TUDDENHAM ST MARY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the extraordinary meeting of Tuddenham St Mary Parish Council, held in the Village Hall on Thursday 8th May 2014 at 7:30pm Councillors present: Cllr. R. Lawson (RL), Cllr. M. Dunnett (MD), Cllr. K. Soons (KS), Cllr. A. Tilbrook (AT) & Cllr. A. Long (AL). Present: Vicky Bright – Parish Clerk. Item Action 14/05/1 Public Forum – LGA 1972, Section 100(1): No members of the public present. 14/05/2 Accepted Apologies for absence - LGA 1972, Section 85(1) & (2): Cllr. Peter Hope (PH). Absent: None. 14/05/3 Members Declaration of Interest (for items on the agenda) – LGA 2000 Part III: Cllr. Karen Soons noted her personal interest in the Rural Parishes Alliance Group, for which she attends as a representative of the Parish Council. 14/05/4 Planning Applications: F/2013/0257/HYB – Land east of Red Lodge – Application for 374 new homes. Cllr. Karen Soons presented the opinions of the Rural Parishes Alliance, regarding the application and future developments and advised that their objections to the development were that the scale of applications had been increasing in size with each application and that in their opinion the current infrastructure was inadequate to support future developments. Another concern raised was that the application was due to be decided on the same day that the commissioned drain survey was due to be published. The Rural Parishes Alliance has asked for the Parish Council to offer support in opposition of the application. Cllr. Lawson raised the Local Development Plan from Forest Heath District Council and advised that the Parish Council had been consulted on this plan and had supported the plan. Cllr. Lawson also raised his objections against the need for another action group, such as the Rural Parishes Alliance, due to the fact that there is already in place the 5 Villages Preservation Trust (5VPT). Cllr. Lawson noted his objections to the Parish Council sending their objections in support of the objections raised by the Rural Parishes Alliance. Councillor’s discussed the proposed application and the objections highlighted and agreed that the objections were valid. They discussed that there was a need for housing; but that future general development could not be supported until there had been infrastructure improvement. There was a vote to decide the course of action to take and it was agreed y majority 3:2, that the Parish Council would send a letter of objection to the planning application to FHDC, noting the Parish Council’s valid objections and in support of the objections raised by the Rural Parishes Alliance. Resolved 14/05/04.01 It was agreed that the Clerk would send a letter to FHDC Planning Department on behalf of the Parish Council and in support of the Rural Parishes Alliance objections against Planning Application 1 Clerk TUDDENHAM ST MARY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the extraordinary meeting of Tuddenham St Mary Parish Council, held in the Village Hall on Thursday 8th May 2014 at 7:30pm F/2013/0257/HYB. The Parish Council agreed that the letter would state that they have no objections in principal and agree that new housing is essential, but that they object to the application and any future development until there has been adequate infrastructure improvement. In their opinion the current infrastructure inadequacies are a valid objection and include drainage; in their view it does not meet current demand or any future developments, schools are currently oversubscribed, local hospital and GP services are at full capacity, telecommunications and Broadband networks are not sufficient in the area and there is a need for highways improvements; namely a need for a FULL A11/A14 interchange with a 2 way dual carriageway -A11 (towards Bury St Edmunds) linking to the A14 and from A14 from Bury St Edmunds linking to the A11, which currently does NOT exist. Tuddenham St Mary is a C road and it carries the traffic level of a busy A road. The High Street and connecting roads in Tuddenham St Mary act as the missing A11 /A14 link road at present. 14/05/05 Date of next meeting: The next meeting of the Parish Council was confirmed as the AGM for Tuesday 20th May 2014 at 7:45pm in the Village Hall. The Annual Village Meeting was confirmed for Tuesday 20th May 2014 at 7pm in the Village Hall. There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and declared the meeting closed at 20:30pm. Signed_______________________________ 2 Date________________ TUDDENHAM ST MARY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the extraordinary meeting of Tuddenham St Mary Parish Council, held in the Village Hall on Thursday 8th May 2014 at 7:30pm 3
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