OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA BHUBANESWAR r /9-C No. /CS. Date I C • 03, 20 tf From Shri Dilip Routrai, OAS(S) OSD to Chief Secretary & ex-Officio Joint Secretary to Government, General Administration Department To Principal Secretary to Govt., Rural Development Deptt. /Rural Sub:- Discussion regarding establishment of Swosti Villa & Eco SPA Resort on Chilika Lake . Sir, In enclosing herewith the letter received from Sri J.K Mohanty, Director, Swosti Vacations Club Pvt. Ltd., I am directed to inform you that the Chief Secretary, Odisha shall discuss on the above subject with your good self in the next few days. The exact date and time for the same is being intimated shortly. Yours faithf Encl: As above OSD to Chief Secretary ft • VACATIONS CLUB To Sri Jugal Kishore Mahapatra, IAS Chief Secretary, Govt. of Odisha Bhubaneswar 13th March 2014 Sub: Establishment of Swosti Villa & Eco SPA Resort on Chilika Lake. Respected Sir, We beg to bring to your kind notice that we have engaged an International Architectural Firm from Thailand for putting up an international standard resort with SPA, Villas, Houseboats, Yoga Centre, Herbal Gardens and high quality landscaping. The architectural firm which we have engaged has done resorts in USA, New Zealand, Singapore, Dubai, Mauritius, Malaysia, Thailand and we wish to put up a resort that would attract international tourists boosting the brand image of Odisha. Sir, although we have got approval from Odisha Coastal Zone Management Authority (OCZMA) vide their letter No.50/224SPMU/ICZMP(0) / Adm / OCZMA / 2011-12 dated 3rd May 2013 (copy enclosed), unfortunately we are not able to go ahead because the connecting road from National Highway No.5 to our plot has become extremely bad and is not at all motorable for carrying our construction materials for putting up the resort. The Project Director, DRDA, Ganjam, Chatrapur has already requested Principal Secretary, Rural Development Department, for construction of this road vide their letter No.46/5/2010 dated 14/12/2010 (copy enclosed). The same has also once again been recommended by the Principal Secretary, Tourism vide DO letter no. 008/PRST, dated 15th January 2014 (copy enclosed). Contd...P- P-1, Jaydev Viher, Bhubaneswar - 751 013, Orissa, India Ph.: 0674-2300008, 2300067, 3017000, Fax : 0674-2301880 E-mail : [email protected], Visit us at : • VACATIONS CLUB 1/21/ Again on 06.02.2014 Collector Ganjam has written to Principal Secretary, Rural Development Dept. for intervention for finalization of the transfer of road from NH-5 to Bhejiput via Gurapalli, Allapur and Pathara to Rural Development Dept. (Ref. 1287, dtd. 06.02.2014 copy enclosed) As the Govt. of Odisha is putting more emphasis on promotion of the tourist circuits and infrastructure, we once again appeal the offices of the Hon'ble Chief Secretary for urgent intervention and kindly give necessary instructions for completing this road on priority before the rainy season, so that this resort on Chilika Lake can be ready within a period of 15 (fifteen) months. Thanking you Most sincerely yours For Swosti jiacations Club Pvt. Ltd., J K Mohanty, Director HCIMA Enclosures : 1. Recommendation letter from Project Director, DRDA, Ganjam, Chatrapur vide letter No.46/5/2010 dated 14/12/2010 2. Recommendation from Principal Secretary Tourism vide DO letter no. 008/PRST, dated 15th January 2014 3. Clearance from OCZMA vide letter no. 50/224SPMU/ICZMP(0) Adm / OCZMA / 201112 dated 3rd May 2013 4. Letter from Collector Ganjam, dtd. 06.02.2014 P-1, Jaydev Vihar, Bhubaneswar - 751 013, Orissa, India Ph. : 0674-2300008, 2300067, 3017000, Fax : 0674-2301880 E-mail : [email protected], Visit us at : O • liASTRICT RURAL DEVEI 01 lEN AGENCY, GANJANI, CHATRAPUR I1 1 : No Dated' 'I/ 12/2010 , • • •The PrniCipJ I Secretiiry LLD 1•1 f"tiat-ititytiti •Vt)Ork$ Subinitisioti District roam Dey. 1_2010 of JU.cit'i•tite,Kballikote, tai Pr;isati IagtnRi, I it Executive ()illeel of i S ' te„ .,•` Sar In iflVtt1flz kind refervnt-, the stot, t-et d Above I am to submit crud Distiict Level on '.1.:: m ref:at- ding transfer of roads J.N. '‘o,oars., ,t• of 1113 t: .U1 Rural f3evelopot•tit t11.1i t- Works it •=tittii!eot Prasad, 4.x.c to the books of 1. •.'11.s is for favour of kind information 81, favorable orders - As above RDA 2.0 0 Dated,/ ‘7,1 M ern o No: r-2 e4. • Copy along with a copy in on LsLrict Level Co::imittee t k tLII Development Oince: iht• Block ExItive Officer of •1(..-811;40,gdr _on :;‹,) 18[11 Berhainp:Ar / .:cnt) Division ..e.. • tic; 11.1:11PU if ligakltin Division, Rangeilundu, N A.0 / Execuuve Engnice: (1“1'.. F-tItiVe Ellg141: XeC N alajam, Berhuiniair Bcrhampurl Dist:Ict ui proceeding umpowered 11 2010 of O jain D:strici to , J.N.Prittad, b kit k • ,; liatrup r for infortnation cc necessary action zr,t4pRDA A c. n - Proceeding of the Empowered District Level Committee held on 9.11.2010 at 3.30 P.M In the D.R.D.A Conference hall The meeting Wits prelided over In he Add! Project Directe, (Admintstratiow D.R.D.A. ,tlow:era present 410 enlisted a. Anne%iire • 1 (ii rittsbi$1 14 a' •r, Cionjon the 1 A ,of Pr xi ttret.'r WWI meet nig ei •I::' jr ( Itqltir, i...•on voted today i.e. on. 9 11 2111(1 at 3 .tit ." .11 rat the D.R. I) A Conference hull. Project Director (Administration) 4i the out ..wt. v anting the need ond grounds for transfer ihe of PS roads to R,D of 1 no of ? 1..11 toad to Deport- men; d' Rural Works Road f R.D (aid .i.• 44/0 Road.) to works Depeirtineni = II; lor iwtirr oufrioUrntoiCe and inipro+ied rural commioncittion• After threodb.iredt:trri..%:,in: the,:rs rind, 141...D.rouid and RD Rood unqnsmort.sty decided for transfer to propaxats nx per....intlexure A hove Oeil .4. • l'he projects are s.,;;Itettance. i4perruize41( I; ?rks R, atifi I ;4,111cl-tin under s ilitilsr:Jtt 0;:t Rel.:wiling Vomit , ire P S eutla1 arciidy ittiproV,A4 sane engineer rural works ;1.! tilk'AIL k• Xi; i.,te ,Vo .A no q, t,- ov, R The °Inn Roi• resolved o••"! p,A10:s deparim,,it er. po the .4ruleAfirk, --n of.17 no` & 109 PAtOS r during 2nd and 44 Jur which maintenance period oft phase. actit.,n ptati Director whinnied Ow h ' tiscr letter au 20.59 I PR dated 29.9.2010:e f discussed and the committee (If above 136 na of .P..3 roads aired* per Arinexuri: 13 by the Rural Works osion. The projects are listed at P.710 EMPOWERED DISTRICT LEVEL COMMIT % EE MEETING FOR TRANSFER OFROADS Members present a•-• Executive Engineer Ganjarn R & B Division No . Aecutive Engineer Ganjarn R & B Division No Den h a mpui Execuove En sneer R,W Division al Ganjam, Berhampur Executive Engineer R.W Division -4 I Ganiarn, ertmpr cstfIc Panc.Wat onieer ExeC:utivcs Ettee irrigaton sOr Beihan, Ganjam ,Chairgipa I M4 L. Pr ct p,iret.'tor D.R D . n 3,1 it Aittivxote • A K0 A PS atvttds e oNthc at d ;t tt 1 10, 4rit11 vl ali t 1' hid lif l'aettl 1 )qt- orks Ike .);•rtnie•rt. ength 01t Let •t1,11) Toit 1.cngth ent5,th tc • Improved Ft oadift under Poo!' rridictio • Itt•AGSY Landi'ion transicrtu I PNVD = On 1 Rothi:.oit tin Ktus t tatti t;arttTo 1 Kuti.udakttartdt is 2, K ulsthlAthititti Boulajholi 09atiltatia Road to ltelierit Pandiajhott , Randlia titto:t 1 pa$‘,1,,nhoti 1„ t3sUlo)ha t. D Paul Napa. 14:01,.thlat,.11..tthlt -,.•ttohltlt.Ittithii li t 0,:ticro 114filjti•t ,...-41-vell 'vio , 1 t ittl•• h. it,••ht,lit.. i:..0iit,:javitti . 2 shit•t•t•.••11 to tittOwl3ti (1.tttlii, 1 JugoLli 3 13;411,11,th to •Rethlitlio. V.urnatpot, Kusunii, Baghatati, ' Sitthal, • It..1.„ 1 1 Sit1140i.„)____..' TT Nalthakiit ht Nolituttiu to t Raman:m(1=w,, \ Ranutchandrapur Via Kotinuti.• Kotintiditi'ituslau{ya 2. Rus,10;t11 a M.01 Main Coat Rood Canal Ruud u• (14411hada. Kotinada, Ratticitandrilur _ Dentoindar, . TOULtpada, 1 ilisianUnpatli. KoLudiOtillutt.r) tetra r.a tt :io RD Rn 21 Koss of road nth a the road In K.h1 P,S 7.00 V, NI - Nitotre 1.•47": 101 1 01;,111.10'i kieD RD read w IXtiotr is flat tiiv,11 t and puthata 11, ;A = Sittitu atti ?AVS) 1),V.1) It ltittt t: 6 Khailikote. 1,:ttalante 11 Khallikot 9 Ktioltiltotem ).1tc t Roati • N4tion.,,t1 110111 t' P.S . P.S SO=F4.14A P.F COO K.M PS 1,(1 KO_ -1.0C ).00 K.Ati t„is, 1 ;. 111:: Road front yeti IV.‘ 3 SO tr:. 4.00 KtIlit a LIU ± i11■ •• to l'1.•lti 1 t 3.N.P1 sa ,,t; 3 00 ts. Ni atst tOritli 1 , 2 V.hotliko e 3 Chat top& r transfer to P. 6 to) K.M 6.80 K.M P.S .1 1, to. k3adadr,o0 ■ stli,s Anchal ii•zn Nia1t;1\ Ag.,,,pet• ,t,t Saian • gli)01k1ji c1 "0 EN:161, SSP I - 66;6JY RP 0119. 40 ZYQ9ad4 IgIN) MARC quigrel gigv t1160 F111 676WIR coa GlacivC766/ 9c,,,;:k1. Ip(616? 21Q00 %CZ 064W et- 6GCV61 019e1Pal vow gig ie nno cicisi ggn €oroo, giC14161k14.;' Allt.iiMalca*Gie(31 ciett{ cig 60Qq6A) aisiv gicifelc„6 q1210 gig cri6QQIefaclOPIA96C191eli gtg 620t2 I Gliq 6clicct 6GVI$311 7): .95S1 eiG, U196GIOQI eintS1091çj.CIFIGIQ I ONI6q1Z16Q1 voslacm 0;11%69 6Q0 36V169 gqp 90%) PC•6) . 00 01Q1MNI1 ',1":1460ciNICIld0g9 1 A)iintqi 6019916i) 190 o(i:161) cri igick 19 Q C39 qv.] qQ16Q(59 10 09, 1/4?c1V. 1 UR gicrazi,t 6c) r 0 ,) c 90ciaql4i OcaOrzi Qcliej60 rki GQ6M60 ,c1Qcrc cj cQua 04161 6MOINI'Pli <11? 9,19R \WI 9„G) gmataw 09 MSS) OfoiWilia UIVI iteTc CIOGGC414t,3= '11'9 Pa. Clvr?c1N16161 1 ci/q 9/9 0 o C,'4116% q46019 0241049 clOg'Cal <01ellN1 Z146Q11960, gio4Gc 46g c Jc1 co ucm41 gnaw IN got, crx,lua, Oclictlek Zitisq61, ClletiQc) QUisat9 19* (;q4IS ciCKNN 9162PeR611001Q 006010 Oc,'! (46Z:: R.160164 ClUR 6•0i Pifri ,Azn clQ16Q0cit ((.1C1ccccfaQ6-164 oGct 044 oQem6q) i.-1 ,9 wiql Neal qvk critive no6sziclt ep QC:16QQ 90 TR@ ciej'17 c1104;)191Q19314Wi (-.710690 9en, 610' (o)19c10kctIO 9 9.0.q,5)Gclacle elevi RIP7£18146, WIG1 0161. ciR",,Th'i,,) 000 OW061 '40° Sa4ni9 €261 Qz sidc J11i1 )1I CPI 'M;' •9C1-91i1c196Q EVici;)i EfElEilAW 9.41140(? q`INI 9;4 eCle,81 scisi i:vdt;1,69 IQI tql6ele.1 gec I€P96ci fAc1,1060 q9100 Cl€S 91tioo Qe,IftlicaP c, Ofblicl, 4611, ail6G19 cl6Q1Q zcei evp ritue 9s4K619 GQIO NI% QcWigN Z110 ?REPPY tclusisztem q- -,();14ziso6W Cee 93ZittiWIR gedISQ, 9 c•06•9 oRcf) 49 9 2 c •c Pt", el 3 9.3c.ohy 11(;)011 Aga Gem gigasiw111 CA ( 3e-ke25;e1 -r07.4agv, C 8-0)Pnet. 4shfç )‘41 "izr:f7, • b j c 11/ h Cf",,,kfiveAPCIA7 07 -pet,t21/ R9/2 L34 ft% S' CA c)(Pct),:,1 f r% GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA Shri S.P. Thakur, 1AS Tourism Department Principal Secretary Secretariat, Bhubaneswar - 751 001, Odsha, India Tel : +91 674 2390005 (Off.) +91 674 232-3171 (PABX), +91 674 2431850 (Pr.Bh) Fax : +91674 2536619 Email : [email protected] / [email protected] thA, Scenic Serene .5Aliphrr.c. I N, A.11-.1 In :4 .1,1.1, hnh website : www.odishatourism.govin / D.O.No. COB /PRST Dt.15th January, 20,14 Dear Ve4.440- Sub: Recommendation for a pakka road connecting from NH-5 to Village Odia Alapur, Pathara, Tahasil Khalikote, Dist. Ganjam for an Eco Tourism Resort Project. This is regarding construction of pakka road connecting JO/ NH-5 to Village Odia Alapur, Pathara in Khalikote Tahasil of Ganjam District for establishment of Eco-tourism Resort Project. In this connection I am to say that the Collector Ganjam has also sent a proposal to you for connecting the road from NH-5 to the Resort vide letter no.4615/2010 dated 14/12/2010. M/s Swosti Group has already obtained CRZ clearance from Odisha Coastal Zone Management Authority (OCZMA) vide their letter No. 50/224SPMU/ICZMP(0) / Adm / OCZMA/2011-12 dated 3rd May 2013 to put up a Lake Resort on the above mentioned plot. (Copy enclosed in Annexure-1) In view of the growing importance of tourism in the area in Ganjam District, the Tourism Department recommends this case for taking up the matter on priority for the development of tourism projects in the Ganjam District. Yours Sincerely, Lytik" LA! S.P.Thakur) /9y/t1 Sj. C.J.Venugopal, IAS., Principal Secretary to Govt., Rural Development Department. A '4 Ari 0 • , - 1' XI. KONARK FESTIVAL 1st•5th December International Sand Art Festival Dance Festival Rajarani Music Festival 1 st.5th December 14th to 16th janucuy 18th, 19th 8. 20th January Mukteswar ODISHA COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY (Forest & Environment Department, Government of Odisha) PLOT NO 103, SURYA NAGAR, UNIT VII, BHUBANESWAR-751003, ODISHA No. _5c, /224SPMU/ICZMP (0)/Adm/OCZMA/2011-12 datedasaMay, 2014 The Managing Director, Swosti Vacation Club, Bhubaneswar Sub: CRZ clearance — Establishment of Swosti SPA & Villa-a-Beach Resort in Odiya Alapur, Pathara, Khalikot, District-Ganjam — regarding. This has a reference to the letter No. Nil dt. 09.06.2011 and letter no. SVCPL/SVS/14/13 dt. 18.03.13 (for subsequent submission of CRZ map of 1:4000 scale & Report of Institute of Environmental Studies & Wetland Management (IESWM), Kolkata) of Managing Director, Swosti Vacation Club, Bhubaneswar on the above mentioned subject. 2. It is interalia, noted that the proposal involves establishment of Swosti SPA & Villa-a-Beach Resort to provide facility of conference hall, restaurant, bar, swimming pool, lobby & lounge. It consist a two storied structure with 48 cottages, corridor & open balcony space, appropriate landscaping with parking provision, multi-cuisine-all day dining restaurant, banquet hall, health club & SPA and swimming pool. It will also include staff dormitory, kitchen; store, security, maintenance & electrical rooms, laundry, etc: The total cost of the project Rs. 4.98 Crores. The project will involve a total area of 8.472 Acres (homestead), out of which the construction plinth area is 6101.90 Sq m. The proposed built up project area comes under CRZ-III and some of the not-to-be built portion of the project falls in CRZ-I area. The matter was discussed in details in the 17 th meeting ( 7th 8th May, 2012) of the OCZMA. 3. After careful consideration by the members of Odisha Coastal Zone Management Authority (OCZMA), it was decided that the exact location of the proposed site may be verified on the ground and ultimately the proponent was asked to provide CRZ map on 1:4000 scale from MoEF recognised agency. 4. After submission of the required CRZ map (1:4000 scales) from the Institute of Environmental Studies & Wetland Management (IESWM), Kolkata which is an accredited institution of the MoEF, Government of India, the matter was again placed in the 20 th OCZMA meeting on 15th April, 2013. As per the report submitted by IESWM, Kolkata, a part of the project area comes under CRZ-III which will be utilised for 'Medicinal & Herbal' garden. This is a permissible activity in CRZ-III area as per the CRZ Notification, 2011. The construction area, as per the proposed layout, is outside the CRZ area and does not attract provisions of CRZ Notification, 2011. The entry road to the Hotel lies in the CRZ-III area and thus attracts restriction under CRZ Notification, 2011. 5. After careful consideration by the Odisha Coastal Zone Management Authority (OCZMA) in their 20th meeting held on 15 th April, 2013, it was decided to accord CRZ clearance for establishment of Swosti SPA & Villa-a-Beach Resort as per the provisions of CRZ Notification, 2011, subject to implementation of the following specific conditions: SPECIFIC CONDITIONS:I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. No construction will be taken up in CRZ-III area. Zero discharge from the premises of the project shall be ensured. There should not be any compound wall and only green fencing will be made in CRZ-III area There should be rain water harvesting in the entire project area. Used / waste water should be treated and recycled for gardening and landscape management. The approach road passing through CRZ-III should be un-metalled / Kacha. No chemical pesticide / herbicide is permitted for use in the garden. 6. GENERAL CONDITIONS:- It should be ensured that the site should be restored to their original contours after the construction is completed. II. III. IV. Appropriate measures must be taken while undertaking digging activities to avoid any likely degradation of water quality. The construction material should be obtained only from approved quarries. Full support should be extended to the officers of Forest & Environment Department / OCZMA by the project proponent during inspection of the project for monitoring purposes by furnishing full details and action plan including action taken reports in respect of mitigation measures and other environmental protection activities. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. A six monthly monitoring report shall be submitted by the project proponents to the OCZMA regarding the implementation of the stipulated conditions. OCZMA reserves the right to revoke this clearance if any of the conditions stipulated are not complied with to the satisfaction of the Authority. In the event of a change in project profile or change in the implementation agency, a fresh reference shall be made to the Authority. A copy of clearance letter will be marked to concerned Panchayat /local NGO, if any, from whom any suggestion/representation has been made/received while processing the proposal. The project proponent should advertise at least in two local newspapers widely circulated in the region around the project, one of which shall be in the vernacular language of the locality concerned informing that the project has been accorded CRZ clearance, besides display on the notice board of the local GP. These stipulations would be enforced among others under the provisions of Water (F*evention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and the Public Liability (Insurance) Act, 1991 including the amendments and rules made thereafter. -?,i) '12 6.c) (B.P. Singh) Director, Environment-cum-Special Secretary and Member Secretary, 0.C.Z.M.A. Memo No. / (- 7) F&E Dt. Copy forwarded for information to: 1. 2. Pr. Secretary to Govt., Forest & Environment Department, Secretariat, Bhubaneswar Director Environment-cum-Special Secretary to'Govt., Forest & Environmeot Department, Secretariat, Bhubaneswar 3. 4. 5. Chairman/Member Secretary, State Pollution Control Board, Odisha PCCF, Odisha, Aranya Bhawan, Chandrasekharpur, BhubanesWar PCCF (WL) and Chief Wildlife Warden, Odisha, Prakruti Bhawan, Nilakantha Nagar, Bhubaneswar .6. Chief Conservator of Forests, Regional Office (EZ), Ministry of Environment & Forests, A-3, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar-751023 7. District Collector, Ganjam, Chhatrapur oc9 6-\A Director, Environment-cum-Special Secretary and Member Secretary, O.C.Z.M.A. COASTAL REGULATION ZONE (CRZ) MAP NEAR ODIYA ALAPUR VILLAGE, AROUND PROPOSED HOTEL SITE OF SWOSTI VILLA & SPA IN GANJAM DISTRICT OF ODISHA STATE :ODISHA DISTRICT : GANJAM 100 METER CRZ LINE AS APPLICABLE ACCORDING TO EXISTING STATE COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT PLAN OF ODISHA 1.4 • , 000 137 5 275 N 550 Meters Legend ow MEDICINAL & HERBAL PLANTATION PREPARED BY PERMANENT CONSTRUCTION CHECKED BY SO ME ENTRY ROAD IUNMETALLED) ••• COASTAL REGULATION ZONE (CRZ) BOUNDARY (•••■ \ HIGH DOE LINE (HTLI amp LOW TIDE LINE ILTL) SENIOR SCIFt TISr onInge of feet:Jaw 1+1 .07 Wetland faise.„. rt,tperheral of Fev,i,: Con of &leo 7"' APPROVED BY PROJECT BOUNDARY DUNE/ EXPOSED SANDY AREA AGRICULTURAL LAND BRAKISH WATER LAKE DATA SOURCE P7120), . FISHING ACTIVITY Sunray Of India Topographical Sheet No. E.45132 L OPEN/ VACANT LAND VEGETATION OTHER THAN AGRICULTURE Wage INS Pt LBW Wage , Scene 6474. Pelf.. 7292 dated n to December. 2012 Prepared At Extensive Field Sunny Institute of Environmental Studies and Wetland Management Kolkata, West Bengal District Rural Development Agency, Ganjam: Chatrapur 4 f-NI% fl 14, Letter No. r en ,Phone - 06811-263965 06811743021 FAX - 06811-163552 Dated To The Principal Secretary to Government Rural Development Department, Govt of Odisha. Bhubaneswar Sub- .1:ransfer.of G.P/P S road to books of Rural Development Department Ref, D.R.D.;4 Letter No 7615 dated 14 12 10 'Letter No 512 /Res dated 2.5.2013 D RD A Letter No.3682 dated 4.5.2013 Sir . In inviting. a reference to the letters and subject cited above I am to bring to your kind' notice that, proposal for the transfer of the wad " National High Way no-5 to 4;/It via Gurapalli ,Allapur and Pathara . total spanning a length of 5.50 K.M " has been approved by the Empowered District Level Committee meeting held on 9.11.2010 for transfer to Rural Development Department for its better maintenance and future development • It IS pertinent to mention here that the matter was already approved in the District Level Empowered Committee meeting held on 9.11 2010 (Copy of the proceeding) is enclosed for kind reference Further the above road is required to be developed in view, of genuine grievances of people and for the development of Biju Patnaik Park at Pathara for the tourist. purpose. Panchayati Raj Department 'vide letter no 15146/P R dated 4 6.2013 has authorised 'Collector to 'transfer G.P/P S road on behalf of Panchayatt Raj Department fortheir improvement •.to any other Department. In the above. I request your kind intervention for finalisation of the transfer of • road from NH-5 to Vegi '-esdf via Gurapalli ,Allapur and Pathara to Rural Development Department. Thanking you r Yours ithfully, \ColiectorAD.M Ganjam EnclAs above. A
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