ES W AR Government of Odisha Department of Energy ************************** NOTIFICATION No………9768… Dated, Bhubaneswar, the 09.12.2014 BA N EL-MISC-28/13 (Pt.) A, BH U In exercise of the power conferred by the Regulation 29 (1) of the Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulation 2010 and in supersession of Department of Energy Notification No.19733 dtd.15.10.2001 on the fee structure of ELBO Regulation the State Govt. do hereby prescribe the fees structure for grant of permit to workman / SCC / Contractor License and also remuneration for conducting the examination for grant of permit to Electrical Workman, Supervisor Certificate of Competency (SCC) to Supervisors by the Electrical Licensing Board, Odisha. ,O 300 300 400 800 500 500 800 400 1200 600 800 400 1200 600 1600 800 600 600 2000 400 2400 800 2000 400 3000 600 4000 800 1500 1500 5000 10000 15000 4000 800 2000 4000 15000 6000 1200 3000 6000 30000 4000 800 2000 4000 15000 6000 1200 3000 6000 22500 8000 1600 4000 8000 30000 BO A Upto six months after expiry 300 300 600 1200 Six months to one year after expiry 400 400 800 1600 G Fees for Duplicate LI CE 6 Penalty for late renewal 200 200 400 800 150 150 200 200 NS 5 Wireman Permit MV Lineman Permit MV Workman Permit HT Workmen Permit EHT Supervisor Certificate of Competency (MV) (a) Commercial (b) Non-Commercial Supervisor Certificate of Competency (HT) (a) Commercial (b) Non-Commercial * Supervisor Certificate of Competency (EHT) (a) Commercial (b) Non-Commercial * Contractor License M.V. Contractor License H.T. Contractor License E.H.T. IN 1 2 3 4 (Figure in Rupees) One month before expiry 200 200 400 800 Application fees Category RD Sl. No. License fees / Renewal per year DI SH FEES STRUCTURE FOR GRANT OF PERMIT TO WORKMAN / CINEMA OPERATOR & S.C.C / CONTRACOR LICENSE TR 8 9 10 IC AL 7 Temporary Contractor License (per work) 12 Endorsement Fees 13 For change of signatory or Partners / Directors of the firm / company / factory, for any license. The fees mentioned above for different category as MV / HT / EHT is applicable. Same as License Fees for respective categories EL EC 11 500 ES W AR *- Non-commercial:- The persons working under direct Govt. of Odisha / Govt. of Odisha undertaking / OHPC / OPTCL / GRIDCO / OPGC are coming under non-commercial category. Examination Fees: 1. Examination Fees for Workman permit MV / HT - Rs.200/-. 2. Examination Fees for Workman permit EHT - Rs.300/-. 3. Examination Fees for SCC (MV/HT/EHT) BA N - Rs.500/-. (In case of applicant belonging to SC & ST examination fees shall be 50% of the fees A, BH U specified subject to furnishing the cast certificate in the prescribed form) REMUNERATION FOR CONDUCTING THE EXAMINATION FOR GRANT OF PERMIT/S.C.C. For conducting Supervisory Certificate of Competency (SCC) / Workman Permit Examination. (a) Question Setter - Rs.1000/- (Per each question set) SH 1. DI (b) Evaluation of answer sheet - Rs.50/- per answer sheet subject to minimum Rs.500/- ,O (c) Conducting via-voce test for SCC - Rs.1000/- day per examiner. (d) Conducting via-voce test for Workman Permit - Rs.500/- per day per examiner. RD (e) Invigilation - Per sitting Rs.500/- per person. (ii) Ministerial staff BO A (i) Officer - Per sitting Rs.350/- per person. (iii) Class-IV Employees - Per sitting Rs.250/- per person. - Miscellaneous expenditure for conducting examinations will be made with approval of Chairman, ELBO as and when required. NS IN G (iv) Contingency expenditure EC TR IC AL LI CE This notification supersedes earlier notifications issued on Electrical Licensing Board Odisha (ELBO) Regulation in this Department. By order of Governor Sd/(S.C. Mohapatra) Principal Secretary to Govt. EL Memo No.______9769_____/Dated, the 09.12.2014 Copy forwarded to All Departments of Govt. / All Heads of Department for information and necessary action. Sd/Addl. Secretary to Government ES W AR BA N Memo No.______9770_____/Dated, the 09.12.2014 Copy forwarded to the Head, Portal IT Centre, Secretariat with a request to upload the notification in official website of Energy Department for information. A, BH U Sd/Addl. Secretary to Government SH Memo No.______9771_____/Dated, the 09.12.2014 Copy forwarded to Finance Departments / A.G.(A&E), Odisha for information and necessary action. Sd/Addl. Secretary to Government Sd/Addl. Secretary to Government BO A RD ,O DI Memo No.______9772_____/Dated, the 09.12.2014 Copy forwarded to Engineer-in-Chief, Electricity-cum-Principal Chief Electrical Inspector, Odisha, Bhubaneswar for information and necessary action. He is requested to upload the Notification in his own Departmental Website Portal. CE NS IN G Memo No.______9773_____/Dated, the 09.12.2014 Copy forwarded to Chief Electrical Inspector (T&D), Odisha, Bhubaneswar / Chief Electrical Inspector (Generation), Bhubaneswar / Electrical Inspector (Hq.)-CumSecy., Electrical Licensing Board, Odisha, Bhubaneswar for information and necessary action. Sd/Addl. Secretary to Government EL EC TR IC AL LI Memo No.______9774_____/Dated, the 09.12.2014 Copy forwarded to Joint Apprenticeship Advisor, O/O Directorate of Technical Education & Training, Odisha / CMD, NALCO, Bhubaneswar / Director Mines Safety (Elect.), O/O Dy.Director General Mines, 3rd Floor,RT-3 Building (Old), CMPDI Campus, Kanke Road, Ranchi, Jharkhand for information and necessary action. Sd/Addl. Secretary to Government ES W AR DI SH A, BH U BA N Memo No.______9775_____/Dated, the 09.12.2014 Copy forwarded to Chairman-cum-Managing Director, OPTCL, Bhubaneswar/ CMD, OHPC, Bhubaneswar / M.D,OPGC, Bhubaneswar / Chief Executive Officer, CESU, Bhubaneswar / Chief Executive Officer, Central Service Office (NESCO/ WESCO/ SOUTHCO) ,Plot No.N-1/22, IRC Village, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar-15/ M.D, WESCO, Corporate Office, At/po: Burla, Dist: Sambalpur / M.D, NESCO, Corporate Office, At/po:Januganj, Dist: Balasore/ M.D, SOUTHCO, Corporate Office, At/Po: Courtpetta Square, Berhampur, Dist: Ganjam for information and necessary action. Sd/Addl. Secretary to Government BO A RD ,O Memo No.______9776_____/Dated, the 09.12.2014 Copy forwarded to the Utkal Chamber of Commerce, Bhubaneswar / Cuttack, Electrical Contractors Association, Odisha, Bhubaneswar for information and necessary action. Sd/Addl. Secretary to Government TR IC AL LI CE NS IN G Memo No.______9777_____/Dated, the 09.12.2014 Copy forwarded to the Director of Printing Stationery and Publication, Odisha, Cuttack for publication of the Notification (statutory) in the next issue of the Odisha Gazette and supply 100 copies of the Notification to this department. EL EC Copy to Guard File. Sd/Addl. Secretary to Government
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