! ! The Executive Committee of Elmbridge Liberal Democrats are pleased to give notice of the Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday 28th November 2014 at West End Village Hall West End Lane, KT10 8LS From 7.30pm ! ! 7.30-8.pm 8-9pm 9-9.45pm ! Meeting to be chaired by Lord Tope Welcome drinks and snacks AGM agenda Lord Tope AGM AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence 2. Reports a. Chairman b. Treasurer [c/w adoption of accounts]. c. Data Officer d. Membership Development Officer e. Council Group Representative f. Vice-Chair report on Annual Conference 3. Motions 4. Election of Officers and other functionaries 5. AOB ! MOTIONS ! Motions should be submitted to the Secretary no later than Friday 21st November 2014. Contact David Bellchamber on [email protected] or write to 18 Lockhart Road, Cobham, Surrey KT11 2AX. Telephone 01932 866770. ! NOMINATIONS FOR AND ELECTION TO OFFICE ! Nominations are requested for the officers and functions of Elmbridge Liberal Democrats. If there are nominations for anyone not present at the meeting, then written agreement is needed from the nominated person and this must be available at the meeting. A form for nomination is attached. If an office is contested a postal ballot will be held after the AGM. ! The Offices of Honorary President (Lord Tope) and Honorary Vice President (Andrew Sturgis, Torquil Stewart and John Pincham) are for life and not elected. The passing Executive Committee wish to nominate Graham Winton to be an Honorary Vice President. ! The Constitution allows for the following positions to be elected to the Executive Committee. If they are not filled in full at the AGM the Executive Committee can coopt to fill them. Office is for a year from 1st January 2015. Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Data Officer, Membership Development Officer, 6 ordinary members, 2 representatives from Elmbridge Borough Council Group. ! [Up to 3 additional members can be co-opted to the Committee] ! The opportunity can be used to confirm Conference representatives ! ! Officers serving since the inaugural meeting in January this year are listed below: ! Chair Vice-Chair Treasurer Data Officer Membership Development Officer Secretary Michael Smith Jaska Alanko, Miles Mcleod Margaret McLauchlan Anthony Sheppard Linda Alanko David Bellchamber Council Group Representative Cllr Andrew Davis Cllr Barry Fairbank ! Other functionaries ! ! Elected representative to Conferences Jaska Alanko Linda Alanko David Bellchamber John Pincham Mike Smith Delegated Nominating Officers ! Reviewer of Accounts ! 100 Club Organiser ! Ordinary members + EBC Group ! Graham Winton Mike Smith Anne Harcourt-Vernon David Weatherly Cllr Alex Coomes Pamela Day Cllr Toni Izard Cllr Shweta Kapadia Cllr Mary Marshall Alastair Sturgis Paul Nagle ! Margaret McLauchlan is standing down from the office of Treasurer after many years and the Executive would like to propose a special vote of thanks in recognition of her undertaking this demanding role. ! MORE INFORMATION AND FOR LIFT SHARES For any further information or if you need a lift please contact David Bellchamber using the contact details above. ! ! ` Nomination form ! ! for election to a post on the Executive Committee of Elmbridge Liberal Democrats to serve for a year from 1st January 2015 The election will take place at the Annual General Meeting of Elmbridge Liberal Democrats to be held on Friday 28th November 2014 at West End Village Hall, West End Lane, KT10 8LS at 7.30pm. ! If an office is contested a postal ballot will be held after the AGM. Forms will be accepted at the meeting but if the nominee cannot attend the meeting then written consent to the nomination from the nominee must available for the meeting. It can be sent to David Bellchamber on [email protected] or write to 18 Lockhart Road, Cobham, Surrey KT11 2AX. Telephone 01932 866770. You may ask members attending the meeting to propose and second the nomination. ! I nominate for the post of on the Executive Committee of Elmbridge Liberal Democrats to serve for a year from 1st January 2015’ ! ! Proposer’s signature x………………………………… x Name and membership no. ! ! Seconder’s signature x………………………………….x Name and membership no. ! ! ! I consent to this nomination X…………………………………x
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