'»''••- • ("»•>•» I * THE WAVE, ROCKAWAY BEACH, N.Y. Section II, Page Four r ' . • '.* p » , , - > . , , , M V - l)|li • , . How Local Men Serve > • • • - i t -• •..,-, • ,- r „ r - , • • •'J• - "Write!" Begs Father Of M Ifero Lashing At Actor Shirring Soldiers Patrick J. Patskin In Vietnam Drive (**V-» »* % * * • * * THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1967 —•• Gary B. (Cat/. WJJU Receive P. J. Diaz Commissioned Army Second Lieutenant Communications Schooling i '• ' - v' MICHAEL JS. R O S S I IS H O M E ONT L E A V E "Don't call! Write!" This is yhe message 57-yearold Cosmo Iracetta, father of the Far Rockaway man killed last month in Vietnam, hopes to get across. Pacetta raised a storm last week he lathed back at Robert Vaughn; wftb plays Secret 4'gent Napojeon fifblo ° » the televislc-Vi show "The'Man From U.N.C.L.E." after t h e actor reportedly said United States fighting men in Vietnam" arc dropouts, unemployabjes and unintelligent. Pacetta, "^/vho reportedly says he i s organizing a. campaign to have the ifijtor: blacklisted, alsj) opposes a fnovement started by Vaughn to u n s e a t President Johnson in] next year's election or, a t least| to provoke a Change in the President's position in Vietnam. ( J h e actor i s said to be planning a national advertising campaign by Democrats who votedlfor Johnson In 1964 but now oppose him because of his Vietnarri policy.) Reportedly, a s far as Pacetta is concerned, Vaughn should not be allowed t o continue on TV. Calls fljfay Bio Injurious In the rpcantime, the storm raised by Pacetta has brought a deluge of jjelqphone calls which he fears are injurious to his ington, wjm-e he received his begging popple not to continue. Michael E. Rossi, E5 (petty ofPedro J. Diaz, son of Mr. and ficer, fifth class), son ol IVjr. and Airman Gary B. Katz, son of 1 Mrs. Juan Diaz of 81-05 Hammel Army Private First Class Pa- Mr. and Mrs. David Katz of 2918 boulevard, Rockaway Beach, was Mrs. Camilo P. Rossi of 1020 O c e a n Crest boulevard, F a r trick J. Patskin, son of Mr. and commissioned an Army second Mrs. Michael Patskin, 69-26 Baylieutenant after graduation from field avenue, Avverne, is particithe Infantry Officer Candidate pating in "Operation Wheeler" School, Ft. Bennihg, Ga., oh Sepin Vietnam, with other members tember 14. of the 101st Airborne Division's The lieutenant, who was 20 Firs^ Brigade. May 19, was graduated from "Wheeler," . which began SepFar Rockaway High School and tember 12, near Chu Lai; is the attended Brooklyn College before tlfth Operation the brigade has entering the service in October WeVi in sirlcti joining T»sk Force 1966. tv Wtfgon in May. In foul- mdnths of'rtctibri, the men of the Screamtrig Eagle brigade haVe accouritJack Mizrachi To Serve o#'fpt» riioto trikh 1,300 enemy Rilled. As Personnel Specialist Pvt. Patskin, a machine gunAirman Jack D. Mizrachi, son nes, is assigned to Headqu'arters of Mr. and Mrs. David J. Mizra ; mm Company, Second Battalion of chi of 1101 Plainview road, F a r the brigade's'-327th "Infantry. Airman Gary B. Katz * Rockaway, will report tomorrow Michael E. Rossi He entered the Army in No- Rockaway, has completed basic to a unit of the Air Defense 5 vember 1*56 following gradua- training at Lackland Air Force Command a t McChord Air Force Cross Bay b o u l e v a r d , Broad Channel, arrived home on leave tion from East New York Voca- #ase, Tex., and has been assign- Base, Wash. September 26, his first time tional High School, and went to ed to the Air Force Technical He has been assigned there as home since he finished boot trainVietnam in June following a Training Center a t Kcoslcr Air a personnel specialist. ing a t Great Lakes in July 1966. leave at home. Force Base, Miss., for specialized The airman, who was home on Rossi was aboard the tanker schooling as a communications He will bo 19 November 19. leave from September 21 till this USS Hassyampa refueling ships His brother! Airman Robert specialist. week, after graduation from an of the Seventh Fleet in the China M. Patskin, USN, 20, is also in Airman Katz is a 1966 alumnus Air Force technical school a t seas in the Pacific. For the past Vietnam, aboard the attack carAmarillo Air Force Base, Tex., rier USS Oriskany, in the Gulf of F a r Rockaway High School- attended F a r Rockaway High nine months, however, he has been stationed in Hawaii while of Tonkin; but they have not School, the State University of the ship has been undergoing a been able to make contact with M a r i n e T h o m a s M u n d y N e w Y o r k a t Farrningdale, complete overall, usually done each other as yet. P r o m o t e d T o C o r p o r a l Qucensbofoltgh Community Col- every three years. Anyone wishing t o write may lege in Bayside, and New York He also reports that a request Michael 0 , Doda Promoted Lance Corporal T h o m a s J- University before enlisting in he made for transfer to the do so a t the following address: To Specialist Fourth Class PFC Patrick J. Patskin, Co C , Mundy, USMCi 19, son of Mr. the Air Force in May. Seaboes has been approved and 2nd Bn„ 327th Inf., 1st Bde., JOlst and Mrs. Harry W. Mundy of His wife, Regina, ts the daugh- when his leave is up on October Private f i r s t Class Michael Abn. APO San Francisco, 69S47. 1305 Cross Bay boulevard, Broad ter of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham 26 (his 19th birthday) he will go Doda, 20, sjon of Mr. and Mrs. Channel, was promoted to cor- Widman of Rego Park. to San Diego for two weeks sur- Michael A. Doda of 258 Beach poral on September 1, according vival training, and to San Fran 130th street, Belle Harbor, has R. E . Balzer T o S t u d y to a letter received by his parcisco for an additional nine been p r o m o t e d to specialist ents. Dominic Rinaldi To Study weeks training, before-• leaving fourth class a t Hasfleld, GerAircraft M a i n t e n a n c e A machine gunner with A ComMaintenance Of Aircraft for Vietnam, where he will be many, whero he is stationed with Airman Randolph E . Balzer, pany, Seventh Marines a t Dastationed aboard a river patrol the Third Reconnaissance Squadson of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Nang, Vietnam, since July 27, ho Airman Dominic A. Rinaldj, boat. ron. Balzer of 562 Bayview avenue, son of Mr .and Mrs. Joseph RinRossi looks and feels well, acalso writes that he is "kept Specialist Doda entered the Inwood, has completed basic aldi °f 22Q Pearsall place, Intraining at Amarillo Air Force pretty busy with patrols and wood, has completed basic train- cording to reports, and is meet- service in January, took his basic training a t Fort Jackson, S. C , Base, Tex., and been assigned to staking out the hills, but he has ing a t Amarillo Air Force Base, ing many old friends. and went overseas in June. the Air Force Technical Training no complaints," that he is in Tex., and has been assigned t o Ho has jugt completed a course Center a t Sheppard Air Force good health, receives The Wave the Air Force Technical Training Robert Tocci Training Base, Tex., for specialized school- regularly, and is happy to get it Center a t Sheppard Air Force At Fort Jackson, S. C. at a mine school in Austria on planting and detecting mines. ing a s an aircraft maintenance so he can keep up with news of Base, Tex., for specialized schoolRobert Tocci. son of Mr. and He has also been sightseeing in specialist. ing as an aircraft maintenance Mrs. Mario Tocci of 407 Sheridan friends. Switzerland since his arrival in boulevard, Inwood, entered, the Germany, where he is stationed Airman Balzer enlisted in the Although he has not been able specialist. Air Force following graduation to get together with any local Rinaldi w a s graduated from service on September 20 and is about 90 Miles from Frankfurt. from Lawrence High School in Lawrence High School, Cedar- undergoing basic training at However, plans to visit other June 1966, was called for his boys in Vietnam as yet, He adds, hurst, in June 1966 and worked Fort Jackson, S. C. countries will have to wait until Private Tocci, who will bo 21 he has leave. physical in January, and was In- he does keep in touch with some at Korvette's until ho entered Air by letter, and also is hearing Force on August 1. He will be on December 11, is an alumnus ducted on Atigtist l. of Lawrence High School. 20 on January 24. from buddies a t home. He was* lt'on"MaVch 15. Si Carlos C o h e n At Rragg; PLAYLA.NO V I S I T O R S Vajmid Cager At H a m m e l GO OVER 6 . 5 MILLION Carlos Coljen, son of Mr. and This summer's record-shatter- Mrs; St. ifeseIfordi of 8>02 Roc}i: ing 17 inches of rain failed to away Beach boylevaH, is under- d a m p e n attendance a t Rock"Write! tp silence Vaughn's going basic ''training a t Fbrt aways' Playland. More than 6.5 voice," he advises a s a substi- Bragg, isr'.c: mlljipn p e r s o n s visited the tute. Until, hjs induction August 2$, amusement park, 12 per cent Army private First Class Cop- ho wrafc a v#hj<?(d player oh the lfiofV than in the sunny 1966 mo J$\ Pacetta, jr., was kl)I$U Hammel Hpyses basketball team suninie;', according to Richard September 5 while on p43tix>rnear a's W$l 4s jAtfth' the team of L. GciPt, Playland president. Vietnam's Pertf|Iifariite'4 Zone', Anieripan Express, where he was R|de Uirnsiilcs c l i c k e d off tie would hav 0 been 22 t-his employed. spnie 2 5 million admissions, 12 nfipntji.AHd, his father js emphaper c< :if more than the previous sizing, he "completed two years S a n c h e z M a r k s B i r t h d a y summer, wiih t h 0 park's roller at St. John's University before he coaster continuing as the favorW i t h R e g i s t r a t i o n T o V o t e quit to Join the paratroopers. He ite attraction. had every reason in the world to Airman Second Class Richard Reflecting the space agq, the try and get oiit of the service, Sanchez, son Of Mr. and Mrs. Out of This World! rkte doubled but he did the opposite." Also; Jose Sanchez of Rockaway Beach the number. c( aflfhlssions from he sent letters to Senator Robert celebrated his 21st* biitnday oh the 1966 season. E. Kennedy and Congressman Monday by registering to vote. Plans for next season, which Emanuel Celler peading to be Airman Sahchez was home on will mark the park's 40th year sent to Vietnam "so .he could a three-day pass from Boiling under Geist fahilly ownership, put his training to best use." Field, Washington, D.C., where include Installation of "l'oiir new he is stati6ned~ with the ceremo- rides a t a cost of approximately nial platoon. $500,000 and •extensive decorjftih'g Lt. B o g g i a n o Finishes T He oHliate'd in the Air Force and refurbishing.' • Basic Medical Course in 1965 fallowing graduation Plans will be competed, for a from T h o m a s Edison H i g h luncheon and cake sale set at Second Lieutenant Edward L, School. 12:30 p.m. October 16 In the parBoggiano; 21, son of Mr. and Mrs: William E. Boggiano, 16$ L I L C O ( D e c l a r e s D i v i d e n d ish hall. Mrs. Edward Grona'chah, chairman, will welcome donaBeach 139th street, Belle HarThe board of the Long island tions of baked goods, salads and bor, completed a medical service officer basic course at Brooke Lighting Co. last week" declared other home-made specialties. Army Medical Center, Ft. Sani a quarterly dividend of 29 cents pe r share on the comhton s'tbcU MflON-BWNDNFiSS Houston, Tex., September 8. The dividend will no payable He received his commission Even when wo had the eighNovember 1 to shareholders of through the Reserve Officers* re,cbrd a t the close of business teenth amendment It never stopped the trouble browlttg. Training Corps program at Vir- October 13, ginia Military Institute at Lexj itiuuiuteMdi 11 otii tatfiu) rut it 1 m i ington, where he recoibed his "mm B.S; degree in 1966. NEWPORT INN NEIMAN'S SP4. Vincent Miller Home From Viet With Discharge PRESCRIPTION 1H-1S NEWPORT AVH. PHARMACY Specialist Fourth Class Vincent Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs Vinfor 25 yean of accurate cent J. Miller of 186l Cross Bay boulevard, Broad Channel, arand prompt service rived home Monday m o r n i n g from Vietnam with his discharge Well known In the Rockawaysf papers in his pocket. H9 received them a t Fort Lewis, Wash., Complete Cosmetics Line under the "early out" systems as he had less than 90 days to All Leading Brands serve. Miller, who was a t Plieku with \ Louis Sherry Ice Cream the 545th Helicopter Transport Company, says he met one friend For Prompt Delivery there, Private First Class Edw ard G. Robinson, son of Mr. and PHONES Mrs. Robert Robinson of Broad Channel, who went overseas in NE 4 $ $ ® . M 40003 April. After getting caught up with 412 Beach 129th Street things a t home, Miller plans to Belle Harhor attend school for helicopter re pair. Under Management of Emily Peter* •Vow S p e c i a l i z i n g i n • • • • • • • WEDDINGS ANNIVERSARIES SHOWERS TEAM DINNERS BUSINESS MEETINGS SPECIAL OCCASIONS PARTIES ROOMS FOR RENT BT DAY, WEEK OR SEASON AND ALL YEAR Announcing Its Neic Policy llall GR 4-9396 JOTT 1 "innnn - i|Mte| I R o d ^ l T ® STEAK HOUSE and J C \ O g e r S COCKTAIL LOUNGE EXOTK ITHI Excellent isuAt CHINESE'RESTAURANT iPritate Food • Delicious Cocktails Parties Welcome • Completely Redecorated MEMBER OP DINERS CLUB & AMERICAN EXPRESS TAKE H0MB ORDERS UO-M BO«I«VWO 163 Beach 116th Street — Rockaway Park i |GR 4 . 9 3 2 5 WELCOMED Rockaway, Perk — AN OftSTANDING N E W CHINESE RESTAURANT - 1 I G R 4-9326 HO|lG KONG CASINO; Under, neW management of Peter Koo, direct from Hong Kongi - 4 Special attention to fake-out orders — p Phone: 9 4 5 - 4 1 4 8 Dining Room [ ,, Open 7 Days '" " " " " " " - - -" "i*SSSS5S535' feetyrlng WsK&mBK *•••• 4. ! '•• . ':••••• • Magnif5ceri» N»w Ballroom (up to 3SD Persons) 1 • Beautiful Wedding Chapel with open to th« Sly Chupa ••;'•.•»'• it's FREE...it's also profitable • Moderate Relet • Pertortalixed AttenHon by th* Uvin* F*mll/ Why go through the trouble of depositing youi'money at an out-of-the-way bank. Why earn less than a big 5 % on your savings? WHy indeed? Especially when you can transfer your account without charge to Lawrence-Cedarhurst, the neighborhood bank tha't pays/you a big B%." Why not transfer your account today? There's no fuss —• \ just fill out a simple form and we'll do the rest.- &mfld? UL/ashlngton A 233 DOUGHTY BLVD. — INWOOD OPEN 4:30 P.M. MAIN OFFICE 4G6 Central Avenue. Cedarhurst 'HEWLETT OFFICE: 1295 Broadway •ROCI^AWAY PARK! OFFICE: 260 Beach iieth Street • ' i , i ,. i , . Ample Free* • • , 1 .2Jono„ ,State. IFA 7-Wh< #•••••••••••••••••• mi lT.iin7irtiiriNVfiiiii >"^'"V't -* 'f i ••...-;'.::wa«^t*. Parking • Ta^^jif Qr^e|«| Untitled Document imnii'iBmi - ^ ! i : » . .•>* .: v^..i r *« .M-Jih;:, MKMHRR B I N R M I C L U » u urn • —•0>—aw **H$*$i GR 4-7711 I'u-iJmi. ^ir.,,!-,,,,,-.,!,^, Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com CHINESE FOOD TO TAKE HOME Jast Phone Vs. Tour Order WU1 Be Beady When Ton Arrltel 114i07 Beach Channel Drire, Rockaway Park, N.Y. (516) CE 9-9811 11-45 Beach.Channe) Drive Far Rockaway, N. Y. FOR THE ULTIMATE I N CANTONESE COOKERY Name.. • City CLOSED TUESDAY* CHINA HOUSE • ;> J nhi interested in trans/erring my Account. PJease sond mo the I ; I necessary forms. '; " * '* " ; ' J - • I Address., SUNDAYS 1:00 P.M. WEEKDAYS . . . ,l -• v • • • « • « mmm Mb m Beneh 11W»> Btreel Moekewmjr rwrfc, H. f . U9H, DELUXE FULL COURSE DINNER I FEDERAL SAVINGS • ! Lawrence-Cedarhurst Federal Savings • 466 Central Avenue, Cedarhurst, N.Y. P. GHOIAUS * SONS m WINE PRESS CEDARHURST | f . « tfl xeaket* Private Parties Up To 85 — Cocktail Lounge v'Troteli ITALIAN RESTAURANT H Ik ^BREATHTAKIHGLY NEW CATERING FACttlTlES mmmm ;; ? !s:-[l::|f;::-i:::Hi : !^^"?:^^ : ^^ The Fittest Foods, Served intfDelightful Atmosphere m „ . M . -•>—^i...- YOII'H Find the Finest Food Faultlessly Served Amid Pleasant Surroundings at these Eating Places
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