,,,-,,:,..;' '•'TWW m,fcf.s!- THE WAVE, ROCKAWAY BEACH, N. Y., (BQROUGH OlP QUflBNS, NEW YORK) THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1948 Two SHE: Ba= STELLA MARIS H. S. EXERCISES TONIGirr This evening t h e second graduating class of Stella Marls Commercial High School of Rockaway Park will hold i t s commencement exercises a t St. Camillus Auditorlum, Beach 100th street y i d Rockaway Beach boulevard. The Rev. Thomas Casey, pastor of St. Camillus Church, will preside a t the exercises. The Rev. Francis P. Lively, associate director of Catholic hospitals in t h e diocese of Brooklyn, will address the 21 g r a d u a t e s who a r e membets of the class ECONOMY MEAT MARKET Belle Harbor 5-6557 Prompt Free Delivery 91-11 ROCKAWAY BEACH BOULEVARD SPECIAL: THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY EYE and BOTTOM ROUND ROAST ^ ^ m m «^ Sliced R A C O N ^m m m King Quality Pigs Knuckles and Ox Tails 3 9 c " )# WE A O I TO SAVE YOU MONEY — Cooperate. Purchase entitles you t o %Vi% Discount. Ask for ticket. , ALSO A FULL LINE OF FROSTED FOODS WmmmmwmmmmwmmWmmmWmmwmmmmmmwmmmwmmmmmimmimmm* •••••'" I • I "••• mmwmwmmwm HI.II. • •••-•• mm •!• m •——I-I-II——-i—•5 • .n.n—1- •• •—ft—|i — »• •• — Basketball TUESDAY NIGHT FEBRUARY 3 2 BIG GAMES RAY WERTIS Well known local star, formerly of St. John's a n d Providence Steam Rollers of B . A J A . League and his Democratic C l u b To Induct Officers A game night will be sponsored i Thursday a n d Sunday evening a t Mrs. Henrietta Hogan, who was The Ladies Auxiliary of Ohab reported away on a vacation, h a s Zedek Congregation will hold a by the Arverne Auxiliary of the the center. Casey Auxiliary Plans returned, not from Miami, but theatre party on Monday evening. Mrs. Joseph Jacobson of 2608 Rockaway Beach Hospital on from t h e Catskills, where the The play "Bonanza Bound" will Valentine Party Thursday, February 5, a t the He- Edgemero avenue, w a s hostess winter is a little less rugged than be witnessed. brew School of Derech Emunoh last week t o t h e executive board it h a s been hereabouts. The Ladies Auxiliary of St. The threat of a 14-inch snow members of the Oceancrest Chap- Prominent Party Leaders Congregation. Francis J. Hughes, president storm didn't worry Bill Dwyer, Camillus Council No. 2672, K. of Mrs. Ida Pickus of 259 Beach t e r of Hadassah. Ajre Expected To Attend of the West End Democratic Club Norman Dubin and Blanche Love C, will hold a Valentine's party Robert Unger of Beach 67th 66th street, deputy to Star of the is for t h e installation last Saturday a s they used their on S a t u r d a y evening, February 7, The Ceremonies Tonight of arranging Sea Circle, C. of F., won an af- street, son of Mr. a n d M r s . H. officers on February 10 a t the automobiles to good advantage at the clubhouse, Beach 106th by giving rides to strangers street a n d Ocean drive. AdmisCommodore Hotel. ghan made a n d donated by Mrs. Unger, w a s b a r mitzvah recently Municipal Court Justice Wilat the Congregation Derech Emuwaiting for buses in the abnormal sion will be $1.50 per person. ReAnna C. Munzer a t a meeting held Herman Braseh, veteran local liam J. Morris, jr., will install the noh. cold weather. freshments will be served. community worker, treated some on J a n u a r y 20. recently elected olficers of the Mr. and Mrs. D. Kohn of Beach of the newcomers to the communThe estate of Miriam Isaacs 46th street a r e vacationing a t MiFifth Ward Young Men's Demoity to a sample of the civic orasold to Charles Charkin, the vacami Beach and plan t o spend the cratic Club this evening a t the Extory that helped to make the ant plot on the, south side of JMott remainder of the winter there. Rockaways famous, when he exempt Firemen's Hall, Beach 86th avenue, near McBrido street. pressed his opinion about apartstreet, Invitations have been exEugene Bindler of 2512 EdgeThe purchaser plans t o erect an PRIME MEATS and POULTRY ments in Bede Harbor a t the mere avenue w a s graduated last tended t o many prominent Demoapartment house on the plot. meeting of the Rockaway Civic BIRD'S EYE FRUITS and VEGETABLES On Sunday a t 12:25 p.m., fire F r i d a y from t h e lumber retailing crats of t h e borough to attend Club Monday evening. course a t City College. the ceremonies, and refreshments in the premises a t 1269 Augustina Mr. a n d Mrs. A. Joseph Geist Prompt Delivery 113-22 BOULEVARD BEIIe H a r b o r 5-6607 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Goldberg and a social hour wlil follow. avenue, occupied by Lillian Seidt, of Beach 136th street are a t MiAbe Finkle, who w a s responsof Beach 12th street entertained did slight damage. ami Beach enjoying a vacation. Miss Estelle Wechtheimer en- the members of their literary for- ible for rejuvenating the club Mr. and Mrs. William F. BrunSuarg Cured f Jersey tertained a group of friends a t um group last Wednesday eve- several years ago, will be induct- ner of Rockaway Park will leave ed for another term a s president. her home in Larkin street last ning. Smoked C HAMS tomorrow l o r Florida, planning lb PORK LOINS Other officers t o be seated a r e : to spend a few weeks a t Miami Saturday evening to celebrate her The Senior Scouts of Bayswater Peter Palmer, Alex Mandeltort Beach. 16th birthday. have a new scoutmaster, Jack B. and Irving Glaser, vice-presidents; Many sidewalks in front of oc- Kaufman of Beach 24th street. Paul S. Weiner, who used to Harry Klein, treasurer; Samuel S. be a local resident, is getting up cupied dwellings in the communPollick, recording secretary; in the world, having just moved 0 Grade A.A. Grade A)A. ity still remain uncleared of the 13 YOUNG CITIZENS Adolph Zehngut, financial secre- from a Sunset boulevard hotel in snow and ice, making them danglb MB ROAST SIRLOIN STEAKS BORN AT HOSPITAL t a r y ; Charles DeResto, sergeant- Hollywood, Calif., to a home on erous for pedestrians t o walk. at-arms. The board of directors Carlton Way, also in the movie William F. Gallmor, radio comThirteen young citizens made consists of Joseph Berger, Louis capital, which enjoys an elevation mentator, will be guest speaker Bcrger, H a r r y Burney, Milton of 1,600 feet. this evening a t a meeting of the their debut a t Rockaway Beach Jacobowitz, Edward Kurtz, Fred FOR HOME AND INDUSTRIAL USEI Mr. and Mrs. A. Engel of Beach Arverne Chapter, A.J.C., a t the Hospital during the past week, Kohlreiter, Leon Milhauser, John 138th street, write that they have among them being eight girls. All Derech Emunoh auditorium. are reported to be doing nicely. Polanski, H a r r y Shapiro, Cy been enjoying the "balmy br-r-rMiss Toby Notis, the ^talented They were born to the following: Wachspress, H a r r y Umans, Thos. eezes" a t Miami Beach. daughter of Mr. a n d Mrs. J. Carol Ann Elishewihs celebratJan. 21 Girl to Mr. and Mrs. Zafonte, S. Adelman, Anthony Notis of 619 Beach 66th street, Joseph Cristiano, 213 Spring Lewis and Max Plotter. ed her twelfth birthday last SatTTTT muvw urday by giving a luncheon for a entertained David Brodsky of street, Arverne; girl to Mr. and To serve on the board of direct- group of frienus a t her home In Boston over the week-end. Mrs. Harold O'Neil, 188 Beach ors a r e the Democratic captains Beach 136th street. Miss Vetta Jungman of Beach 91st street; boy to Mr. and Mrs. of Election Districts 46 to 51 in- A. Josepii Geist has been elect71st street entertained a party John West, 179 Beach 110th clusive. They a r e respectively, ed a vice-president of the Jewish ot friends last Saturday evening, street. Jan. 22 Girl to Mr. a n d Mrs. Philip Wellens, J a m e s J. Crisona, Community Services of Queens the occasion being her birthday. Dennis Ryan, 196 Beach 113th Cy Wachspress, J. Lewis Fox, and Nassau. Games were played and a buffot Mrs. Sylvia Gelles is chairman FUEL OIL TREATMENT street. Abe Finkle, Jack Gabriel, Joseph supper was served. of the Rockaway Park Chapter Jan. 23 Boy to Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Feldstein oi Brook Joseph Stokes, 234 Beach 85th Smyth, of Hadassah donor luncheon to Dissolves Sludge In addition to Finkle a s presi- bo held a t the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, lyn was the weekend guest of street; boy to Mr. a n d Mrs, her sister, Mrs. Harry Manheimer Charles Rutter, 194 Roxbury ave- dent, t h e club elected three hon Manhattan, on May 11. The quota Why endanger the health of your of Beach 68th street. nue, Roxbury; girl t o Mr. a n d orary presidents, Municipal Court J is $30 per plate. A souvenir journfamily and strain your Oil Burning Justice William J. Morris, jr., City al will be published In connection Mrs. Arthur Golden, 798 Empire A family dinner party was givw system by allowing sludge, carbon Court J u d g e William P. Wiener, ^ h the aftair. Mrs. Lillian Davis avenue, F a r Rockaway. en by Mrs. James Meade oi 2937 an i M r s and tar to cause mid-winter'breakand local leader James J. Crisona. < Estelle Slatin are in F a r Rockaway boulevard on j Jan. 24 -Girl to Mr. and Mrs. J downs of heating equipment? Wilcocharge oi the journal. Tuesday in honor of her birthday. I ^ Walsh, 188-02 64th avenue, leno, is guaranteed to dissolve sludge Peter Berkery, summer resiMrs. M. Williamson of Dunbar F l u s h l n £ ' „ , „ , ,„ and other harmful substances in your Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Dunn, I dent of Beach 130th street, coleJan. 25- Boy to Mr. and Mrs. street has returned from Boston, oil burner, tank and feed lines. Assure formerly of Bayswater, and now J brated his birthday on Sunday, Cernak, 159-27 96th where she visited her son-in-law Michael Ji quicker firing, cleaner burning, maxiresiding in Brooklyn, entertained *uuary 18th street, Howard Beach; boy to Mr. Miss Marijane Hurley oi Beach it a bridge p a r t y and bullet mum safety and lower maintenance and daughter, a „ d M r s j o s e p n Daly, 420 Beach 130th street attended a bridge costs with Wilcolene. >upper on Sunday, J a n u a r y 25. Congregation Shaare Zedek is 124th street. party and buffet supper a t the unong the localites who enjoyed norne of friends in Brooklyn last ontinuing to hold a social every j J a n 26- -Girl to Mr. and Mrs M I M k H B M I the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Sunday. A. Burke, Mr. and Mrs. P. DeegMr. and Mrs. Dennis Ryan of an of F a r Rockaway boulevard, 196 Beach 113th street are being Now Available at ind Marijanc Hurley of Beach congratulated on the birth of a daughter a t Rockaway Beach )30th street. Hospital on January 22. 102-19 Rockaway Reach Rlvd., Rockaway Reach, N. Y. SLOANE (TT)iJcolene Carbon and Tar! MORE HEAT from LESS FUEL SEASIDE HARDWARE CO. NOW IS THE TIME @g£ WEST END TEMPLE NEW V8. BALDWIN ALL STARS now whli winning streak of 12 games Us TV TO THINK ABOUT YOUR I ^ V / I „ J I J I J V F J J » X M JKJ SPRING SUIT 80th Street and Boulevard Come in and see Our Selection of L 1 1 Spencer iTtAOY ; 1 J. -Illljll. also Barry Sullivan and Belita in THE GANGSTER "THE BUMSTEADS" Sun., Mon., Tues., Feb. 1-3 Sun. and Mon., February 1 and 2 Fred McMurray and Ava Gardner in m SINGAPORE *• Mon. and Fri., 9:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. GAMES First Game 8:00 — Admission $1.00 FACTORY OUTLET DRESSES St. Francis dc Sales Auditorium 81-17 BOULEVARD ~ ROCKAWAY BEACH = iLt cyuattAtAeUHMfA. o*o c0t6U4A- t+t,/*»<y~ <yACcucc6 129th Street and Rockaway Beach Boulevard FAR ROCKAWAY & "BLONDIE'S HOLIDAY" Open: Daily 9:30 A.M. to 6 P.M. >c5 J, X V V J ^ 703 and 10-20 CENTRAL AVENUE ESCAPE ME NEVER also - X»« V-4. VS. Errol Flynn, Ida Luplno in " Cass Timberlane" A HP I* £1 T tt HP V ¥ I* d PAUL MUNI **I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang""' also Deborah Kerr in "Bad Men of Missouri' Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., in Tues. and Wed., F e b r u a r y 3 and 4 THE EXILE PAT O'BRIEN DRESSES #> and ALL ACCESSORIES J a m e s Mason in THE UPTURNED GLASS • BUSSELL WADE of SUITS also "Marine Raiders" "SHOOT to KILL" its JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE 4 —D A VS — 4 Beginning Wed., February 4 DENNIS MORGAN also • A nno unce THE ADVENTURESS also • • Two Stores Thurs., Fri., Sat., Jan. 29-314> I,ana TURNER * ROSELA'S tf> Thurs., Fri., Sat., Jan. 29, 30, 31 Preliminary Game TWO , PREVENTS OIL BURNER No meat sold wholesale 1 ':"" •' pi'. i BELLE HARBOR ROCKAWAY PARK Louis Bornstein, chairman of (the local March of Dimes Comimittee, urges all adults and young people to attend the March of Dimes Carnival a t Temple BethEl on Saturday evening, which the Young People's League sponsors. 69 Smoked BUTTS • W W * — " ' " * " ARVERNE - EDGEMERE FAR ROCKAWAY *& 93SS 49 • j ^ 0 f a | added 1 lb. Package mm J^^k ^w Wilson Corn King Jack Berman, 423 Beach 66th street. J a n . 27—Girl t o Mr. a n d Mrs. George Goodman, 175 Beach 68th Street; girl t o Mr. a n d Mrs. Irving Bosck, 179 Beach 66th street. TOM (all buses stop near store) •m • il ,^4^^§<ggHh@®SHh^^4<5§S> t U. S. G O V E R N M E N T ARMY SURPLUS WHEN WINTERS HERE WE REALLY EAT, A MAY WE SUGGEST |R CHOICESTV'< JU )/ , No. 2% 2 2 * c»w mmmm 7 »A From $2.00 A P P L E S A U C E 17«<*» Slightly Worn CANNED HAM 95'">. Yes We Deliver Throughout The Rockaways Re-Issued • I U X A l tKADIMAHHt. • •» •• Ike Jackets CHOICE MEATS, P O U L T R Y a n d P R O V I S I O N S Blankets SPECIAL Xiiias Special for LADIES Three & Four Dollar Values LEATHER SOLE IIY'GRADE HOLLAND MARKET, Re-Issued Army Army Sweaters y From $3.00 No. 2 7 x;m PEACHES Re-Issued Men's Suits and Overcoats From $5.50 Untitled Document 80-09 BOULEVARD Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com From $5 00 Houscshoes $1.25 Re-Issued Army t Navy Gloves From 50c LASKY'S Re-Issued Army Underwear * From $1.00 _— —- BElle Harbor 5-2546 4tf t r> •
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