Of the Halton Borough in the County of Cheshire
Held at 7.30PM on MONDAY 21 JULY 2014 in HALE VILLAGE HALL
Opened at 7.55pm
Part 1
1 Members present Chairman A Jones
Councillors D Ford, P Healey, C Williams, G Wright
Also present:
Clerk T Rogers-Smith
Public 2
2 Apologies
Cllrs E Hudson, S Sage, A Ambrose, I Moscrop, L Trevaskis
3 Declarations of Interest with regard to items on the agenda
Cllr Jones declared an interest in the Village Hall.
4 Minutes of the previous Meetings
Resolved that the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on 2 June
2014; proposed by Cllr Jones and seconded by Cllr Healey, agreed by all; be signed as a true record.
Resolved that the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 16 June 2014; proposed by Cllr Ford and
seconded by Cllr Williams, agreed by all; be signed as a true record.
5 Chairman’s / Clerk’s Report
Civic Service Chairman and Vice Chairman attended the Mayor’s Civic Service which was a lovely event.
6 Public Forum / Police Report
Police Report took place prior to the meeting from 7.35 to 7.55pm
PCSO Marnick distributed a summary report for Hale during the past month. There are 46 entries including
Theft from motor vehicle [arrest made], lead thefts Arklow Drive and Malin Close, burglaries, ASB, suspicious
person at pony sanctuary, HGV complaints, alarms, dog fight – HBC checking, man in a boat led to a call out of
emergency services who were not needed etc.
Two new PCSO’s will be patrolling from this month.
Encourage reporting of incidents by residents.
Cllr Jones reported that a traffic survey will be carried out and the location agreed is at the shops with a request for
good coverage.
Public Forum 8.05 to 8.15pm
HGV’s request for the traffic survey to be asap; will it be by people or machine recording; outside the shops.
Mr Baker reported that 2 aviation fuel tankers went through the village although this is banned by the airport.
Many Grundy vehicles.
Mr Baker to continue to canvass residents
Clerk to check with Cllr Ambrose re small aircraft
Cllr Jones to liaise with Cllr Wharton re HGV’s
Blocked grids on Hale Road reported by Mr Baker but no action taken
Litter Hale Road pick up is only being done by HBC to Tech 9. Reportedly due to lack of safety for workers.
HBC contact centre / phone calls long waits to be seen, on hold for long time eg Clerk took 42 minutes to get a
Clerk to contact HBC
Sound monitoring by Mr Baker recorded57 dB for planes and 58 dB for HGV’s.
7 Planning Report
a 14/00382/HBCFUL
Proposed construction of 5 no. railway sidings to be implemented on a phased basis to serve the Mersey Multimodal
Gateway (3MG) connecting to the national rail network West Coast Mainline via Ditton Junction sidings at Ditton
Strategic Rail Freight Park Ditton Road (west) Widnes Cheshire
Halton Borough Council Municipal Building Kingsway Widnes Cheshire WA8 7QF
Comment by 7 August
Concerns about the impact on:- traffic through Hale [need HGV restrictions]; impact on the conservation area;
noise; visual; environment etc
Clerk to contact Halebank / Comments to be submitted
b 14/00327/LBC
Proposed repairs to sandstone facade at The Manor House 21 Church End Hale Liverpool L24 4AX
The Manor House 21 Church End Hale Liverpool L24 4AX
Comment by 10 July
No objections
c 14/00369/TPO
Proposed works to trees covered by TPO 26, group G4, Lyme Tree, prune lower branches and crown lift, Oak Tree,
crown lift and Rowan Tree (not included in TPO) remove, all at Park Lodge Church End Hale Liverpool L24 4AX
Park Lodge Church End Hale Liverpool L24 4AX
Comment by 31 July
No objections
8 Financial Report
a Grant applications none
b Receipts
c Payments between meetings Nil
d Payments July
Tina Rogers-Smith
Tina Rogers-Smith
Tina Rogers-Smith
PAYE for clerk to end Aug
Clerks pay arrears 2013/2014
Clerks pay July/Aug advance
Clerks expenses
W Stephens
All payments approved
Landscape work July/Aug advance
Village hall cleaning
phone bill
154.40 reference 002116
30.01 reference 002117
650.25 reference 002117
143.55 reference 002117
100.00 reference 002118
268.80 reference 002119
107.26 reference 002120
e Village Hall
[i]Lottery funding application is through stage 1.
Stage 2 starts with a telephone interview for Cllr Jones with Lottery funding representative.
[ii] Grant application submitted to the Area Forum for £2500 for new radiators in the Village Hall for September.
9 Correspondence
738 emails
739 emails
740 emails
HBC Democratic Services various
HBC Planning various
CHALC training / Annual meeting /newsletter
Connecting Cheshire various updates HBC various re War Memorial lighting
various Police & Crime Commissioner
Rural Services Network updates
Cheshire Police Alerts various – inc armed policing
PCSO Marnick updates
ican alerts scam cold callers;scam debt collectors; PPI reclaims
Clerks & Councils Direct
Youth worker re photography exhibition 4 July youth centre
Connecting communities 4 Sept Crewe networking etc
various re signs
HBC re meeting with Mr Parr Wed 24 Sept 6pm Boardroom Kingsway
M Wharton re 10 July Cycle Tour
BADMINTON England summer community offer
M Wharton traffic survey request
CCA Community Pride awards 9/10/2014
10 Parish Issues
a HGV’s Cllr Wharton has requested a traffic survey.
Cllrs to gather information
Cllr Jones to liaise re traffic survey details
Mr Baker to continue to canvass opinions from residents
Highways and Police to be invited to the village
Letter draft to be prepared for September
b Shore path Cllr Williams reported that some areas had been cut but others remained too long.
Clerk to contact HBC
c Mersey Gateway Environmental Trust Cllr Ford highlights the importance of a PC representative on the board
and his name can be put forward.
Clerk to contact other PC’s
Clerk to contact Paul Oldfield Biodiversity Officer, Mersey Gateway Crossings Board
d Shops Cllr Wright has followed up on complaints about lack of maintenance at the shops. He met with the
landlords agents a few weeks ago and it is hoped to make progress.
e Carnival Cllr Wright asked about future meetings as there used to be one6 to 8 weeks after the Carnival.
Cllr Williams indicated that the next meeting is likely to be October/November.
Clerk to forward information to C Gallagher
11 Dates of next Meeting
15 September
Monday 7.30pm
Ordinary Meeting
Part 2 Items of a “confidential or other special nature” during which it is likely that the meeting will not be open to
the public and press as there would be a disclosure of exempt information as defined in Section 100 of the Local
Government Act 1972. Clerk holidays notified
Meeting closed at
8.55 pm
Signed as a true record
Councillor A Jones
15 September 2014
Tina Rogers-Smith, Clerk to Hale Parish Council
32 Coppice Green, Kingswood, Westbrook, Warrington, Cheshire, WA5 7WA, Tel: 01925 710947 Email: [email protected]