The Tidings of Peace January Peace Lutheran Church Church Office: 755-2515 or 294-3811 Website: Find us on facebook! Office open: Tues.-Fri. 7am-5pm Where to find it! January Servant Schedule 2 Pastor Jon’s Message 3 Bridge Pastor Jon Becker 651-380-8555 Email: [email protected] “Seek God” Jeremiah 29:13 4 “Turn-Around” Concert 5 Executive Secretary Pat Adam 715-222-9404 Email: [email protected] Parish Nurse Notes 6 Education News & Upcoming Events 7-9 Council President Dale Cotch 715-441-5518 Youth Ministry & Upcoming Events 10 SHINE-Share His Incredible News 11 January Birthdays 12 Director of Christian Education Ronda Haley Email: [email protected] Advent Activites 13 This-n-That 14 Custodians Jodi Swenson and Cindy Doiron Thank You! 15 Business as Usual 16 Things to Do! 17 Church Contacts Parish Nurse Karen Fossum Email: [email protected] Treasurer Kathy Vesperman Financial Secretaries Dorothy Lindholm and Bonnie Crary January Servant Schedule 8:30 am January 4th Ushers Lay Readers Greeters Acolytes 10:45 am Craig & Danielle Nelson Jan Museus Aaron & Miranda Hartman Laura Swanson Alan Puterbaugh family Andrea Puterbaugh Dale & Lori Getschel Confirmation Volunteer? January 11th Ushers Dick Blattner/Dave Stephansen Lay Reader Melissa Hall Greeters Mavis Lindahl/Angie LaMirande Acolytes Drew Willeman John & Pat Adam Pat Kirby Barb Hanson Eli Anderson January 18th Ushers Bruce Swenson/Paul Lindholm Lay Readers Jill Hinze Greeters Norma Lundgren Acolytes Danielle Annunziata John Haley/Peter Ward Anne Miller Solsrud Jerry Kolve/Betty Kolve Brooke Bents January 25th Ushers Bob & Denise Todd Lay Readers Diane Lechman Greeters Dallas Wynne family Acolytes Sean Burrows Jim Kirby/Paul Smith Mary Drinkwine Bjorn & Jamie Neumann Megan Byl Altar Guild: 8:30-shared 10:45-Pat Kirby Communion Helper: 8:30-Dale Cotch 10:45-Kevin McNutt 2 What Kind of Church . . .? Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, For my message this month I would like to share a powerful poem with you. Our Church B. Carl Ship What kind of a church would our church be If every member were just like me? Am I so busy with earthly cares That I have no time to spend in prayer? Do I keep the Sabbath as diligently As I do the duties for my family? Are my tithes and offerings as honest and square As my weekly budget for household affairs? Does my worship and study find as much place As TV and pleasure in this life’s race? What kind of church would our church be If every member were just like me? Does the weekly service find me there Full of joy and peace in Jesus’ care? Do my children and others see in me The likeness of Jesus, holy and free? Does my soul’s hunger for the lost, Reflect the Master’s, regardless of cost? Does our mission program flourish and grow With the efforts and seeds that I sow? What kind of a church would our church be If every member were just like me? …When this life’s race has been run Could my Saviour say of me, “Well done”? What kind of a church would our church be If every member were just like me? This poem leaves us with much to think about. May our prayers and faith life lead us into active church ministry. We need the church, and the church needs us. In Christ, Pastor Jon 3 January Memory Verse “Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his presence continually.” 1 Chronicles 16:11 So…we read that verse. It makes sense. It sounds good. But then we ask ourselves, so now what? How do I really follow what this verse commands? 1) We can seek the Lord and his home, at work, at school, at play…in the worship of our daily lives. 2) We can seek the Lord and his we come to worship him together with our church family on Sunday mornings. Author John MacArthur writes, “The source of most of the problems people have in their Christian lives relates to two things: either they are not worshiping six days a week with their life, or they are not worshiping one day a week with the assembly of the saints. We need both. If you go to church only when it is convenient, you will never be victorious and productive as a Christian. You can't succeed on your own; you need to have the spiritual stimulation of fellow believers.” MacArthur shares this illustration… A pastor went to see a man who didn't attend church very faithfully. The man was sitting before a fire, watching the warm glow of the coals. It was a cold winter day, but the coals were red hot, and the fire was warm. The pastor pleaded with the man to be more faithful in meeting with the people of God, but the man didn't seem to be getting the message. So the pastor took the tongs beside the fireplace, pulled open the screen, and reached in and began to separate all the coals. When none of the coals was touching the others, he stood and watched in silence. In a matter of moments, they were all cold. "That's what's happening in your life," he told the man. "As soon as you isolate yourself from God's people, the fire goes out." The man got the message. As the new year begins and we make our resolutions, let’s commit to seek God’s presence seven days a week! Let’s commit to keep our fire going, gathering together to worship each Sunday morning with our church family. Let’s show we got the message! 4 TURN AROUND CONCERT! TURN AROUND Take the Chill Out of Winter with an Evening of Music and Fun! Saturday, January 24, 2015 AT 7 p.m. Adults: $10 Ages 5-15: $5 Under 5: FREE All proceeds go toward Feed My Starving Children Refreshments Available! Peace Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall Featuring: Voices of the Valley Linda & John Indianhead Chorus Performers OHS Vocal Department Peace Praise Band Jodie Beyl Purchase your tickets at Peace! 5 Parish Nurse Notes! The Model for Healthy Living focus for January will be on – you guessed it – NUTRITION! What better topic for all of us after the over-indulging of the holidays? And eating better is probably the top New Year’s resolution of all time! I realize that it seems everywhere we turn today we are reminded of ways to eat healthier. But since our church is a community hub that brings people together often involving food, it also is the perfect place to start impacting people’s diets in a positive, healthier way. I mean, if we are willing to visit our members in the hospital, we should be willing to support the food choices that can keep them from having to go there in the first place, right? And it doesn’t have to be drastic changes – the small alterations in how food is prepared all add up. Take confirmation, for example. The kids can still be served their favorites like tacos, but it can be made with lower-fat cheese and whole wheat tortillas. Throughout January the display table in the narthex will be filled with recipes and ideas that we as a church can use to model healthy eating habits for everyone at the table. This month’s tip for communicating with someone who has Alzheimer’s disease or advanced dementia: Repeat information or questions as needed. If the person doesn’t respond, wait a moment, then ask again. Keep in mind that the person may need extra time to process what you said. ATTENTION ANYONE WHO HELPS CARE FOR A FRIEND OR LOVED ONE!!! Please join the Caregiver Support Group on Tuesday, January 20th @ 2 PM for our guest speaker, Kris Linner, Director of Spiritual Care for St. Croix Hospice. Kris’s talk will validate your feelings of frustration and being overwhelmed as well as help in finding the ability to chuckle amidst the sometimes trying circumstances. We’re extending this invite to all – you don’t have to want to officially join the group to attend. May God bless us all as we start the new year, Karen 6 EDUCATIONNEWSPage1 Adult Education Opportunities Women’s Wednesday Study 10:30—11:30am Joyful Morning, Dresser Classes, Bible Studies, Conferences Men in Mission -- Bible Study Thursdays, 6:00am, Our Place Café Contact Bill Stevenson 262-853-5439 “Three Gifts, One Christ” a 4-week study… $8 Jan 7 (receive book/overview) Jan 14, 21, 28, Feb 4 Rachael Circle -- Bible Study Wed, Jan 21st, 1:30pm Chapel Library We quickly moved from the Advent Season, to Christmas, to now the Epiphany Season, which begins on January 6th, Epiphany Day. It is in this season we remember that the wisemen, on a journey seeking the Christ Child, followed the star and found the Messiah they were looking for. We too in our seeking can learn so much from these wisemen. Please join us for a 4-week study about the gifts they brought to the Christ Child and the gifts of salvation they represent for us. Via de Cristo—Singles, Couples Men: Jan 22-25 \ held in Women: Jan 29-Feb 1 / Mound, MN Please contact Ronda if you are sensing God calling you to seek him in a deeper way than ever before. This is such an incredible experience...pray about you and if possible, your spouse attending as well. “Set Apart”—Women’s Conference Northwestern College… March 6 & 7, 8am—4:30pm. for Friday, Saturday or both days “He Set His Face To Jerusalem: A Lenten Study” a 7-week study…$8 Beginning Ash Wednesday f Feb 18, 25, March 4, 11, 18, 5, Apr 1 Rooms reserved - Country Inn & Suites Contact Ronda for more info Make plans NOW (go mark your calendar right NOW) to join us for a special Lenten Study each Wednesday during Lent and Holy Week. Ronda’s new email Prepare for Easter by looking to Jerusalem! [email protected] 7 EDUCATIONNEWSPage2 ConfirMania! 7th & 8th Grade Confirmation CHRISTMAS THANK YOU! Thanks to our Confirmands for the amazing night of service, in all the tasks they did for others during the Servant Night in December!! Confirmation resumes on Wednesday, January 7th with our unit on the New Testament. 8th Graders Congratulations to the 8th Graders who have chosen their Confirmation Bible Verse and completed their Confirmation Faith Papers. An informal “Chat” about their Faith Papers, will be scheduled with Ronda with each student in January and the first week in February. An email schedule will be sent. Lenten Mentoring Beginning Ash Wednesday our Confirmation students will be lined up with a one-on-one Lenten Mentor. Our hope is that those who mentored our current 8th graders last year will be able to continue this year. In January we will begin lining up Lenten Mentors for the 7th graders. If you are interested, please contact Ronda as soon as possible. It is with pure joy that I thank all who helped make the 2014 Christmas events happen. December has come and gone, but we are left with wonderful memories of all the events held to honor the birth of Jesus our Lord. I extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who assisted in small ways and big ways in any of the following events… your kindness and help was greatly appreciated: *Family Advent Event—”Prepare Ye” *Christmas Program & Potluck *“Happy Birthday, Jesus!” party *Mitten Tree *Women’s Fellowship Night *Confirmation Servant/Fellowship Nights SO THANKFUL FOR EACH OF YOU!! Ronda TOT-TIME Preschoolers , Toddlers, Adults January 6th & 20th 10—11am Education Wing Jesus loves the little children 8 EDUCATIONNEWSPage3 SUNDAY SCHOOL Opportunities—For all ages Learn in Faith. Grow in Faith. Serve in Faith. SUNDAY SCHOOL HOUR: PeaceKidz: FaithKidz: CLUB56: GODtime: 9:30-10:30AM PreK and Kindergarten Kidz First—Fourth Grade Kidz 5th & 6th Graders 7th & 8th Graders Kindergarten Room Fellowship Hall Club56 Room Youth Room We would love to have the nursery staffed during the Sunday School Hour. If you are willing to serve in this way, please contact Ronda. NEW!!! January JaM (Jesus and ME) ADOPT a ROOM!! We are grateful for a memorial gift given in memory of Sharon Wolfe that we have used to purchase new whiteboards for the SS rooms. We invite your family or a team of families to adopt a SS room to paint this January. Contact Ronda! Great service opportunity! PreK—CLUB56 Sunday School January 11 SEEK GOD! January 18 SEEK GOD! January 25 Memory Work Fun February 1 TEAM JESUS! Sunday School BRAVO Board One of the goals of our Sunday School program is to encourage each grade level to memorize Scripture and parts of the Small Catechism. An added challenge is for each student to review and recite the memory work prior to their grade level and their names go on our BRAVO Board. OCT—DEC Students ETHAN CAMPBELL, JUSTIN WYNNE, CARLEEN BERG, LARISSA CHAPMAN, JACKSON SCHOLZ, LEXI KROMREY, ALEX WILLEMAN, MARLEE PEER, ISAAC TATE, ISAIAH TATE, ABBY WYNNE, MEGAN HALL, CHASE KEOPPLE, BRODY MAYER CONGRATULATIONS!!! 9 Peace Lutheran Youth Ministry Mission Statement: To be an instrument used by the Holy Spirit to bring youth to faith in Jesus Christ. The strategies by which we accomplish this purpose are: Worship, Service, Learning and Fellowship. Youth Ministry Team: Julie Riemer, Robin Ekstrom, Angie Gehrman, Tammy & Brian Breault, Alan Puterbaugh, Jason & Sonya Swanson. Sunday Morning Opportunities (9:35-10:40 am) SONday (for youth 9-12 grade) We meet in the Haven room in the Ed Wing GODtime (for youth 7 & 8 grade) Each Sunday morning a group of your friends meet in the Youth Room for treats, games, study and fun. CLUB56 (for youth in 5-6 grade) This is a Sunday morning club just for 5 & 6 graders Wednesday Night HS Youth Group 9th-12th graders-please join us for HS Youth Group. from 6-7:30 pm. Supper is at 6:00 pm (bring $2 for supper). We gather in the Youth Room to eat, share exciting and challenging devos and hang out. Bring a friend! Peace Mission Trip participants will be working with the Outreach committee for the concert on Jan 24for FMSC. The mission trip youth will be selling refreshments as a fundraiser for our trip to SD. 10 Let Christ’s Light Shine! “Let your light shine before others…” Matthew 5:16 In January, we are shining upon the Serenity Home in Balsam Lake. The 4th Monday of each month Peace is to bring a supper meal to the residents of the shelter. This meal should be enough to feed approximately 22 people. Suggestions for the meal would be: meatloaf, baked potatoes, lasagna, spaghetti, casseroles, soup, fixings for tacos, hamburgers. You may bring the food ready to eat by 5 pm or bring it earlier in the day or the day before with baking instructions. Please consider signing up with a friend or as a family and providing this meal. The schedule, more info and sign up sheet are located at the Welcome Center in the Narthex! SHINE Update for 2014 With your generous donations we have contributed the following amounts, above and beyond our benevolence commitments to these organizations: January: $ 203.79 Serenity Home February: $ 205.59 Malawi Pastor’s Academy March: $ 274.72 MOPS (Mother’s of Pre-Schoolers) April: $ 320.65 World Malaria Campaign May/June: $ 205.55 Diaper Drive July: $ 124.94 Relay for Life August: $ 32.00 SCF Food Shelf (Aug. Noisy Offering to FMSC event) September: $ 196.27 Backpack Program October: $ 412.00 Operation Christmas Shoebox shipping November: $ 855.00 Military Box items & shipping December: $ 200.00 Salvation Army Note: we thank you also for your ongoing donations for the Feed My Starving Children Mobilepak Event to be held April 10-11. This event is sponsored by several local churches and Peace has pledged to donate $3,000 toward the event. Share His Incredible News Everywhere! 11 Celebrating January Birthdays! 12 SS Advent Event activities The Lefse Ladies! Gifts for Peace Homebound Members 4th Annual Women’s Christmas Gathering SS Christmas Program 13 WHICH BONE ARE YOU? SOMEONE ONCE SAID THAT MEMBERSHIP OF AN ORGANIZATION IS COMPOSED OF FOUR BONES: 1) There are the "wishbones" who spend all their time wishing someone would do the work. 2) There are the "jawbones" who do all the talking, but very little else. 3) Next comes the "knucklebones" who knock everything that everybody else tries to do. 4) Finally, there are the "back-bones" who get the load and do the work! Which "bone" are you? from: "The Salem Spirit" Salem Lutheran Church, Orlando, FL Bird Seed Orders Orders will be sent in on the 10th of each month and will be at Peace for pickup by the 15th. The orders are filled by Endeavors Adult Development Center, Balsam Lake. Checks payable to Peace Lutheran and must accompany your order. The order forms are in the narthex on one of the tall café tables. Songbird Buffet, 10# $10.00 or 20#, $19.00 Cardinal Fancy, 10# $10.25 or 20# $18.25 Nyger Seeds, 10# $12.25 Black Oil Sunflower Seeds, 20# $19.50 or 40# $40 Wild Game Bird Mix, 10# $8.50 This year’s Blessing Baskets/Toys 4 Kids program helped 96 families, 227 children. Clothing gifts for more than 65 children were purchased using last year’s donations from the high school fundraiser. Thanks to Osceola School staff for bagging the hat, socks, and gloves for all the families. This is a major task, especially when you are 58 years old trying to decide what size sock or mitten a 2nd grader wears.. Thanks to everyone for donating to the Blessing Baskets, this program can’t exist if it were not for you. The quilts we received from the different churches were wonderful. Some community members made fleece blankets and mittens, and sweater mittens. More people are pulling together, showing how much it is better to give than to receive, conveying the true spirit of Christmas. I recently received a text from a parent. She said when her daughter saw all the gifts under the tree she said to her mother, “Mommy, I thought you did not have money to go shopping’ and the daughter started crying. This is why we all come together and show Gods love to our neighbors. God Bless and have a Blessed New Year. Rosanne 14 T hanks to those members who have given beyond their pledges to help pay many of our benevolences this past month! With those donations we can continue to be a blessing to our community. Also thanks for the donations of office and church supplies-copy paper, tape, etc. Peace Church, Thank you so much for preparing the delicious turkey dinners. Greatly appreciated and to BrenNel for personally delivering them to me. Blessings to you, Marian Madsen Thank you to Mike & Minnie for making the turkey dinners to send out to our homebound members, to the Open Cupboard for the donations of turkey and potatoes. And thank you to Mary Drinkwine and BrenNel Ward for delivering the meals! To the Ladies of Peace Church, thank you for the delicious dinners. I had 5 meals and really enjoyed them. Thank you, Betty Brust Dear Peace, thank you for the turkey dinner. Thanks to the people who made them and those who delivered them. It was a very nice thing to do. Thelma & Duane Vanderwerf Thank you to Dale Rhoe for delivering the Christmas gifts to the Women’s Shelter in Milltown. Thank you to Kathy Ulrich for decorating our planter boxes for Christmas! Dear Nurse Karen and Peace, Thank you for your generous donation of slightly used, durable medical equipment for the Endeavors Center. We will use the equipment as the need arises for our participants. Kathy Clark, Director Thank you to Shane O’Connor for helping to get all the Christmas decorations and the tree out of storage for us. Thanks to all those who filled a box, donated items or gave money for shipping of the military boxes. We sent out 30 boxes! Outreach Ministry Dear Peace Church, Please tell everyone how humbled and appreciative we are for such a wonderful gift! Merry Christmas and many blessings, Interfaith Caregivers Found: A diamond(?) stud earring in the sanctuary A kids plastic, green coin purse with a monkey on it with a house key inside (this note was received after Peace mailed our benevolence commitment of $450 to them.) 15 Pastoral Duties December 4th: Funeral service for Vivian Hoffman Call Committee Report “Be still before the Lord, and wait patiently for him.” Psalm 37:7 The Advent season has been a most appropriate time for us to pray for patience and God’s guidance in our pastoral search. We thank you for your prayers as we go about our work. At this point, we have conducted first interviews with several candidates, and more are scheduled after the first of the year. We are blessed to have a number of fine candidates interested in answering our Call. We are also blessed to have a Call Committee that works well together, with diligence and respect for the needs of our entire church body. Please continue to be patient, and pray for us as we move forward in the new year, trusting that God is guiding our process. The Call Committee: Sara Carlson, John Haley, Jeff Hall, Clayton Hanson, Shellee Mierow, Diane Moser, Pete Peterson, Andrea Skinner, Sonya Swanson. Attendance 7th: 166-108 14th: 8:30-141 21st: 145/88 24th: 255/320/78 FINANCIAL REPORT (as of Dec. 22nd) Needed to date Received to date $ 437,015.94 $ 398,545.71** Ahead or Behind $- (38,470.23) 2015 Giving Envelopes are in the hallway towards the kitchen. Notice: Peace Lutheran’s Annual Meeting will be on Sunday, January 25th at 9:30 am. All confirmed members of Peace are invited and encouraged to attend this meeting! 16 Bible Studies/Groups Prayer Shawl Ministry 1st Sunday of each month in the Sanctuary Christian Women’s Connection Monday, January 19, Alliance Church of the Valley, St. Croix Falls Program: Moving Along in Life Cost is $10, rsvp to Carrie at 715-554-2330 Men in Mission Meet every Thursday at 6:00 am at Our Place Café, Hwy. 8, SCF. Rachael Circle Jan. 21 1:30 pm Hostess: Mavis L. MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month (Sept-May), 6:15-8:15 pm at the SCF High School. MOPS is for birth—kindergarten and MOMSNext is for school-age children. Join us for crafts, playdates, guest speakers, spiritual and personal growth, coffee and snacks. Any questions email us at: [email protected] Sun., Jan. 4th 9:30 am Please stay after worship to help the staff pack away the Christmas decorations and take down the Christmas trees. 17 3rd Thursday Group Thursday, Jan. 15th, 9:00 am at Logger’s, SCF Weds. Women’s Bible Study Beginning January 7th Weds., 10:30-11:30 am Joyful Morning, Dresser New members are always welcome to join in any of the above opportunities! Non-Profit Org. US Postage PAID Dresser, WI 54009 Permit No. 3 Peace Lutheran Church 2355 Clark Road P.O. Box 655 Dresser, WI 54009 Peace Lutheran Church of Dresser, Wisconsin, is a family of people, called by the Holy Spirit through the Word and Sacraments, to pray for the world and the coming of God’s kingdom, to care about the needs of others in God’s name, and to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed. Peace Lutheran Church…. Called to Prayer, Called to Care, Called to Share. 18
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