September 10, 2014 East Bethlehem Township, PA The regular

September 10, 2014
East Bethlehem Township, PA
The regular monthly meeting of the East Bethlehem Township Commissioners was held
on Wednesday, September 10, 2014 at the Sewage Authority Building, 522 Front Street,
Fredericktown PA.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM by Commissioner Paul Battaglini. The roll
call was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioners present were Paul
Battaglini, Leisa Conklin and Mike Packrall. Commissioners William Hess and Gasper
Impiccini were absent. Also present was Solicitor Lane Turturice and Secretary Maryann
Public Participation
Gary Hirschi, Terrace Road, was present regarding a drainage problem causing water
damage to his property. He stated that the township road dept. repaired the problem in
February, but the repair did not work and there is still water on his property and a 3’ hole.
Mr. Battaglini stated that the road department will repair the problem after the road
paving is completed. Mr. Hirschi also questioned ownership of a street light pole on
Garner Avenue. The secretary was instructed to determine ownership of the pole/light.
Stephanie Paluda, EQT Community Advisor, introduced herself to the board and
audience as the new community outreach person for EQT. She stated that she is the
contact person for any problems and/or concerns that the board may have. She informed
all that EQT has one active well site in East Bethlehem Township which will be fracked
in early 2015.
Lynda Pelkey, Fredericktown, commended the street department on the paving that is
being done. She stated that traffic, especially water trucks, is speeding through the
downtown area. Mrs. Conklin will address the matter with the Police Dept.
Nick Babko Jr. and Nick Babko III, representing the East Bethlehem Township Volunteer
Fire Dept., informed the board of a community Open House at the Fire Dept. on Sunday
October 5, 2014 where the fire department will open up the fire house to the community
so that their job and operations of the fire department may be better understood. Nick
stated that several distinguished guests are scheduled to attend. Nick also announced that
there will be a fundraiser spaghetti dinner on November 23rd to benefit Mark Husak, a
community member and long-time firefighter.
Ron Revi, Millsboro, requested that the township monitor speed on Rt. 88 near Calvary
Chapel. He stated that the 25MPH existing speed limit is not being obeyed, especially
during school pick up and drop off times. He also stated that he is concerned about the
variance given by the Zoning Hearing Board to open a powder-coating business in a
residentially zoned area. He asked if the ZHB was permitted to spot zone an area of the
township to permit industrial use. Mr. Battaglini advised that any opposition with
determinations of the ZHB must be appealed to the county court.
William Giovanelli, Millsboro, stated that trucks parking along Rt. 88 across from the
Butcher Shop are hindering sight making it dangerous to pull out from Mill Street.
Approval of Minutes
Mr. Packrall motioned and Mrs. Conklin seconded to approve the minutes of the August
13, 2014 Regular meeting as received. The motion carried. Mr. Battaglini announced
that an executive session for personnel was held on Wednesday, August 20, 2014 at
11:00AM at the township office.
Secretary’s Report
General Fund Receipts
State Fund Receipts
Municipal Share Receipts
Act 13 Receipts
Police Dept. Fund Receipts
General Fund Expenses
State Fund Expenses
Municipal Share Expenses
Act 13 Expenses
Police Dept. Fund Expenses
$ 2,271.04
Mrs. Conklin motioned and Mr. Packrall seconded to accept the secretary’s report and
pay the bills as presented. The motion carried.
Tax Collector’s Report
Tax Collector Bernice Skobel submitted the following for August 2014:
Real Estate Tax Collections
Per Capita Tax Collections
$ 109.00
Fire Service Tax Collections
$ 247.55
Mr. Packrall motioned and Mrs. Conklin seconded to accept the Tax Collector’s Report
as submitted. The motion carried.
Solicitor’s Report
Solicitor Turturice stated that Mr. Battaglini's signature is needed for the Kimberly
Coleman Property (former Taylor Gas Station) conservatorship documents and they will
then be filed. He presented a resolution regarding retention and disposition of public
documents for review. Mrs. Conklin questioned the progress on the slate dump
remediation as it continues to be a problem for residents of Willow Street to access their
property. The solicitor will send another letter to the property owner requesting cleanup
of the slate that is impeding travel on a public roadway. The secretary was also asked to
contact the DEP office regarding the slate.
Old Business
The secretary and Mrs. Conklin will attend a land bank planning meeting on Wednesday,
September 17 in Washington.
Dock Expansion and Community Square Grant planning is still underway and both
projects should be completed by early summer of 2015.
Resident complaints regarding the sight issues on Oil Alley in Millsboro have been
received. The police department investigated the sight issues and suggested installation
of several stop signs to avoid a safety issue.
There was no action taken on the Mill Street former Corazzi building or Clarksville
New Business
Mrs. Conklin motioned and Mr. Packrall seconded to approve closing of the right lane of
Rt. 88 for the October 4, 2014 Classic Car Show and use of the Community Square for
the Fall Fest. The motion carried.
Mrs. Conklin motioned and Mr. Packrall seconded to approve use of the Community
Square for the October 11, 2014 Rosary Rally. The motion carried.
The secretary reported that many complaints have been received regarding animals in
town being walked without a leash. Kym Secreet, Animal Control, has stated that
without a township ordinance requiring a leash that she is unable to enforce anything
regarding the animals.
Mrs. Conklin motioned and Mr. Packrall seconded that stop signs be installed at the
intersection of Oil & Mill Streets and Oil & Walnut Streets in Millsboro. The motion
Mr. Packrall motioned and Mrs. Conklin seconded to table a request from Centerville
Borough requesting reimbursement for asphalt in the amount of $8,573 for paving a
portion of New Hill Road in Vestaburg. The motion carried.
Mrs. Conklin motioned and Mr. Packrall seconded to approve closing of Rt. 88 on
October 10, 2014 for the Bethlehem-Center Homecoming Parade. The motion carried.
Mr. Packrall motioned and Mrs. Conklin seconded to schedule trick-or-treat in East
Bethlehem Township on Saturday, November 1, 2014 from 1:00PM to 3:00PM. The
motion carried.
Mrs. Conklin motioned and Mr. Packrall seconded to approve closing of Rt. 88 on
November 1, 2014 for the American Legion Halloween Parade. The motion carried.
Mrs. Conklin motioned and Mr. Packrall seconded to accept the resignation of Police
Officer Robert Cunningham as received. The motion carried.
Mr. Packrall motioned and Mrs. Conklin seconded to adopt Resolution 2014-2 approving
application by East Bethlehem Township for a grant under the Local Share Account to
improve recreation facilities at Vestaburg Park. The motion carried.
Mr. Packrall motioned and Mrs. Conklin seconded that East Bethlehem Township pledge
$15,000 of the Act 13 funding toward the Vestaburg Park Grant Application. The motion
A proposal from Kriebel Minerals to donate brine water to the township was presented to
the commissioners. The board agreed that the township would not accept the brine water
from gas well fracking.
Mr. Packrall questioned the need for another road crew worker for the winter. Discussion
was held on hiring a foreman for the road crew.
Mr. Battaglini called for an executive session for personnel matters at 8:00PM. The
board returned to regular session at 8:22PM.
Mrs. Conklin motioned and Mr. Packrall seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion
Maryann Kubacki, Secretary