HULL SAFEGUARDING ADULTS PARTNERSHIP BOARD MEETING Brunswick House, Hull 7 May 2014 Present GP SC AB BK AC SS NHR KR AK WB AS MC DB HL BB CL Gill Poole Steve Clay Alison Barker Ben Kelly Aidan Clarke Sarah Smyth Nick Hamilton-Rudd Kate Rudston Allyson Kent Wendy Bennett Andrew Stow Mark Charlton Dave Barnett Helen Laws Bruce Bradshaw Charmaine Lovell Independent Chair Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board Hull City Council - Adult Services Humberside Fire & Rescue Service Humberside Police (CMB-PVPU) Hull Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) Humberside Probation Service Hull & East Yorkshire Hospitals Trust Humber NHS Foundation Trust ERVAS HICA ( Independent Provider representative) CitySafe and Early Intervention Hull CC Housing Lay member NHS England Safeguarding Adults Partnership Board (minutes) Apologies Lynda Whincup Tracy Harsley Neil Colthup Angie Mason Zena Robertson Vicki Paddison Ann Buckler Angela Tew Steve Topham Ian Ware Kate Munson Hull City Health Care Partnership CitySafe and Early Intervention Hull Safeguarding Children Board Humber NHS Foundation Trust NHS England Hull City Council – Hull DAP Independent Provider Representative (Disabilities Trust) CQC Humberside Fire and Rescue Service Director HPT, NE Lincs Humberside Probation Trust 1. Chair welcomed everyone and introductions were made by all present. 1 2. Minutes and Matters Arising • Board Finance SC advised members that financing for 2014/15 had been secured on the basis of funding from HFRS (contribution for 2 days for Ros Smith, the Board’s Training Officer); assurance received from Ch Supt Scott Young regarding funding continued from Humberside Police, and CCG funding with additional contribution of £5,000 to support joint training and similar activity in the coming year, particularly around MCA\DoLs. AB raised the issue of how the Board will prepare with respect to the forthcoming Care Bill and any requirements and statutory commitments arising from this. GP advised that this will be on the agenda on the Board Development Day. • Page 6 Competence and Workforce KR requested an amendment to the wording in the minutes to read as follows. KR also supported the work and offered to share work done at HEY. Further work is underway regarding consent to treatment and documentation. KR referred to members’ decision to anonymise reports where appropriate; with reference to the record of HFRS’ summary in respect a recent fire death; the Chair requested the minutes be amended accordingly for publication on the Board’s website. Minutes dated 18 February have been duly amended. • Payment of Travel and Subsistence Expenses Following the last meeting members were asked to provide examples of Travel expense policies - none had been provided. DB advised that Housing have a Guidance document for payment of Expenses for Tenants Participation which may offer a solution and an auditable payment process. ACTION: DB • Board - Vice Chair The SAB previously appointed Keith Baulcombe; it was agreed that expressions of interest should be invited and then the appointment discussed by members. ACTION - members to advise expressions of interest. In respect of the previous meeting’s Action: for the purposes of the minutes it was to be recorded that it was agreed that the Terms of Reference, Chairing and vice chairing arrangements would be discussed at the Board Development Day. • Sector Led Improvement Agenda - Leadership in Safeguarding AB advised that once the current Performance Data has been validated and following the publication of a paper on Sector Led Improvements, she is to meet with the regional lead for further discussions regarding the SLI process and LA involvement. If a decision is made for Hull to engage in the process, AB will bring this back to the Board. ACTION: AB 2 • CCG – NHS Assurance on Safeguarding SS will review any action needing to be taken in respect of this item. Safeguarding assurance is submitted to the CCG Board by NHS Providers; this is available a public document which could be shared with the Board. SS to share with SC to see if it would be useful for the Board for assurance purposes. ACTION: SS/SC Page 9 - Humberside Probation Trust. Amendment to minutes on Transforming Rehabilitation: NHR advised members that the majority of staff currently performing Probation roles will transfer to new providers – Humberside assigned, and will be ready for 1 June 2014 (not 1 April 2014) No other matters were raised. 3. Strategic Action Plan and update (QuEST group) a. Governance and partnership • Board Development Day In preparation for the Board becoming statutory, members will begin to review the Board’s ToR, Constitution, Sub Groups etc. SC and GP have started work on a new draft Strategic Action Plan to cover the next three years; the current one ends in December 2014 with the majority of actions having been completed. b. Quality and Assurance • Performance Dashboard The purpose of the dashboard is to collate statistical data from agencies to provide a wider view of safeguarding across the city. Data initially provided from MASH, HFRS, CHCP, HPT and CCG. Eventually will need to have responses from all agencies, so as to analyse with a view to identifying trends, themes and interventions. Making any comparisons with other areas regionally or nationally is difficult as everyone records data differently; what some refer to as an alert is treated as a referral somewhere else; some use thresholds, others do not; what may be required is to look at a specific area eg repeat victims. Members concurred that clarity was needed on what data relevant to safeguarding was required from each agency. Members considered suitable data to be such as Pressure Ulcers; Slips, trips and falls; and those most vulnerable from fire. Identifying the most vulnerable in the community and having assurance we know how to protect them. It was agreed that this would be on the agenda for discussion in greater detail on the Board Development Day. • Multi-agency Audit KR will be chairing the workgroup examining cases taken from MASH database. It is hoped the review of cases will be able to measure the use of Advocacy and IMCAs; the processes and outcomes and whether the user voice was heard. 3 KR and AC are both involved in a similar ER group which has been running for about a year; and have experience in setting this up. The audits can take time to complete; the methodology will be to ‘dip sample’. The ToRs for this Group need to be drawn up, and KR will report back at the next Board. ACTION: KR c. Communications and Awareness • MJ Awards The Board’s submission on the MASH has been successful in getting through as a finalist in the Innovation in Social Care category.. SC, AB and Paul Bartle, the MASH Manager went before the judging panel on 8 April 2014. The Board’s new corporate design was a significant point in the judging. The Chair of the judging panel is keen to visit Hull and see the good work being done. The Awards Dinner is on 19 June – a table for 10 is available; GP, KR, AB, BK Angie Mason and Paul Bartle are attending, 4 places available to other members. • New Board website The new look website will be launched very shortly – it has a less cluttered look together with the Board’s corporate design, focussing on protection, not abuse. Thanks extended to CCG who funded the cost of the update. d. Personalisation and Prevention • Lasting Power of Attorney Champions SC reminded members that the Office of Public Guardian is keen to promote Lasting Power of Attorneys nationally and the OPG were looking for champion areas to promote this. Hull has agreed to take part. The training is free and takes about 2 hours and provides the necessary skills to assist anyone in applying for an LPA using the digital internet process. Members were asked for commitment to provide staff nominations for the training. KR advised that HEY would be nominating staff with non-clinical roles who would have least connection to the person involved, thus avoiding any possible conflicts of interest. SS suggested using existing resources such as Healthwatch; PALS teams, or Complaints officers; all of whom have staff who are already used to speaking to the public. Hull CC Customer Service Centre Advisors would also be suitable. An awareness raising campaign would also be needed - members were previously issued with promotional material from Leicester which can be used, replacing their logo for ours. Also suggested was the need for general staff awareness in order to signpost. ACTION: All Members e. Competence and Workforce • • Gateshead MCA Peer Challenge Cheshire West Deprivation of Liberty Ruling 4 A subgroup was set up to look at the findings from the Gateshead Review; but this has been followed up with the Cheshire West Deprivation of Liberty Ruling - Paul Bartle is delivering a series of briefings and SC will be doing an impact assessment. AB expressed concerns that increased pressure is being put on services to deal with safeguarding out of hours; and that consideration needed to be given to a more structured approach in delivering training for MCA/DoLs and Best Interests. KR also advised that hospitals were experiencing difficulties waiting for DoLs assessments which had resulted in delayed discharges, a situation that needed to be resolved. AB and KR are to arrange a meeting to discuss operational MCA/DoLs issues and support on a multi-agency basis. f. Policies, Learning from Experience and Information Sharing • Outcome Pilot SC advised members that Hull were taking part in the pilot which will look at achievements of outcomes predetermined by the person going through the safeguarding process. The pilot requires 20 people to be interviewed, Hull University and User groups are expected to assist in the interviewing process. The data from this pilot may provide qualitative feedback into the Multi-agency Audit and Dashboard data. 4. AOB • HEYHT KR advised that the CQC report on the recent inspection had been published on 7 May 2014 – and was pleased to announce that they were found compliant on safeguarding. • Humberside Probation Trust NHR advised that staff will transfer from 1 June 2014 to the new National Probation Service (civil servants) and Community Rehabilitation Company (CRC). Kate Munson will be Asst Director for Hull and East Riding; NHR will be Asst Director for N and NE Lincs. Ian ware will be Director for CRC. There will be dual attendance at future Board meetings; each representing different areas of work. • CCG SS advised that short-listing had been completed and interviews will be taking place during w/c 12 May to backfill Hayley Crawley’s post. • Humberside Police AC advised members regarding current force wide changes within the police. There was now a Directorate of Protection Unit; dealing with safeguarding children and adults; hate crime; domestic violence etc. The force will present a corporate approach instead of a divisional one; with new ‘Commander and Community Platform’ models being brought into force. 5 It is possible that attendance at Board meetings will rotate between AC and DCI Kay Durrant, although decisions are still to be made within the CMB Protecting Vulnerable People Unit. • Hull Dementia Academy SC asked members to consider membership of the HAD which tries to influence and improve the lives of those suffering from dementia. Members agreed to this proposal and an application and action plan will need to be put together. ACTION: SC GP thanked members for attending and the meeting was ended. Future Board meeting dates -all at Brunswick House, CR1 11.00-1.00 unless otherwise stated. Tues 12 August 2014 – next meeting Tues 4 November 2014 Tues 27 January 2015 6
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