porter Hannah Pripusich Samantha Quartuccio Taylor Radcliffe James Rasmussen Lauren Rauwolf Jack Regan Cecilia Rios Brooke Robertson Griffin Robertson Michael Ruffo Angeli Santiago Brody Sartain Grayson Schaefer Addison Schaffer Kayla Schaffer Taylor Schaffer Olivia Schertzer Cheyenne Schnaitman Jack Schuster Emma Schuth Charles Schwartz Nicholas Scudieri Katelyn Serafin Emmett Shields Sage Shoaf Maxwell Smith Peter Stahl Carrigan Star Kyle Star Jacob Stoczynski Emma Stoodley Ethan Storie William Storie Samuel Stroup Evan Stumm Lauren Sudler Meghan Suess Alex Sullivan Michael Surina Isabelle Taylor Claire Terrell Jonathan Timm Joseph Trocchio Alexander Tuohy Jordan Vander Luitgaren Benjamin Vozza Michael Wallace Grace Ward Nicole Wasmund Sydney Waters Charles Whelpley Wyatt Wies Brooke Wisniewski Alexandra Workman Brenna Zdanek Audrey Zuza Children receiving on another date Joshua Black Jane Bradley Ariel Fister Veronica Knott Kyle Mraz Maria Olache Carmella Rio Anna Russell Thomas Russell Eleanor Samsami 8 S TEWARDSHIP : T HE G IVING OF O UR T IME , TALENT & T REASURE THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED S U P P O R T O F H O LY C R O S S ! APRIL 26TH & 27TH, 2014 ENVELOPES .............................................................$17,268 LOOSE ........................................................................4,267 TOTAL .....................................................................$21,535 FOF II DEBT REDUCTION CAMPAIGN GOAL...........$2,500,000 PLEDGES..............................................................1,354,911 PAYMENTS ...............................................................913,290 PLEDGE CARDS RECEIVED ..............................................329 THIS WEEK’S TITHE: JOYFUL HOPE PRESENTATIONS (CAMPROCK) PRAY FOR OUR SICK Contact the parish office at 630-879-4750 or [email protected] to remove a name from the sick list. Please help us to keep this list up-to-date! The weeks of July 1st and January 1st we purge the sick list and begin fresh. Bill Adair Mark Dillon Madonna Kelly Ed Nail Mary Reppen Pat Sundvall Paul Aguirre Sheila Donoghue Betty Kennedy Cheryl Nelson Ingrid Reese Bridget Sweeney Candace Anvin Liz Downey Blake Kenyon James Nelson Lisa Retacco Greyson Szoltysik Jeannette Arnolde Natalie Duck Den Koide Julie Nelson Maroline Ritter Robert Szott Tom Badarz Allison Durham Edna Konen Frank Nemechek Roland Rives Andrea Thayer Dominick Bagnasco, Jr. Margaret Espizito Paula Koppi Mary O’Brien Bob Roberts Amber Aurit-Thomas Mike Barry Shirley Garback Grace Kunstman John O’Dwyer, Jr. Simone Romanos John Thompson Tina Bart David Gazda Kristen Russell Larson Jerry O’Reilly John Romsero Guy Timm Doris Basel Dylan Gentry Owen Lawler Kelly Olson Johanna Rozen Mary Ann Treleven Roberta Bates Theresa Geracitano Dan Lux Ernest Orlando Beverly Scalone Robert Treleven, Sr. Ray Bauer Rod Gladfelder Theresa Lanni Geraldine Orlando Ginny Schlameuss Diane VanDeVeire Jan Bettini Casey Hanrahan Steve Lunacek Jennifer Osmulski The Schnaitman Caroline Vermaat Carole Blake Fred Harmon Gwen Lyons Jerry Pagliuca Family Sarah Vilchuck Edward Bonnes Karl Heitkotter Wilma Majcen Laura Parisi Geri Smith Dolores Vlakancic Cory Briggs Marylyn Hejmej Teresa Martinez Ariana Perez Tom Smudde Bob Watts Bobby Bruns Lydia Hernandez Cindy Martinez Ismael Perez Carter and Chris Spiering Jacquline Weirich Joe Burke Natalie Aurit Jamie Pat McCarthy Kenneth Phillippo Colleen Staniszewski Claire White Robert Catron Hal Jenkins Angela Michonski Bob Pogwizd Deacon Bill Stankevitz Emily Wurtz Catherine Colbrook Amelia Jeskie Ron Mahorek J. Raymond Ramus Gerald Stoffel Kris Zielle Brian Czyewski Cheryl Jungels Thomas M. Mohorek Ingrid Reese Rich Striedl Ralph Diederich Nancy Keane George Motyka Ann Reilly Cindy Strasser Helen Dillon Frank Keller William Murtaugh Mary Reppen, Sr. Barry Sugbin For Those Entering Delnor Hospital in Geneva - Due to HIPAA laws and new changes at Delnor/Cadence Hospital, if you are a patient at Delnor Hospital and wish to have the sacrament of Communion brought to you during your stay, you must inform the hospital upon registering that you are a Catholic and a member of Holy Cross Church in Batavia. In addition, each evening you must let your nurse know that you wish to receive Holy Communion the following day. PRAY FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR MEN AND WOMEN SERVING IN THE MILITARY To add a name to this list contact Pat Purcell at 630-373-3474. Dear God, remember our brave men and women now serving in our Armed Forces, both at home and abroad. Send out Your angels to protect them all. Help them discharge their duties honorably and well. Please bring them safely home to their families and loved ones and bring Your peace and mercy to our troubled world. We ask this, Father, in the name of Jesus, Your Son, our Savior and Lord. Amen. 1st Lt Anthony Allen Sgt Chris Barthelme SRA Matthew Beifuss A1C Francis Beifuss Capt David Bergeron Sgt 1st Class Melissa Brooker Capt Mark S. Browning Spc Brandon Cahill 1st Lt Brian D’Arcy LCpl Casey Danbury Capt Qunin Eddy SA Dakota Enders Capt Craig Falk MSgt Rett Gauthier Capt John Hendricks Cpl Frankie Herran LCpl Nick Horner Maj Edgar A. Jimenez 2nd Lt Matthew Johnson LCpl Steven Kaeler SPC James A. Konen Cpl James LaPorta Capt Ted Lauzen Ens Hans Lauzen Sgt Joshua Ledbetter PFC Hunter Levine Sgm George Luedtke Airman Nick Maxwell Midn4CJack Meier SPC Dewain Meszaros LT Nicholas Motyka Chief PO George L. Muniz Lt Col Vinod Naga Cpl Brock Peio PFC Jared Peterson PFC Stephan Precour A1C Brendan P. Purcell Sgt Herman “Richie” Reinhold 1st Lt Ashley Ritchey Capt Heather Ritchey Spc Daniel Sarley Airman David Schmitt Capt Carmen Meier‐Sheehy LT Tim Sheehy C Seth Sherwood SSgt Michael Staal Spc Marc Stellato Maj James Studlo WO1 David Thompson Spc Margaret Thompson SSgt Michael Thompson SSgt Alexander Tobusch PO2 Chris Walgenbach Spc David Walgenbach Spc Mitch Watts 2nd Lt Jackie Yurgil 1st Lt Joseph Yurgil 9 REGISTRATION. . . to become a parishioner of Holy Cross SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Office by Noon on Monday prior to the Sunday bulletin in which they are to appear. Please include the name and phone number of the person submitting the announcement. All bulletin stuffers must be approved in advance by Msgr. Brodeski. Bulletin articles can be emailed to: [email protected] Participation in a baptism preparation class is mandatory for infant baptism. Parents are encouraged to attend the class as early as possible - up to 3 months prior to the arrival of their baby. Sessions are held in the CECC building room 216 on the 3rd Sunday of every month following the 8:00AM Mass. Baptism dates are assigned at these sessions. Baptisms are held immediately following the 4:15PM Saturday evening Mass. Please call the parish office at 630-879-4750 to register for this class or for more information. PULPIT ANNOUNCEMENTS. . . need to be in the Parish CONFESSION SCHEDULE is handled at the parish office or online through our website. BULLETIN ARTICLES. . . are required to be in the Parish Office by the Friday before you wish them to be announced. Please include the phone number of a contact person. All pulpit announcements must be approved in advance by Msgr. Brodeski. LOST ARTICLES. . . may be claimed in the Parish Office. PARISH POLICY ON DISTRIBUTING MATERIALS. . . such as flyers, booklets, holy cards, meeting information, etc. requires that they must be approved by Msgr. Brodeski before being placed in the narthex, on bulletin boards, on parishioners’ vehicles or anywhere on the parish property. In order to properly review the aforementioned items, it is recommended that they be submitted at least one week prior to distribution. PARISH CALENDAR ROOM RESERVATIONS. . . MUST be made in advance for any parish group wishing to meet at Holy Cross. Call the parish office to reserve a room. If you are not on the parish calendar you do not have a room. Our parish calendar is set up for an entire year and most rooms are currently reserved. We will make every effort to accommodate any parish group. RESPECT LIFE . . . If you are pregnant (or think you may be) and you need assistance, or if you know someone else who needs assistance with a pregnancy, you may want to contact one of the following: Waterleaf Women’s Center 1-630-360-CALM (2256) Text for your private appointment National Life Center 1-800-848-LOVE Birthright 1-800-550-4900 Care Net 1-800-395-HELP Catholic Charities Maternity Hotline 1-800-CARE-002 Elliot Institute 1-888-4-OPTIONS Nurturing Network* 1-800-TNN-4MOM *The Nurturing Network provides complete services including college and employment transfers, as well as medical, housing, certified counseling, and other assistance to unwed mothers. Project Rachel - The pain and sorrow of a past abortion need not endure for a lifetime. Call Project Rachel for a confidential referral to a priest and/or counselor. There are alternatives to abortion! Phone the Diocesan Respect Life Office (815) 877-LIFE, or Catholic Charities Pregnancy Help Center (800) CARE-002. VISITS TO THE SICK . . .Notify the Parish Office whenever a homebound family member or friend would like a visit from a Minister of Care. Refer to page 1 of the bulletin for the schedule, or call to request an appointment. SACRAMENTS OF FIRST HOLY COMMUNION AND FIRST RECONCILIATION Youth participate in the sacramental preparation program coordinated by the Children’s Religious Education Minister in their 2nd grade year. Contact the religious education office at 630-8794751 ext. 110 for details. SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION Youth participate in the sacramental preparation program coordinated by the Early Teen Minister and are confirmed in their 8th grade year. Contact the religious education office at 630879-4751 ext. 109 for details. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Only registered parishioners are eligible. Arrangements are to be made by calling the parish office at least 6 months in advance. It is necessary to book your wedding date with the parish office prior to booking a reception hall. Weddings are held on Saturday afternoons only, at 2:00PM. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please notify the Parish Office if you or someone you know will be hospitalized or confined at home and would like to be anointed by a priest. SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS If you or someone you know is interested in the priesthood, please call Fr. Keith Romke at the Diocesan Vocation Office, 815-399-4300, or call Msgr. Brodeski, Fr. Draper or Fr. Daniel. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) An experience of learning and discernment for Catholics who want the sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation or who want to learn more of their faith, as well as non-Catholics or those not baptized who are thinking of joining the Church. Please call the parish office at 630-879-4750 and leave your name and phone number at extention 312. 10 PARISH DIRECTORY Parish Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .630-879-4750 Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .630-879-9502 Parish Website . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.holycross-batavia.org Parish Email . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Rev. Msgr. Thomas E. Bales, Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ext. 104 Rev. Timothy J. Draper, Parochial Vicar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ext. 103 Rev. Daniel P. Zdebik, OFM Conv., Parochial Vicar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ext. 107 Mr. Raymond Martin, Deacon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ext. 322 Mr. Larry Motyka, Deacon and Business Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ext. 102 Chris Bashaw, Parish Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ext. 122 Patricia Noerr, Bookkeeper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ext. 101 Jonathan McLear, Director of Music Ministries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ext. 112 Religious Education Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .630-879-4751 Nancy Bowen, Religious Education Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ext. 105 Patricia Roatch, Director of Religious Education (Sunday Sch. & GR 1- 4) . . . . . . . .ext. 110 Karen McQuillan, Director of Religious Education (Gr 5 - 8, Confirmation) . . . . . . .ext. 109 Jennifer Haviland, Early Teen Youth Minister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ext. 111 Patrick Haviland, Senior High Youth Minister . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ext. 111 Holy Cross Catholic Grade School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .630-593-5290 HCCS Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .630-593-5289 Tricia Weis, Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ext. 141 Pastoral Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ext. 320 Cindy Augustine, Volunteer Adult Ed and LOTW Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ext. 306 Enriching Lives Voicemail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ext. 321 St. Vincent dePaul Help Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ext. 307 RCIA Voicemail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ext. 312 Subscription to the MAGNIFICAT Holy Cross Parish would like to offer you a subscription for the MAGNIFICAT at a reduced rate. The monthly magazine offers: Beautiful prayers for both morning and evening, drawn from the treasures of the Liturgy of the Hours, the official texts of the daily Mass, Medications written by the renowned Fathers of the Church, and a great variety of spiritual writings, essays on the lives of the saints of today and the past. In each MAGNIFICAT, you will also find an article giving valuable insight, into a masterpiece of sacred art. The subscription will begin in September 2014. Order forms will be available in the narthex and on the parish website. Orders must be submitted by June 2, 2014 to the parish office. Subscription cost is $29.95 per year. Please make checks payable to Holy Cross Church. Questions? Contact Pat Roatch at 630-879-4751.
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