Division of Behavioral and Neural Biology Hokkaido University

Division of Behavioral and Neural Biology
Hokkaido University
土谷尚嗣 Naotsugu Tsuchiya
モナシュ大学 Monash University
Structure of Integrated Information
Reflects Contents of Consciousness
The Integrated information theory (IIT) aims to explain how our conscious
experience is supported by the mechanisms in the brain. The IIT predicts that
a pattern of integrated information generated by some parts of the brain
corresponds to the contents of consciousness. Here, we set out to test the
prediction by measuring a pattern of the integrated information, or phi*,
based on field potentials recorded with electrodes in awake epilepsy patients,
who performed several visual psychophysical tasks. We found a structure of
phi*, constructed from the face selective areas in the temporal lobe, without
any supervised learning, classified subjective visual experience of faces,
rather than properties of physical visual input of faces. We ruled out a
possibility that high dimensionality of the phi*-pattern was sufficient for such
categorization by analysing high-dimensional pattern derived by other
quantities as well as phi* structure derived from other areas that are not
selective to faces: both poorly reflected subjective experience compared to
phi* structure derived from the face selective areas. In sum, without any
training or decoding, high-dimensional phi* structure naturally mirrored
subjective experience of faces, promising the IIT as a possible solution to the
enigma of consciousness.
Integrated Information Theory を使って解き明かそうとしています。Cristof
Koch の著書「意識の探求」や「意識をめぐる冒険」の翻訳者としても知ら
2015年1月6日(火) 17:00 18:30 理学部5号館(高層棟)813号室 世話人:小川宏人(内線 3525,[email protected]