Fernwood PC 23 June minutes 2014 pdf

Minutes of the Meeting of Fernwood Parish Council held on Monday 23 June 2014 which
commenced at 7.30pm at the Village Hall, Ruby's Avenue, Fernwood.
Present: Cllrs. J Weale, M Weale, L Bates, J Gould, County Cllr. S. Saddington, District Cllr. D.
Open Session
Cllr. J. Weale welcomed the members of the public who came along to the open session and
asked if there were any questions.
A member of the public asked the Council for any additional information and for their support in
relation to an article that had been printed in the Newark Advertiser. The article was in relation
to a possible land sale/swap between Mr Derry who owns Balderton Hall and David Wilson
Homes DWH) so a separate access could be laid for Balderton Hall. Concerns were raised in
relation to the wooded area, would this be safe? and also additional traffic where the private
access would be for Balderton Hall.
A member of the public informed the Council that the Show home close to Restfill Way has been
demolished and the land is to be grassed over. Contact had been made with DWH to see if the
land could be used for additional parking instead.
The above was discussed and the Clerk will contact DWH to enquire further to the show home
and to also request a copy of their Traffic Management Plan in relation to the traffic concerns.
1. Apologies for absence.
Cllrs. A. Barson, F. McKay, I. Walker
2. Declarations of interest.
Cllr. J. Gould item 9b
Minutes of the meeting held on May 20th 2014.
The above was proposed by Cllr. M. Weale and seconded by Cllr. J. Gould that the
Minutes were a true record and were unanimously agreed and duly signed by the
4. Matters arising.
Cllr. J. Gould highlighted item 16 from the meeting in May and that the concerns
from the open session were part of what the Parish Council are trying to resolve
5. Chairman’s report.
Cllr. J. Weale reported that he had recently spoken to a gentleman from the
Environment Agency in relation to the new build and that they are concerned with
any new build where water levels were suspect. With this in mind a meeting has
been arranged at Kelham Hall for the 4th July which will involve all relevant
agencies in regards to drainage will be attending. Cllr Weale went on to report
that he had seen an article in the Newark Advertiser that the London
Road/Bowbridge road will be widened and the cost will be met by DWH, this is due
to the extra traffic that is anticipated from the Fernwood Development.
Chairman of the Fernwood Residents Association (FRA) report
The Chairman, Mr John Proctor, reported the following:
 The FRA open meeting was well attended and they had 2 guest speakers.
Mr Bob Hattersley from Chuter Ede and Mr Robert Galij from DWH
 The Petanque club have been active and recently competed in several
competitions and tournaments
7. County Councillor and District Councillors' reports:
Cllr. S. Saddington reported that she had attended the FRA open meeting and was
concerned with the questions that Mr Hattersley had to answer. Cllr Saddington
recommended that an officer from County Hall should attend the next meeting to
field the concerns and queries over the admissions policy.
Cllr. S. Saddington also confirmed that she has invited Mr Albans from highways to
attend a meeting with Fernwood residents and the Parish Council on the subject of
access through Hollow Dyke/Spring Lane.
Cllr. D. Logue commented that he is concerned that residents still have the same
frustrations from 3 years ago.
8. APP from Cllr. J. Weale to approve a sub-committee of the council to progress with
discussions on subjects including OM Management, future builds and a
neighbourhood plan. The above was proposed by Cllr. M. Weale and seconded by
Cllr. J. Weale and agreed unanimously.
9. Good causes applications
a. FRA Conservation Group
The Parish Council discussed an application from the FRA Conservation
Group for £500 for the relocation of the bird hide. The £500 was initially
approved last year but was not claimed by the FRA conservation group. The
above was proposed by Cllr. J. Weale and seconded by Cllr. J. Gould and
agreed unanimously
b. Fernwood foxes
The Parish Council discussed an application from the Fernwood Foxes for
£180 to cover the hall hire for their annual charity event raising funds for
Sarcoma UK. The £180 was proposed by Cllr. J. Weale and seconded by Cllr.
J. Gould and agreed unanimously
10. Parish Council vacancy and applications
The Clerk had not received any applications so the advert will be displayed again
for another month
11. Strategy group feedback/recommendations
Subcommittee as per item 8
12. Correspondence:
a. A copy of a letter from Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) regarding an
additional consultation on Sand and Gravel provision as part of the Minerals
Local Plan.
The Parish Council will support the neighbouring villages
b. A copy of a letter from Newark and Sherwood district Council (N&SDC) to
Cllr. D. Logue regarding a neighbourhood plan for Fernwood.
Passed to the strategy group
c. A copy of a letter from the Clerk to Nottingham Community Housing
Association (NCHA)regarding an incident within the carpark for Ainsdale
d. A copy of the reply from NCHA regarding the above incident
13. Clerks report:
a. NALC planning workshop
The clerk needs to find out if a member of a subcommittee can attend, if not
Cllr. J. Gould will attend
b. A plan of the dog bin sites for Fernwood
The clerk showed the council plans of the dog bin sites within Fernwood
that had been passed to her
c. Next six months meetings including times and lengths
July 21st for the next meeting and the next 6 months will be arranged at the
July meeting
d. Nominate a member of the Parish Council to attend a hearing at the
standards committee
Cllr. J. Gould reported that he would like to attend but is not able to on the
7th July. The Clerk will look into if the date be changed or representation be
made in writing
e. Village hall rent for the Parish Council
Passed to July meeting
f. Approve annual return
The Clerk reported to the Council that the Village Hall and Parish Council
accounts have both been internally audited and all the banks have
reconciled. The Accounts are now ready to go to the external auditor. The
Council were given a report for the receipts and payments for 2013/14. Cllr.
J. Gould proposed to approve the accounts and Annual Audit and to sign the
paperwork, this was seconded by Cllr M. weale and agreed unanimously.
14. Bills for payment.
The list is included in the Minutes.
15. Councillors Reports.
The next meeting will be held on Monday 21st July 2014 starting at 19.30 at the village
Signed by Chair of the Council.................................................Dated....................................