Minutes of the NHS North Kirklees CCG Governing Body Meeting held on Wednesday 7th May 2014, 9am – 12pm Batley Town Hall Present: David Kelly (DK) Chris Dowse (CD) Andrew Cameron (AC) Kath Greaves (KG) Julie Elliott (JE) Khalid Naeem (KN) Chair Chief Officer GP Member Practice Nurse Member Quality, Performance & Finance Lay Member Chief Finance Officer Registered Nurse Member Practice Manager Member GP Member GP Member Patient and Public Engagement Lay Member GP Member Alison O’Sullivan (AO’s) Tony Gerrard (TG) Adnan Jabbar (AJ) Matt Shepherd (MS) Kirklees Council Member Audit Lay Member GP Associate Secondary Care Consultant member Steve Brennan (SB) Joanne Crewe (JC) Rachael Kilburn (RK) Yasar Mahmood (YM) Nadeem Ghafoor (NG) Kiran Bali (KB) In-attendance; Helen Severns (HS) Deborah Turner (DT) Pam Vaines (PV) Head of Transformation Head of Quality and Safety & Chief Nurse Designated Professional Safeguarding Adults Continuing Health Care Programme Manager Head of Communications and Engagement Associate Governance and Risk Apologies: Jackie Holdich (JH) Judith Hooper (JHo) Head of Primary Care Public Health member Claire Robinson (CR) Kelly Glover (KGl) Martin Carter (MC) Minutes: Natasha Brown (NB) NKCCGGB/14/077 Corporate Governance Administrator Introductions The Chair opened the meeting by welcoming all those in attendance. It was highlighted that this was a meeting in Public not a Public Meeting and questions could be raised by members of the public and will be answered accordingly as indicated on the agenda. The Governing Body (GB) Members introduced themselves. The GB welcomed MS who has recently joined the GB and is a Consultant at Harrogate Foundation Trust. MS has joined the GB as the Secondary Care Consultant. NKCCGGB/14/078 Declarations of Interest TG declared an interest as a Lay Members for GHCCG. All GPs and RK declared an interest in agenda item: NKCCGGB/14/092 - Urgent Care Transformation. NKCCGGB/14/079 Unconfirmed Minutes of NHS North Kirklees CCG Governing Body Meeting, held on 2nd April 2014 The minutes were AGREED as a true and accurate record with noted amendments. NKCCGGB/14/080 Live Action Sheets It was NOTED that all actions from the meeting held on 2nd April 2014, were now complete. NKCCGGB/14/081 Matters Arising No further matters were received for discussion. Question from the Public Please refer to appendix 1. NKCCGGB/14/082 Patient Story: Creative Minds DT introduced DTa who was in attendance to tell the GB about her story of her mental ill health, which she has had since she was 8 years old, and her experience of receiving care. DTa has been a service user for many years and has both positive and negative experience of care throughout her journey through the services. DTa said that her experience in A&E was atrocious as health care professionals treated her with no respect. She said that the services have now improved and had seen signs that compassionate nursing care is now being delivered in Mental Health services. DTa is very passionate about the services for Mental Health patients and has shadowed the CEO from SWYPFT. The trust has embraced the feedback from DTa and she is now is now treated as a part of the improvement team and not just a patient. DTa has already seen a huge improvement in the services. DTa participated in SWYPFT Creative Minds project which provided opportunities for her to develop her artistic and abilities and through that to create strength and ability to take control of her own life. She said that this was a life changing experience. A video was presented to the GB to give an overview of what Creative Minds offers to patients with a mental illness. DTa was on 21 tablets per day. She is now on no medication which indicates a huge and positive difference in the client and delivers a saving to the NHS of £1,000 per year. DT linked this patient story to the Urgent Care Transformation agenda item. The GB NOTED that NKCCG are working closely with SWYPFT to improve patient pathways. DT thanked DTa for her time to tell the GB her powerful story. AC introduced himself and advised that he is the clinical lead for Mental Health and advised that this topic is very high on the CCG’s agenda, to ensure pathways are improved for Mental Health patients. It was suggested that the video could be uploaded into waiting rooms within GP Practices in North Kirklees to inform patients and families. ACTION - DT to discuss with DTa regarding the video being uploaded in GP practice waiting rooms to raise the awareness of Mental Health and promote the Creative Mind Service. All information on Creative Minds can be accessed via the website. NKCCGGB/14/083 Quality and Safety Report DT presented the Quality and Safety Report which was presented and discussed in full at the Quality, Finance and Performance Committee (QFPC). Mortality Surveillance Pack - Standardised Hospital Mortality Index (SHMI) Overall, MYHT is 5% lower than national average given the patient mix case. MYHT - MRSA There have been a total of 7 reported MRSA cases. This is one less than the trajectory. MYHT staff sickness rates Staff Sickness Rates at MYHT was reported as 4.42% year to date. This is higher than the period target being 4%. DT advised that this has been discussed and evidence shows that this is not impacting on the quality of care that is being delivered. Locala Serious Incidents - Pressure Ulcers The GB NOTED that there have been 98 pressure ulcers reported year to date, however, 50% of the reported cases were deemed to have occurred elsewhere, such as Care Homes. The plan for the Tissue Viability Nurse has yet to be confirmed, however, conversations are on-going with the Local Authority to be involved in contract meetings to look into care plans for patients. DT advised that she will update the GB on any progress. CQUIN A question was raised regarding the CQUINs being reported as amber. DT advised that she was waiting for further information and confirmed that she would discuss this with JCr outside the meeting once the information has been confirmed. ACTION – DT and JCr to discuss the CQUIN areas that are showing as Amber outside the meeting. The GB: RECEIVED and NOTED the Quality and Safety information and activity. NKCCGGB/14/084 Safeguarding Adult Report YM presented the Safeguarding Adult Report and advised that this is the first report for NKCCG. The report was very comprehensive and highlighted some of the achievements over the last 12 months. The report provided assurance that NKCCG are fulfilling its responsibilities in regards to Safeguarding Adults, providing an overview of the Safeguarding adults work and activity from April 2013 to March 2014. CR advised that NKCCG have a clear work plan and are working closely with the providers and key partners. CR emphasised the importance of the Safeguarding Mandatory Training. A bespoke training session will be arranged for GB members; however the date has yet to be confirmed. CR requested that GB members attend the training session if they have not yet undertaken their mandatory training. The GB thanked CR for her hard work and commitment and acknowledged the dedication from the Adult Safeguarding Board going forward. The GB: RECEIVED and NOTED the Safeguarding Adult Annual Report NKCCGGB/14/085 Chairs Report DK presented the Chairs Report. GB Vacancies There are currently 2 GP GB Member vacancies. Interviews were taking place in the next couple of weeks. There have been 2 applicants so far. Making Change Happen Manifesto DK attended a conference with NHS Clinical Commissioning and presented the Manifesto. All members were asked to take this document away and read through the content. Office Move for NKCCG NKCCG will be moving to Empire House, Dewsbury on 8th and 9th May 2014. This is to ensure the CCG’s HQ is in the heart of North Kirklees. NKCCGGB/14/086 Chief Officer Report CD presented the Chief Officer report. MC has been working to update and improve the NKCCG’s website and advised that the Intranet would be tackled next. The GB NOTED that Siobhan Jones has been appointed as Head of Communications and Engagement and will be joining NKCCG as of 12th May 2014. The GB: NOTED the Chief Officer report NKCCGGB/14/087 Finance and Contracting Report SB provided the GB with a verbal update on the latest finance and contracting position. Financial Position - 2013/14 The draft annual accounts have been submitted and will be presented to the Audit Committee later today. Financial Position - 2014/15 SB advised that forecast for 2014/2015 will be presented at the next GB meeting. The GB: NOTED the Finance and Contract position. NKCCGGB/14/088 Monthly Performance Report SB presented the Monthly Performance Report which had been discussed in detail at QPFC. The GB NOTED that the report covers the period of February 2014. It has been NOTED that an investigation is taking place regarding MYHT’s 18 week waiting times position and the links to the implementation of the new PAS system. The GB: NOTED North Kirklees CCG performance against the key outcomes and measures for 2013/2014 CCG Q4 Assurance Framework Self Certification As part of the new annual CCG assurance framework process, a quarterly checkpoint procedure requires the CCG to complete the UNIFY2 self-certification template which captures information on: Quality of Care Progress against the CCG’s chosen local Quality Premiums Finance SB advised that the Self Certification must be approved by the CCG’s GB. Owing to the timeline of notification and the date of formal submission, the CCG Delegation of Authority Function was initiated by the CCG Performance Manager, GB Approval was delegated to the CCG Chair, Accountable Officer and Chief Finance Officer. The GB: NOTED the content of the NHS England CCG Assurance Framework Q4 Self Certification Template APPROVED the delegation of Authority function being applied in this instance NKCCGGB/14/090 Delegation of approval of Annual report and Account to Audit Committee SB advised that there has been a slight change to ensure the annual report and annual accounts link together. The Audit Committee will be reviewing these documents to ensure they are consistent. The GB NOTED that in previous years, the annual report was published separately. This year, both documents will be published together. This is due to the timing of the audit work being undertaken. The GB NOTED that the timetable for submitting the Annual Report and Accounts are required to be received by the NHS England by no later than midday on Friday 6th June. This does not allow time for the GB to approve the Annual Report and Accounts prior to submission. The GB were asked to delegate Authority to the Audit Committee to approve the Annual Report and Accounts on behalf of NKCCG. The delegated authority is to remain in place until such a time the GB wishes to revoke it. The final version will be brought to the GB meeting in July 2014. It was NOTED that members of the GB are invited to attend the Audit Committee on 3rd June for the final approval. All GB members will be informed of the date, time and venue of the meeting via email. ACTION – NB to email all GB members informing them of the date, time and venue of the Extra Audit Committee Meeting to consider the APPROVAL for the Annual Report and Accounts on 3rd June 2014. It was confirmed that the Audit Committee are meeting today (7th May 2014) and in-depth discussions will take place. The final version of the reports will be taken to the Audit Committee on 3rd June 2014. The GB will receive the final version for information at the GB meeting in July 2014. ACTION – It was AGREED that the draft reports are to be circulated to the GB prior to the final report going to the Audit Committee on 3rd June 2014. GB members are then to send comments accordingly. The GB: AGREED the delegation of approval of Annual Report and Accounts to Audit Committee NKCCGGB/14/091 Continuing Health Care Policy KGl presented the Draft Continuing Health Care Policy and highlighted that Continuing Health Care is governed by a check list and a support tool. This policy states how packages of care are delivered for each individual, making sure all clinical risks are taken into account. It was NOTED that this has been discussed in detail at CSG and QPFC. The GB AGREED that due to the lack of clarity about which versions of the policy they were being asked to consider and the Quality Impact Assessment not being included in the papers, a decision on the Continuing Health Care Policy would be deferred to the next GB meeting. ACTION – The GB AGREED to defer the policy due to the incorrect version being included in the meeting papers. NKCCGGB/14/091 Final Draft – NKCCG 2 Year Integrated Delivery Plan 2014/15 – 2015/16 HS presented the 2 year Integrated Delivery Plan and advised that members of the public were asked for their input into the plan at the GB meeting held in March 2014. HS reminded the GB that as part of the planning round for 2014/15, NKCCG were required to submit the following information to NHS England on the 4th April 2014. Planning ambitions template and trajectories Finance plans Better Care Fund Template A 5 Year Strategy is also being worked on in partnership with GHCCG and Kirklees Council. The GB were asked to approve the 2 Year Integrated Delivery plan which was discussed in detail at QPFC. ACTION – HS to update the PPE Network on page 20 to state PRG Network. The GB congratulated Rachel Albutt for her hard work and dedication in writing the delivery plan. The delivery plan will be a public document and has been shared with the Area Team. It was NOTED that delivery plan will be monitored on a monthly basis by the Joint Transformation Team (JTT) to QPFC. The GB: APPROVED the NKCCG 2 Year Integrated Delivery Plan NKCCGGB/14/092 Urgent Care Transformational Plan HS presented the Urgent Care Transformation Plan and advised that the proposal for the reconfiguration of urgent care services within Dewsbury Hospital Emergency department is to provide a single point of access and improved 24/7 provision of primary care services. Improving the quality of services provided for patients is a key goal for the health and social care economy in North Kirklees. In support of this, key partners have recognised the need to make changes to the way in which care is commissioned to ensure the delivery of high quality integrated care. North Kirklees CCG has an active urgent care transformation programme that is seeking to develop an integrated approach to urgent and emergency care which involves changes to hospital, community primary and ambulance services. To progress the Urgent Care Transformational Plan, a specification has been developed to provide a primary care service at a single point of access which is fully integrated with the emergency department at Dewsbury and District Hospital. The specification is set out to deliver a service for both adults and children. It was NOTED that the Urgent Care Transformation Plan has been closely scrutinised at CSG and QPFC who recommend the GB to approve the Urgent Care Transformational Plan. HS advised that two walk in-centres are currently located in Dewsbury; School House Practice and a Walk-in Centre at DDH. The School House practice contract is due to come to an end. The Walk-in Centre at DDH will continue until 2015. MC added that an engagement process will be taking place and leaflets have been produced to highlight what the future service will look like and the benefits of the proposed model. The GB: Support the improved model for Dewsbury Hospital Emergency Department on a basis that it will provide 24/7 single point of access and a much improved service for patients and service users SUPPORT the decision of the CSG and QPFC not to renew the School House Practice Walk-in Centre service contract when the current contract expires. SUPPORT the decision of the CSG and QPFC not to renew the current contract of the nurse-led walk-in service provided at DDH NKCCGGB/14/093 Risk Register PV presented the Risk Register and advised that is has been discussed in detail at Senior Management Team (SMT) meetings and Governance and Corporate Affairs Committee. Assurance was given to the GB that all risks are reviewed on a regular basis within teams. It was NOTED that the risk register will come to the GB every quarter for discussion. It was suggested that the dates when reviews have taken place are included as a separate column on the Risk Register. ACTION – It was AGREED that dates of which reviews of each risk have taken place are included on the register. The GB: NOTED the Risk Register NKCCGGB/14/094 Minutes of the NHS North Kirklees CCG Quality, Performance and Finance Committee held on Wednesday 19th March 2014 Following discussion and questions, The GB RECEIVED and NOTED the minutes of the NHS North Kirklees CCG Quality, Performance and Finance Committee held on Wednesday 19th March 2014. NKCCGGB/14/095 Ratified Minutes of the Kirklees Health and Wellbeing Board held on 27th March 2014. The GB RECEIVED and NOTED the minutes of the Kirklees Health and Wellbeing Board, held on 27th March 2014. NKCCGGB/14/096 Any Urgent Business No urgent business was raised. NKCCGGB/14/097 Question from the Public Please refer to appendix 1. NKCCGGB/14/098 Date and Time of Next Meeting Wednesday 4th June 2014 Cleckheaton Town Hall 9.00am – 12.00pm This concluded the content of the Governing Body meeting and the Chair declared the meeting CLOSED at approximately 12.30pm Chairman’s Signature: Date: AGREED ACTIONS NHS North Kirklees Governing Body Wednesday 7th May 2014 9.00am – 12.00pm Agenda Item Lead Name Action NKCCGGB/14/082 Patient Story: Creative Minds DT DT to discuss with DTa regarding the video being uploaded in GP practice waiting rooms to raise the awareness of Mental Health and promote the Creative Mind Service. NKCCGGB/14/083 Quality and Safety Report DT/JCr DT and JCr to discuss the CQUIN areas that are showing as Amber outside the meeting. NKCCGGB/14/090 Delegation of approval of Annual report and Account to Audit Committee NB NB to email all GB members informing them of the date, time and venue of the Extra Audit Committee Meeting to consider the APPROVAL for the Annual Report and Accounts on 3rd June. SB It was AGREED that the draft reports are to be circulated to the GB prior to the final report going to the Audit Committee on 3rd June. GB members are then to send comments accordingly. NKCCGGB/14/091 Continuing Health Care Policy The GB AGREED to defer the policy due to the incorrect version not being included in the meeting papers. Comments Complete Complete and on the agenda for the 4th June 2014. NKCCGGB/14/091 Final Draft – NKCCG 2 Year Integrated Delivery Plan HS HS to update the PPE Network on page 320 to state PRG Network. NKCCGGB/14/093 Risk Register PV It was AGREED that dates of which reviews of each risk have taken place are included on the register.
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