IMMACULATE CONCEPTION IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 316 E. SCIOTO STREET 316 E. MO SCIOTO STREET ST. JAMES, 65559 ST. JAMES, MO 65559 [email protected] Fr. Charles Pardee Office:Pastor: 573-265-7250 (hrs. M-F 8:30 - 11:30) Emergency Number: 1-573-202-0050 MASSES: Fr. Angelus Minj, Assistant Pastor SATURDAY 5:00 P.M. Fr. Louis Nelen, Associate Pastor SUNDAY 10:00 A.M. [email protected] CONFESSIONS: Tue. at 4:30pm. (before daily Mass) Office: 573-265-7250 Sat. at 4:15pm. & 4th Sun. at 9:30am. MASSES: SATURDAY 5:00 P.M. Pastor: Fr. Charles Pardee SUNDAY 10:00 A.M. Fr. Pardee’s Number: 1-573-202-0050 Fr. Angelus Minj, Assistant Pastor CONFESSIONS: Fr. Jason Associate Pastor Tue. Doke, at 4:30pm. (before daily Mass) Lawrence Clark, Deacon Sat. at 4:15pm. & 4th Sun. at 9:30am. Call our Priests at 573-202-0050 for: Baptisms andPriests Marriages (preparation for: required) Call our at 573-202-0050 Hospital visits, Home-bound visits. Baptisms and Marriages (preparation required) Hospital visits, Home-bound visits. ORGANIZATIONS: Prayer Chain: Bernadette ORGA NIZA TIONS: Welch 699-4474 YoungPrayer at Heart: Judy BonhamWelch 699-4429 Chain: Bernadette 699-4474 Knights of Columbus: Jim Bonham O’Fallon 699-4429 1-573-885-6687 Young at Heart: Judy K.C. Ladies Dorothy Tessaro 1-573-885-6687 265-8249 KnightsAuxiliary: of Columbus: Jim O’Fallon Cemetery Association: Bob Wilson 263-6222 K.C. Ladies Auxiliary: Helen Cornick 265-7695 Cemetery Association: Bob Wilson 265-7931 The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January 25, 2015 ST. ST. ANTHONY OF OF PADUA, Rosati ANTHONY PADUA Mailing Address:CONCEPTION IMMACULATE Mailing Address: 316 E. SCIOTO STREET 316 E. SCIOTO STREET 316 E. SCIOTO STREET ST. JAMES, MO 65559 ST. JAMES, MO 65559 ST. JAMES, MO 65559 MASS: [email protected] MASS: SUNDAY 8:00 A.M. SUNDAY 8:00 A.M. Office: 573-265-7250 (hrs. M-F 8:30 - 11:30) CONFESSIONS: MASSES: CONFESSIONS: 1st Sundays of theP.M. month from 7:30am. to 7:45am. SATURDAY 5:00 1st Sundays of the month from 7:30am. to SUNDAY 10:00 A.M. 7:45am. Pastor: Fr. Charles Pardee Emergency Number: 1-573-202-0050 CONFESSIONS: Pastor: Minj, Fr. Charles Pardee Fr. Angelus Assistant Pastor Tue. Emergency at 4:30pm. Number: (before daily Mass) 1-573-202-0050 Fr. Jason Doke, Associate Pastor Sat. at 4:15pm. & 4th Sun. at 9:30am. Fr. Angelus Minj, Assistant Pastor Fr. Louis Nelen, Associate Pastor ORGANIZATIONS: Pastor: Charles CallFr. Priests for: Pardee Cemetery Association:1-573-202-0050 Fr. Pardee’s BaptismsNumber: and Marriages: (preparation required) Steve Zulpo 314-807-3939 Fr. Angelus Pastor visits. HospitalMinj, visitsAssistant or Home-bound and Ron Moreland 265-3559 Fr. Jason Associate Pastor ORGADoke, NIZATIONS: Lawrence Cemetery Clark, Association: Deacon Call our Priests at 573-202-0050 Richard Cardetti 265-8819 for: and Ron Moreland 265-3559 The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 25, 2015 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION & ST. ANTHONY PARISHES 316 EAST SCIOTO STREET, ST. JAMES, MO 65559 MASS SCHEDULE: Immaculate Conception Sat. 1/24 5:00 p.m. People of the Parish Sun. 1/25 10:00 a.m. Joe Alexander Tues. 1/27 5:30 p.m. Joan & Richard Valleroy Thurs. 1/29 8:00 a.m. Roland Rieser Fri. 1/30 8:00 a.m. Justin & Louise Knittig Sat. 1/31 5:00 p.m. Leo & Rosella Roth Sun. 2/1 10:00 a.m. People of the Parish MASS SCHEDULE: St. Anthony Sun. 1/25 8:00 a.m. Herman Ilges Wed. 1/28 8:00 a.m. Robert Lincoln (Lector: Vera Piazza) Sun., 2/1 8:00 a.m. Robert Lincoln Tuesday, January 27 - 4:30 p.m. Adoration 5:30 p.m. Mass Wednesday, January 28 - 6:30 p.m. PSR SCHOLARSHIP Your local K of C Council, St. Pius X, will be awarding a $500.00 scholarship to a worthy college bound student. Applications can be found at the back of either church. If you are missing a cookie sheet, a 9 x 13 Pyrex glass baking dish with a blue lid, a white plastic bowl with a blue lid, an aluminum fluted pie pan, a Tupperware 9 x 9 container with a teal lid, or a Tupperware bread container without a lid they may be in the hall waiting to come home! Contact the office or come in between 8:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. to see if one of these is yours! Thank you! Young at Heart will have it’s monthly dinner on February 6! Watch for the sign-up sheet and sign up if you can come so we know how much to prepare. Come and enjoy some fellowship, fun, and food with us!! Collection Envelopes - There are still a few envelopes left for 2015 on the counter of the vestibule. Please take yours on your way out! PARISH MISSION—We are planning a Lenten Mission for our parishes for the first week in March. Please mark your calendars and attend Sunday through Tuesday. PLEASE PRAY for Fr. Louis Nelen, the associate pastor here from 2012-2014. Fr. Nelen’s father, Adrianus, died last week and his funeral was last Monday at the Cathedral in Jefferson City. May he rest in Christ’s peace. WE ALSO PRAY for the DiCarlo and Greene families. Janet DiCarlo’s brother, Herb, died and Don Greene’s sister, Patricia Ann, died. Both funerals were this past week. May God grant them eternal rest. CONFIRMATION PREPARATION CLASS meets tonight, Sunday, January 25, 5:00—6:30 in the Parish Center in Rolla. Tax reports are now available for you to take for tax purposes and your records. Please pick yours up when you leave! Thank you!! Scholarship - The William H. Simon Scholarship Fund is available to Catholic Students. The scholarship is for $1000.00 per semester. If interested, the deadline is March 31, 2015. Please contact the office for applications. SHARE-A-RIDE! Please call the office to let us know you would pick up and take home someone so they can attend Mass. Volunteer for Sundays for a month at a time. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION: ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA: Contributions for January 18: Envelopes: $1878.46, Loose: $141.00, Advertising: $225.00, NA Rent: $15.00, Mass: $10.00 Total: $2269.46 Contributions for January 18: Envelopes: $502.00, Loose: $208.00, Candles $3.00, Rental: $200.00 Total $913.00 LITURGICAL MINISTERS: LITURGICAL MINISTERS: Driver for Saturdays in January: Jim & Sandy Buhlinger 699-4227 Extra-Ordinary Communion Ministers: January 25: George & Vera Piazza February 1: JoAnn Edwards & Angie Jones Driver for Sundays in January: Butch Tucker 265-7569 Extra-Ordinary Communion Ministers: Lectors: January 25: Martha Sellers February 1: Irene Gorman January 31: Myra Hughes, Marilyn Schwartz, Norb Schwartz February 1: Michele Auxier, Judy Bonham, Mike Brinker Gift Bearers: January 25: Marc & Deb Mash February 1: Loretta & Don Sellers Lectors January 31: Monica Galarza February 1: Steve Lah Altar Servers: January 25: Maureen & Gabby Foust February 1: Dick Smith Hospitality Ministers: January 31: Jim Buhlinger, Jim Welch February 1: Sam Auxier, Ralph Presson Altar Servers: January 31 : Sam Marshall February 1: Seth Courtois, Connor Dillon, CB Volunteer NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH MEETING - Monday, January 26, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at St. Anthony Church. Engaged Encounter 2015 IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY, PLEASE register in the parish of your choice. Registration forms are on the bulletin board or clip the box below, fill out and drop in the collection basket. Engaged Encounter is for couples planning marriage in the Catholic Church who desire a richer, fuller life together. The dates for 2015 are: March 6-8 May 1-3 August 7-9 November 6-8 The weekends are held at St. Pius X in Moberly. The registration form as well as weekend information is available on our diocesan website,, Our Church, Life & Marriage, Engaged Encounter. The cost for the weekend is $100 per Pray For Peace Free Eye Exams 341–– 2020 Appointment 341 Hillcrest Pharmacy Diabetic Shoes, Optical, Mastectomy Certified Public AccountP.O. Box 32 401 W. 5th St. Rolla, MO DAVE VERKAMP, CPA, CFP (573) 364-2246 Fax (573) 3413546 FOREST CITY PHARMACY Rosati/St. James Council # 3882 “Your full service Pharmacy” 125 N. Frank E. Meyer, R.Ph. 265-5400 St. 117 Seymour , St. James, MO 65559 265-3232 10185 County Rd 2020 Rolla, MO 65401 Cell: (573) 263-0857 Fax: (573) 426-6587 mail: [email protected] 101 W. 1st, Salem, MO 65560 729-3117 1651 E. Hwy 72, Rolla, MO 65401 458-2262 North Lawn Cemetery Mausoleum & Columbrarium 101 W. 1st, Salem, MO 65560 COMPUTER AND ELECTRONICS REPAIR CALL STEVE ZULPO AT 314-807-3939
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