PO.ID 054 - Past Events and Proceedings

The Adoption of Best Practices for Insulation
Condition Assessment and Condition Monitoring of
OWF HVAC Export and MVAC Inter-array Cables:
Preliminary Field Trial Results
Lee Renforth
Riccardo Giussani
Malcolm Seltzer-Grant
William Waugh
Newcastle University
OHVMS Prototype – Offshore Turbine System
The implementation of electrical condition monitoring (CM) technology in the offshore wind
farm (OWF) industry has been limited to date. There is presently no system available in the
market that can effectively perform the monitoring and correlation of several electrical condition
parameters to enhance the insulation condition assessment (ICA) of the network.
This paper is an extension of the work published by the authors in the 2013 EWEA Offshore
Conference in Nov 2013 on the importance of ‘holistic’ insulation condition monitoring (CM)
and testing, both at the commissioning/acceptance phase and then into the service life of the
cable networks. To further improve the CM of the cable networks in the OWF market sector, the
authors present a new system (OHVMS) that is capable of monitoring the state and condition
of the network.
This work presents the results from the infield trial of this new technology. The system acquires
and records, on a continuous basis, partial discharge (PD), power quality (PQ) and cable
sheath currents (SC) data. The ongoing analysis of the data shows how correlating the effect of
phenomena on differing parameters can help to increase the understanding of the real state of
the systems, improving the Condition Based Management (CBM) of the assets.
The data has been recorded on both 33kV inter-array cables and 132kV export cables on a
number of UK offshore wind farms over a period of several months. A case study in which the
system has helped to identify PD on an offshore site is reported herein.
‘Holistic’ Insulation Condition Assessment of OWF
Export and Inter-array Cables – the HVPD OHVMS System
Figure 2 above shows the schematic and the functionalities of an OHVMS prototype installed at
an offshore wind turbine tower. The system collect simultaneously partial discharge (PD) data,
power quality (PQ) data and sheath currents (SC) data from the turbine and the three interarray subsea cables connected to it.
OHVMS Detection of PD on an Offshore Wind Turbine
In the EWEA Offshore poster the authors highlighted the importance of carrying out
electrical testing and monitoring during each phase of the lifecycle of the offshore
cables network:
This section reports how the OHVMS prototype helped to detect partial discharge (PD) activity
on an OWF 33kV inter array network.
Figure 3 below shows the extended OLPD monitoring data over 2 months recorded by the
OHVMS system and Figure 4 shows the data from an online partial discharge (OLPD)
diagnostic ‘spot’ test that confirmed the PD activity diagnosed by the OHVMS system.
Detects any poor workmanship or installation damage
PD acceptance test and voltage withstand test (to 1.7 – 2.0U0), or a 24-hour soak test at U0
Off-line electrical Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) supports future PD site localisation
and/or cable fault location
Figure 3: this shows the
OLPD cumulative activity
(top) and PD peak activity
(bottom) detected over a
period of two months by
one of the HVPD OHVMS
prototype installed on an
offshore wind turbine.
Performed before the cable supplier/jointer warranty period expires
Conducted through the service life of an asset
Detects PD activity that has initiated during the service life of cable/plant
Supports maintenance and operation decisions
To further improve the CM of the cable network for offshore wind farms the authors
presented a new CM system able to monitor and correlate several parameters.
OHVMS Prototype – Onshore Grid Connection Substation
Figure 4 Below shows the results of OLPD diagnostic ‘spot’ test performed on the same
turbine. Respectively an example of the PD waveform detected (left) and the PRPD Pattern
across the 50Hz power cycle (right) is shown, both confirming the nature of the PD.
Segment Waveform
Volts (mV)
Time us
Next Step - Combining electrical and mechanical CM
Figure 5 The next generation of ‘holistic’ Condition Monitoring
(CM) technology for offshore wind farm turbine array networks.
will combine electrical and mechanical CM.
Figure 1 above shows the schematic and the functionalities of an OHVMS prototype installed
at an onshore, grid-connection substation from an offshore wind farm.
The system is able to monitor partial discharge (PD) activity alongside analysing the power
quality (PQ) data. Moreover the system continuously monitors the value of the sheath currents
presented on the XLPE cable sheath as a function of the relative load currents.
EWEA 2014, Barcelona, Spain: Europe’s Premier Wind Energy Event