JAMESTOWN ( N T . ) P O S T - J O U R N A U - W e d n e s d a y Evening, M a y 8 . 1152 FIVE Charlotte Town To Hold Hearing On Truck Purchase Ellery Center S. S. Elects Slnclslrviile Preparation for the winter season is underway by the Town of,Charlotte officials, and at 8 P.M. May 22 a public hearing will be held on the proposed purchase of a heavy duty truck and snowplow. Supervisor Albert Bulger said at a meeting Tuesday night, the vehicle will cost upward of $16,500. and If approved, the township will receive a trade-in allowance on a 17-year old truck. The officer also said he and his cilleagues will consider at CHAUTAUQUA HONOR STUDENTS—John W. Turner, prin- the next regular meeting, June cipal of Chautauqua Central School, has announced selection of 12, the purchase of a blanket Kathryn Underwood as valedictorian, and Gordon Lewis as sain* insurance policy, which will protatorian of the class of 1951. Miss Underwood, who has an average tect the community more effiof 91.427, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Van Dyke Underwood, ciently than the present time of a member of the National Honor Society and Ivy Triangle, Daugh- insurance coverage. The township adopted a ters of the Eastern Star. She is in t i c senior division of Lois Fenton Chapter, Children of the American Revolution, and was resolution, which gave a contreasurer of Tri-Hi-Y this year. Mr. Lewis, who has an average tract to the Jamestown Laboraof 90.25, is the son of Mrs. Hugh W. Lewis, Ashville, and a mem- tory District. Mayor Henry Blanchard atber of both the Student Council and the National Honor Society. tended the session, snd an— — — — — —— nounced the village officials will Jerry Whitney Leads support the resolution. Miss Edith Lazell Baptist Head 15 Finish Red Cross Course Ellery Center — At the annuai election of officers of the Baptist Sunday School on Sunday all the officers were reelected, as follows: Superintendent, Miss Edith Lazell; Asst. Superintendent, Mrs. John Miller; Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Alice Lazell; Pianist, Eileen Nygren and Assistant Pianist, Mrs. Clyde Smiley. The average attendance is. between 25 and 30. The treasOFF TO CANAL 250NE -rurer reported total receipts in Mrs. Harrison Keefe and her the general fund for the year son, Donald, • 1-2 months old, $90.97 and expenses for supwere to sail today on the S.S. plies $71,94. In the seperate Cristobal fronf New York City mi&sionarv fund the year's refor Panama Canal Zone where ceipts were $94.48 with $80.84 they are to join Mr. Keefe. given to missions. Some w a s tdarman third class, stasent to three foreign missionaned at Foi§ Amador. The aries, two in South America mily will live near the fort. and one in Africa. Mr. Keefe, f h o has been in the Navy seven years, is the The home missions rememson of Mrs. Claries A. Anderbered were the Union Rescue son, Willard Street Extension, Mission and the Gideon organWho accompanied Mrs. Keefe In Current News Test nation in Jamestown and fiand the baby to N e w York nancial assistance to a young C I y » # - - J e r r y Whitney took City. man training for missionary first place in a news test held Mrs. Keefe Is the daughter work. at the school recently. He anof Mr. and Mffe. Frank BarkNext Sunday there will be swered correctly 82 of 105 quesman, Celoron. I special music by the young tions asked on current news. Fred Perdue and William t*0?1* J l J h e m o ^ n i n * a n d « v e ' | Oleaii-Comroon" Council w a s "littanium wag- discovered bv Boyle tUd for second place. n n g service and a program u r g e d to take steps to suspend an English clergyman in 1791 Clymer — A survey of the All of the American history at Sunday School in honor of i n s t r u c t i o n o f t n e proposed and by a German scienMothers Day. At the evening M a i n s t r e e t b f i d g e ^ ^ c o m „ students took the test, under the water system by the Cranston tist named some years later. Water Supply Company, Freservice there will be a special municatkm from the Olean direction of J. Woodrow Sayre, donia, w a s authorized by the Mothers Day flannelgraph mes- chamber of Commerce read in social studies teacher. Jerry will Clymer Central School Board receive a 10-inch world globe. a meeting Tuesday night. sage. of Education Monday night. The The communication called board asked that the company upon the Council to proceed submit recommendations for with the erection of a temporaryimprovements. bridge of sufficient size and durMlaintenance contracts were ability to take care of traffic. ranted to Reuben Selfridge It w a s brought out that the nterprises, Clymer; J . C. l Bo Youngsville — The W.S. C.S. Walker Company, Falconer; and C J H « « I I 2 A M T * W l > - « * - k l « ^ of Directors of the Chamt a U C a n O n I a X R O T e ber having considered the rec- sponsored a Mother and Daughter to W. Leroy Wilcox Company. n*mmmm.n • » . D ; M rvm»JomiociKiatioiis the Urban dinner at the Methodist Church, Corry\ and Arthur Campbell Pine Grove Area Plan for of Russell. Fa. Arterial High with nearly 100 attending. Miss vocational agricultural teacher, Central School Board of Ednca* • ways, as proposed by the State Louise Barton gave a piano solo. was authorized to spent $50* for « •2S"fyy*»^l m^.£h>PWt»e»t of Public Works, Mrs. H. H. Husted told about materials for a panel to be used t ? ? - ? ! L ^ g 1 * ^ P L S - i P J M M decided to. urge the city of her western trip. in teaching a course in farm sessed valuation tor 1951-52. T h e < o l e a j l a c c c p t the p I a n „ e x p c _ Eunmage sales were planned wirintr per capita school tax w a s set ditiously a s possible. The plan for May 18, 19, 25 and 26. At Members of the board also at $5 and each person over 21 w a s presented here In a 'meet- the June meeting, at the home voted to attend the annual conyears of age will also pay $5 an- inz m the a t y j ^ u i „ t w e e k > Mrs. L, W. Hull, officers will ference of the School Boards nuaily toward support of the| The s t a t e plan proposed a 4- of Association at Cattaraugus May sthool district. ] a n e bridge across Olean Creek be installed. The committee includes Mrs. E. C. Stillings, v It also aPP«> ed *o ™ s e ap- a short distance north of MaJn Mrs. Maye Hoove n, Mrs. proximately $63,000 by taxation street and extending Front Ave- Vivian Land berg and Mrs. Marie GREETINGS A GIFTS and increase its insurance cov- n u e to the new route north of Osgood., • • erage on the school building and (Main. It is pointed out with a • are brought t f you from —MMH its contents by $13,500. state's bridge, there will be two SUNSHINE CLUB Friendly Neighbor* j Gerald Angove, Akeley, presi- across the creek within such a Lander — The Sunshine Club For Oats, Biulses, dent, said the school's property!short distance and only one wiDwill J& Civic ft Social Welfare meet Friday with Mrs. Roy is now insured up to 80 per cent; be necessary. * Leaders Lindell. Mrs. J a y Hinsdale will SWANSONS DRUG STORE of its valuation. ; through N. D . Patterson, Warren, w a s elected treasurer of the board. University Dean 1VELCOME IVAGON The return tax list, the presiSpeaks a t Olean dent, said, i s $1,773.20; return On : the occasion ]mf: ' Olean—Dr. M. Lyle Spencer, property tax including lower , T h e Birth of a Baby valuation and double assessment dean of the School of JournalEngagementAnnounccments w a s listed at $171.68. and the ism of Syracuse University. wiD exoneration list figures totals he the speaker for the Olean la of Newcomeri to High School commencement $770. ' \ City program June 22, announced Acting Schools S r a i f e t e n d e n t J McManus Tuesday. His Mrs. Jomes D. Davis Clymer Church Class Harold subject will be: "If I Were 1205 W. Third St. Graduating Today." Phons—for Elects Officers (No cost or oapation) Olean C of C Approves State Plan f Clymer School Board Plans Water Survey — — — — Fluvanna Group Reviews Book in time for Fluvanna—Mrs. James McCabe was accepted into membership in the Fluvanna Study Club at the recent meeting at the home of Mrs. Raymond Larson. Miss M. Josephine Hanson reviewed the book, "Famous Amerlean Women." Mrs. Bessie Warner, head of the Ways and Means Committee reported on the recent bridge and canasta party at the Apple Inn. Following the meeting, a bake sale was held under the direc- MOTHER'S DAY i t t f JffZ YOUR HOME AND GARDEN STORE GENERAL0ELECT1UC^^ ^ 3 w a y s t o Get Cash : / DOES THANKLESS KITCHEN TASKS II llll Healing Salve PLAN SOCIAL MEETING Kisntone — A social meeting of the Congregational Church will be held at the Community House in Stillwater Friday evening, sponsored by the Ladies Aid Society. Ashville—A class of 15 er sons has completed the & ed Cross standard first aid training) R o a d W o r k P l a n n e d course under the direction of!. _ / riunneu Mrs. M. Elizabeth Ritchie, Red I n l O W n o f M j n a Cross officials announced today. The course w a s sponsored by Flndley Lake — The town of the North Harmony Health Mina is completing plans for Club. road improvements in conformity ••WARREN smr time S4xSS Completing the course were with the provisions of the Irwin 2 bedroosas \Vx Stori*. S34C6 improvement 1 Story 12783 Mrs. Mavis Hunter, Mrs. Lucia 10-year highway delivered to year bnildint Site. Johnson, Clayton F. Lloyd, Mrs. law, according to the town highOne of Many way superintendent, Merle PeCarrie Lloyd, Mrs. Agnes Lown, terson. Mrs. Katherine Lydell, Mrs. "UfiDTIirBU'9 Sarah Milner, Mrs. Elizabeth Write for catalog or better Muth, Mrs. Ada Neil, Mrs. Ruth BEMUS POINT WSCS still come and see me. Peterson, Mrs. Mary Russell. Bemus Point — The W.S.C S. Mrs., Phyllis Skinner, Mrs. Al-will meet Thursday at the MINICH — 20 Meadow Lose verna William, Mrs. Irvin home of Mrs. Arthur Brown for P h o n e 77-41S Bowen and Mrs. Norma Foster. tureen lunch at 12:30 P.M. Week Da>» Only 8:00 A M , t e t P.M. Youngsville WSCS Sponsors Dinner Pine Grove School Board Sets $30 Clymer—The Triple M Class of the Methodist Church, meeting at the home of George Christenson. elected officers as follows: President, Andrew Hutton; vicepresident. Ralph Thompson; secretary, Krena Renskers. A scavenger hunt was held. The host was assisted by John Wassink. tion of Mrs. Grace Brown and Mrs. Marguerite Mecusker. The next meeting will be the annual picnic on June 6 with election of officers. BROWNIE HAWKEYE DISPOSAL!.* AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER CAMERA • FLASH HODiL or ELECTRICALLY Remember Mother with Snapshots Mother's Day, Sun. M a y 13th Think of h! No boon dishwasher ia the Sink will clean — tmttmsHtdly. And its work-saving partner the G-B Smart new box "Brownie" with built-inflash.Only $6.95 Flasholder, $3.65* Prices include* Federal Tax. Disposal!, remotes food waste die modem way—riant down the drain and out of the 1 JOHNSON SHOP PinS AND PARK FREE Lot e n Main Between 4 t h & 5th SPORT & CAMERA Opposite City Hall • Announcing • • V of NEW OFFICE at 2 EAST FOURTH I T . Harold C. Pearson, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR H O I B * : S:St to 15: f t . 1:15 U 4:3t. T:0> te • :*». Aad by App. raoine tssss If FINANCE CO. } wOf. vn«rry ai. T10 West Third St. flad i l . , HOTIt j a j s j t f O W N M B * , JAMESTOWN, N. Y . PhMieiTfSI e Charles Honl.y, YES MANqg.r OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 7 P.M. Personal Finoncs Compony of New York lea* ass* Is IWMMH ef ell wtweeaas tern • Issw ehs asm ay awS * * BU A a a w t r , M M S * SS-M1 Bfitty oUtoam Candu Dollar for Dollar • .•• the favored gift for ••'• MOTHER'S DAY JPontiac you cant beat a Whatever your mother's preference is in candy — you'll find it among our wide assortment of over 45 varieties. We will be glad to especially pack any type of box to please your mother, or anyone you wish to remember on Mother's Day, May 13. We also pack and wrap for mailing. Special Pock 2 Pound G i f t Box Regularly $2.25 Extra Value For Mother's Day $2.15 Regular Betty Dixon Assortment 1 lb. . . . $1.10 3 lb. . . . $3.00 2 lb. . . . $2.00 5 lb. . . . $5.00 Choc. & Vanilla Fudge Creams Bonbons Cream Wafers $ .80 lb. 1.10 lb. 1.101b. 70 lb. r Hard Candies 50c lb. Anise, Molasses Butter, Scotch Mints, etc. Chocolate Straws Peanut Butter Straws Club Mints Swedish Mints $ .60 lb. 60 Mb. .601b. .50 ft. . Other Gift Suggestions Fancy Dishes. Cake Plates and Novelties filled with high quality Betty Dixon Candy and appro* i lately decorated to make ideal gifts for Mother's ay. £ Visit Kiddie Korner R r* In addition to the usual displays are special gifts for the kiddies to give to "Mom", priced from 30c to 75c . GREETING CARDS and Gift Wrappings for MOTHER'S DAY Picture of a Solid Citizen! We would like to reiotrodooa you to a citizen you have met casually many times—the beautiful new Silver Anniversary Pontiac. This m the finest, most beautiful car ever to bear the famous Silvar Streak. (Optionml •* C h•Ira • I MIver Sireak S t r a i g h t Eight a r S i x a reputation aa wall it Phone S2-331 BtittyDjuxon should, becausefor25 yearn Pontiac baa been designed aad built to be just that! Pontiac is your shortest, easiest step out of the ordinary into the extraordinary. CANDY SHOP It costs so little to put yourself at the wheel of a wonderful Pontiac— come m and get the fact* and figures. 105 West Third St. Open Sat. May 12 until 9:00 P. M. TELSCHOW-SHULTS PONTIAC CO.. INC. Jamestown, N.Y. 1225 E. Second S t . * Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 » . i - • www.fultonhistory.com l
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