IME 04-10859 - DESENV. E IMPLEMENTAÇÃO DE ALGORITMOS – 07/06/2014 Este caderno contém 13 páginas com a descrição de 10 problemas definidos a seguir: A – The Skyline Problem (Valladolid 105) B – Pipe (Valladolid 303) C – Convex Hull Finding (Valladolid 681) D – Boundary Poinats (Valladolid 1206) E – Chainsaw Massacre (Valladolid 10043) F – Useless Tile Packers (Valladolid 10065) G – The Closest Pair Problem (Valladolid 10245) H – The Great Divide (Valladolid 10256) I – Beautiful Points (Valladolid 10750) J – Convex Hull (Valladolid 11626) Desafios: K – Trash Removal (Valladolid 1111) L – Smallest Bounding Rectangle (Valladolid 10173) M – Sultan and Khairun Shundori(Valladolid 11612) N – Stick Makes Gold (Valladolid 11653) 1 Problema A (Valladolid 105) The Skyline Problem Background With the advent of high speed graphics workstations, CAD (computer-aided design) and other areas (CAM, VLSI design) have made increasingly effective use of computers. One of the problems with drawing images is the elimination of hidden lines -- lines obscured by other parts of a drawing. The Problem You are to design a program to assist an architect in drawing the skyline of a city given the locations of the buildings in the city. To make the problem tractable, all buildings are rectangular in shape and they share a common bottom (the city they are built in is very flat). The city is also viewed as two-dimensional. A building is specified by an ordered triple (Li, Hi, Ri) where Li and are left and right coordinates, respectively, of building i and Hi is the height of the building. In the diagram below buildings are shown on the left with triples (1,11,5), (2,6,7), (3,13,9), (12,7,16), (14,3,25), (19,18,22), (23,13,29), (24,4,28) the skyline, shown on the right, is represented by the sequence: (1, 11, 3, 13, 9, 0, 12, 7, 16, 3, 19, 18, 22, 3, 23, 13, 29, 0) The Input The input is a sequence of building triples. All coordinates of buildings are positive integers less than 10,000 and there will be at least one and at most 5,000 buildings in the input file. Each building triple is on a line by itself in the input file. All integers in a triple are separated by one or more spaces. The triples will be sorted by Li, the left x-coordinate of the building, so the building with the smallest left x-coordinate is first in the input file. The Output The output should consist of the vector that describes the skyline as shown in the example above. In the skyline vector(v1,v2,v3,…vn-2,vn-1,vn), the such that i is an even number represent a horizontal line (height). The vi such that i is an odd number represent a vertical line (x-coordinate). The skyline vector should represent the ``path'' taken, for example, by a bug starting at the minimum x-coordinate and traveling horizontally and vertically over all the lines that define the skyline. Thus the last entry in the skyline vector will be a 0. The coordinates must be separated by a blank space. Sample Input 1 11 5 2 6 7 3 13 9 12 7 16 14 3 25 19 18 22 23 13 29 24 4 28 Sample Output 1 11 3 13 9 0 12 7 16 3 19 18 22 3 23 13 29 0 2 Problema B (Valladolid 303) Pipe The GX Light Pipeline Company started to prepare bent pipes for the new transgalactic light pipeline. During the design phase of the new pipe shape the company ran into the problem of determining how far the light can reach inside each component of the pipe. Note that the material which the pipe is made from is not transparent and not light reflecting. Each pipe component consists of many straight pipes connected tightly together. For the programming purposes, the company developed the description of each component as a sequence of points [x1,y1],[x2,y2],...[xn,yn] , where x1 < x2 <...<xn. These are the upper points of the pipe contour. The bottom points of the pipe contour consist of points with y-coordinate decreased by 1. To each upper point [xi,yi] there is a corresponding bottom point [xi,yi-1] (see picture above). The company wants to find, for each pipe component, the point with maximal x-coordinate that the light will reach. The light is emitted by a segment source with endpoints [x1,y1-1] and [x1,y1] (endpoints are emitting light too). Assume that the light is not bent at the pipe bent points and the bent points do not stop the light beam. Input The input file contains several blocks each describing one pipe component. Each block starts with the number of bent points 2 ≤ n ≤ 20 on separate line. Each of the next n lines contains a pair of real values xi,yi separated by space. The last block is denoted with n = 0. Output The output file contains lines corresponding to blocks in input file. To each block in the input file there is one line in the output file. Each such line contains either a real value, written with precision of two decimal places, or the message Through all the pipe.. The real value is the desired maximal x-coordinate of the point where the light can reach from the source for corresponding pipe component. If this value equals to appear in the output file. , then the message Through all the pipe. will Sample Input 17 -16.55 0 4 0 1 2 2 4 1 6 4 6 0 1 2 -0.6 5 -4.45 7 -5.57 12 -10.8 Sample Output 4.67 Through all the pipe. 3 Problema C (Valladolid 681) Convex Hull Finding Given a single connected contour, which is either convex or non-convex (concave), use any algorithm to find its Convex Hull, i.e., the smallest convex contour enclosing the given shape. If the given contour is convex, then its convex hull is the original contour itself. The maximal size of the shape is 512 x 512, and the maximal number of the vertices of the shape is 512. Write a program to read the input data (the given shapes) from a disk file, implement your convex hull finding algorithm, and then output the shape data of the results to the standard output. Input The order of the vertices is counterclockwise in X-Y Cartesian Plane (if you consider the origin of the display window is on the upper-left corner, then the orientation of the vertices is clockwise), and none of the neighboring vertices are co-linear. Since all the shapes are closed contours, therefore, the last vertex should be identical to the first vertex. There are several sets of data within a given data file. The negative number -1 is used to separate the data set. Line Data in Number the File Explanation 1 K a positive integer showing how many sets of data in this file 2 N a positive integer showing the number of vertices for the shape 3 two positive integers for the first vertex (X1, Y1) 4 two positive integers for the next neighboring vertex (X2, Y2) ... two positive integers for the last vertex (XN, YN) N+2 N+3 -1 Delimiter N+4 M a positive integer showing the number of vertices for the next shape N+5 two positive integers for the first vertex ... Note: Please note that the Line Number, Data in the File and Explanation are not given in the file. They are shown here only to assist you in reading the data. Output Output the convex hull of all K input shapes to the standard output. The data format should be the same as the input file. In addition, the vertex with the smallest Y value should be the first point and if there are points with the same Y value, then the smallest X value within those points should be the first point. 4 Sample Input Sample Output 3 15 30 30 50 60 60 20 70 45 86 39 112 60 200 113 250 50 300 200 130 240 76 150 47 76 36 40 33 35 30 30 -1 12 50 60 60 20 70 45 100 70 125 90 200 113 250 140 180 170 105 140 79 140 60 85 50 60 -1 6 60 20 250 140 180 170 79 140 50 60 60 20 3 8 60 20 250 50 300 200 130 240 76 150 47 76 30 30 60 20 -1 6 60 20 250 140 180 170 79 140 50 60 60 20 -1 6 60 20 250 140 180 170 79 140 50 60 60 20 5 Problema D (Valladolid 1206) Boundary Points The convex hull of a set of points Q on a plane is the smallest convex polygon P for which each point in Q is in the boundary or inside P . ``The problem of finding convex hulls finds its practical applications in pattern recognition, image processing, statistics and geographic information systems or GIS. It also serves as a tool, a building block for a number of other computational-geometric algorithms. For example, consider the problem of finding the diameter of a set of points, which is the pair of points a maximum distance apart. The diameter will always be the distance between two points on the convex hull. For planar objects, i.e., lying in the plane, the convex hull may be easily visualized by imagining an elastic band stretched open to encompass the given objects; when released, it will assume the shape of the required convex hull. It may seem natural to generalise this picture to higher dimensions by imagining the objects enveloped in a sort of idealized unpressurized elastic membrane or balloon under tension. However, the equilibrium (minimum-energy) surface in this case may not be the convex hull-parts of the resulting surface may have negative curvature, like a saddle surface. For the case of points in 3-dimensional space, if a rigid wire is first placed between each pair of points, then the balloon will spring back under tension to take the form of the convex hull of the points." (from Wikipedia) Write a program that outputs the convex polygon P for a set of points Q. Input The set of points in Q are given in one line and the program should be able to read any number of lines where each line is one set of points in Q. Each point is of the format (x, y) where x, y R. Output Each test case will be displayed in one line of output. The first point and the last point of the convex hull must match. Any sequence of points defining the convex hull will be considered valid. Sample Input (-2,1) (-1,-2) (-1,1) (-1,2) (-1,3) (0,0) (1,-1) (1,1) (2,-2) (2,1) (3,2) Sample Output (-1,-2) (2,-2) (3,2) (-1,3) (-2, 1) (-1,-2) 6 Problema E (Valladolid 10043) Chainsaw Massacre Background As every year the Canadian Lumberjack Society has just held its annual woodcutting competition and the national forests between Montreal and Vancouver are devastated. Now for the social part! In order to lay out an adequate dance floor for the evening party the organizing committee is looking for a large rectangular area without trees. Naturally, all lumberjacks are already drunk and nobody wants to take the risk of having any of them operate a chainsaw. The Problem The organizing committee has asked you to find the largest yet free rectangle which could serve as the dance floor. The area in which you should search is also rectangular and the dance floor must be entirely located in that area. Its sides should be parallel to the borders of the area. It is allowed that the dance floor is located at the borders of the area and also that trees grow on the borders of the dance floor. What is the maximum size of the dance floor? The Input The first line of the input specifies the number of scenarios. For each scenario, the first line provides the length l and width w of the area in meters ( 0 < l, w ≤ 10000 , both integers). Each of the following lines describes either a single tree, or a line of trees according to one of the following formats: • 1 x y, where the ``one'' characterizes a single tree, and x and y provide its coordinates in meters with respect to the upper left corner. • k x y dx dy, where k>1 provides the number of trees in a line with coordinates (x,y),(x+dx,y+dy),...,(x+(k-1)dx,y+(k-1)dy). • 0 denotes the end of the scenario. The coordinates x, y, dx, and dy are given as integers. It is guaranteed that all the trees are situated in the area, i.e. have coordinates in [0,l] x [0,w] . There will be at most 1000 trees. The Output For each scenario print a line containing the maximum size of the dance floor measured in square meters. Sample Input 2 2 3 0 10 10 2 1 1 8 0 2 1 9 8 0 0 Sample Output 6 80 7 Problema F (Valladolid 10065) Useless Tile Packers Yes, as you have apprehended the Useless Tile Packers (UTP) pack tiles. The tiles are of uniform thickness and have simple polygonal shape. For each tile a container is custom-built. The floor of the container is a convex polygon and under this constraint it has the minimum possible space inside to hold the tile it is built for. But this strategy leads to wasted space inside the container. The UTP authorities are interested to know the percentage of wasted space for a given tile. Input The input file consists of several data blocks. Each data block describes one tile. The first line of a data block contains an integer N (3 <= N <= 100) indicating the number of corner points of the tile. Each of the next N lines contains two integers giving the (x, y) co-ordinates of a corner point (determined using a suitable origin and orientation of the axes) where 0 <= x, , y <= 1000. Starting from the first point given in the input the corner points occur in the same order on the boundary of the tile as they appear in the input. No three consecutive points are co-linear. The input file terminates with a value of 0 for N. Output For each tile in the input output the percentage of wasted space rounded to two digits after the decimal point. Each output must be on a separate line. Print a blank line after each output block. Tile #1 Sample Input Wasted Space = 25.00 % 5 0 0 Tile #2 2 0 Wasted Space = 0.00 % 2 2 1 1 0 2 5 0 0 0 2 1 3 2 2 2 0 0 Sample Output 8 Problema G (Valladolid 10256) The Closest Pair Problem Given a set of points in a two dimensional space, you will have to find the distance between the closest two points. Input The input file contains several sets of input. Each set of input starts with an integer N (0<=N<=10000), which denotes the number of points in this set. The next N line contains the coordinates of N two-dimensional points. The first of the two numbers denotes the X-coordinate and the latter denotes the Y-coordinate. The input is terminated by a set whose N=0. This set should not be processed. The value of the coordinates will be less than 40000 and non-negative. Output For each set of input produce a single line of output containing a floating point number (with four digits after the decimal point) which denotes the distance between the closest two points. If there is no such two points in the input whose distance is less than 10000, print the line INFINITY. Sample Input 3 0 0 10000 10000 20000 20000 5 0 2 6 67 43 71 39 107 189 140 0 Sample Output INFINITY 36.2215 9 Problema H (Valladolid 10256) The Great Divide Somewhere in Gaul, there is a little village very like the village where Asterix and Obelix live. Not very long ago they had only one chief Altruistix and peace reigned in the village. But now those happy days are just dreams. The villagers are now divided. Some of the villagers have elected Majestix as their chief and the others have elected Cleverdix. Majestix Cleverdix The two chiefs have decided to divide the village into two parts by digging a straight ditch through the middle of the village so that the houses of the supporters of Majestix lie on one part and those of the followers of Cleverdix lie on the other. So, they have invited Getafix, the venerable druid of Asterix’s village, to figure out whether such a dividing line exists or not. Getafix Since Getafix knows that you are so good in programming, he seeks your help. Input The input may contain multiple test cases. The first line of each test case contains two integers M and C (1 ≤ M, C ≤ 500), indicating the number of houses of the supporters of Majestix and Cleverdix respectively. Each of the next M lines contains two integers x and y (-1000 ≤ x, y ≤ 1000) giving the co-ordinates of the house of a supporter of Majestix. For convenience each house is considered as a single point on the plane. Each of the next C lines contains two integers x and y (-1000 ≤ x, y ≤ 1000) giving the co-ordinates of the house of a supporter of Cleverdix. The input will terminate with two zeros for M and C. 10 Output For each test case in the input output a line containing either “Yes” or “No” depending on whether there exists a straight line that divides the two set of houses. The dividing line can NOT contain points of both sides. Sample Input 43 100 600 200 400 600 500 300 700 400 100 600 200 500 300 43 100 600 400 100 600 200 500 300 200 400 600 500 300 700 00 Sample Output Yes No 11 Problema I (Valladolid 10750) Beautiful Points There are several points on the plane named beauty points. Given a point A, its ugliness is defined as |AB|+|AC|, where B and C are two beauty points nearest to A. Your task is: given beauty points, find the most beautiful point, i.e., the point having least ugliness. Note: the most beautiful point doesn't have to be a beauty point. Input The first line of the input contains the number of the test cases, which is at most 10. The descriptions of the test cases follow. The first line of a test case descriptions contains an integer N (2 ≤ N ≤ 10000), which is the number of beauty points. Each of the next N lines contains two integers X and Y separated by a space (-10000 ≤ X, Y ≤ 10000) being the coordinates of a beauty point. No two beauty points in a test case description have the same coordinates. The test cases are separated by blank lines. Output For each test case in the input, output the coordinates of any most beautiful point separated by a space, with at least three digits after the decimal point. Print a blank line between test cases. Exemples of Input 2 4 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 4 -1 -1 0 0 1 0 2 1 Output for exemples 0.500 0.000 0.500 0.000 12 Problema J (Valladolid 11626) Convex Hull Finding the convex hull of a set of points is an important problem that is often part of a larger problem. There are many algorithms for finding the convex hull. Since problems involving the convex hull sometimes appear in the ACM World Finals, it is a good idea for contestants to know some of these algorithms. Finding the convex hull of a set of points in the plane can be divided into two sub-tasks. First, given a set of points, find a subset of those points that, when joined with line segments, form a convex polygon that encloses all of the original points. Second, output the points of the convex hull in order, walking counter-clockwise around the polygon. In this problem, the first sub-task has already been done for you, and your program should complete the second sub-task. That is, given the points that are known to lie on the convex hull, output them in order walking counter-clockwise around the hull. Input The first line of input contains a single integer, the number of test cases to follow. The first line of each test case contains a single integer 3 <= n<= 100000, the number of points. The following n lines of the test case each describe a point. Each of these lines contains two integers and either a Y or an N, separated by spaces. The two integers specify the x- and y-coordinates of the point. A Y indicates that the point is on the convex hull of all the points, and a N indicates that it is not. The x- and y-coordinates of each point will be no less than -1000000000 and no greater than 1000000000. No point will appear more than once in the same test case. The points in a test case will never all lie on a line. Output For each test case, generate the following output. First, output a line containing a single integer m, the number of points on the convex hull. Next output m lines, each describing a point on the convex hull, in counter-clockwise order around the hull. Each of these lines should contain the x-coordinate of the point, followed by a space, followed by the y-coordinate of the point. Start with the point on the hull whose xcoordinate is minimal. If there are multiple such points, start with the one whose ycoordinate is minimal. -1 1 Y Sample Input 1 5 11Y 1 -1 Y 00N -1 -1 Y Sample Output 4 -1 -1 1 -1 11 -1 1 13
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