8ecQon n , Page Fottf THE WAVE/ROCBlAWAY BEACH, N.Y. THURSDAY, SfifffiMBER 23, 19G5 Ladies Aid of Hospital Will Hold Card Party The Ladies Aid Society of St. Joseph's Hospital will hold a card p a r t y on October 7, a t 8 p.m., in the St. Charles Hall, 271 Beach 19th street, F a r Rockaway. N E I G H B O R Two Area Youths WavroTo Discuss HISTORIC Join U.S. Army ristian Science (Continued from Editorial Vg.) (Continued From Editorial Page) like to add t h a t in addition to his "right on t o p of each other." Two a r e a youths enlisted in "Christian Science: Religion daughter, Emma, who married There w a s Grogan's — it used to serve shore dinners t h a t were the A r m y last week a t t h e re- That Meets the H u m a n Need" Arctic explorer and United Stawonderful. "It w a s about Sea- cruiting station a t 1836 Mott av- will be the topic of a free public tes Navy Lieut. Commander G. enue, F a r Rockaway. lecture in F a r Rockaway Friday W. Long, there was a daughter, side." Robert Camacho, son of Mrs. evening, October 1, by Paul K. Sylvia. She became the wife of I t ' s h a r d to catch all the meLEGAL NOTICE Santiago Camacho of 2815 SeaWav**n of Jacksonville, Fla. Minthorn Thompson, a grandAt a Special T e r m , F a r t I, of the mories, Schwartz's words tumble girt boulevard, F a r Rockaway, Civil Court of the City of New York, out so fast. On one memory, He will speak in the audito- son of New York Governor County of Queens, a t t h e Courthouse. however, he dwells, a s if afraid enlisted September 14. Daniel D. Thompson who after126.06 Queens Boulevard, K e w G a r He w a s the first m a n t o enlist w a r d s became Vice President of dens, Queens. New York, held on t h e he can't cover it fully. 8 day of September, 1965. P r e s e n t : the United States in the Monroe T h a t memory is w h a t happen- in F a r Rockaway since the staHon. ABRAHAM A. BIQRRY, J u s t i c e . Administration. In t h e M a t t e r of the Application for ed to him the day Arverne burn- tion w a s reopened last month . He will take basic training at the C h a n g e of Name of VIVIAN SUM ed down. Maidstone Club, 1891 WRO a n d LYNN O D B T T B W E O , In F o r t Dix, N. J., and then attend In reply t o q u e r y : The Maidf a n t s . by R O B E R T ARIES, t h e i r A t t h a t time, Schwartz w a s a the f.amed P a r a t r o o p e r School in Father. stone Club a t E a s t Hampton w a s Upon r e a d i n g a n d filing t h e petition commuter, and a m o n g the rituals F o r t Benning, Ga. organized in 1891, succeeding the of R O B E R T A R I E S , verified t h e 16th of commuting w a s a daily evenN a t h a n Rothenberg, son of Mr. day of March, 1965, the affidavit of ing raffle of candy, in the smokE a s t Hampton Lawn Tennis Club VIDIAN mm , W E G , verified t h e 29th and Mrs. Aaron Rothenberg of which had been founded in 1879, day of Decmber. 1964, t h e affidavit of ing car. As luck would have it, LYNN O D E T T E WMG, verified t h e the night of , the fire w a s the 347 Leroy avenue, Cedarhurst, enonly a few y e a r s after the game 31st d a y of December, 1964, t h e afil* listed last Thursday. of Tennis had first been introducniglit Schwartz "won." davits of R O B E R T A R I E S , VIVIAN He will take basic training at SUB W E O and LYNN ODETTE ed a t Boston, Dr. Everett Herrick Loaded down with the candy, Fort" Pix, N» J.,; and then j be WEO. sworn to t h e 9th day of July* was president of the E a s t Hamp1965, t h e affidavit of SIMON S. N E S - he walked t h e trestle from where STM. ESQ., sworn to. t h e 20th day the train w a s backed up to the trained in the administrative caton club when it ended its twelve of Jxijy, 1965, a n d the notice of motion reer field. y e a r career and he assumed the d a t e d A p r i l 23, 1965. with proof of peninsula,.,managed somehow to service thereof on Mrs. E L S I E W E O , get to the beach, and (still carpresidency of the newly organizt h e - m o t h e r of «ald infants, in s u p p o r t ed Maidstone Club, remaining in of t h e petition which p r a y s for leave rying his load) trekked u p the out knowing it. of VIVIAN SUM W E O . an infant of beach to F a r Rockaway. office until his death in 1914. "Dishwashers (now) can do the aK* of 18 years, who w a s born in The Maidstone's first clubhouse New-rXork, N. Y. on F e b r u a r y 4, 1947, zlt w a s impossible to go through the same thing, by m a k i n g sure Blr,ih .Certificate No. 0616, to a s s u m e It w a s impossible to go through dishes are sanitary and clean. w a s destroyed by fire in 1901 the n a m e of VIVIAN SUE A R I E S . People with dishwashers rarely and the succeeding clubhouse a n d - L Y N N O D E T T E WHO, an infant w a s aflame. of t h e .-ago of 16 y e a r s , who w a s born suffered the s a m e fate in 1922. In addition, the w a t e r pres- have a oold running t h r o u g h the ini-New. York, N. Y.. on December The present structure, built on 31st. 1941 Birth Certificate No. 156- sure w a s so low, fire engines family whereas people with dish 449-100,010, to a s s u m e , the n a m e of pumped a w a y from each other, towels often spead germs." the dunes, had its grand openL Y N N - O D E T T E - A l l I E S , in place of Paul K. Wavro ing in 1924. A seperate Tennis and instead of their present respec- and little liquid reached the In fact his advertisement in tive* n a m e s , and the affidavits of flames. Only a flreboat on the this paper is anything b u t run rium of the First Church of House had been built on the site Mrs. E L S I E W E G sworn to respectively on the 17th day of J u n e , 1965. scene really m a n a g e d to do some of the mill. Christ, Scientist, 1835 Mott. ave- of the original clubhouse and and the 28th day of July. 1965, and good. opened for use the previous sum"Why should you buy from said application h a v i n g duly come on nue, at 8:30 p.m. mer. The n a m e Maidstone w a s to be hoard before me. a n d after Also of interest w a s the fact m e ? . . ( after 30 y e a r s of service A member of the Christian Scihearing- SIMON S. NESSIM, ESQ.. chosen because E a s t Hampton's a t t o r n e y for petitioner in s u p p o r t of t h a t a theatre that had been dec- to this community I have m a d e ence Board of Lectureship, and earliest settlers in 1648 were the application, a n d O E I O E R & lared not Are safe finally stopp- so m a n y friends out of customers well known to lecture audiences O E i O E R , ICSQS., b y L E O A. QRKTCNEnglishmen from Maidstone in I'm convinced t h a t like RheinILVUM, I&S'Q., of counsel, in opposi- ed spreading flames. throughout the United S t a t e s and Kent. tion t h e r e t o , and d u e deliberation " P r e t t y n e a r all of Arverne gold 'I m u s t be doing something Canada, he withdrew from busih a v i n g been had thereon, a n d it a p burned down t h a t spring," proba- right.' p e a r i n g t h a t there is no reasonable The first board of directors ness in -942 to enter the public objection to t h e proposed c h a n g e of bly 1926, Schwartz muses. "The problem is now t o con- practive of Christian Science w a s made u p of Dr. Everett n a m e s , a n d t h a t the best i n t e r e s t s The business world is another vince you to t a k e me a t my healing. During World W a r II he Herrick, who became the club's of t h e infants will be s u b s b m U a l l v p m m o t e d by t h e c h a n g e , N O W , on chain of memories for Schwartz. word . . . If it's information . . • served a s a Christian Science president; William A. Wheelock, motion of SIMON S. NESSIM, KSQ., F r o m 1920 till the late 1940s, you want, I'll supply it If it's W a r t i m e Minister. He h a s been Robert S. Bowne, Charles H. a t t o r n e y for said petitioner, it is ORD E R E D , t h a t t h e said VIVIAN SUE he w a s employed by t h e Queens advice . . . I'll give it . . . and I an authorized teacher of Chris- Adams, Preston B. Spring, ThoWEO, born on F e b r u a r y 4, 1917, in m a s Moran, E d w a r d De Rose, New York. N.Y., B i r t h Certificate Borough G a s & Electric Co. — won't try to 'sell' you." tian Science since 1949. No. 5616, Issued by t h e D e p a r t m e n t now the Long Island Lighting And if you w a n t t o talk a b o u t Thompson Gardiner Actively interested in youth J o n a t h a n of H e a l t h of the City of New York, in charge of sales of g a s prices, Schwartz will point out and Dr. G. E. Munroe. and L Y N N O D E T T E W E O . born on Co.— December 31, 1948, in N e w York, and electric appliances and w a t e r t h a t there a r e t w o things t h a t work, he w a s awarded t h e DeN.Y., B i r t h Certificate No. 156-49Molay Legion of Honor by the 100.010, issued by t h e D e p a r t m e n t of heaters. In fact, it w a s this em- cost no more t h a n they did many International Supreme Council H e a l t h of the City of New Y o r k , , be ployment t h a t led him into his years ago. PROGRESS and t h e y a r e authorized to respecti. One is chewing gum. The best Order of DeMolay. velys a s s u m e the n a m e s of VIVIAN present business, really a conEnthusiasm is really the only SUE A R I E S and LYNN O D E T T E tinuation of the work he did for b r a n d s are still five sticks for a kind of fuel t h a t will keep the A R I E S on t h e 18 day of October, the utility. Good will can't be bought — fires of ambition burning. nickel. 1965, upon condition, however, t h a t the further provisions of this order As Schwartz used to emphasize The other is major appliances a m a n h a s to cultivate it. shall be complied with; a n d it is i^S^p^NNS* *m*nm<m+* f # . i » # » # # ^ ^ » o » * i * # * o " * < WWW»|#NlPfc<WSS^#NI^I»*MINSP Hi ***** further ORDER 10D, t h a t this order in a column he used to write, he — g a s .and electric. be entered, a n d the petition upon does not view major appliances In 1920, a 14-cubic-foot refriwhich it is g r a n t e d he filed within a s mere gimmicks. He feels gerator cost $800. Now look at ten (10) d a y s from the d a t e hereof, In tho office of t h e Clerk of this major appliances have expanded w h a t you pay, and w h a t you get. Court. In the County of Queens, and A wringer washing machine t h a t within t w e n t y (20) d a y s after the a v e r a g e life and have contrithe e n t r y hereof a copy of t h i s order buted to m a k i n g life more pleas- cost $200. Now you g e t a n autoshall be published in T H E W A V E , a matic machine for less. Complete Automotive Repairs newspaper published In the County of ant. Queens, a n d that the affidavit of p u b His old column, titled "Take It And did appliances in those lication thereof be filed in the office Brake* - Tune-ups - Lubrication of the Clerk of this Court, in the E a s y " and paid for a s advertis- days use electricity! Wow! County of Queens, New York, within ing, used t o be aimed a t the W h a t bygones does Schwartz forty (40) days after the d a t e hereof; and It Is further O R D E R E D , t h a t housewife, telling lier how she miss? Apparently n o t many. Life vv»on compliance with all t h e above, could be more comfortable, etc. today h a s its fascinations too. provisions herein contained the said And history bears him out, he "I've done picknicking and barVIVIAN S U E W E O and LYNN O D E T T E W E O shall on and after the feels. becuing from w a y back; I still 18th day of October, 1965, be respectido it. I used to fish; now I talk vely known a s and by t h e n a m e s of Look a t refrigeration. VIVIAN S U E A R I E S and LYNN about it . . ." "There's no s u m m e r colic anyO D E T T E A R I E S , which they a r e But there were "wonderful hereby authorized to assume, and by more. We ato spoled food withno other n a m e . clambakes on t h e beach . . ." ENTER. Reiver: St op Lag Party At Hammel Center Fetes 52 Older Persons In Renewal Area A recommendation t h a t the city appraise property in urban renewal areas immediately after each area is designated for renewal t r e a t m e n t has been made by Kenneth A. Reiver, candidate for State Senator from the 10th Senatorial District comprising the Rockaways, S o u t h Jamaica, Rosedale and other communities in South Queens. In most instances, Reiver stated, there is a lag of many years between the time an area is designated for urban renewal and the time the program is institut- Kenneth A. Reive'r ed. During t h a t period, much of the property begins to deteriorate, as owners in anticipation of u r b a n renewal rarely reinvest in their properties. Thus, when appraisals are made, the properties are often in an advanced s t a t e of disrepair resulting in lower value and diminishing condemnation awards. If, Reiver said, appraisals were CLOTHING NICKS TEXACO SERVICE GR ABRAHAM A. mf4 FUEL OIL HEATING SERVICE AIR CONDITIONING 208 Beach 116th Street CHINESE FOOD TO TAKE HOME JUST PHONE US, YOUR ORDER WILL BE READY WHEN YOU ARRIVE! GP3U 114-07 BEACH CHANNEL DRIVE ROCKAWAY PARK, N. Y, , DANNA OIL Co. INC. WE HAVE ALL YOUR GR ROCKAWAY BEACH MEN'S SHOP Liquor Shoppe OPEN EVENINGS Wm. Scalettar, Prop. Lie. No. L1407 213 BEACH 116TH STBEET 4-2444 TIME RUNNING OUT ON LILCOS RECORD-BREAKING HALF-PRICE GAS HEAT CONVERSION SPECIAL NE 4-1492 xeaket* Private Parties Up To 85 — Cocktail Lounge P. CHOLAKIS ft SONS OBanlte 4-8911 178 Beach 116th Street Rockaway Park, N. Y. 11894 MEMBER DINERS CLUB LUMBER - SASH - DOORS - TRIM JJ WALLPAPER FA 7-44S9 CE 94656 Inwood, L. I. This Ts ft? You now have only a very short time to get in on the "hottest deal under the sun"...and save $150 or more. We offered an extension to October 1, 1965, because your Long Island neighbors swamped us with Gas Heat conversion orders that smashed an all-time summer sales record. But record-breaker or no... October 1,1965 is it. Here are some mighty convincing reaw, sons why you shouldn't pass up this once* ^ kjn-a-great-while opportunity either. First, Gas Heat is the cleanest, the most efficient, the most dependable way to guarlimited to LILCO residential Gas customers. Special low pf1C» antee greater home comfort for you and Offer Includes normal installation In suitable existing boilers and furnace*, your family next winter. And comparison *" Mail coupon or call these numbers right away: proves again and again that Gas Heat really In Nassau, PI 7 1041 . . . in North Suffolk, H A 3 - 3 6 0 0 . . « . saves you more than ordinary fuels with all in South Suffolk, 582 9083 . . . in East Suffolk, PA 7-60O8. .their hidden costs. Secondly, you can save as much as $150 or more on your installaLONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY «, Sales Dept. V. tion costs, if you convert to CLEAN GAS I 250 Old Country Road, Mineola, N. Y. 11501 HEAT before October 1, 1965. Don't wait J Gentlemen: until the last minute. Convert to modern I and I'm >n: ir I'm presently a LILCO residential Gas customer i interested in your special "half-price" Gas Htat con<t I version offer CLEAN GAS HEAT now. >ffeiappointment for only $149.95. a representative ' I call for an without Please cost orhave obligation to i n * , , Just look at all the extras that low, tow $149.95 includes: d j Name. F R E E DELIVERY — OB 48779 — LAYAWAY RCfGOFF'S SHEET RCCK Rockaway Park 212 Beach 116th Street TOOL RENTAl! SALE ENDS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Wa have now e d d e d t s - MASON MATERIALS BEUil ana PLUMBING SUPPLIES — CONVENIENTLY LOCATED — H. WEISMAN & SON LUMBER CO. INC. r OCTOBER 1 , 1 9 6 5 NEptime 4-0244 CEdarhurst 9 6 3 6 0 our large, varfsd stocks CEMENT i CEMENT CONTRACTORS BEACH tMM STREET of CROSSIAY MMD&I ROCKAWAY MUCH, N. Y. GR 4-5100 561 BEACH 69th St., ARVERNE 92, • N. Y. -"•» (print) Reduced\ > %k* -a* Rockaway Refrigerator & Television Co.* Inc. BATIKS A N D SERVICE 233 Beacn ltflth HtrAftt BOOULAtVA Y PARK, N. Y. OK 4-3824 NOT Birr FA 7-3*22 HOW CHEAP MEYER'S-Far Rockaway HOW GOOD T P r i m . Dretted MeeU rtrnny Fxtah Killed Poultry Fine Apjmnl for Men and Boys Petrocelli JIMMY'S QUALITY MARKET Boy Clothes Scout Trading Pout Open Wed., Thar*,, 1144HA B o n l e r a t BoAgwrnf P u t * N . * . fjf<j Delivery NBptun*'4-7028 Fit 1046 T I M E P A Y M E N T S ! Get on-the-spot finan* cng with a liberal time-payment plan. * M O N E Y - B A C K G U A R A N T E E ! Risk ab* solutely nothing. LILCO's money-back guarantee provides for a full refund of installation costs if your first year's fuel costs exceed LILCO's advanca iestimate by more than 10 per cent. 4 F R E E H O M E S U R V E Y ! III. CO will make a Gas Heat survey of your horns at no cost or obligation to you. '4 F R E E S E R V I C E P O L I C Y ! It covers in- I I Address* I Town or Village. I | | Best time to call, | I I | | tpection, adjustment ind cleaning of equipment jfriien necessary/ | !f,H"'Wlll!".llIlWiiJ11,, "w "Mi nmrnm "mi MtmmW.li '.,. * ^ ,*&*<&& Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 •• •• .^ j . U * ^ . I .t I 1.^ ^ . . ^,lal - • - MMiuieJittiifta ^ M M M f e e www.fultonhistory.com we>\| .Phone-. -1 £ WHI.HIP Mamies" • 0M.CO LONO mm uoHTim *HHi¥f*rO*QWMtO, i I MXMMMrf «OWA*W» tmmJ Gas haatt 20% more efficiently than oil—proved by test. / D o l l a r for D o l l a r — G M i s your Greatest Heating Value t | CENTRAL AVE. Evenings "ttl 9 PJUL 9W! +tqs i SUMMER FURNITURE. JUVENILE FURNITURE. BICYCLES. CEILING TILES INSULATION ! •> WStfiv+v DISCOUNT TREMENDOUS SELECTION MASON MATERIALS EXCISE TAX REPEAL plus Sharp price reduction mike big savings possible! BIG r HALF-PRICE TOYS. CARRIAGES. GREETING CARDS PAINTS HARDWARB FORMICA PLYWOOD BATHROOM CABINETS MILLWORK \ General Electric > 82-Channel €12"* Pergonal TV BEACH 1 1 6 ST. The Finest Foods, Served in a Delightful Atmosphere BUILDING NEEDS M l Bumslde Ave. 1 4-2424 PARK - HATS - SHOES GR 4-7711 Automatic Persona! Care Oil B u r n e r Service Contracts, including heating boiler and oil t a n k . Bet. 1032 218 W E A C C E P T AMERICAN E X P R E S S — U N I C A R D AND D I N E R S CLUB CHARGE ACCOUNTS INC. - HABERDASHERY For the Men and "Young Men" in the Family Great New Fall Lines 'KITCHEN COMPLETE NEPTUNE Featuring: New Ideas 4-9702 Whitty's BERRY Civil Court of the City of New York County of Queens WE DELIVER MA SKIN'S , 89-02 Beach Channel Drive Fifty two iiH'inhcvH of the Ham- anniversary. Other B i r t h d a y celebrants mel Day Center tOV Older Persons were honored &t a party were Mmes Betty Rosen, Martha. held a t the center September 9. Young, Pearl Levy, Rose Karol, Forty-two of Ihe members have Anna Casper, Pearl Newman and celebrated birthdays and four Frances Schwinger; Mollie Glachcouples are enjoying anniver- man, Lena Geller, Rose Eiss, saries during August *n<\ Sep- Anna Outerman, Eva Back, Rose Rrtschdorf, Dora Shapiro, Bessie tember. Spielman, At the party, Mrs. Mary Red- Kriesler, P a u l i n o mond acted })s a mistress of Sophi" Cvadiji, Rose Rancher, ceremonies. Mrs. Helen Kleinfeld M i n n i e Adlc r, B e t t y A x e l r o d , led in singing "The S t a r Span- Rose Gellzor, Rose Fox, and gled Banner}" which opened the Katie Schwartz; and Messrs. Sigmund baron, Harry Stern, Sam program. Music was furnished by a Ovitz, Willie a r a b l e , A b r a h a m group of young accordianisis, Perlman, Harry Hcnretig, JaThe Roc:l<-A-Byes, namely Dave cob Liebowitz, David Spielman, Slavin, Kenny Schwartz, and Al- Samuel Weinman, David Rail len Goldstein, all Of the Rocka- William Brusl, Harry Greenspan, I Leo Long, Isaac Schwartz, and ways. Ed Mendoza, pianist from the David Alcosscr. E l m h u r s t Jackson Heights CenOther cauples celebrating anter, rendered several selections. niversaries were Mr. and Mrs. Present a t the festivities were Morris Preever, Mr. and Mrs. the newly married senior citizens, Jacob Rutberg, and Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Ixmetsky. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hoch Refreshments were prepared celebrated both birthdays and and served by Mr. Gabor and his hostesses. Plans were formulated for a initiated immediately after desig- very active program of social nation, a more accurate value events and educational programs could be placed upon the prohomo making, ceramics, sewperty. ing, a r t and rug making, and He also pointed out the need knitting programs sponsored by for more efiective processing of tho Department of Welfare and the urban renewal procedure on the New York City Housing Authority. all levels of government. "There is no reason," he said, Leon E. Coward is the director "for people to have to wait five of the center, and Mrs. Elizabeth and 10 years before an urban Anderson is group worker' In renewal p r o g r a m is processed charge of a r t s and crafts. and begun. This places a severe burden on property owners and Go To Church On Sunday residents who are faced with adverse environmental conditions." Reiver, a resident of the Rock"Rockaway's Most Complete aways, has been endorsed for Wine and Liquor Store*' State Senator by Congressman John V. Lindsay, Mayoral candidate of the Republican and Liberal parties. b t a k a a e a ^ _u_^_ ^..\ . M 'IMSW1WWM » iw i' 1 mmmmmmm»riim'***mm*mmmmmetttm « w ~ l « . J I | i * H i 1 OK 1 1 l l l W M O I I W K W m ) J '"III"** :m n <•
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