GOVERNING BODY LEAD: Chair ATTACHMENT: ACTION: For Information N1 MINUTES OF THE INTEGRATED GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE HELD ON Tuesday 13th May 2014 in the KCAS Meeting Room, Hollyfield House PRESENT: Phil Moore Dr Naz Jivani Tonia Michaelides Jill Pearse Christine Robjohn Kathryn Yates Christine Jones Caroline Tasker Brian Roberts Julia Gosden Naeem Iqbal David Knowles David Smith Dr Junaid Syed Jonathan Hildebrand Laura Jackson Hardev Virdee Chair Governing Body GP Chief Operating Officer Head of Business and Governance Designated Nurse Children and LAT Governing Body Nurse Member Safeguarding Adults and MCA QIPP Referral Management Information and Performance manager Head of Commissioning Out of Hospital Services Board Member / Caldicott Guardian Lay Member Chief Officer Governing Body GP Director of Public Health Quality Manager Chief Financial Officer IN ATTENDANCE: Gurvinder Chana Governance Coordinator APOLOGIES: Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Secondary Care Specialist Adult Safeguarding RBK Governing Body GP 1. Julia Billington Mike Chester Jo Carmody Dr Pete Smith WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS: Those present were welcomed to the meeting by the Chair. Version: Draft Date: 24 06 14 N1 - 1 2. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING The minutes of the last meeting were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting. 3. ACTION LOG – Matters Arising The open actions were discussed: Equality and Diversity – JP updated the committee on the advertisement of the Equality Lead post; the interviews are scheduled for 30th May 2014. 4. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS Sub-group leaders presented committee reports, the highlights of which are outlined below: 4.1 Safeguarding Adults CJ presented the report in JC’s absence. The three areas of concern were discussed; tracking the training progress for Kingston’s SAPB annual report, safeguarding adults’ standard clauses for inclusion in local commissioning contracts and the request for CCG support encouraging local doctors to seek section approval with a specialism in DoLs. JG and TM confirmed that the standard clauses for safeguarding adults are in the NHS contract. JG to confirm this with YHC and feedback to JC directly. NJ suggested that an email link with all the education and training with the comparators is sent to Jo Dandridge who can further circulate this out to Practice Managers and Practices for training completion. CR suggested liaising with Kenny Gibson from NHS England to get further support in how to engage GP’s with training and education. CR to send details for Kenny Gibson to CJ / JC. 4.2 Urgent Care There were no patient safety concerns or risks identified in the Urgent Care assurance statement. 4.3 IGSG The IGSG has not met since the last IGC, therefore there were no updates to note. 4.4 Medicines Management There were questions around the assurance statement regarding the -4% underspend of the prescribing budget. TM confirmed that the data from LMC for February / March indicated that we had actually overspent. It was recommended that the Medicines Management budget is kept separate from the YHC budget. The ToR for the Medicines Management committee were approved. There were concerns around the high prescribing budget for Gosbury Hill Practice which needs further clarification. Seema Buckley to: provide clarity around the agreed budgets for practices for next year provide more narrative / information on the budget report provide clarification on the -4% underspend Version: Draft Date: 24 06 14 N1 - 2 liaise with HV regarding budgets and finances for Medicines Management provide clarity around the high prescribing budget for Gosbury Hill Practice 4.5 Informatics and IT Steering BR provided an update on Risk Stratification. The CSU has indicated they need to do a further piece of work to restrict the information before it can be sent through to the data processor (United Health). A new go live date of 31.05.2014 has been proposed. DS and TM highlighted their concerns regarding the delays in Risk Stratification and this has now been escalated to the CSU. 4.6 Equality and Diversity The post for the Equality Lead has been advertised with a closing date of 14.05.2014 and interviews are scheduled to take place on 30.05.2014. 4.7 Finance Committee HV provided a brief summary on the current financial position of the CCG. He explained that the CCG is in a good position and are on track. The CCG reports a forecast of £2.04m surplus for the year, which is in line with the financial plan. QIPP is also reporting a full year achievement. The first CCG account for this year will be submitted on 1st June. It was also noted that the property charges have been agreed with NHS Property Services, removing the risk relating to double charges for properties. 4.8 SWL & StG CQRG The report was noted with no further comments. 4.9 KHFT CQRG LJ highlighted the key areas of concern following the KHFT CQRG; 6 week breaches, 6 week diagnostics, A&E target, pressure ulcers and the peer review visit by NHSE regarding Paediatric Diabetes Service (PDS). It was reported that following the peer review visit, 4 serious concerns were raised and this needs to be addressed within each teams’ work programme for the coming year. JH raised some concerns regarding Kingston Hospital following an email he had been copied into regarding Maternity Services. It was suggested that JH passes this email onto NJ so the matters can be picked up directly with KHT. JH to send email to NJ regarding concerns of Maternity Services at KHT. 4.10 YHC CQRG The final 2013/14 Q4 report was presented at the April 2014 YHC Review Meeting. JG explained that Quality performance and patient safety will continue to be monitored within the monthly provider review meetings and assurance will be provided to commissioners through the 2014/15 quarterly Quality reports. 4.11 Local safeguarding Children Board CR provided an update on the position of the Serious Case Reviews (SCR). The Domestic Homicide Review report has been circulated for comments and will be Version: Draft Date: 24 06 14 N1 - 3 published following review after 19th May 2014. The Surrey SCR has been signed off and submitted to Surrey SCR panel in March 2014 and the Greenwich SCR is waiting a trial date for criminal proceedings. Areas of concern are still around the unannounced visit from CQC and Ofsted and outstanding parts of the action plans. 4.12 Primary Care Quality and Development There were no updates provided for this subcommittee. 4.13 Patient Experience and engagement group The report was noted with no further comments. 5. INTEGRATED PERFORMANCE REPORT BR presented the performance report highlighting the key areas of concern: - 2 MRSA breaches in March reported by Kingston Hospital being investigated - Diagnostic waits within 6 weeks – KCCG has failed to achieve the 6 week diagnostic target in March 2014 - VTE – action plans are in place to record the VTE assessments on the Trust clinical system; however there is no assurance - A&E targets Ambulatory care, Mental Health, IAPT and QIPP on the other hand have overall delivered and are continuing to improve over time. 6. CORPORATE OBJECTIVES - RISK REGISTER/BOARD ASSURANCE FRAMEWORK Following on from the Governing Body seminar held on 29th April 2014 JP provided a comprehensive breakdown of the proposed corporate objectives with the associated risks for each objective to reflect NHS England assurance domains. The objectives and the new reporting template for the Assurance Framework were accepted by the IGC. The proposed changes in regards to the risk register were accepted with the following changes: Risk 608 – over activity in acute services; can be closed pending sign off of annual accounts Risk 613 – Surbiton Health Centre is not fully operational yet; therefore keep risk on register The IGC also proposed a new risk which should be added onto the risk register: ‘External influences - unilateral decision that external bodies (e.g. NHSE) make having an impact on the CCG’s ability to deliver.’ JP to update risk register with proposed changes for next meeting. 7. SOUTH LONDON IFR POLICY The IGC approved the South London IFR policy and proposed that Helen Raisin should be the IFR Lead for the CCG. 8. KCAS REVIEW CT was invited to the IGC meeting to present her findings following the KCAS Referral Management review. It was reported that there are a number of challenges that key people are experiencing with the current referral management system. It was proposed that some of the current KCAS funds are used to create a suite of support services to assist GPs with making informed outpatient referral decisions. There were discussions Version: Draft Date: 24 06 14 N1 - 4 around what it is the GPs need and how they will be supported going forward. The IGC agreed that this will be a positive investment in primary care and approved option 2 and 3 ensuring that the practices are engaged throughout the process. 9. IGC REVISED TERMS OF REFERENCE AND WORK PLAN The revised ToR were agreed pending the following actions: Naeem Iqbal to be added to the Membership as KCCG Caldicott Guardian Simon Pearse to be added to the Membership There were discussions around the work plan for 2014/15 and it was suggested that there needs to be more patient engagement and patient experience narrative as part of our data reporting. JP to update ToR and circulate to IGC for sign off. 10. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PLAN JP presented the sustainable development plan and explained that this was identified as a gap when completing the annual Governance Statement. The plan is in draft format and is taken from a template from Healthcare Organisations and CCG’s. It was agreed that members of the IGC will provide feedback to JP regarding the information on the plan via email, following which the updated version will be brought back to the next IGC for approval. All IGC members to provide feedback via email to JP regarding draft sustainable development plan. Updated plan to come back to next IGC meeting. 11. CONFLICTS OF INTERESTS POLICY The conflicts of interests policy was approved by the IGC pending the following comments: Section 7.3 – slight amendment suggested by Pete Smith Page 16 (f) – to include social care as well TM to liaise with PS and DK for further peer review and comments before policy is taken to next Governing Body for sign off. 12. Any Other Business JH mentioned that there are a number of clinical services that Public Health jointly commission with the CCG and Local Authority and suggested bringing a brief summary report of these services to future IGC meetings for information and updates. This was agreed by the committee. JH to provide summary report on Substance Misuse, Sexual Health and School Health to future IGC meetings. 13. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Tuesday 10th June 2014 2.30pm – 4.30pm Conference Room, Guildhall 1, Third Floor Version: Draft Date: 24 06 14 N1 - 5
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