Newsletter - Catholic Charismatic Renewal

n Mathew’s gospel (Ch. 5) Jesus teaches us in the
Sermon on the Mount who is blessed in the Kingdom
of God. He then tells us about the responsibility of
those who are blessed:
One of the more serious problems in the world today
is religious communalism, that is, people’s
preoccupation with the interests of their own religious
or ethnic groups. Shining a light to others means
bearing fruit in our life, bringing life and light to
others. It is about our deeds in society.
You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has lost its taste,
with what can it be seasoned? It is no longer good for anything
While this call to be salt and light can be
but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light
and easy enough to set aside, we must
of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden nor do they
remember that God does the
light a lamp and then put it under a
heavy work; we are to show up
bushel basket; it is set on a
and seek his will in our daily lives.
The Christian is to be the salt
lampstand where it gives light to all
We must also remember that
in the house. Just so, your light must
alone the work of the Christian is
shine before others, that they may see
overwhelming, but throw all of
your good deeds and glorify your
quality of life for everyone by
our good deeds and actions
heavenly Father (Mt. 5:13-16).
upholding good values,
together in a salt shaker or a beam
When Jesus called his
of light, and a cascade begins to
working for reconciliation and
disciples to be the salt of the
flow over the earth.
earth, He was showing them
peace, and praying for the
Together we make a difference
how valuable they were. Salt
was highly valued in the ancient
According to a reflection
world and was even considered
written by prolife speaker and
divine by the Greeks. Salt performs two important
author, Dr. James I. Lamb, for centuries physicists
functions yet today: it is the most common of all
debated the nature of light. Two theories surfaced.
preservatives; it keeps things from spoiling, and it gives
The “corpuscular theory” maintained that light
taste and flavor to food. Food without salt is bland.
consisted of particles emitted from a light source. This
The Christian is to be the salt of society, flavoring
the quality of life for everyone by upholding good
values, working for reconciliation and peace, bringing
hope where there is none, spreading joy, and praying
for the nation so it thrives.
We are to preserve
cultural values and moral principles and flavor
common life with harmony, joy, friendship and love.
We are also called to be the light of the world. That
means we are called to be a light for those outside of
our comfortable Catholic and Christian communities.
explained some properties of light, but not all. The
“wave theory” stated that light emitted from its source
as waves. Again, this explained some properties of
light but not all. So, the debate continued. Did light
consist of particles or waves?
In the early 20th century, Albert Einstein answered
the question – “Yes!” He showed that light consists of
“particles,” little bundles of energy called “photons.”
However, when all these photons zip along together,
they behave as a wave.
Sometimes Christians can feel like a photon, a little
stop with passive restraint. We “photons” are called to
particle of light, and we wonder if we can possibly
action, to “expose” the works of darkness.
make a difference in the world of darkness and death.
Pope Francis said “The Charismatic Renewal is a
The Bible, however, never talks
great force meant to serve the
about a “child of light” only
preaching of the Gospel in the
“children of light.” When Jesus
We are Christian “photons”
joy of the Holy Spirit.”
said in Mathew 5:14, “You are the
that form a wave of light that
Please plan to attend our
light of the world,” “You” is
Teaching Conference
plural. When you and I shine in
can an does make a difference
and get concrete practical
the darkness, others shine with us.
teaching and inspiration on
We are Christian “photons” that
how to be that salt and light.
form a wave of light that can and
does make a difference in the darkness. We are called
(Note: Part of this article was paraphrased from an article by
to be more than “glow in the dark” children of light.
T.V. Philip posted on
We are to “walk as children of light” and take no part
in the “unfruitful works of darkness.” But it does not
By Deacon Dennis Chlebeck,
Archdiocesan Liaison to the
Catholic Charismatic Renewal
ire! The Lord is calling each of us to examine our
Identity as Catholic Charismatics. Who are we? We
should start with Jeremiah 20:7-9: You duped me, O Lord,
and I let myself be duped…I say to myself, I will not mention
him, I will speak in his name no more. But then it becomes like
a fire burning in my heart…I cannot endure it.”
The desire to proclaim the word of the Lord should
be a fire that cannot be contained. Our encounter with
God ought to lead to zeal as the Almighty pursues us.
He is a “consuming fire” which burns up every shred
of who we are, so that only He remains. This is exactly
what happened with many of the saints; they were
consumed by God and became mystics. Their passion
for the Lord was unmistakable! Can we say that about
ourselves? Can you say that you are a mystic?
Dr. Mark Nimo, a lay missionary from Chicago, who
was trained at the International Catholic Program of
Evangelization (I.C.P.E.) and has ministered in 33
countries including, as a missionary, in Uganda,
encouraged us at The National Leaders Conference in
Pittsburgh to be who we are called to be. Here is a
brief look at what he had to say:
Consider the Charisms of the Holy Spirit and know
that you are called to live out your vocation as someone
“on fire” for God. You are called to be a mystic, to have
encounters with Him who is Fire, and to totally
surrender yourself in obedience to His will. This is no
small thing but, in fact, is what you are called to do.
Catholic Charismatics ought to exemplify what it means
to follow Jesus.
You are called to be “Fire.” You are called to be a
“Mystic.” You are called to be a “Prophet.” This is so
that others around you recognize the Lord in their
midst. Catholic Charismatics and especially prayer group
leaders should ask themselves: Do I pray everyday? Do
I meditate daily on the Holy Scriptures? Do I attend
Mass as often as possible? Do I exercise the gifts of the
Holy Spirit every day? If not, why not?! We all know
what happens when we don’t exercise our spiritual gifts.
Our prayer meetings need to be on fire and the gifts
ought to be flourishing, even if we are tiny, especially
the gifts of tongues and prophecy. We must also
promote the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Of course it
starts with each one of us responding to the Holy Spirit
on a daily basis. We really need to expect the Lord to
move powerfully in every moment of our lives.
Let us beg God to ignite in us His burning desire for
the salvation of souls.
Praise Be Jesus Christ!
Cascade of Salt & Light
(MT 5:13-16)
The Holy Spirit enables us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world, a great
responsibility for disciples of Jesus Christ, who said:“Your light must shine before others,
that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Heavenly Father.”
Keynote Speaker: Bishop Lee Piché
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Epiphany Catholic Church
1900 111th Avenue NW
Coon Rapids, MN 55433
8:30 A.M. – 5:15 P.M.
Praise & Worship
Variety of Breakout Sessions, including:
 Baptism in the Holy Spirit – Deacon Mike Cullen
 How does Healing Happen – Fr. James Livingston
 Discerning the Charisms in Your Life – Fr. Greg Paffel
 Word Gifts: Prophecy, Knowledge and Wisdom – Pete Fastner
 Sharing Jesus with Others – Ross Feder
 Restoring the Church’s Memory (of Pentecost)
– Dcn. Mike Thoennes and Mary Hagar
 Plus, starting a prayer group, building community,
intercessory prayer, speaking in tongues, and more!
$30.00 (includes lunch on site)
Please pre-register online at
or by phone: 763-571-5314 (full and partial scholarships available)
Checks can be mailed to CCRO, 4714 Central Ave. NE, Minneapolis, MN 55421
U.S. Postage
Twin Cities, MN
Permit No. 2967
January 2 (Friday) FIRST FRIDAY WITH THE
FRANCISCANS, 7PM. 1289 LaFond Ave., St. Paul,
MN. Adoration, Franciscan Crown Rosary,
Compline and Benediction. Fellowship follows.
January 2 (Friday) COR JESU, Praise & Worship
Night at the St. Paul Seminary (St. Mary’s Chapel) 810pm, 2260 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, MN.
Information and directions: 651-962-5050.
January 6 (Tuesday) HEALING MASS at Church
of St. Peter, 2600 N. Margaret St., No. St. Paul.
Celebrant Fr. Jim Livingston. Rosary 7pm, Mass
7:30pm. Call Peter 651-353-4311.
January 10 (Saturday) LIFELINE, NET Center,
110 Crusader Ave., West St. Paul. 6-9:30pm, band,
speaker, Mass, featuring Fr. Brian Park. Breakout
sessions for girls and boys. Call 651-450-4311.
January 20 (Tuesday) HEALING MASS at St.
Patrick’s Church, 1500 Vine Street, Hudson, WI.
6pm. Call 715-381-5120.
Companions in the Heart of Jesus
Mini-Retreat for Women
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Church of St. Paul
1740 Bunker Lake Blvd. NE, Ham Lake
8am Mass (optional)
8:30-11:30: refreshments, praise & worship, speaker,
Kay Mori, Surrendering through Journaling
No registration or fee required.
Childcare provided but must be reserved.
7-9pm University of St. Thomas, Owens Science Hall,
Room 150 (the 3M Auditorium).
January 16 and 23
April 17 and 24
February 20 and 27
May 15
March 20 and 27
Call 651-962-8929 for more information.