Send through e-Despatch oFFIcEoFTHEDIRECToRoFHoRTICULTURE&SECERETARY OOSUn UOnlCU-ifUn-E DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY, BHUBANESWAR 2MA(H-1)-44112(Pt.L)t To /J.315: 01 01', /Hort., Dated '^ 12/ Mr. N. K. Jain Director, LMI International, Kolkata [email protected] Sub Communication of the minutes of the meeting on Terminal Market Complex held on 23-08-20L4' : Sir, on I am directed to enclose herewith the minutes of the meeting 23-08-20t4 Terminal Market Complex, Nildunguri, Sambalpur district, Odisha held on and under the Chairmunrhip of Princi[al Secretary to Govt., Agriculture Department Nodal Officer, Terminal Market bomplex foi favour of your kind information and necessary action. Yours faithfullY Encl : As above. A_k,, r*"rur,u#nWi#t&g,ir.t ' Memo Directorate of Horticulture, Odisha. No. /l/elt/ 'c t o l1ort.,Dated Fq ' *1 ' 11 Copy submitted to the Joint Secretary to Govt., Agriculture Depaftment for favour of kind information and necessary action. I 0 , oi,,..t#i"c:lLn"t*l,.tJ?,ffi : /ffi11ry Memo No. y52 17 /Hort., Dated 61, 01' jttJl* 14 Copy with copy of enclosure forwarded to Ms. Soujanya Krishna Chodavarapu,Email,ID:[email protected],International Finance Corporation 0' for information and necessary r action. Memo No. t/tSl g 7ffi7/ry oireaof ]teec:Tt'"tJffi : ,^on, Dated 01' 01 ' jtno!H. /4 Copy with copy of enclosure forwarded to Mr. Ritwik Bahuguna, Email ID:[email protected] M/s IL & FS Cluster Development Initiativl,Znd Floor, Niryat Bhawan, Opp. Army Hospital Research & Referral, Rao Tula Ram Marg, New Delhi-110057 for information and necessary action. | 0 t 1wffi/r? ExecutiVe Engiheer (Agril.) Directorate of Horticulture, Odisha. Minutes TMC meeting Minutes of the meeting on Terminal Market complo< held on the 23'd Aug 2014 under the Chairmanship of principal secretary to Govt., Agriculture Depaftment' Odisha, Bhubaneswar. A meeting for implementation of Terminal Market Complex at Nildunguri, District Sambalpur, Odisha was held under the chairmanship of the Principal secretary to Govt., Agriculture Depaftment, odisha, Bhubaneswar in conference Hall of Agriculture Department, Rajiv Bhawan at 4.00 PM 23-0820L4. The list of participants is enclosed in Annexure - I. The meeting was convened to discuss issues regarding various questions raised by the PE i.e. M/s LMJ International Ltd, and also the concessions the PE has asked for^b implementr'r"4 0 the project. The observations made in the meeting on different issues were as follows: 1. It was informed by the Director of Horticulture, Odisha that the PE has incorporated the SPV in the name of Sambalpur Terminal Market Complex Private Limited. 2. Regarding transfer of land to the PE, the Principal Secretary to Govt., Agriculture Department advised the representatives of M/s LMI International to verify the procedures followed for allotment of land for implementation of similar projects in any other State so that the uniformity in process can be maintained. Besides, he advised to have discussions with the Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India in this regard since land is a major issue concerning grounding of the project. 3. It was decided that share holding and equity participation in the project can be devised in the same model as is being followed in other States for establishment of such projects. it 4. Regarding availability of electricity, was decided that Energy Department can be moved for making power available at the site which can be drawn by the PE for the project. 5. it was decided to lift the water from a nearby check dam as informed by Engineer-in-Chief, Water Resource Depaftment in the Regarding water availability at the site previous meeting held on 5th Aug., 2OL4 for the project once the requirement of power for the project is assessed. Minutes TMC meeting 6. Regarding other concessions asked for by the PE' the Principa|SecretarytoGovt.,Agricu|tureDepartment,odisha in other opined that the same procedure as is being followed States can be followed in the State of Odisha' for collection centres, it was decided that if Govt. land is available in such areas, the same can be provided to the PE or else the PE has to procure the land on its own or utilize the facilities developed by the FPOs' 7. Regarding land 8.ItwasinsisteduponbythePrincipalSecretary,Agril' Department that P.E. must prepare the Initial Development Plan for the project and assess the water and power requirement for the Project. 9. Since the schedule for preparation of IDP, signing of oMDA etc. has been delayed, it was agreed upon that the process should be initiated without further delay. Principal secretary advised the representatives of M/s LMJ International to complete the preparation of IDP in two months instead of three months as requested by the Private Entrepreneur (PE). Mr. N. K, Jain, Director, LMJ International informed that the preparation of DPR will take one more month over and above the schedule of preparation of IDP. to Govt., Agriculture Depaftment cum-Nodal Officer, Terminal Market Complex wanted to have a meeting with M/s IL & FS Cluster Development Initiative Ltd. on 28h Aug., 20t4 in the Conference Hall to have a detailed discussion in presence of Joint Secretary-cumMission Director, NHM, Govt. of India. 10.The Principal Secretary The meeting ended with a Vote of Thanks to the Chair. 0a NAzr.1'tt/r Principal S6tretary to Govt. Agriculture Depaftment Odisha, Bhubaneswar. MinutesTMC meeting Annexure -I List of PafticiPants 1. Principal Secretary to Govt., Agril' Deptt' 2. Director of Horticulture, Odisha 3. Smt. M. Lakra, Joint Secretary, Agriculture 4. Mr. N. K. Jain, Director, LMI International, Kolkata 5. Mr. P. B. Rajgopal, CEO (Projects) LMJ International 6. Mr. Amar Jyoti Mohapatra, IFC Ltd. 7. Mrs. Anurag Mitra, YP, Agriculture Department B. Er. N.S. Mundari, Executive Engineer (Agril.) 9. Er. J. P. Ray, Asst. Refrigeration Minutes TMC meeting Engineer
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