Board Minutes Work Session August 18, 2014 MARION CENTER

Board Minutes
Work Session
August 18, 2014
President Gregg Sacco called the Work Session of the Marion Center Area School Board to order at 7:09 p.m.
on Monday, August 18, 2014 in the W. A. McCreery Library.
The following 9 members were in attendance: Mr. Elkin, Mr. Glasser, Mr. LaVan, Mr. Moretti, Mr. Neese,
Mrs. Risinger, Mr. Sacco, and Mr. Young. Mr. Oswald was present via phone.
Administrators present: Mr. Adamchik, Mr. Jioio, Mr. Putt, Mrs. DeVaughn, Ms. Urbani, Mrs. Gaston,
Mr. Kirkland, and Mr. Martini, Business Manager and Mrs. Conner, Board Secretary.
Student Board Representatives: None present
Media Present: Randy Wells, Gazette and Britany Madera, Renda Broadcasting
Others Present: Dorothy Clawson, Ketytek Braughler, Susan Cooper, Luke Sitosky, Patti Grant, and Kristy
Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Mr. Sacco called for General Citizens Comments, hearing none, Mr. Sacco
proceeded with the agenda.
Minutes and Financial Reports
The following reports were presented for review:
 Revenue Summary Sheet
 Expenditure Summary Sheet
 Balance Summary Sheet
Approval is recommended of July 21, 2014 minutes, of the July Treasurer’s Report, for payment of the
August bills as listed, of the following Activities Accounts: Secondary Activity Account, Athletic Activity
Account, Elementary Activity Account. No questions and/or comments.
Student Affairs
There were no items for discussion and/or action.
General School Affairs
The following reports were presented for review:
 Dr. Garritano -District Report
Mr. Adamchik - Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment Report;
 Mr. Adamchik reviewed the 2013-2014 Preliminary PSSA Results and the 2014 Spring
Keystone Results
Mr. Jioio - High School Report - spoke to remediation efforts for students in math and Reading
Mr. Putt – High School Report
Mrs. DeVaughn-Elementary Report - spoke to remediation efforts for students in math and Reading
 Updated Kindergarten Report Card
Ms. Urbani – Elementary Report
Mrs. Gaston –Special Education Report – spoke to remediation of Special Education Students
Mr. Ball - Technology Director’s Report
Mrs. Kimmel – Nutrition Services – no report presented.
Approval is recommended of the Smith Bus Company’s Marion Center Equipment listing. No questions
and/or comments.
Approval is recommended of the 2014-2015 bus stops as presented. No questions and/or comments.
Approval is recommended to participate in the Ameri-Corps Volunteer Member Program and the following
three volunteers: Andrea Karcher, Jordan Mateer, and Tia Neal.
It was moved by Mr. Neese seconded by Mr. LaVan that the district participate in the Ameri-Corps
Volunteer Member Program as presented.
Aff: 9
Nay: 0
Abstain: 0
Absent: 0
Buildings & Grounds
The following report was presented for review:
 Ken Kirkland-Director’s Report
Business Affairs
Approval is recommended to enter into a New Story Tuition Agreement for 2014-2015. No questions
and/or comments.
Approval is recommended to enter into an agreement with Clearinghouse. No questions
and/or comments.
Approval is recommended to enter into a License Agreement with LRG Prep to generate royalty revenue
from the sale of licensed school name/logo merchandise. No questions and/or comments.
Approval is recommended to enter into a contact with Kipp Photography for the 2014-2015 for services
outlined in the document presented FKP-1415. No questions and/or comments.
Approval is recommended of the District Substitute List inclusive of Professional, ARIN Guest Teachers,
Para-educators, Nutrition Service, and Custodial Staff. No questions and/or comments.
Approval is recommended of the High School and Elementary Volunteer Lists. No questions and/or
Approval is recommended of the Bus Driver and Substitute List. No questions and/or comments.
Approval is recommended to grant tenure to the following employees how have satisfied the requirements as
dictated by PDE laws and regulations for a contract as a professional employee with Marion Center Area
School District: Kassandra Buente and Megan Vallies. No questions and/or comments.
Approval is recommended to accept with regret the letter of resignation with the intent to retire from Toni
Vay, Nutrition Services, effective June 29, 2014. No questions and/or comments.
Approval is recommended to accept with regret the letter of resignation with the intent to retire from Patsy
Kosic, Nutrition Services, and effective August 11, 2014. No questions and/or comments.
Approval is recommended to eliminate the 7.25 hour vacancy at the McCreery Elementary School, created by
the resignation of Toni Vay. No questions and/or comments.
Approval is recommended to approve the resignation of Autumn Kunkle as a 50% long term substitute as
approved July 21, 2014.
It was moved by Mr. Oswald seconded by Mr. Glasser that Autumn Kunkle’s resignation be approved as
presented. Motion carried.
Aff: 9
Nay: 0
Abstain: 0
Absent: 0
Approval is recommended to hire Lindsey Strength as a 50% long term substitute for Language/Arts
beginning August 25, 2014 through January 20, 2015.
It was moved byMr. Oswald seconded by Mr Elkin that Lindsey Strength be hired as a 50% long term
substitute as presented. Motion carried.
Aff: 9
Nay: 0
Abstain: 0
Absent: 0
Approval is recommended to hire Erin Yuhaschek as a day-to-day substitute beginning August 25, 2014
through February 23, 2015 at a daily rate of $101.09.
It was moved by Mr. Nesse seconded by Mr. Moretti that Erin Yuhaschek be approved as presented. Motion
Aff: 9
Nay: 0
Abstain: 0
Absent: 0
Co/Extra-Curricular Activities
Approval is recommended of the following coaching supplemental positions:
Head Baseball Coach
Assistant Baseball Coach
Head Softball Coach
Assistant Softball Coach
Head Track Coach
Assistant Track Coach
Assistant Track Coach
Assistant Track Coach
Head Jr. High Track Coach
Jr. High Assistant Track Coach
Paul DeHaven
Ryan Lightcap
Ed Peterson
Melissa Bishop
Mark Magolis
Nicole Dane Payne
Luke Sitosky
Mary Ann Wheeler
Chris Peters
Dave Malicky
Community Service Program
There were no items for discussion and/or action.
Board Procedures
Approval is recommended of the second reading of the following new, revised and merged policies:
Local review and recommendations
Policy 004: Local Board Membership
Policy 004 BOG 1: Filling a Vacancy
Policy 004 BOG 2: Vacancy Application
Policy 004 BOG 3: Student Representatives
Policy 005: Organization
Policy 006: Meetings
Policy 007: Distribution
Policy 008: Organization Chart
Policy 011: Board Governance Standards Code of
Policy 103.1: Non Discrimination- Qualified Students
with Disabilities
Policy 104: Nondiscrimination in Employment and Contract
PSBA review and merging of series
Policy 301: Creating a Position
Policy 302: Employment of Superintendent
Policy 304: Employment of District Staff
Policy 305: Employment of Substitutes
Policy 306: Employment of Summer Staff
Policy 307: Student Teachers/Interns
Policy 308: Employment Contract/Board Resolution
Policy 308.1: Supplemental Contracts
Policy 309: Assignment and Transfer
108.1: Text Book Adoption Cycle
Policy 113: Special Education
Policy 113.1: Discipline of Students with Disabilities
113.3: Screening Evaluations Students with Disabilities
Policy 114: Gifted Education
115.1: Vocational Agricultural Admissions
Policy 121: Field Trips
Policy 122: Extracurricular Activities
Policy 123: Interscholastic Athletics
Policy 123.1: Concussion Management
Policy 123.2: Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Policy 246: Student Wellness
Policy 313: Evaluation of Employees
Policy 314: Physical Examinations
Policy 314.1: HIV Infection
Policy 317: Conduct/Disciplinary Procedures
Policy 318: Penalties For Tardiness
Policy 319: Outside Activities
Policy 320: Freedom of Speech in Non-school Settings
Policy 321: Political Activities
Policy 322: Gifts
Policy 323: Tobacco
Policy 324: Personnel Files
Policy 325: Dress and Grooming
Policy 326: Complaint Process
Policy 328: Compensation Plans/Salary Schedules
Policy 330: Overtime
Policy 331: Job Related Expenses
Policy 332: Working Periods
Policy 333: Professional Development
Policy 334: Sick Leave
Policy 335: Family and Medical Leaves
Policy 335.1: Maternity Leave
Policy 336: Personal Necessity Leave
Policy 337: Vacation
Policy 338: Sabbatical Leave
Policy 338.1: Compensated Professional Leaves
Policy 311: Suspensions and Furloughs
Policy 312: Performance Assessment of Superintendent
Policy 339: Uncompensated Leave
Policy 340: Responsibility for Student Welfare
Policy 341: Benefits for Part Time Employees
Policy 342: Jury Duty
Policy 343: Paid Holidays
Policy 346: Workers’ Compensation
Policy 347: Workers’ To Work Program Compensation
Transitional Return
Policy 348: Unlawful Harassment
Policy 351: Drug and Substance Abuse
Policy 353: Employee Assistance Program
No questions and/or comments.
Other Business
There were no items for discussion and/or action.
Upon a motion by Mr. Moretti seconded by Mr. Neese the board unanimously approved adjournment into
Executive Session for Personnel. Motion carried.
Aff: 9
Nay: 0
Abstain: 0
Absent: 0
ADJOURNMENT into Executive Session for Personnel at 8:04 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcia J Conner
Board Secretary