Quiz for Essay “In Your Face” ID No. ( ) Name ( ) Score / 25 以下の英文を読み,次頁の設問に答えなさい。 1pt x 6 = 6pts 1.囲み部分(ア)~(カ)の語句を日本語に訳しなさい Why is this man so angry? We don’t know the reason, but we can see the emotion in his face. Whatever culture you come from, you can understand the feeling that he is expressing. Forty years ago, psychologist Paul Ekman of the University of California, San Francisco, (ア) (イ) (ウ) (エ) (オ) (カ) 2.波線部★について,Ekman の研究で支持(サポート)した仮説の理論とはどんなものか。 3 pts 日本語で説明しなさい。 became interested in how people’s faces show their feelings. He took photographs of Americans expressing (ア)various emotions. Then he showed them to the Fore people, who live in the jungle in New Guinea. Most of the Fore had never seen foreign faces, but they easily understood 3.波線部☆の指している6つとは何か。それぞれ日本語で説明しなさい。 0.5pt x 6 = 3pts Americans’ expressions of anger, happiness, sadness, disgust, fear, and surprise. Then Ekman did the same experiment (イ)in reverse. He showed pictures of Fore faces to Americans, and the results were similar. Americans had no problems reading the emotions on the Fore people’s faces. Ekman’s research ★ gave powerful support to the theory that facial 4.下線部①~④を日本語に訳しなさい。 ① expressions for basic emotions are the same everywhere. He did more research in Japan, Brazil, and Argentina, and got the same results. According to Ekman, ☆these six emotions are universal 3pts ② because they are built into our brains. They developed to help us deal with things quickly that might hurt us. Some (ウ)emotional triggers are (エ)universal as well. ①When something suddenly 3pts ③ 2pts comes into sight, people feel fear, because it might be dangerous. But most emotional triggers are learned. For example, two people might smell newly cut grass. One person spent wonderful ④ 3pts summers in the country as a child, so the smell makes him happy. ②The other person remembers working very hard on a farm and being hungry, so he feels sad. Once we make an emotional (オ)association in our brain, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to change it. ③“Emotion is the least changeable part of the brain,” says Ekman. But we can learn to manage our emotions better. For instance, ④we can be more aware of things that make us angry, and we can think before we react. There are many differences between cultures, in their languages and (カ)customs. But a smile is exactly the same everywhere. 5.本文の内容と一致するものには「○」,一致しないものには「×」,を( )に記入しなさい。 1pt x 4 = 4pts ( )この話で,エックマンの研究で最初にしたことは,アメリカ人をフォレ人に会わせることだった。 ( )エックマンの研究は,のちにいくつかの国でもおこなったが,反応は同じだった。 ( )草の匂いを感じ,過去の記憶とともに悲しかったことや,嬉しかったことを思い出す人がいる。 ( )危険なものに対する恐れとは,感情の中でもっとも変えることが難しい。
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