•^^» THE WAVE, ROCKAWAY BEACH, N. Y., (BOROUGH OF QUEENS, NEW YORK) THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1$49 Page Ftv<J 3tzr-.:rr" vard," he said. MMost buildings on the Boulevard were erected before Section 35 of the General City Law came into effect in 1926 (Continued from page 1) and a t e built up to the property line. Wihen the owners demolished these families in permanent quarGraci Would Offset Rising Hereafter long-range city plan- ceedings ever taken to require the old buildings a t the corner of ters in the first place?" Some Of 480 Ntew Cars Exning will not make it tough for title to such land. The property Beach 84th street, and attempted Complaints were made about Assessments With $3,000 property owners, if a bill intro- owner is therefor required to pay to erect their new modern build- other conditions which concern pected To Be Assigned Homestead Out in State duced by Assemblyman J. Lewis taxes on the land but is deprived ing, they were prevented frorn various city departments. SeverTo*Two Local Precincts Fox of this place becomes a law. of its use. al people reported having written Building u p to the property line Assemblyman Angelo Graci, Fox was impressed by the diffiby the city authorities and the letters to these departments &nd So far tit's been pure rumor Queens 'Republican, yesterday culty encountered by some propbuilding was set back 5 feet from replies are being awaited. t h a t the Rockawiaiys will see the called upon the State Legislature erty owners who, when they the line of the other buildings. So new type of poMce-iradio-patrolt o approve his legislation grant- wanted to sell their buildings, the most modern store and office emergency cars by the t i m e / t h e ing homeowners of one and two- discovered that the sale was building iin the Rockaways is hid- CLAKKWOOD STOKE beach blossoms Into spring. But family houses in cities of one hampered because the city .map den behind the other old buildBOUGHT BY KINZIE yesterday, rumors took on addmillion or more a homestead tax showed that some improvement, ings upon the Boulevard although ed weight in front of City Hall, exemption up to the assessed possibly a street opening, was the owner must continue to pay Clarkwood's, the popular con- when Mayor 'O'Dwyer inspected scheduled to take place at t h a t valuation of $3,000. taxes on the unused land. The fectionery store on Beach 116th one of the 480 new <and heavier The Queens" legislator's pro- point. proposal to widen Rockaway street near Beach Channel drive, radio patirol cars which will soon posal w a s made in the face of an Beach boulevard has never taken is now known as Kinzde's. The patrol the city. Assemblyman Fox would coranouncement by Harry B. Cham rect all that. His bill is aimed any concrete form and appears new proprietor needs no introIt is believed t h a t \ s o m e of bers, president of the Tax Com particularly at Section 35 of the Only upon the old map. N o pro- duction, to local residents. He is these new c a r s will be fitted with mission of New York City's tenta General City Law. This law forceedings have ever been'institut- the fornier Democratic leader of inhalatws to be used in bathing live assessment total of $18,230, bids the issua'nce of permits to ed by the oity to widen Rockaway the RoCkaways and well known areas such as Rockaway. The 305,297 the highest on record build upon land affected by maps Beach boulevard. resident of Belle Harbor who is older type of emergency truck since 193$. This figure will be filed by a city which proposes to The filed m a p s show m a n y of active in the social and fraternal such as the one at the 100th Preused by municipal officials in ilx include all or a portion of such the side s t r e e t s t o be affected by life of fhe community. cinct, is believed to be getting a ing the t a x rate for the fiscal land in the street bed. Such maps these maps. A large number of Mr. Rtrizie recently consummat- ibit slow for the atomic speed of y e a r s t a r t i n g July 1. have been filed by cities a s much dwellings erected on these streets ed the purchase of the store from present day civilzatdon. "Increases in land valuations as 30 years ago without any proare unmarketable. Owners of va- Ohet Sherwood and James Clark. In the crowded 'beach area, the and new construction, particular cant land cannot build on the por- He plans to continue its principal heavier truck, while efficient ly in Manhattan and Queens," As tions affected by these proposed features, the soda fountain, lunch- when it reaches the scene, is usuAssemblyman jl« Lewis Fox semblyman Graci pointed out. tan with $168,359,470 for ordinwidenings. eonette and the line of newspap- ally limited in maneuverability "clearly accounts for most of th( ary property increases. This is The law proposed by Mr. Fox ers and magazines, but to en- and speed because of it's weight.. assessment increases. Q u e e n s greater than the assessment total Mr. Fox pointed out t h a t many large on them wherever possible The new cars, so far supplied County ranks second to Manhat of the remaining three boroughs." buildings were erected in Queens would legalize all buildings here- in order to fully meet the local tofore erected and would further by heavy rumor, will be light and County which are now unmarketlimit the effect of any map which demand. fast, the patrol type car carrying able by reason of this law. Buildproposed a street widening to a special inhaliators and portable ing permits were issued by the period of 5 years from J a n u a r y resuscitation outfits. Two cars of COMBINATION WINDOW, STORM Municipal Departments and in 1, 1949 or for a period of 5 years Installation Luncheon this type are expected with a pathereon owners erected DOORS AND PORCH ENCLOSURES .reliance .,.. .. . , , A it, Ifrom the tuwe any such street or Of Ladies Society trol car compliment of two speby EAGI.EPICHER buildings on their land. As the . . . ? . -, ,w . edily trained policemen for the law now stands these property Final plans have been made for Rockaway area. highway may hereafter be shown or laid out on such map or plan. Made of strong extruded aluminum—soft owners could not receive any comThis wiil give the city ample the installation and luncheon of satin tone blends with any home—instant pensation from the city in the change from glass to screens--merely reopportunity to proceed with any the Ladies Society of Rockaway event condemnation proceedings move inserts. Also aluminum storm windows proposed widening and if no such Beach Hospital, which takes Helen Christ's Troth were instituted to acquire title for steel, casements. /'"" place next Tuesday at Greenros( to the land affected by the maps. action is taken the owner of, land e's restaurant in Beach 90th Announced IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION would then be in position to erect Cites Hummel Illustration Anouncement has been made street. As an illustration of the bad his building without the restricPH!DIETZCOALCO.>C. by Henry Christ of Chandler Following installation bridge effect of the present- law, Mr. tions imposed by the law. 61-20 71st Ave., Ridgewood, N. Y. and mah jongg will be played, avenue, F a r Rockaway, of the Fox referred to the Samuels HEgemon 3-3400 Virginia 3-1715 and a basket of joy will be award- engagement of his daughter, Miss Building at the South East corner Local Rep. A. Sonn, Belle H a r b o r 5-2059 TO ASK BETTER ed. Miss Bertha Aldag is chair- Helen Christ, to James P. O'Brien of Beach 84th street and RockBREAK I OR VETS man of the committee in charge. 'of Brooklyn. Miss .Christ is a away Beach boulevard. "More graduate of Bishop McDonnell than 30 years ago the City of Memorial High School, Brooklyn. A committee from the Queens HURT WHEN CAB STRUCK New York filed a map in which Mr. O'Bruen attended Bishop it proposed to widen Rockaway County Veterans o f Foreign PILLAR ON FREEWAY Loughlm High School, Brooklyn, Beach boulevard 10 feet, taking Wars will go to Washington to Rugs and Upholstery Cleaned on Location Elmer Beasley, 24, or 1259 But- and is an engineer on the S. S. 5 feet from each side of the Bouleler avenue, F a r Rockaway, sufdemand a broader base for acExpert Workmanship • Prices Reasonable Aneon/ fered contusions of the right knee cepting ex-servicemen for treatand possible fracture of the skull, Advertise in The Wave ment in veterans' hospitals. The when the car in which he was in Grove street, on Thursday, group will ask that such treat- rldl.ig and operated by his broth- February 24. Proceeds from the affair will be used to repaint the Telephone Belle Harbor 5-3854 ment be extended to vets who er, Walter, who lost control of the interior 'cf the clubhouse. car and it crashed into a concrete served in recognized campaigns, Special price in Waxing at Homes , pillar of the elevated structure of such as the Nicaraugua pofcee t h e L o n g I s l a n d R a „ R o a d a t Kitchens Washed and Waxed. Carpets Shampooed commission and the Philippine. B e a c h 4 6 t h s t r c e t a n d t n o F r 0 0 . QUALITY CERTIFIED COURTESY insurrection. way, Edgemere. Elmer was takPIIBIJO ACCOUNTANT IlilMimittilllWItinillJMllMlili^MlilMUlHlM At present, veterans without en to St. Joseph Hospital. gCOl ACCOUNTING and service-connected disabilities get treatment in veterans' hospitals TAX SERVICE . only if they served in the Span- Far Rockaway Legion Aux. ish-American War, or the World To Hold Luncheon Established 1932 SMITH BUnJIING Wars. . Sponsored by the Ladies Auxi- 1931 Mott Ave., Far Rockaway Complete Line off Far Rockaway 7-9097 A resolution passed toy the liary of F a r Rockaway Post, Costume Jewelry, Watches, Gold Jewelry New York Queens V. F. W., declares "dis- American Legion, a luncheon will 41 Park Row WOrth 4-8487 crimination of this sort is unbe held fct the Legion clubhouse First Class Watch, Jewelry, Optical Repairs American," and adds t h a t "any M0N0fc T Watch Work Guaranteed Telephone AotZtl person serving in the armed forcMerchants Association For One Year Belle Harbor 5- 4 k > 5 U 0 40 YEARS IN THE ROCKAWAYS es of the United States during of Rockaway Reach 81-14 BOULEVARD, ROCKAWAY BJEACH, N.Y. any conflict . . . for which a cam' « ' • ; • ' • / • • ^iMNMcaixBiiiiB'.v^n^uBiiiiMia^a^jHiimiiiiniiiinia paign medal has been authorized" should be entitled to hospitalization." 84-11 Boulevard, Rockaway Beach Fred A. Staab, county welflaro BEIle Harbor 5-0269 • 0$70 officer, said the delegation will also call upon national officials Homes Completely Furnished ' of the V. F. W. to urge Congress Large Gift Department to extend the servicemen's Federal tax exemption which expired 1 Electrical Appliances • Radios • Television December 31. Dr. M. Moss Leaves To Join Newest Patrol Cars Wife In Florida For RockawayCops Dr. M. Moss of 562 Beach 68th Welfare Asks Tax Exempt'n Fox Bill Aims At "Map Improvements" On Homes In Cities Interfering With The Sale Of Property FLOOR WAXING Young's Floor Maintainance BUY SCHRAGA SOL REIVER :;i;;:::5.';:*:,..* JEWELRY LOCALLY DEUTSCH-S THE WORLD...with a frame around it **k Birthday Party Given For Nancy Chiarello THI DU MONT STRATFORD 116 square-inch television picture, plus FM radio in a big, handsome table-top cabinet with mahogany finish. , $695 p'ut imiolloiion Nancy Chiarello, 7, whose birthday falls on the same day as the late President Roosevelts, January 30, was given a ibirthday part y a t the home of her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Anthony Ohiarello 556 Beach 86th street, on Monday, J a n u a r y 31. Nancy, who is in the 2-A class at P.S. 42, spent the afternoon L, with her small friends who were fortified for the celebration wi'th ice cream, cake and candy. Her father is a deteotive attached to the 20th District squad. GUTTERS LEADERS # 467 Central Avenue, Cedarhurst, L I. Tel. FAr Rockaway 7-0735 Tel. CEdarhurst 9-2^51 . Park & Sunrise Highway, Rockville Centre, L I . Tel. ROckville Centre 7-3735 BLOOD ON THE I MOON Everybody Knows INTERNATIONAL HOMK IMPROVERS Ge ne raI Co nt racto r% 13404 Rockaway Blvd., South Ozone Park, N. Y. OFFICE: Olympia 9-7941 'El j), al s[ . 155 NIGHTS: Virginia 3-8517 MARKETING ;ii. ^we Coming soon: Washington's Birthday, Lincoln's, and many more. For February is the month of famous birthdays—and it can be a month of famous food values for you—if you depend on dollar-stretching A&P for your food needs. And here are four delicious tips—ideas for future shopping trips: CUP OF CHEERING COMFORTI USING THE NOODLEI You'll win oodles of approval for When you've been struggling with this dish made with noodles—cook housework all day, nothing's more 1 package (5 ounces) ANN PAGE refreshing than a steaming cup of BROAD NOODLES according to NECTAR'or OUR OWN TEA . . . package directions; drain. Place Flavor Perfect because they're in casserole) add Flavor Tested. Yet, they give you 1J can sauerkraut, full, flavor-packed value at mighty /6 cup water, 2 thrifty prices. Every cup of onions, halved. NECTAR or OUR OWN TEA— Place 4 or 5 pork from the first fragrant sip to the chops over ton. last — makes your whole world Season with salt, seem brighter! pepper, paprika. Bake in moderate i oven, 375°F., for 1 hour. Serves 5. SPINACH IN PARTY CLOTHESI RIGHT-'ROUND THE CLOCK! There's never a meal—never a time—when J A N E PARKER DONUTS don't delight the appetite. At breakfast, lunch or dinner —these tender, fluffy favorites go over big with young and old alike. Thanks to JANE PARKER master pastry chefs—every donut is light and digestible, with the delicate, sweet flavor everyone loves. Deliciously fresh, too—dated fresh daily. And what a buy at A&P I Surprise Spinach! Melt 3 tbsps. fat, stir in 3 tbsps. flour, 1 tsp. salt, K cup WHITE HOUSE EVAPORATED MILK, 4 cup water. Cook slowly, stirring until thickened. Add % cup grated cheese, stir 'til melted. Add 3 beaten eggs. 3 c u p s chopped raw spinach and 2 cups bread cubes. Pour into baking ptyi. Bake 37f>c F., 50 to 60 minutes. Serves 5. \\\$m ,11I1V BELLE HARBOR HARDWARE and HOl!SEHJHNISHJN<;S 432 Beach 129th Street NOW OPEN Del i v e r i e s M a d e BEIle Harbor 5 . 7 3 1 7 THE WORLD... with a frame around it ONE TOUCH OF 1 VENUS . Walter PIDGEON -—— also —— 2ACHARY SOOTT "RUTHLESS" Sun., Mon., Tues., Feb. 6-8 Sun. & Mon., February 6 and 7 Louis Hayward In Bette Robert WALK A CROOKED DAVIS MONTGOMERY »••'••—•" MILE ••• -| -•• • • i n II 'i f • i i .mi I I . nr _ a jso ( ROY ROGERS , "EYES of TEXAS" :XA! ,ry*?f and ar 9 Tues. and Wed., ,Februarjn? 4 — D A Y S — 4 MARIA MONTEZ Beginning Wed., F e b r u a r y 9 V Dick Powell in — ' — • " What other gift could mean so many hours of happiness to all the family? Here are sports, news, entertainment of every kind seen in photo* graphic detail on Dtl Mont's big direct-view screen, Here is fine tone quality; beautiful cabinet work; and the d e p e n d a b l e performance for which Du Mont is famous. <»tf c3&»/(MQ^«dfe*^ "JUNE BRIDE" also Larry Parks In '• • ROGUES' REGIMENT also Robert Montgomery In Th* Chatham - Compact table-top television with 72 sq. Inch picture screen; FM radio and plug-In receptacle for phonograph. $445. put i*,t«u<xi** Thurs. to Sat., February 3, 4, 5 "JULIA MISBEHAVES" < also Ava Gardner In — www.fultonhistory.com spo.oo 80th Street and Boulevard Greer GARSON THE GALLANT 1 BLADE Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 $165.00 $210 NEW Thurs. to Sat., Feb. 3 to 6 Robert Mitohum In • Untitled Document Let us take care 6 Room House Pointed KITCHEN and as low as of all your BATHROOM Alterations PAINTING Roofing One Coat Enamel with wallpaper Sidings CARPENTERING Exterior Concrete 18 month guar. One Family House No Job Too Big and Trimmings Cement Work Painted as low as $115 Nor Too Small BE 5 4 9 4 7 y\ 7-4126 TERMS ARRANGED THEATRE SERVICE 1007 Central Avenue, Far Rockaway, N. Y. GET OUR ESTIMATE FIRST SLATE ROOFS Cleaned and Repaired 275 B. 116th ST. Rockaway Park I CARRY ANTIWORRY INSURANCE*^^^^^^^» VA Regular Ad In This Newsoaner FOR 90 DAYS ONLY • PROMPT GUARANTEED Work PENINSULA HOME IMPROVERS WESTMINSTER and SAVE MONKY COMBINATION ALUMINUlVfc^INDOWS WOMAN, 82, STRUCK BY CAB WHILE CROSSING STREET Mrs. Martha Mayer, 82, of 1351 Regiina boulevard, F a r Rockaway, was; struck by a car driven by Daniel Rosenman of Jamaica, while crossing Regina^ boulevard near Mott avenue. She 'was taken to St. Joseph Hospital, where it was found she h a d suffered a laceration of the scalp, injuries to her head, and possible dislocation of her right shoulder. SALES SAVE MONEY S P E C I A L *-% • RE-ROOFING and SIDING # srreet, Arverne, left Monday for Miami, where he will join his wife, Stella, who has been in Florida since early January. The doctor and his wife will return home in the spring. PALACE HOTEL SOLD The Palace Hotel at 100 Beach 30lh street, Edgemere, a threestory building on a plot 100x230 feet, has been sold by the Sand Holdings Inc., to the Hudson Avenue Associates, Inc. Harry Licht was the broker and Melvin M. Kiein was attorney for the buyer. WESTMINSTER S A L E S and S E R V I C E 100* Central Avenue, Far Rockaway, N. Y. Tel. FAr Rockaway 7-0735 "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" 467 Central Avenue, Cedarhurst, L. I. Tel. CEdarhurst 9-2551 w-+---T,also '—• Pork & Sunrise Highway, Rockville Centre, L. I. T«l PrVLuIlln r„n» r S 7. IT**
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