Matth ew Dudgeon Memorial Fund ~ ~f) ~D ~ Fourteenth Annual Walk & 7K Run Saturday, May 10,2014 Heritage Trail- Chester, NY Dear Friends, As I am wridng this letter to you, outside the snow is thawing and spring is almost upon us, hopefully bringing with it new beginnings and brighter days. I hope that this new season is a promising one for you and your fami lies, one that is filled with hope and all good things. This is the fourteenth year for the Matthew Dudgeon Memorial Fund. Each May we come together at either the Walk/Run or Dinner, ro try to ensure that we can continue ro help our neighbors who are most in need. This year we are excited to once again come together in Matthew's memory to try and do good work. Over rhe past year the fund has been able to help several families in our local area who have been struggling with rhe hardships that inevitably come along with illness and tragedy. The simple, heartfelt thank you thar is shared below, came from one of the families that we were able to help. It is your participation and your collective generosity that makes rhe difference. We hope that you will be able to join us this May lOth for the Walk/Run on the Heritage Trail or perhaps later in the evening on the Pride of rhe H udson for dinner and dancing. It is our hope that you realize that you are parr of something special and that your continued suppon of the fund has helped many when they needed it mosr. Thank you all for your conrinued support and for helping us to make a difference. Love and Peace, Gina and james ~4 ~,;61~ ~"""'-'< -;?:'~~.>0~,. ~~ ~~ 7 7K Run I Walk Information Location: The Heritage Trail, Orange County, NY Start/End: Chester Academy (Walk is approximately 3 miles) Time: Registration : 7:45 am Walk/Race begins: 9:00 am Registration: Pre-registration Fee: $15.00 Adults $ 5.00 Children Day of Run Fee: $20.00 Adults $ 7.00 Children Directions to the Chester Academy: From NYS Thruway Take Rt 17 West to exit 126 - (Cheste r). Make a rig ht at the end of th e ramp proceed straight through next light. At stop sign make a left onto Rt 94. Proceed to Hambletonia n Avenue on left. From Rt 17 East- Take Exit 126 (Chester). Make a left at the end of ramp . Go strai g ht through 2 lights and continue to stop sign. M ake a left onto Rt 94. Proceed to Hambletonian Avenue on left. Please complete the registration form on the backside of this sheet, and return by May 6th, 2014 to pre-register and qualify for a free " Walk" t-shirt. (T-shirts will go to the first 150 adult registrants) Walk Information This is an out & back race all timings by Fast Finishes. Free T-Shirts to the first 150 adult registrants Pre/Post Race Refreshments at the Chester Academy Date: May 10,2014 Place: Pride of the Hudson Time: 6:00pm- 10:00 pm Ticket Price: $90.00 per person (Adults only please. Price includes open bar, food, music and dancing) Name(s) of Attendees: Run I Walk Registration No rollerblades, bikes, or pets. Awards presented to the top overall male and female, as well as, the top three in the following groups; 12 & under, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 + Cocktail Cruise Registration The Unired M irochondrial Disease Foundation is a result of a merger between a number of specific mitochondrial disease organizations to form a larger, more cohesive UNITED foundation representing all mitochondrial diseases and all sufferers, adult and children alike. The three-fold purpose of the UMDF is straightforward: to ed ucare the publ ic and the medical community abour rhese complex diseases in order to help sufferers obtain an earlier diagnosis and better rrcarmenr; to support affected famil ies; and above all, to fund research for a cure. For more information, go to All Donations Help Support the Matthew Dudgeon Memorial Fund. For additional information visit or contact Gina Dudgeon at 845-469-5702 The Matthew Dudgeon Memorial Fund is a Non-Profit Organization. All donations made to this fund are tax deductible. Included is my check for ___ _ _ __ Cocktail Cruise Information Location: Pride of th e Hudson 26 Front Street Newbu rgh, NY 12550 (800) 979-3370 Time: 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm Ticket Price: $90.00 per person Includes 4 hour open bar, food, and dancing Make checks payable to the: Matthew Dudgeon Memorial Fund Mail checks & registration form to: Matthew Dudgeon Memorial Fund P.O. Box 19, Chester, NY 10918 For more information, call 845-469-5702 ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _( Please Print First Name M.l. Address: ••• Sex: ) EMail: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Last Name City/State/Zip: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ MD FD Age on Race Day: _ _ __ Birth Date: __!__!__ AdultT-ShirtSize:SD MD LD XLD Additional Family Members Name:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Name:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Name:_ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ Name:_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ (circleone) 7KRun D Walk (circle one) (circle one) Run / Walk Run / Walk Run / Walk Run / Walk Run / Wa lk Sex: Sex: Sex: Sex: Sex: D MI F M/ F M/ F MI F MI F Age on race day: __ Age on race day: __ Age on race day: __ Age on race day: __ Age on race day: __ Birth Date: _!_!_ Birth Date: _ !_!_ Birth Date: _!_!_ Birth Date: _ !_!_ Birth Date: __j_l_ Adult T-Shirt Size: SIMI LI XL Adult T-Shirt Size: SIM I L/ XL Adult T-Shirt Size: SI MI LI XL AdultT-Shirt Size: SIMI L/ XL Adult T-Shirt Size: SI MI LI XL .:r• Ioonlacl wi1h know~alparticipa~ng o aroad race or walk~ apolenliallyhazanloos ac!M~.I soou~ ootenle~ unless I am med<al~ able and properly ~ained. I agree to abide by any decision of~e race/walk officials r~alive ~my abiity to safe~ """91ete ~e roo. I assume al risks associated wi1h participaM!i o ~oeven\ ilclooing butoot lim~ed tofols, other par1icipan~. ~ eHect of ~e wea~er. inclooing h~h winds,ool &cad temperatures, IMrn~ity. ~alfic and ~conditions of~ road, an such risks oong know and appre<:oled by me. l <Jldeffltand ~at bO:ydes, skateboards, baby joggeffl', r~ler skates or inline skates, and rad~ headsets a~e oot at~ in~ race and I win abide by~ guid~ines. Haling lead~~ waiver and knowing~ focts and in consideration ol 'fO" acceplar<o of my entry, I, for myseH, waive and r~ease ~Matthew Otxlgeon Memoria Food, It's olficefs and c:ommittee members, ~e town ol Cheste<, ~ S~le of New YOI'<, ~e Chesler Academy, at sponsors ~ir representatives and successors, ildudirrg employees, ~om all doms of liabilities of any kild arising otA Imy participation o ~event even though~ liabiily may arise oot of neglljence of carelessness on~ part ol ~persons named in~ waiver. Inconsidemlion of ~e acceplar<o of my entry in~ Matthew Otxlgeon Memoria Fund Roo and W~~ I, ~ undersigned, olendi'oj ~ be legally bo<Jld hereby, and release lor myself, my !reVs, execu10ffl and adrru~U~Offl. any and al riJhts and clains lor damages, demands and WI other actions whatsoever,l\lich I may have agailsl ~Matthew Otxlgeon Memoria Food. I heleby grant hJ permission to ~I abovementioned enliies, ~r represen~lives and S<JC:CeSSOr>, to use al information Sllmtted o my race and .Ok applcalion, any pholographs, videotapes, motion pictures, recordilgs arM! WI o~r re<:onl of~ event ilcluding race resUts, my l~eness. name and COillPetion line lor any p<J)IOSe whatsoever ilclooing pr<Hace pubt<ity" 'baby joggers are alowedduring ~walk ONLY! ''Yoorstreeladdress, phonerunber and «naii addressllil neilherbe shared wilfl no< sold~ any IIWdparties- .ove Sign: Date: _ _ __ s~nature of runner or legal gaurdiao if under 18 years old. Origi na l Sponsor Registration Ask friends, family, and co-workers for donations. ~ (For additional sponsors, please attach sheet) This is a pre-paid walk, money from sponsors should be collected before event. Name Address Donation ~ n ~ ~Cl 0 ~ -a 0 -< ~ ~ )> 1: -1 ki m " tn -a 0 'I ~ 2 ~~ tn 0 ~ tn Make checks payable to the: Matthew Dudgeon Memorial Fund .r;~ p u n ::J I D ! 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