.RmffitrffN 2(}13 B(}ARD OF DIRE,CTORS w IRISA$UAfR Fftrfifu.gdn$sr dnn I'l+prir*n ffilpl,r$rBe-{$89 f.sr{* ,5,3s-J,i$6 "JI * -,I5 'I+ Director's Message I hope rhat you have all had a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday season. riil'ishing you all a Very H*ppy New. Forget rhe resolu ions and just "cruise" into 2014 and make it a wonderful one. Our Christmas parry was so lovely in such a warm and beauriful venue and was topped off with live music included some rousing Chrisrmas Carols Singing and Dancing and even a Conga Line lead by the valiant Susan and Rod Schweiger. Once again we thank Sal and Carol Riele for producing this amazing evening. Loved seeing all who came ro celebrate rhe season and the great contributions for rhe Toys for Tots. ffi W LA[as, $ob Scfuapman ilnrElliBisR @ TA:I&Gfi I}#ug lt$IIt.:r fl945) P;I&6?,r5 "o9. -I4 trtB Snurftarul {70D Ss$-55*.} 'If ''Iri (s25) &3r..t:64 '14 *'16 HnlryMD RBT}ION UTHB PA$P http;/lwww"chva redwood res isn"org Editnrs: Sug & Soqia Waggoner 1316 Rillc Rsngc RD., Ul Ceffim, CA 9,*S3ll fhone: (5lS) 232.rSS7S Em*iL dugr*rggoner(9hlt.mt Fubksher* flon & $ally Xlng AIJTO ACTl0l* I'161$S (AA!*) i$ currentll' puhlished rs r Bilttonrltly newsleter for the Eerlw$ad fu&iun rf l,{on nrembrrr rh$t rvieh t* plam r:ornmenii: ur clareifisd *ds i* dte A]l]i nny do ro ur rhc {trct af $$l per r'lo'ttl C!fti*. To lnriurr indu$crn ln th+ Mlnnvimg n:onrtrs *su* pleese*utffilr s*i, *ni{ks & eit, to rhe tditerr *t lecsl me./tm) n'efl{.t w"ith a $3"00 rxlinim&r'*. fryrnrnr mvst ac(ompa$y rhe requerr. All .rrdrcnising is at tlre disrmtf$n of thr ftrdwutd l{eglrm prior rr the fubiiratSom Date. AA!* Uditor$. Sifl$U*tr" FUE$: $5*.m, |il*" lsr to Dee" }l"sr, are $156 g0# lo Jlh*tmod ,tlrylon CI$$mHm A$f: Btxiiness &n& @ One Yffirff etudr$-$2i tu6ftryriidsfrlstitr:s$-fl ond,fr5.d0 gs*s f$ (,#!tt dtrrlfl I{r{. lilsil fnYgRrlfi$l$ *ATE$r Ecrlu*tcct ftegion ,{A}ii Ad$ arc Fmu a*d run thrne *lrffssioa" Pl*.sq il&l $li. &x rrdor tinis in phuw" DtlS {nd A0 SEES tn: An* Iiarrix$n 0r. $renr$nt, CA S41S 1739 Par*slde \We are looldng forward to the KICK OFF BRUNCH on J*nua4'lgth and it will bc fun ro be in Vacaville . Please get your re$ervations in toJeannyne Gorley and Carolyn lleeby by January 12. \Ve look forward to seeing you all there, This year the Beeby's and the Higday's are planning the CH\4A. National Tour in tbe Seattle area. \fe have had a wonderfirl response so far and hope more of you will join in for this great adventure. Please send your $5.00s ro Carolyn Beeby to receive your fun filled inrroductory packet of information on whar should be a grear Tour. February Sth brings us anorher fantastic Tour to $ee fhe magnificenr Guide Dogu for the Blind Graduation Cerernony. This celebration marla the rransition of rhe rvell trained "'Cuides" m their new owners. II is an experience not to be nrissed. Larry and Barbara Bogel bring us to this rmemorable and moving c€remonr. They nced a poil to see how many menrbers will attend rhis evenr byJanuary 28th. Here's to seeingyo*. "otN the road again." *tudy XIII{ KIII(ffiT [HIII{[H Januar lg,201{, IlfftI $r fiuilil n0fifl [0n TIII Brrr$ fia 1 u rday, ['eb run r"Y ttth lt{5 [M staurant 55$ Main $trset, Ilasayillu ) ) lt00 [M $end Money and RSYP to: /ff ff Htr 3ffi1_ ('t t)41}(}!l Please he there early enough as'I"OUR S"l'ARl'S at created successful parurerships for over 70 years! Celebrare the rernarkable bond benveen humans and dogs. Your generosiry can change sorneone's life!$/e are asking each couple in atrendance to make rt least a $20.00, tax-deductible donation. l)ue to SPACH, LIMITATIONS rhe maximum Hosted by: Jeannyne Gorley and Carolyn Beeby srnr'6{r{il'n finn ltufirrrl. l2:00 NOON irr the Administration Building and will last approximarely I ro 1.25 hours, it will be given rain orshine. Ilark whereveryou can. CRADUAI ION CEREMONY starrs ar l:30. Guide Dogs for the Blind is NOT funded by raxpayers. They have $30 Ber Dgr$on Meet and Ereet {iI"IDIi IXXIS II{}ft TIIII BI,IT'D tli'r0 Los lturtrhilos lld. rtte{n!@ number of people allowed on a rour is 35. tllnncTl()xn Vacaville, California 9 5657 Any questions: 707 -451-4401 Ft'cxn EAS7. BAY: T() GI'It)n Do(ift Richmond-lian Rafael Bridge to H$lil0t North, $an Rafael. And from SOUTH BAY: Huy. 101 North to San Rafael, Take Sreites Plory exit, keep dght and right again orto Civic Center Dr., then ncxt right on Mer4'- Directions to F'uso's Restaurant in Yacaville dale Rd. overpflss to west side of I-80 East to Vacaville take the Davis Street off rump, proceed to the signal light, Ttrm left on to Davis Street and proceed to Main Sheet. lhrn left on Main Street, Fuso's is ll of a block dorvn on the right hand side. If ttrere is no parking in h'ont proceed to Dobbins turn right and then tum right at the stop sign into the parking lot. I-80 West to Vacaville take the Davis Sueet off ramp, proceed to the signal light, lhrn left on to Davis Street and proceed to Main Street. Ihrn left on Main $treet, Fuso's is ]4 of a block dol'n on the right hand side. If there is no parking in front proceed to Dobbins ilrn right and then t0l. Left at signal which is los Rancliltos Rtl, next left after Mt. Olilet Cemetery is #350. Fram NORTI{ BAY or l{wy. 37 users: Huy. 101 liouth to San Rafael. Take feites Plaly Exit, continue slraight through Fleites Plmy left at ner.r signal rvhich is las Galinas Rd. *'hich changes into Los Rancitos Rd. (.t Merydale). Continue pnst Mt. 0livet Cemetery ne\t left is #350. Park anl,rvhere )ou can. L^ffli [,I'I*(:II {}n H.IIII,I I}INISIiR ) ) We'll be heading South, orer the hill to dovmton'n San R.af*el for ordering off the menu and with sepamte checks flt tiAN RAFAEL JOE'S, 931 4th St., San Rafael. Plenty of parking in a public garage (rvith meters), direcrly behind resl{urant" Use rvalhvry at left side of restaurant rvhich leads to front eillrance. IIll.llx'(,I'S'f SliDt]IiI) ltx, (it'Il]n lXXiri'l'(]t'lt & lttrlturrrrr{ by.IlS[lltY Eirtlt, turn right at the stop sign into the parking lot. There is plentv of parking. Hostsr [,amy and Barbata Bogel Join us in Vacaville and Help Celsbrate 7014 415-S83-2358 bbogel@com€a,st.net cells: Barb 415-244-3994 l"arry 4L5-407- 5049 foln (l{VA Hosts tod and $ue Schwelger Tour to Bishop, CA and the Fall Colors Car Show OctoherS-6"2014 It is important that you make your Fsr the llilffiI$lf-ffSffm *nd to get a show registration form ard conrplete details, gs [o owensvalleycruisers.com! alick on Fatrl Colors ear $how and then click on ?014 Fo*n, Pre-RegistratianThe Pre-R^egistration Form will give all the details of the show and & list of rnotels. We prefer the Cre*kside [nn, ($$$) bishopc,reeksideinn"com or I.8S0.273.3550 or Days Inn {$) 1.760.872"1095. Book for {u,o nights: 1CI/03 & i0l$4/ ?014, RSYP to Rod at 65fi-&71-7921 when you have your roCIrn" ASlrlmI [d i* T$rf ilmpor.**nl *rr h*rk ]rCInr ro$mr rn* yorm *l*rlfu:{*d p*n*fihl* *rrml'*rni$rtffi** As time g*ts clo*er tn *ctober we will publish more information s$ to r*rhere tp meet amd nnore detailed Tour ins-tructions" filuru ilm: llatrl reservations as soon as possible due to the LIMITBD ROOM AYAILABILITY. The Owens Valley Cn"risers car elub puts on this wonderful carshow on the first weekend of October every year. 1974 and older cars of every variety and their owners come from far and rvide to attend this show and view the turning of the autumn leaves in the high country. Join us and tour from the East Bay via back roads through Yosemite and over Tioga Pass to Hy395 and our destination in Bishop, CA. Advansed room reservations llt'tl tt nttrsl btxttttlstt (tf r.{}rlnr In torrn rulll likely bc rokl rltli,. er!' ffi rfff,>L\ffirl& IItTEilT 6REE]IE cHvA #06rr? Avary Graane Phone {7O7} 551-4e00 Tofl Free {e0s} 707-479S Fax {rO7} 5s1-Bats 8O0 Amiral Callaghan Lane Vallejs, CA845S1-S651 (l-BO at Hedwwod) CONTACT US FOn TI-IE BEST PRICH www,averygrepnehonda.com ffi a$I* HIGHTITT THIIilEH Junuary l$, E0l{ furuT Hestaurmt llnunuillt fiorley 'Ieanngxe (?.64 *fir-4tt0fi fi "m*i}ladyga,*a,hrut@rEcgtaba,Lnet Ilosted hyr Jearurlra.e Godey aad Carolyn Beeby xotm,$r fitrrilH sfifit p$Hrilfi ilffi$s $n*urilap&hruftrf f,th fttirnn n{}ffs F{}n fHm slffir] Str{} I",or trtr*nchltos H,tl, ${S0,$ $*n ftnthel* tt Host* larry end B*rbaraBogel 415-SS5-23iS hbogtl@cornm$Lnet cells Barh 415-244-1994 Lury 415-407(sEE TNSTDE 5CI49 FOH MOHE nET1AILEB TNFOHMATTOH)
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