Modulating PP2A Methylation using Natural Extracts Kristen Huber1, Michael Voronkov1, Jose Fernandez1, Karl Rouzard1, Eduardo Perez1, Maxwell Stock1, Jeffry Stock2 1 Signum Nutralogix, 11 Deer Park Drive Suite 202, Monmouth Junction, New Jersey, U.S.A. 2 Molecular Biology Department, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A. Table 1: Fruit extracts Fruit Extract PPMT (+) CH3 scaffold (A) subunit ! (-) CH3 regulatory (B) subunit PP2A holoenzyme AC core dimer Catalytic (C) subunit PME Avocado Blueberry Cranberry Grapefruit (Oil) Juniper Berry Maqui Berry Mulberry Pomegranate (Juice) Schisandra Strawberry Estimated IC50 (µg/mL) >25 >50 >30 25 5 >10 >10 >27 6 >5 Table 2: Seed extracts Seed Extract ! Avocado Black Raspberry Blueberry Celery Coffee Cranberry Fennel Grape Guarana Red Raspberry Estimated IC50 (µg/mL) 6 6 8 7 6 10 1 0.4 1.5 1 Table 3: Root, bark & leaf extracts Table 4: Other natural extracts Natural Extract Estimated IC50 Natural Extract Estimated IC50 (µg/mL) (µg/mL) Maca Root 3 Almond >5 Goldenseal Root 4 Hazelnut >10 Magnolia Bark 2 Cocoa Butter 12.5 Pygeum Bark 3 Cocoa Powder 6.25 Red Raspberry Leaf 2 Echinacea Angustifolia 4 ! Echinacea 12 ! Natural Extracts Affect on Phosphatase Activity Interestingly, a reduced risk of neurodegeneration has been highlighted in epidemiological studies simply by consumption of certain common foods, such as coffee. Therefore, we sought to determine if natural botanical extracts from common sources are able to modulate the methylation state and thus activity of PP2A. From this study, we have not only identified a variety of natural extracts that are able to modulate PP2A methylation but were able to isolate one of the components in coffee that is responsible for its neuroprotective effects. We demonstrate that eicosanoyl-5-hydoxytryptamide, or EHT™, conserves PP2A methylation and thus reduces Tau and α-synuclein hyperphosphorylation, hallmarks of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseased brains. Additionally, EHT™ was able to restore cognitive and motor deficits in Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease animal models. EHT™ also has the added benefit of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Modulation of PP2A’s methylation status by natural extracts shows the value of natural dietary components for our everyday wellbeing in addition to expanding the view of PP2A methylation as a target mechanism for brain health. Specific Activity (umol/min/mg) Figure 1: PP2A assembly and methylation. Epidemiological evidence suggests a O reduced risk of neurodegerative disease HO N H (CH2)18CH3 with higher coffee consumption. N Therefore, coffee was selected for further H investigation. Multiple rounds of isolation Figure 3: Structure of eicosanoyl-5-hydroxylead to the discovery of EHT™. Not only tryptamide (EHT™). does EHT™ enhance PP2A methylation, a reduction in the hyper-phosphorylated form of Tau and αsynuclein, hallmarks of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, was also observed by western blot analysis. A Control 1.0 1.0 EHT™ (0.01%) C WT+ Control EHT™ (0.1%) Demethylated PP2A 0.8 0.8 Total PP2A-C 0.5 * * 3 2 0 Syn Tg + 120mg/Kg/day EHT™ 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.01 0.1 Tau EHT™ -0- 1 0.1 10 1 100 10 100 + +-0 + ++ 10 + + - + + + Wt Tg Wt Tg Wt Tg Ctrl EHT™ EHT™ 12 mpk 120 mpk 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 ** GFP GFP/ I2 I2/ EHT™ EHT™ 1000 1000 Tau 4R MARK4 D 10 µM EHT Control EHT™ (0.01%) D EHT™ (0.1%) pSer129 α-Syn - phospho-Tau α-Syn HMW - total Tau EHT™ Exhibits Antioxidant & Anti-inflammatory Properties B 150 C 10 0 Figure 2: Natural extracts affect on PP2A-AC phosphatase activity. Figure 5: EHT™’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. A) EHT™ antioxidant capacity measured by ABTS colorometric radical scavenging. B-C) Primary microglia cultures were treated with LPS and measured for B) iNOS expression via western blot analysis or C) nitric oxide production via Griess Reagent System in the presence of EHT™. EHT™ was further characterized for its antioxidant and antiinflammatory properties. EHT™ exhibited slightly weaker activity than ascorbic acid. Furthermore, EHT™ was able to reduce iNOS expression and nitric oxide production in in microglia. E * * 50 GFP GFP GFP-Sig N/C GFP/EHT I2 * 50 100 0 Figure 4: EHT™ preserves PP2A methylation Syn I and reduces Tau and α-syn phosphorylation A) Dose-response curve of EHT™ using purified PP2A AC dimer that was methylated monomer using LCMT1 and S-[methyl-3H]-adenosyl-Lmethionine B) Western blots of cortical tissue lysates from wild-type mice probed with antibodies to demethylated PP2A (deMe-PP2A) and total PP2A-C subunit C) Western blot of transfected brain slices probed with pS262 and total Tau antibodies D) Western blots of lysates from α-Syn Tg mice probed with phospho-S129-α-Syn antibody and total α-Syn antibody (Syn I). A ** 1 0.6 0.6 Total Tau 30 C * 4 Syn Tg + Control 0.7 pS262 Tau 40 B 5 Log [EHT™] (µM) 50 As a secondary screen, select natural extracts at a concentration of 5 µg/mL were further analyzed to ensure they have little to no affect on PP2A’s phosphatase activity as judged by the chromogenic substrate, p-nitrophenyl phosphate. Our results show that while these natural extracts prevent demethylation of PP2A, they do not have an affect on pNPP phosphatase activity, with the exception of magnolia bark. Okadaic acid was used as a positive control. A 0.9 0.001 60 20 B 1.1 We then sought to determine if EHT™ would improve cognitive and motor function in animal disease models. Male mouse pups transgenic for human α-synuclein and brains of new born rat pups expressing PP2A inhibitor I2 N- and C-terminal fragments via viral transduction, were used as Parkinson's and Alzheimer’s disease models respectively. Under these conditions, EHT™ was able to recover cognitive and motor deficits in addition to restoring PP2A activity. Discrimination Index (%) A small library of approximately 30 natural extracts was created using isopropanol based extraction methods at 65°C. These extracts were assayed for their ability to preserve the methylation status of PP2A AC dimer in the presence of protein phosphatase methylesterase-1, or PME-1, using a radioactive filter binding assay. Data were collected in triplicate and the IC50 value was determined via the four parameter logistic curve fit using SigmaPlot graphical software. Results indicate a distinction between extract categories where the seed and root, bark and leaf categories consistently prevented PP2A demethylation with an IC50 better than 5 µg/mL. EHT™ Improves Cognitive and Motor Deficit In Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease Models PP2Ac (demethylated/total) Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), a major serine/threonine phosphatase, has been implicated in a broad range of cellular functions anywhere from development to disease. Consisting of a scaffolding (A), regulatory (B) and catalytic (C) subunit, this trimeric holoenzyme is highly regulated through structural assembly, post-translational modifications and small molecule interactions. Methylation of PP2A’s carboxy-terminal tail has not only been implicated in modulating its activity and specificity but it has also been shown to be of particular importance in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. For this reason, modulators of PP2A’s methylation state would be of particular importance. Reduces Tau and α-synuclein Phosphorylation Relative PP2A Demethylation Abstract EHT™ Maintains PP2A Methylation & Nesting Score Natural Extracts Affect on PP2A Methylation PP2A activity % of control ! N/C/Sig I2/EHT 40 30 20 10 0 GFP GFP/Sig N/C GFP GFP/EHT I2 N/C/Sig I2/EHT Figure 6: EHT™ enhances cognitive and motor function. A-B) Nesting behavior of wild-type and α-synuclein mice, a Parkinson’s disease model, at 9 months of age in the presence of EHT™ C) EHT™ prevents the cognitive impairment in rats in an I2 induced cognitive impairment model for Alzheimer's as judged by an object location task. D) PP2A activity from I2-N/C rats treated with EHT™ E) PP2A methylation from I2-N/C rats treated with EHT™. Conclusion • Natural extracts made from seeds, roots, bark, and leaves alter PP2A methylation status in the presence of PME-1. • Isolated coffee component, EHT™, exhibits preservation of PP2A methylation, reduced Tau and α-synuclein hyperphosphorylation and improved cognitive and motor function in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease models. • PP2A methylation system poses as a promising target for neurodegenerative disease. • Natural dietary components exhibit value for use in brain health. References 1. 2. 3. Basurot-Islas et. al. Therapeutic benefits of a component of coffee in a rat model of Alzheimer disease. Neurobiology of Aging. In Press Lee et. al. Neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties of a coffee component in the MPTP model of Parkinson’s disease. Neuropathics Jan 2013. 10(1): 143-153. Lee et. al. Enhanced phosphatase activity attenuates α-synucleinopathy in a mouse model. J NeuroSci, May 2011. 31(19):6963-6971.
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