Page Four THE WAVE, ROCKAWAY BEACH, N. Y., (BOROUGH OF QUEENS, NEW YORK) THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1947 Relss, Paul O'Connor, Franck, Rona Plaster, Zclda Carol June Honor Roll Benetar< 2-1 - J a y Brausc, Stephen LeboOf School No. 114 wilz, Stuart Oltchick, Terry Ro- I sen, Kenneth Schat't'nor, Sandra 8p—Sanford Solomon, Gloria' Koeppel, Suzanne Levine, Abby Sotwlnik, Dianne Davis, Barbara Livingson, Flora Levy, Caroline Seaman. Mintzer, Judith Seltzer, Betty 8A—Marcia Libsohn, E l l e n Shakerdge. Horse, Joy Ross. 2-2 Joel Beldner, Jool Darr, 7B3 Robert Co'irvan, Herbert William Hurwitz, Donald Korn, \ n s o n , Marilyn Levme, Martha William McSharry, Robert Robin, Roberta P / s e r , Bernice Schnall, Rose Apt, Marjorie BornJaffee. stein, Abbie Greene, Judith Kort, 7B4 Carol Berkowitz, Sheila Susan Lewis, Ann Neiman, Ann Levey, B a r b a r a Levey, Marcia Samuels, Gail Schatz. 2-3 Fred Feldman, Richard Kupperman, Joan Samuels, CarMichael», Linda Bruckner, Dale oline Shakerdge. 7A Patricia Heyman, Joan Schind'.er, Lydia Widerman, CarSJeidman, Ella Drebot, Enid Gold- la Zinn, Phyllis Hoffman. 1-2 -Lee Adnepos, Barry Aronman, Jill Levingson, Sandra May. Richard Brumberger, 6 1 - - A b r a h a m Weitzberg, Mat- owsky, thew Berger, Evelyn Katz, Su- Robert Browor, Bruce Fiedler, sette Groff, Suzann Lipskin, Robert Held, Wi'liam Klein, Marilyn Ot>her, Fern Botwinik, Frank Pindyck, Matthew Po'lack, Davlda Zipsor, Abbie Shernock. ,Fred Stitt, Alan Tanenbaum, 6-2--Oatol Elishewitz, Miriam Peter Tabb, Mary Pat Buckley, Feinstein, Muriel GarflnkeJ, Ellyn , Shirley Coffiner, Barbara FeinGoldsmith, Sheila Herman, Ruth Ostein, Betsy Ann Hutchinson, Fenichel, Judith Greene, Edward j Paula Kadish, Linda Kahn, Elaine Weinstetin. Lazarus, Mary Nadeau, Ruth Wil- Needle, Judith Rhodes, Judith 6-3—Lydia Port, Donald Wil-\ marth. Schneider, Peggy Ann Weaver. 51—Marilyn Haim, Hannah Wertheimer, Pearl Shapiro, Faith SUMMER DAY CAMP Franck, Harriet Mane!is. 5-2- J a m e s I r v i n e , Gilbert KirAT TEMPLE HKTII-EL win, Kenneth Koretz, Matthew Zinn, Gabriel Zuckerman, Lester Temple Beth-El, 121-16 RockaWolser, A r t h u r Radetsky, Ruth way Beach blvd., this summer will Friedman, Elsa Daspin, Mary house the activities of (lamp Atid, Mllner, Lois Schwartz, Joan Heita summer dlay camp for Jewish ler, B a r b a r a Lazarus, Bertha chi'dren between the ages of 3 Lande, Helen Silver. 4-1—Harris Friedman, Herbert and 6. The use of Hebrew, the lanSchoenberg, Ira Sontupe, Harriet guage of the Bible, the Prayer Bovit, Barbara Diamond, Sue Book and modem Palestine, will Goldstein, Paula Menton, Beverly be integrated into the activities Nadeau, Sheila Nassberg, Harof the camp.. It is operated by riet Rome, Rosalie Samplin, Barthe United Synagogue Commisb a r a Schorr, Marlene Schulman, sion on Jewish Education and the Libby Tombicher. • 4-2 A r t h u r Colman, Michael Teachers Institute of the Jewish Saltser, Herbert Steiner, Rona'd Theological Seminary of Americu May, Robert Born.itein, Marcia in cooperation with the officials Merdinger, Sandra Elsenberg, of Temple Beth-El. One part of Camp At it's proElaine Weinberg, Phyllis Llff.on, g r a m h a s special national educaSandra Richardson, Marjorie tional significance. At the camp Koeppel. a school for Herbow-kincvorgarten 4-3 Matthew Anenborg, Michteachers will be conducted. Stuael Bandler, Jeremy Glass, A'an dents from miiny sections of the Kahn, Kenneth Less-al, Tony Morcountry have registered in thlfi gan, Michael Weiss, Phyllis lien-' school, mns* of the™ nt^endin tr kin, Judith Goldstetin, E l e n Leber, Leslie Mann, Carol Roth- on scholarships provided by conkopf. i gregations planning to establish Dr. Robert Cordis, rabbi of 'icmple Beth-El, has been influential in bringing the project to Rockaway Park. Queens Public Library Schedule For Summer Louis J. Bailey, chief librarian of the Queens Borouvjh Pub'ic Library, announcea the new schedule under which the Queens libraries will operate this summer. The new hours will be in effect from Tuesday, July 1 to August 31. The schedule is divided into two p a r t s and will operate as follows: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.; Tuesday and Thursday, 1 p. m. to 9 p. m.J Saturday, 9 a. m. to 12 noon. F a r Rockaway, 1637 F a r Rockaway boulevard, is included in this schedule. TH« second part will operate a s follows: Monday, Wednesday, i uuSVi A P- m - t 0 9 P- m> Tuesday and Thursday, 1 p. m. to 6 p. m.; Saturday, 9 a. m. to 12 noon. Seaside, 11501 Rockaway Boach boulevard, is included in this group. LT. COL> JOHN ,1. VOOEL ATMOiNHEM . CON VENTION Lt. C o l John J. Vogel, Infantry ReservoA'ormerly of Boaoh 9lst street, and now of Howard Beach, was a delegate from New York State tomhe National Convention of the' A j e r v e ' Officers' Association, h e p at Miami, Fla., June 18-21. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE TOPIC "God" is the U'sson-wrmon subject for Sunday, .July 6. Go'don Text: "To the only wise; God our Saviour, bo gloiy and majesty, dominion and power, both now and over" (Judo 1:25). Sermon: From the King James version of the Bible (Ps. 880:9-12; 995:1-3, 6): "All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship bofore thee, O Lord: and sha'l glorify thy name. For thou a i t great, and doest wondrous things: thou art God alono. Teach me thy vay, O Lord; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name. I will praise thoe, O Lord, my God, with all my heart; and I wi'l gloiify thy name sforevermore." EXCI The I Club ha (lie lent llshing The boa; Atlantic o'clock a shore George the com iNCJE CLUB OUTING r Rockaway Exchange set Tuesday, July 22, as tive date for its annual ;ip, dinner and outing. will leave the dock at Beach Bridge at 10 m. for Froeport, where dinner will be served. . Pott It is chairman of ittee in charge. • • i IE dent handbook, and on the staff of Miscellany News, student newspaper, and the student literary magazine. *4Vr'm »"., • • • St. Virgilius Graduates Given Reception WASHING MACHINES REPAIRED Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Fehring of 21 West 11-th road, Broad Channel, gave a reception last week at their home for the g r a d u a t e s of St. Virgilius Par- SEIFERT BROS. CONTRACTORS SAVE FUEL - CONSERVE HEAT. STOP DRAFTS Carpenters • Tinsmiths Painting and Decorating ROOFING GENERAL REPAIRS 331 Beach tt8th Street ROCKAWAY BEACH, N. Y. Tele, Belle Harbor 5-2302 3430 Have Metal Weatherstrips Installed now to Insure comfort in freezing weather. — ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Estimates furnished without obligation • LAURENCE P. CONWAY 177 Beach 112th Street, Rockaway Park, N. Y. Phone BEJle Harbor 5-2751 - 2 7 5 2 fc'' «f ... *' ''ii'iJI li»* X> • s WJJ ' • M i «• ' i •v I i ' « , . HI • > « • »; I] »l a / ' "SKK the ROCKAWAYS from the AIR — $2.00" CALL FOR PARTICULARS AIRPORT Beech 52nd Street and Beach Channel Drive, Edgemere, L I . TELEPHONE BELLE HARBOR 5-0479 mini l *m •iF* liminitHi "••-%-**.,.,. -•« ««;--; « « « ^.«/-> > ,- • •,•;=- \ •&• m/0 ^ i . *Af • * \.J#*fcvyJr •••g V • mi , * * , " • ' fo X.. > . A15 21 NKPONSIT AVK1NIJK, NKPONSIT, L. t. C fii WK TELEGRAPH FLOWERS ANYWHERE STILL THE BEST' W' Ccorp F L O R I S T HOTELv ijfi^i •^•"IBI' •* -. II t , v- • DEL MAR / ^*S«v> On tlic Boardwalk BEACH 125th S T R E K T ROCKAWAY PARK L. I. A Open Sundays Until 2 P.M. ^ s j ^ ^ Telephone Belle^ Harbor 5-4990 114-17 BOULEVARD. ROCKAWAY PARK. N. Y. ' o \\ N i: it s II i p M A N A<; i: M i: M . < ^ Gcoi'gc Topprr, Manager Ucllc lluil.m 36100 '. V* > YOUK OIL BURNER IS ONLY AS GOOD AS YOUR SERVICE MAN m 1k We arc thoroughly experienced in efficient maintenance of all types of Oil Burners. Consult us before arranging for regular service or the installation of a new oil burner, *jr • i Mi « v.m§ FRANK J. GREENWOOD Licenced Oil Burner Installation DOMESTIC . INDUSTRIAL • COMMERCIAL 22-19 Regina Avenue, • Far Rockaway, N. Y. * - - ^ ^ • ^ ^ ^ • ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • • ^ • ^ ^ • ^ N ^ ^ N ^ WINDOW CHAINS and CAULKING For Windows and Doors and i -*e_«r~V»..--*-?75 ; r x , . ' BEIIe Harbor 5-6236-W METAL WEATHERSTRIPS "TAKE A LOCAL FLIGHT" mw-A New and Old • irAB 'V Untitled Document TELEPHONE FAR ROCKAWAY 7-7150 > .1 < i • W W W W H W W — W W i f ' 1 Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 ' W ' mi'» ••'. •• * mr.".T3 ochial School, dn honor of their caugnter, Betty, who won a scholarship to Bishop McDonnell Memorial High School, Brooklyn. L e a r n To E L Y ROCKAWAY •JOZ ** 8-1—Charles Vogrl, eled on the work of Camp Atid. Pine, Ruth Levinson, Cynthia Greenberger, Geraldine Rones-,' Th* establishment of Camp L a u r a Weitzbeig, Rosalie Hirsch, Atid is the result of many years J a n e t Grcssnvm, Ronald Rome, of planning and two years of actT h o m a s Ilea y, Arlene Berkowitz, I ual Work by Jewish education mithoritios of the Teachers InstiLinda Mainster. 3-2* Irwin Neulight, Daniel, tute and the United Synagogue. wm• r n • • Mis'-s Paulino Newman, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Max II. Newman of 1350 Norton drive, F a r Rockaway, was awarded hor degree last Monday at commencement ceremonies at Vassar College. Miss Newman, who majored in chemistry, was president of the Science Club and '•Minnan of the Eastern College Science Conference which met on I tho 1 'Vassar campus this year. She aso was editor of the stu- TO INSTRUCT CAPTAINS KQOKIE FINED $100 FOR COMING PRIMARIES MauM | Hoffrichtor. of 325 Leo Eitelberg, president of the Boach 28th street, Far Rockaway, Far Rockaway Republican Club, a has Called special meeHng for raid a ; 100 fine in Manhattan Monday night, July 21, at the Special essions Court last FriLegion clubhouse in Grove ave- d;.y Hither than spend 30 dayw in nue, at which time the captains tail. TI<1 admitted taking a hot. of the various election districts from anlunidentifled man a t 60th will be given instructions for the | :.ti'"t and Madi'ion avenue, Manhattan, ©St April 11. coming primaries. progressive kindergartens mod Stephen! im;i!ini;i!«!:iiW!«i!:i«i!iiiaili;,»,«i!»i Pauline Newman Awarded Degree At Vassar •^rsrrrjrrn,-." «——MMmn immjmi inn • iMMnrHMMMM '•
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