January, 2015 NORTH STAR NEWS Pastor Scott’s Scripts: PASTOR: Rev. Scott Skogen SECRETARY: Rosie Gilman ORGANIST: Ruth Mashak ADULT CHOIR DIRECTOR: Jennifer Gulsvig Please contact us at: 608-781-5690 608-781-5690 FAX [email protected] [email protected] Youth Choir: 8:45 AM Sunday (School year only) Sunday School: 9:00 AM Sunday (School year only) Sunday Worship: 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM Nursery Care: 10:00 AM (September through May) NORTH STAR NEWS is a non-profit publication containing information and concerns of members and friends of North Presbyterian Church of La Crosse, Wisconsin. NORTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1327 North Salem Road La Crosse, WI 54603 In his letter to the Ephesians Paul writes: “Be very careful then how you live; not as unwise but as wise; making the most of every opportunity.” As we venture forward into the New Year I see two ways of looking at opportunity. First looking back on the opportunities that will have a lasting impact on our church and second looking forward in the New Year for opportunities that will come. As we look back on 2014, I want to thnk you for making the most of every opportunity. Growing & Changing In 2014 we added 39 new members. As a church community you make the most of every opportunity making them feel welcome and included. In addition, as we forge ahead with our building project, each step of the way, the church was exceedingly supportive. From fund raising to tolerating building material at every turn, you made the most of every opportunity, accepting change and for that gift I will always be grateful. As we look forward to 2015, I would encourage all of us to make the most of our every opportunity inviting others to join us at church. I really believe the most effective evangelism is a simple invitation to a friend, a co-worker, perhaps even a stranger. People are yearning to be a part of a loving community and what they are waiting for is a simple invitation. As we look forward to 2015, let us make the most of every opportunity, being the loving, caring, welcoming, inviting and gracious church God calls us to be. See ya in church in 2015, Pastor Scott **Dr. Tom Thibodeau, Viterbo Professor of Servant Leadership, will lead services on Sunday, January 4, while Pastor Scott will be in Texas with his family. Tom is an incredible asset to this community and has an enthusiastic spirit. Please join him for worship on the 4th in Pastor Scott’s absence. HOLY COMMUNION WILL BE SHARED ON SUNDAY, JAN. 11 January 2015 VOLUNTEERS GREETERS: 4 Justin & Jackie Stakston 11 Laura & Carissa Lee 18 Wes & Maureen Tabbert 25 Noreen Twite & Paula Paulus LITURGIST: 4 Rosie Gilman 11 Nancy Ernst 18 Darla Severtson 25 Sue Leathen USHERS: 4 Jim Darnell; Karen Hansen; Linda Betsinger; Bill Druliner 11 Wes & Maureen Tabbert Roger & Nancy Reader 18 Dick & Lyn Palm; Bill & Sue Leathen 25 Bill Druliner; Ted Lucksted; Laura Walters; Jim Darnell COFFEE HOUR HOSTESSES: 4 Nanette Harter; Lori Peterson 11 Ernst Family 18 Bean Family 25 Dick & Lyn Palm; Joyce Shanks COUNTERS: 4 Jill Ender; Jennifer Tiedeman 11 Terry Thomas; Kelly Ostrem 18 Laura Walters; Ken Kintzel 25 Sue Leathen; Maureen Tabbert OFFICE HOURS CHANGE FOR 2015!! On Fridays the office will close at noon, all other hours remain the same. If you would need something you can call 780-5599 at anytime. That number is also on the answering machine when you call the church!! Thanks—Rosie DEACONS CORNER Hospital Callers (January) Gundersen: Jayne Bissen Mayo Health System: Kathy & Jerry Runice Communion Preparers: January 11…………..Sally & Scott Kellicut Next Meeting: Combined Session/Deacon Meeting on Wednesday, January 14, with potluck starting at 6 p.m. TAX TIPS IRS regulations require that all contributions for 2014 be dated and/or postmarked by December 31, 2014. Any contributions received in the church office AFTER January 10, 2015 will be considered a donation for 2015. COFFEE HOUR SPONSORS: 4 NEED VOLUNTEER—$25 11 BIRTHDAY SUNDAY 18 NEED VOLUNTEER—$25 25 NEED VOLUNTEER—$25 If you have had an address change in 2014 please let the church office (781-5690) know so your Contribution Statement can be sent to the correct address. Ken Kintzel NPC Treasurer 2015 ANNUAL MEETING TRIBUNE SPONSORS: 4 Noreen Twite 11 NEED VOLUNTEER—$10 18 NEED VOLUNTEER—$10 25 NEED VOLUNTEER—$10 COMMUNION SERVERS: 11 Bill Druliner; Cindy Adams; Jim Darnell; Ken Kintzel NOTICE: Just a note to inform you that Holy Communion will be postponed to Sunday, January 11 due to Pastor Scott’s vacation to Texas. Our Annual Meeting will be held Sunday, January 25th right after the 10:00 a.m. service. Please plan on attending as all the churches finances are reviewed. ORDINATION AND INSTALLATION The ordination/Installation service will be held Sunday, January 11, at the 10 a.m. Worship Service. Please join us as we welcome: New Elders: Peter Kennedy; Heather Church; Dave Schroeder New Deacons: Bev Ryan; Nanette Harter; Deb Harmening FAMILY OPEN SKATE WHERE: Omni Center WHEN: Sunday, January25th TIME: 5—8 p.m. COST: $2/per person $2/skate rental Hot chocolate provided!! Sign—Up sheet in Narthex HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH High School Youth will be meeting Wednesday, January 7 6—7 p.m. Pizza to be enjoyed!! 2015—MOBILE MEALS Mobile Meals of La Crosse are in the process of changing routes for 2015. As of right now, North Presbyterian Church, will be notified in March of possible routes. As always I hope that you will help the less fortunate and be ready to deliver starting in March. THANKS!! 2015—MONDAY MEALS January 19th March 16th May 11th July 6th August 31st October 26th HAPPY BIRTHDAY January, 2015 1 Megan Wilhelm Patricia Walters 2 Bruner Hanabarger 3 Dave Molling 4 Patricia Ruetten Jeanne Christiansen Benji Zimmer 5 Helen Herlitzka Annie Mach 6 Karen Smith Nanette Harter 7 Tim Schulz 8 Linda Betsinger Lori Bolden Rae Daffinson Brian Mansky Cody Feehan Maureen Colburn 9 Lisa Plumer Arch Harris 10 Beverly Bice . 11 John Crayton Lloyd Kennedy, Jr. 12 Joseph Farmer Gretchen Burns 14 Bob Patros 15 Emma Gamoke 16 Emma Sierp 17 Jeffrey Lubinsky 18 Jane Blank 19 Betty Macha 20 Curtis Kang Don Wilhelm Megan Jurgensen 23 Mason Zimmer Evy Milner 26 Andrew Peterson 27 Brandon Hanabarger Donald Meyer 30 Suzy Zenker Leona Paisley THANK YOU!! The Women’s Fellowship Group would like to thank all the members for their generosity in giving money and supplies towards our Samaritans' Purse Shoe box gifts. We were very happy to send out 73 boxes. You are all a people of warm hearts and God’s love. THANK YOU! On behalf of Debby, Ben, Annie and I—we would like to thank all of you for your very generous Christmas gift this year. Your generosity is overwhelming and so much appreciated. Thanks again for all you do for us. Pastor Scott, Debby, Ben and Annie 2015—FUN BUNCH Fun Bunch is an adult fellowship group that meets once a month (DAYS WILL VARY) for a noon meal. Fun Bunch is just what its title describes, we are a fun bunch of people sitting around a table enjoying each others company while enjoying a meal usually prepared by Pastor Scott and staff, and all guests bring a dish to share. The First Fun Bunch for 2015 will be: Tuesday, January 27………………….Soup The remainder of the 2015 schedule will be in February’s Newsletter!! Please join us—the more the merrier!!! EXPLANATION OF YOUR GIVING ENVELOPES 2015 NPC SESSION Jill Ender………………………………….799-2867 Ken Kintzel……………………………….783-3881 Brenda Feehan……………………………317-8103 Peter Kennedy…………………………….797-4180 Dave Schroeder…………………………..792-1283 Heather Church…………………………...783-0347 Steve Zielke………. ……………………..519-1881 Brian Akey….…………………………….786-2019 Laura Lee…...…………………………….792-0594 ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING: The first offering collected in 2015 will be the One Great Hour of Sharing, which is currently using donations to respond to the Ebola epidemic and human trafficking. COLLECTED IN APRIL, 2015 BIRTHDAY OFFERING: Birthday Offering is a PW (Presbyterian Women) offering collected in the spring of each year to celebrate the blessings in the lives of Presbyterian Women. The offering funds up to five projects that are not included in ongoing General Assembly mission support, such as agricultural development, child care, community organization, criminal justice, drug counseling, economic justice, elderly care, employment training, homelessness, literacy, violence and women’s concerns. COLLECTED IN MAY, 2015. THANK OFFERING: The offering funds projects such as agricultural development, child care, community organization, criminal justice, drug counseling, economic justice, elderly care, employment training, homelessness, literacy, violence and women’s concerns. At least 40 percent of this offering supports health ministries throughout the world. The remaining 60 percent funds new creative ideas for mission. COLLECTED IN JUNE, 2015 CHRISTMAS JOY OFFERING: The Christmas Joy Offering provides 2015 NPC DEACONS financial assistance to individuals and families that have dedicated their lives to the church, and supports education and leadership development for students attending Presbyterian – related schools and colleges. COLLECTED IN DECEMBER, 2015 INITIAL OFFERING ENVELOPE: This helps to defray the cost of your Joan Zielke …………………….519-1881 giving envelopes. COLLECTED ANYTIME OF THE YEAR Jayne Bissen……………………784-3252 PER CAPITA APPORTIONMENT: “Per Capita is an opportunity for all Jeff Alexander………………… (507) 450-0426 communicant members of the Presbyterian church through the governing bodies to participate equally, responsibly, and interdependently by sharing the cost of coordination and evaluation of mission: and of performing ecclesiastical, legislative, and judicial functions that identify a Reformed Church, while at the same time strengthening the sense of community among all Presbyterians” (GA Minutes, Part I, 1995). COLLECTED THROUGHOUT THE YEAR The Per Capita amount for North Presbyterian members for 2015 is $28 Bev Ryan………………………..(612) 964-7828 Nanette Harter …………………780-5297 Sharon Sugg…………………….786-4000 Kelly Ostrem…………………...786-1293 Scott & Sally Kellicut………….792-1151 Jerry & Kathy Runice ………….783-4214 Helen Herlitzka…………………782-4479 “Members” includes everyone who has been confirmed as an “Active Member” Your remaining envelopes— Weekly Sunday Envelopes Building Fund—helps defray costs for heat, lights etc. January 2015 Sun 4 11 5 Ordination & Installation of Elders & Deacons 18 25 Mon Church Annual Meeting (after 10 a.m. service) 12 Blood Drive Noon—5 Tue Wed 6 7 13 14 19 Monday Meals 20 26 27 Fun Bunch Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 9 10 16 17 Office Closed 8 Session & 15 Women’s Deacon Pot Luck 6 p.m. Fellowship Meeting 1p.m. 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31
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