Fb«e Two — Section i THE WAVE, ROCK A W AY BEACH, N.lf., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1954 Lee Rothschild Is Engaged To Student Mr. and Mrs. Sidney M, Rothschild, of 2028 Seagirt avenue, Far Kockaway, have announced the engagement of their daughter Miss Lee to Richard Ehrman, son of Mr, and Mrs, Max Ehrman of Laurelton. Miss Rothschild is attending Long Island College. She is a pre* medical student in her third year, Mr. Ehrman wjll graduate, from the City Community College, Brooklyn, in June, No date has been set for the wedding. Brotherhood Musical** At Lawrence High The Seventh Annual Brother. hood Muslcale will be held at the Lawrence High School on Thurs« day, February 11, at 8:15 p.m., sponsored by the Group Relations Committed of the Five Towns Community Council. There will be choral numbers by Catholic Choir, United Temple Chorus, United Protestant Choir, Woodmere High School Glee Club and the Lawrence High School Chorus. WEST END WW •••«# I hill/ LAUNDERERS and CLEANERS 293 Beach 116th St. opposite L. I. Station CASH and CARRY 20% OFF SHIRT REPAIRING TAILORING AD\/CDKIEL /•\i\YEI\INE • • ^ 'f\ l\ l \ \Jr. %/ IV f\ VY\f\ T Fred Bell Nfade Honorary Murray Dubowskv of 179 Beach | Congratulations on their wedTrustee In rtecoghitiori 6th street, is one of ten students, ding anniversary recently eelOf life Long Service o f the Stale University Teachers ebrated are being received by .^.^••^^•.^••^••^ ^ — ^ » ^ .^ ^ .^ ^ .^ .».<»•»«» ^ « . « . w™ w w Wilw^9wfwHw 1%(• ^^ w U n l V I . 8 fid' M fi NE 47916 P H » ' € ^ *i^'^"-^r^'^>"^"^l^^^'-wi»"MWW'^^* w***^1*1^'! YOUR BEAUTY CAN BEST Bl SERVED by REPEATED WINNERS In , ... , glrlx* 1 I M%MU\V 74-20 BOULEVARD i» . ^ ^ ^ College at Genosco, N. Y„ chosen as junior members of the New York State ISngl'sh Council; Mr. and Mrs, Jack Wander, former residents of 300 Beach OTt h st reet a re now livi ng in their new home in Neponslt. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cole are re« ceiving congratulations op the birth of a son, Barry pavid, on January*-21., • „. Among the recent wedding an niversary celebrants were MV.. and Mrs. Harry Koiodney of Roosevelt street, A dinner party for 20 relatives and friends marked the birthday of Mrs. Mary Rourke of Name oko street. Among the January wedding anniversary celebrants were Mr.: and Mrs. Percy Schwartz of Aloiv zo road, Sunday was the birthday Ot" Sol Kamilar of Beach 25th street. • Herbert Van Ronk of Beach Channel drive enjoyed a recent week-end' visiting friends in Massapequa. Herbert and Richard Stlglitz, twin sons .of Mr. and Mis. Lee Stiglitz of 2250 Brookhaven avenue, will celebrate their second birthday on February 23. Home from a vacation in Florida, are Mr. and M»'s. Arthur Pri maci of Empire avenue. Mrs. Stanley Schwach of 2042 Seagirt ave. recently celebrated her birthday.. Jane B, Zakin. daughter of Mr, .••nd Mrs. Mordecai Zakln of Roosevelt street will celebrate her birthday on February 115. Among the recent wedding anniversary' celebrants are Mr. and Mrs. Israel Turner of Empire avenue. COMPELS - Y E L L S - S E L L S f QNK OLA NCR ».* NOT C H ' A N C t Branch Store, c r \ / ^ ck i c n c CLrVI7LIYIL WL Church Elects New INTERNATIONAL BEAUTY 3 • « J JLiiY U''X: It, SJjfVJUvFJol BE 5-9399 ^ ^ » . Mr. and Mrs. Herman Argule of Neilson avenue. The annual meeting of tbo First Congregational Church apd SoCelebrating their birthdays this ciety was held on Monday eveweek are Daniel and Elliot Goldning, at the John C. Green Chapstein sons of Mr. and Mrs. Seyel, Beach 94th street and Beach mour Goldstein Of 822 Central avChannel drive. enue, After reports by the various The sixth birthday of Vincent societies and transaction of busiChiachlere, jr., .son of Mr. and ness, electon of officers Was held. Mrs. V. Chiachlere of 1050 NameFred J. Bell, was elected honoke street will be celebrated Feborary trustee, in recognition of ruary 20. his years of service a trustee The 29th wedding anniversary of the church. He is as the retiring of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Yam over of 923 Dinsmore avenue was chairman of the! Board of Truscelebrated at a family dinner tees, T j elected to servo as deaparty Monday night. cons ire; Donald .,Capped three Gerald Grnd, son of Mr. and year term; Fred G, Wagner, Mrs. AlVin Grad of 1728 Central three year term; and Homer Wiltvenue celebrated • his bar mjt,z> son, one year term, Elected to van Saturday morning at Corv serve as deaconesses arc: Mrs. gi'egatlon Shaaray Teflla. Robert Meikle, 'three year term; Reported recovering from a Mrs. Walter Relseck, three year hand injury received in a recent term,' fall is Judy Licht of 600 Empire ^ Elected to serve as trustees avenue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. are; Walter Roiseck , three year 'Harry: ^icht. : : term; and Edward B. Richard, Louis Gustave Dennl, son of three year term. Mr. and Mrs. Constant Dentil of Others elected are ; Miss Julia 39-25 Bayfield avenue, celebrated Sandholm, treasurer; MisS Violet his fourth birthday Thursday, at Rogers, assistant treasurer; Miss his home. Evelyn Jorgensen, church clerk; At the annual Youth Sunday Mrs. Donald Cappe, ass't. church services in the First Congt'ega- clerk; Mrs, 'George ,Shirkey, mulionaI Church Sunday morn!ng, sic chairman; Mrsi Wilbur J- KolLucille Bella, ;daughter of Mr. lor, assistant music chairman; and Mrs. Ralph Bella of 533 Bch. Miss Isabella Schmeelk, flower 67th street, was one of the young chairman; Miss Emma Stolle, asfiqfnni flowet* chairman; James people who participated. • K, Seatnan, head usher, (md G. Kenneth l?dward.s, son of Mr. William Kupper, assistant usher. and Mrs. Wililam- Edwards, of Miss Bertha Aldag was chair66 Walnut road. In wood, celebrated his fourth bid hday at a man of the nominating commitparty given in his honor at the tee. Installation of the newly elected Officer's will take place home on January 27. David Wayne Chaimowitss, son this Sunday. Refreshments were sorted afof Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Chaimowite ter the meeting, by the deaconof 326 Beach 66th street, eelesses, Mrs, Jean C. JOhnsOn, Mrs. ebrated his first birthday SunFranklin Hyde, Miss Bertha Alday, at a party in the home of dag and Mrs. Donald Cappe. •his parents'. Mrs. John McNulty, and' her To Dedicate, Olubhotifte daughters, Kathleen Louise and The Lawrenco-Codarhurst Post, Ellen Maureen, of 591 Grassmere American Legion, will dedicate terrace, visited Mrs. Jack Hopem its newly acquired building at :Wasser of 107 "Cedar street,' May463 Summitt avenue, Cedarhuist, wood, N. J.; this;.week. Mrs. Hop-' on Thursday evening, February enwasser is the former Esther 11. Mem bets of the local clergy Rose of Arverne. Mrs. Jeannette Raphael of $2*04 and community leaders have been Bayswator court, Far Rockaway. invited to attend. was married to G. Royce Golart, of Glendale, and Marthas Vineyard, Mass., Saturday afternoon. Olfert Hansen, nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lindgren of 69-26 Clarence Mae'DowelL Thursby avenue, arrived Sunday at International Airport after In loving n»emory of a dear brothspending the past six weks in er who departed this life FebruCopenhagen, Denmark, where he ary 5, 1953. Always cherished in visited his parents, relatives and our hearts. friends., • Adele and Eugene Band BITUARY Ink G. McCann frank G. McCann of 95-17 jkaway Beach boulevard died •Sunday at the age of 68 in jjkaway Beach Hospital. He been under treatment for iplicated illness. ic was a retired salesman who been employed by a well )wn cosmetics firm. He had in a local resident for about /ears. requiem mass was offered |terday morning In St. CamilChurch by the Rev. William B j-ke. Interment followed in St. O] tries CCmetory under the dir Ifcion of the Bennett funeral h« ic of Rockaway Park, was a member of the Queens Traffic Club. He was a sales representative connected with the trucking and trailer freight business. His widow, Veronica, nee Boyorsmith; two daughters, Margaret Ann, Kathleen, and one sister Mrs. Julia Powers of .Monterey Park, Los Angeles, Cal., survive. Funeral services were hold from the Hillebrand Funeral Home, Broad Channel, with Requiem Mass offered at 9:30 a.m., at St. Virgilius R. C, Church yestorday morning. Interment was in St. John's Cemetery. Samuel IVIosby Samuel Mosby, 59, of 1129 Grassmere Terrace, Far Rockaway, died after a lingering illness in St. Rose Nursing Home, Manhattan, on January 27. He had been a resident of Far Rockaway for 45 years. In his youth he served in the English Navy. He was retired. His sister with whom ho made his home, Mrs. Helen Donat, and two brothers, Joseph Mosby of Brentwood, L. I,, and Harry Mosby of Beach 77th street, survive. Funeral services were held January 28 in the Mosorole Funeral Homo, Inwood, with the Rev. Herbert H. Hill, of St. John's Episcopal Church conducting the servinces. Interment was in Lawrence Cemetery. H, Kane irs. Ella H. Kane, who had bl a local resident for about 2C foam, died on Monday at the of 79 years. She resided at a; Beach 122nd street and had 1 ill for about six month?., be jhe is survived by a son, Samu] I Wilson and a daughter, Mrs. Fi Ink. Flanagan, both local resid| l e ; also one grandchild. •Lineral services were conductlyesterday from the Bennett e< jeral Homo, Bch. 116th street, F< Bho Rev. Henry M. Childs, jr., b: t h o First C'onKroKational oi CI Irch. Interment was in Monti- Mrs. Blanche Carlin eel D Rural Cemetery, Monticello, Mrs. Blanche Carlin, who had ben a well known local resident Nj lor many years, died at the ago of 74 on Tuesday at her present Ml hael >I. IturiiH llchael J. Burns, of 27 West home at Cocoa, Fla. 151 road, Broad Channel, died Mrs. Carlin was the wife of JefSL| Jlenly at the age of 71, at the ferson Carlin, who retired about R< B<away Beach Hospital, Jan- fourteen years ago as a superintendent in the Sanitation Depart n: 31. .; 10 had boon a resident of nient. They had boon residents Bll id C'hannel for 30 years. He of Arverne for many years, until w< a member of the Theatrical they moved to Cocoa in 1945. Mrs. Carlin tneo Hart), had No. 1, of New York. He u| >nserved come to Rockaway in 1888 and as on the newspaper of al organization. He was a ro- a young woman was active in thl ll stage hand and mechanic. many community affairs. She was tir IP is survived by his widow, a member of the Floradoras, a H< |n, nee McDermott, one son, woman's social group which W-TM) iaei jr., of Woodsldo; two very active here around the turn (h bhtors, Sister Mary do Lour- of the century. Besides her husband, Mrs. CarPresentation C o n y o.n t d< lin is survived by a son, JefferMi int St. Joseph, Nowburgh, son, a well known athlete about and Mrs. Muriel Ahlmeyor, N.1 20 years ago. off Iroad Channel. Seven K'"andFuneral services and interment chj Iron also survive. Bnoral services were held yes- are being held in Cocoa, lei lay, from Hillebrand's FunHome, with Requiem Mass Mi'M. Ho.s<» Friedman or red at St. Virgilius R. C. ofl Mrs. Rose Friedman of 121,08 B*ch, Broad Channel the Rev. Newport avenue, died yesterdny Ol Mahoney, celebrant. Inter- after a brief illness at the ago of Jol it was in Calvary Cemetery. 82 in the Rockaway Beach Hosmi pital, l» ir McDermott Mrs. Friedman had been a resi[tor McDermott, of 27 West dent of the Rockaways for 20 Hi road, Broad Channel, died years. She had lived on Beach Frl lay, after an Illness of 17 128th street for ma,ny years and m( fths, at St. Joseph's Hospital, the past year and a half she made F i [Rockaway. at the ago of 40. her home with Mrs. Kossi of 121 had been a resident of 08 Newport avenue. Id Channel for 16 years, He She was a member of the Sis I0l ***»*•• •< • — n . — • • • • m i • — • • m l terhood of Temple Both-El and the Golden Age Center. One niece, Mrs. Evelyn Bricker of the Bronx, survives, Funeral services will be hold Friday morning at 10:30 a.m., with Dr. Robert Gordis officiating in the Riverside Memorial Chapel, Far Rockaway. Interment wil be in Mount Hebron Cemetery, Flushing. Mrs. Ellen Barrett Mrs. Ellen Barrett, of Beach 87th street, died January 29 at the ago of 90 years at the Rockaway Beach Hospital, from complications, after a recent accident. She was a resident of the Rockaways for 35 years. She was a member of the St. Monica's Altar and Rosary Society of St. Rose of Lima Church. Two sons Robert and William, both of Manhattan; two daughters, Mrs. Mary McGee and Mrs. Josephine Coogan of Queens, and seven grandchildren survive. Funeral services were held on Monday from the O'Connor Funeral Home, with High Mass being offered at St. Rose of Lima Church with the Rev. Pierce Brennan as the celebrant. Interment was at Holy Cross Cemetery, Brooklyn, under the direction of the Denis S. O'Connor, Inc. Mrs. Bertha Biooh Mrs. Bertha Bloeh. former resident of Brooklyn, died at the Hebrow Home of the Aged, in the Bronx, Tuesday, after a lingering illness, at the age of 82. Mrs, Bloch had been a summer resident of the Rockaways for four years. She was a member of the Society Francois. She is survived by one nephew, Joseph Wert heimer", 122-20 Ocean promenade, Rockaway Park. Funeral services were held from the Riverside Memorial Chapel, Manhattan, with Rabbi Daughter Bom In England Joseph Paymor of the Woodruff avenue Temple, Brooklyn, offici- To Mr, and Mrs, Schaus Local friends have received anating. Interment was in Mount nouncement of the birth of a Zion Cemetery, Maspeth. daughter to Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Schaus, January 18th, at West Domoiiick Feola gato-on-Sea, Kent, England. The Domenick Feola, of Beach 80th baby has been named Dixey. street, died Sunday at the ago of Mrs. Schaus is the former Glor i,i 69 years after a year's illness. He Dixey, daughter of the late Wil was a resident of the Beach for liam B. Dixey and .Mrs. Dixey, 35 years. who formerly resided in Belie Two sonsT Mario of New Hyde Harbor-. Park and Henry of Rockaway Beach, and one daughter, Mrs. Josephine \\u/,o, of Reach 86th Card of Hanks street and five grandchildren survive. Funeral services were hold this The family of the late Fannie morning from the O'Connor1 Fune- Horbst Wishes to thank all h.r ral Homo, Beach 84th street, with many friends and especially the Solemn High Mass at St. ROse of members of tho Ladies' Auxiliary Lima Church, the Rev. Thomas of the Congregation Cnesses Is Flynn, celebrant. Interment was rael for their kind expressions of In Holy Cross Cemetery, Flushing sympathy at the time of her under the direction of Denis S. death. O'Connor, Inc. The Herbst Family PRICES GREATLY REDUCED 1[k TO l/ OFF 2 ON ALL FALL and WINTER ITEMS TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR SPRING LINE THE CHILDREN'S SHOP 0F BELLE HARBOR 448 BEACH 129th ST. BEIIe Harbor 5-3150 T: k\ Now any girl can be a famous figuretin WARNEE'S*MERRY W I D I W S e A wh^)le family of charmers, ranging from padded bras to long 'n la< corselettes. All stemming from the one strapless that takes its shape from you— gives you the most freedom-loving shoulders* a jubilant lift under widespread decolletes, upcoming Princes lines. Come in tomorrow and see—) ii'll '<*•• m k W *\ want a night-and-day war< obe of Warner's Merry Widows to fit ai I flatter Hi / fi WV * ; & (above) WarnerV original Merry dow Cinch-bra with sheer cuffs that dip . In black or white nylon and elastic, 50. In white cotton, #1315 at $10. Both A+ to C— «up»> •*: W #3311. (right) Warner's Merry Widow corselette to sleek you all over. In embroidered nylon sheer and elastic For A + C - cups, $25. #1084-. (above) "WarMr'to padded Merry Widow. «H light, soft elastic. In white only, for the A A, A and B - figure. $5,95 • k * i :••••*. #138% (right) Warner's* Merr/Widow long-l|ne in comfy white cotton and elastic, In A, B and Coups, $$,9$ # 3 3 4 i / W Now, in embroidered cotton and sheer elastic-rWarner's long «nd lonely Merry Widow eorselette. A + to C + cups, $18.50 115-01 BOULEVAD Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com BEIIe Harbor 5-8808 m •Ma. v. B. PAT. orr.
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