Trinity Lutheran Church Ninth Sunday after Pentecost—August 10, 2014 Sunday 8:00 am Worship 10:30 am Communion 4:00 pm LYF Scavenger Hunt Sun-Saturday Waxing in Office & Life Center Tuesday 1:00 pm Quilting Thursday 1:00 pm Sewing for Dolls 2:15 pm Good Samaritan Birthday Party 5:15 pm Endowment Committee Meeting Saturday 6:00 pm Saturday Service with Communion Next Sunday 8:00 am Communion Aug. 17th 10:30 am Worship 5:00 pm Jr & Sr High Progressive Meal Connecting Our Community with Christ From One Generation to Another Elm and Garfield, Algona, Iowa SERVING IN WORSHIP Preacher: Pastor Joseph Seifert Organist: Pam Gogerty 8:00 am Greeters: Ron & Judy Matz Acolytes: Mason Carr, Laura Stowater Ushers: Al Boelman, Roger Long, Dale Mains 10:30 am Greeters: Gary & Sherry Jeseritz Ushers: Lowell Mueller, Dave Kading, Jeff Wittkopf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Worship Services Sunday 8 & 10:30 am, Saturday 6:00 pm, Adult Bible Study Sunday 9:15 am Web: Email [email protected] Church Office 515-295-3518 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Elder: Dale Yunginger Lay Reader: Marilyn Bernardo Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Steven Turner, 515-341-3602 (home) Associate Pastor Rev. Joseph Seifert, 515-395-3811 (home) Visitation Pastor Rev. Henry Friedrich, 515-295-2387 (home) Elders: Pete Waltz, Larry Hudson KLGA Sunday Radio Ministry~ The Lutheran Hour 7:05 am, Lift High the Cross 8:30 am TV Ministry Cable Channel 3 or 4 ~ Tuesday 9:00 am Dial-A-Devotion ~ 395-PRAY (395-7729) Trinity’s Connections Weekly News and Information of Trinity Lutheran Church Connecting Our Community with Christ Trinity Lutheran’s Missionaries Rev. Carl Hanson Hong Kong NURSERY AT 10:30 SERVICE Nursery during the 10:30 AM service is offered in the upstairs Sunday School Rooms for children ages 0-3. If you are interested in assisting, please call Etta Pergande 341-2087 LIFT HIGH THE CROSS is sponsored by Barb Baer in memory of family. ALTAR FLOWERS are given by Bill & Betty Johnson. DIAL-A-DEVOTION You can hear a brief devotional message by dialing 395-PRAY (7729) any time throughout the week. This week’s reader is Sharon Divis. Next week is Kay Friedrich. STEWARDSHIP REPORT: Sunday Attendance: 335 Offerings: $7,623.00 LYF SCAVENGER HUNT Our high school youth are invited to participate in a scavenger hunt TODAY from 4-6:30pm. Bring your shoes and a digital camera. We will also be nominating our LYF officers for the upcoming school year. VBS DECORATIONS, ETC. If you loaned anything that was used for VBS, it can be picked up in the office hallway. Thanks for letting us use them! PRAYERS FOR WEEK-August 10, 2014 ~Ethan Fairbanks, Steve Brosnan, Pastor Patrick O’Neal, Gerald Larson, Gary Priebe, Becky Bleich, Janette Zittritsch, Connie (Riedel) Sams, Marley Struecker ~Louis Maharas, recovering at home ~Marlys Finnestad, recovering at Good Samaritan If you have family or friends whom you would like included in our public prayers, please contact the church office. PARENT MEETING There will be a meeting on August 20th @7pm in the Trinity Life Center for all parents with children in our Sunday School, Midweek School, and LYF Youth programs. The purpose of this meeting will be to share the resources our church provides that families can utilize to grow in their faith together as well as opportunities for how parents can get more involved in the faith formation of their children. SOLES FOR SOULS MISSION One of our VBS mission projects has been collecting new and used shoes to be sent to Haiti for those in need. Our VBS kids set a goal of collecting 100 pairs of shoes. Now we would like to invite the rest of the congregation to add to that number before we ship them off. The “Soles for Souls” shoe box will be moved into the narthex and available for drop-off until Sunday August 24th. (Please tie your shoes together or wrap them with a rubber band before placing them into the donation box.) VBS LEFTOVER T-SHIRTS There are extra t-shirts left from VBS that may be taken; a $5.00 donation is suggested. VBS LOST & FOUND There were several things found after VBS was over and they are placed on a table in the Narthex. Please see if anything is yours. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Lutheran Family Services will host a Marriage CPR class on Saturday, November 8th. Watch for more details! TEACHERS NEEDS FOR 2014-2015 For the upcoming school year, we are in great need of teachers for our Wednesday Midweek School from 6:45-8:00pm. In order to lighten the load on our teachers and to get a variety of parents involved, the Board of Education would like to recruit multiple teachers for our 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade classes. So if you are able and willing to teach for even half the year, or a third of the year, please contact Pastor Seifert. (515) 200-9278 or [email protected] GOD’S MAIL BOX The church mailboxes are not quite back yet, but “God’s Mail Box” is. Gary Reynolds has volunteered to be our church mailman and so once a week he will check to see if there is any mail and make sure it gets delivered to the right person. If you have a letter that you would like to send to a member of our congregation please feel free to make use of “God’s Mail Box” to share with them the love of Jesus! SCHOOL GRADE CHANGES If your child will be going to Kindergarten or has a grade change, please let the church office know this week so class lists can be prepared and bible/catechisms can be ordered. LYF & CIA PROGRESSIVE MEAL Both our Junior High & Senior High Youth (5th-12th grade) are invited to participate in a progressive meal to kick off the school year on Sunday August 17th @5pm. We will be walking, biking, skating, etc. around Algona, stopping at different homes to complete a full meal while at the same time feeding on God's Word. We will end our event with a bonfire at Pastor & Darlene Turner's house (3 Country Estates Algona). Parents and family are encouraged to join us at this last stop around 6:30pm for a time of fellowship. ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP The Alsheimer’s Support Group will meet on Thurs. Aug. 14th at 5pm at Van Buren Terrace. THANK YOU!!! ~Thank you to the congregation for all the cards, phone calls, and prayers sent during Don’s hospitalization in Rochester. Thank you to Pastor Turner for his visit while I was there as it meant a lot to me. Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated. Don & Judy Ludwig ~Thank you to Gary Schneider & for doing the annual waxing around the church! Well done! OPEN HOUSE FOR KELLIE An Open House Bridal Shower for our members, Kellie Morris and Aaron Siefken, will be on Sunday, August 17th from 2 to 4 pm in the Trinity Life Center. All are welcome to attend and help celebrate our upcoming marriage.
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