Bulletin 09 February 2014

St. Michael’s Church
Chapel Lane, Baulkham Hills
PO Box 702, Baulkham Hills 1755
Phone: 9639 0598 Fax: 9639 8391
Very Rev Michael O’Callaghan PP EV
Fr. Porathur Joy MS Assistant Priest
Fr. Giovani Presiga Gaviria Assistant Priest
Mrs Monica O’Callaghan Parish Secretary
8.30am - 4.30pm Mon. - Fri.
Mrs Sue Ashpole Assistant Secretary
8.30am - 3.30pm Mon, Wed, Fri
Mr Kevin Hore Business Manager
Mr Jeremiah Wilkes Youth Minister
Miss Tina Asimus Young Adults Ministry
Saturday Vigil: EST 5.30pm,
DST 6.00pm
Sunday: 8.00am, 10.00am, 6.00pm
Mon - Fri: 9.15am
Sat: 9.00am
Mrs Danuta Maka Phone: 9639 0518
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A
Email: [email protected]
Homepage: http://www.stmichaelsbh.org.au
Saturday 9.30am to 10.30am
Sundays, 12 noon
by appointment only
Arrangements by appointment only
9 February, 2014
Light and Salt - Necessities of Life
n old testament times, God gave his people
very clear instructions on how they were to live.
Speaking through the prophet Isaiah, God said: “Share
your bread and shelter the homeless poor. Clothe the
naked, support your own relatives. Break the yoke,
no violence, help the oppressed.”
Many of the Israelites disobeyed God and began
to imitate their pagan neighbours. So God left them
to their own devices. When the enemy came, instead
of turning to God for help, the Israelites played
politics. It ended with the capture and destruction of
Jerusalem and the 70 years of captivity in Babylonia.
The gospel picks up the same theme. It is part
of Matthew’s great Sermon on the Mount that we
began last week with the Beatitudes. In today’s gospel
Jesus teaches us how we are to live.
Jesus uses three striking images of salt, light and a
city on a hill.
 Salt is a preservative and was very important in those
days. Roman troops sometimes received salt as part of
their wages.
 A lamp lights up the house so that people can move
around safely.
 A city on a hill is visible for miles around.
Jesus is telling us that we all have an important part
to play in continuing his work of spreading the Good
News. He reminds us that if we neglect his work and go
our own way far from him, we will be like salt that is
So this is our mission. Jesus wants us to spread the
Good News of God’s love for all people. We may not
think that we can do much but Jesus tells us that we can be
like that lamp shining in the house. In other words, we
can give ongoing witness to our neighbours of what it
means to be a true follower of Christ, simply by living our
lives according to the two great commandments.
We give witness by coming to Mass on a Sunday; by
doing voluntary work in our neighbourhood; by looking
out for those around us, especially the elderly, the sick and
the people who have come from overseas as refugees. We
give witness by the way we speak to people and by the
way we treat them.
It may seem little to us and we may well not notice
any improvement in the world around us. However, God
takes the little things that we do and He blesses them and
uses them in ways that we do not know. It is only in the
next life that we will discover how our tiny efforts have
helped to bring about the fulfillment of God’s plan for the
It is not for us to know the results in this life. We
are called to be preserving salt, a lamp on a lamp stand, a
city on the hill. Let us concentrate on this and leave the
rest to God.
Reg Ahearn CSsR
©Redemptorists, 2014
Visiting Priests
Memorial Days
Over the next three
weekends and most
weekdays, Masses at
St Michael's will be celebrated by visiting priests. The Capuchin
Friars and Fr. Paul Roberts will
celebrate most of these Masses.
Fr. Mick will be saying weekend and
weekday Masses at Our Lady of
Lourdes, South Baulkham Hills
2014 Parish Calendar
Please take a copy of the 2014 Parish
Calendar which is now available from
the Church foyer.
Parish Pastoral
Council Meeting
Graces of Italy Pilgrimage ~
(with optional extension to
Is this a chance for YOU?
The Diocese’s Institute for Mission at
Blacktown is offering a program
suitable for lots of everyday, down to earth
people, called ‘Beginning Theology’
It’s a comfortable, guided introduction to
theology with some discussion gatherings in
a small supported group through the year,
but mostly with reading and reflection done
in your own time. Check it out at
www.instituteformission.com.au and apply
now. Fr Paul will call you and chat about it
if you leave him a message and your
landline or mobile number on 9831 4911
09 FEBRUARY 2014
Important Dates
There will be a meeting of the
Parish Pastoral Council on
Wednesday 12th February in the
Parish Office at 7.30pm
Faith and Learning 2014
From 24 April to 8 or 17 May with
Harvest Pilgrimages.
You have the convenience of an
experienced tour guide as well as a
Chaplain Fr. Eugene Szondi (
St. Bernadette’s Parish Castle Hill).
Most meals are
Places still available.
Please book Freecall on
1800 819 156.
16 FEBRUARY 2014
8.00 am
M. Cameron, L. Karam,
F. Govindasamy
14 A. Mendes, G. Scanlon,
M. Kennedy, S. McBain,
10.00 am J. Van Gend
15 C. Elinon, A. Mantaring,
6.00 pm
16 J. Goonan, N. Redden,
P. Williams
S. Mantaring
09 FEBRUARY 2014
Saturday B. Hartanto, L. Suprain, E. Riches,
6.00 pm R. Gosper, L. Domanillo
8.00 am
B. Norris, M. Norris, J. Georges, M. Davis,
R. Waite
S. Stagnitta, Y. Young
16 FEBRUARY 2014
K. McElduff, A. Mascari, L. Karam,
S. Blahut, L. Domanillo
C. Palmer-Burton, M. Palmer-Burton,
L. Boguradzki, M. Cameron, K. MacInante
N. Redden, C. Malinis, S. Millet, C. Ugarte, B. Boguradzki, J. Mayhew, J. Hayek,
C. Ugarte, M. Launert
10.00 am B. Oakes
6.00 pm
T. Barnes, S. George, M. Brown,
S. Stagnitta, E. Lee
Congratulations to Marianne D’Souza
who graduated last Friday from the
Institute for Mission with a Diocesan
Certificate in Pastoral Formation and to
Benita de Barros Canha on completion of
mentored study programme: “Beginning
Well done Marianne and Benita!
We welcome the following children to
our Parish family.
 Tiahna
Barjacoba  Addisyn Morris
who were baptised at St. Michael’s
Church last week.
 Ryan
13 P. Byrnes, J. Lau, E. Riches
Sun 09 February
Children’s Liturgy of the Word 10am
Wed 12 February
Parish Pastoral Council Meeting Parish Office 7.30pm
Saturday B. De Barros Canha,
6.00 pm G. Dequena, P. Eustace, F. Ritky
M. Moloney, M. Moloney,
G. Rodrigues, P. Stewart
Sun 09 February
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon 10 February
Memorial - St Scholastica
Fri 14 February
Memorial - Sts Cyril and Methodius
M. Rutkin, L. Legrand, L. Fauvette, A. Hay,
S. George
Counters 09.02.14 Team 8: T. Dalton
Counters 16.02.14 Team 1: T. Checchia
Saturday 15.02.14
Team 7: M. D’Souza
Saturday 22.02.14
Team 8: C. Langton
Friday 14.02.14
B. Merhi, S. Merhi
Friday 21.02.14
S. Zammit, D. Arrowsmith
Saturday 15.02.14
D. Dowling, L. Newlands, C. Riley
Saturday 22.02.14
L. Balanque, J. Lau
Weekend 15/16 FEBRUARY 2014 - Masses: Sat 6pm: M. Bass
Sun 8am: S. Fenech 10am K. Son Kee 6pm: Youth
Please remember those for
whom prayers have been
Recently Deceased: Frances Norberg
Anniversary: D. Barber, J. D’Abreo,
N. Fernandez, M. Cunningham,
P. Gunasekera, J. Gillies, T. Tuffy,
Nelson Terrado, Anne Newton
Sick: David Leahy, N. Vanessa,
Son B. Stejephen, Son M Ante,
James Gaudry, Roy Briones,
Jean Harrington, Bashir Merhi,
Scott Randall, Bernadette Rutkin,
Terri Nikora, Bernadette Younis,
Son D. Marko, Jaime Acuna,
Salah Dallo, Barbara Walsh,
Michael Cratiz, Juanita Uy,
Manuel Machado, Cecilia Moussa,
Dianne Moussa, Linda BrownDelphin,
Herbert Vollbrecht, Noreen Churchill,
Troy Britnell, Nicholas Armstrong,
Mary Korunic, John Straskye,
Kath Elliott, Carmel Gooley,
Robert Ison, Yvonne Tanous,
Lilia Lobrin, Giovanna Galea,
Cesario Solarte Jr, Len Fontana,
Scott Pirie, Lucy Kocsis,
Joseph Mannah, Robert Hennessy,
Jordan McDonald, Vitaliana Terrado
Senior Elevate is back on and it’s better than ever! Come along for
a packed term of fun, games, relationships and much, much more!
AGE GROUP: Years 9-12 WHEN: Friday 21 February
WHERE: Sign-in at the Old Church TIME: 7-9pm
Elevate is back for 2014! We have a lot of fun and exciting
activities planned for this term. Don’t miss out! WHEN: Friday 14
February WHERE: Sign in at Downey Room. Please bring a gold
coin donation!
YMT facilitates powerful, energetic programs for schools and
churches, as well as working with youth groups and
facilitating weekend camps. Youth Mission Team Australia (YMT)
is about empowering young people to live life to the full through
personal relationship with God and a revelation of their own
We would like to welcome to our Parish Community the new and
dynamic Sydney Youth Mission Team for 2014! To Peter Simon,
Paul Crossley, Tim Cordina, Renee Jolly, Annabelle Bosnjak &
Arianne Jacobs and their Team Manager Peter Dominish, our
thoughts and prayers are with you as you carry out your mission
in Sydney this year. For more information: www.ymt.com.au/
After 10 happens straight after 10am Mass. It’s a great
opportunity to meet new people, have a good cuppa and catch up
with others. WHEN: February 23, March 9 and 23.
Hope to see you there.
St Michael’s will be holding a Leader’s Day to plan, share and
discuss this year ahead. If you are aged between 18 and 35 and
are interested in becoming an active member of the youth
Movement at St Michael's then please come along.
DATE: 22 February CONTACT: Jerremiah Wilkes on 0423 342 215
Oakhill College Enrolments 2015
Applications for enrolment into Year 7 2015 will close on Friday,
21 February, 2014 and enrolment for girls into Year 11 2015 will
close on Friday, 9 May, 2014. Parents who wish to apply for
enrolment of their sons in Year 7 and/or daughters in Year 11 at
Oakhill College in 2015, and who have not yet submitted a form,
are requested to contact the Registrar before the closing dates.
Contact: Mrs Maryanne Maree (Registrar) 9899 2288 or
[email protected]
The most important thing about each of us
is our capacity for goodness.
We can be a source of light.
We have hands that can care,
eyes that can see,
ears that can hear, tongues that can speak,
feet that can walk,
and above all hearts that can love.
Unfortunately, through laziness, selfishness,
and cowardice, our light can be dimmed,
so that we become shadows of the
people we could be.
Lord, help us to believe in our own goodness,
and to let the light of that goodness shine.
On seeing this light others find their way,
and you will be glorified.
The SRE Ministry is to present God’s Word to the 400
Catholic children in the 2 state schools in our Parish.
We Need YOU! Being a Catechist is passing on the
knowledge of God’s love. The only qualifications you need to
join our Ministry are your love of God, love of children and love
of your faith. Will you help us? If you have a desire to share
your talents, please contact Magda Marcanato on 0422 320 034
or speak to one of the Catechists after Mass this weekend 8/9
Diocesan Positions
YOUTH MINISTER: St Bernadette’s Parish, Castle Hill.
Applications closes 28 February at 5pm. Full details and
position description is available in the Employment section of
the Diocese of Parramatta’s website:
New Members for the Men's Choir
Calling all men. Have you had a desire to sing but not
the opportunity. Well now is the time. The Men's’ choir
is looking for new members. No prior singing experience
needed. Call Patrick Eustace on 0417 682 362 for details.
Catenians - Catholic Men's Group
Meetings - Dinner every 4th Tuesday, 6.45pm
Outings with wives throughout the year
Contacts - David Macrae 9624 1828 Paul Despoges 8850 0956
Annual Dominican Retreat
The annual Dominican retreat for men aged 18-35 will be
held at the Benedict XVI Retreat Centre, Grose Vale, from
21-23 February 2014. Speakers include Fr Anthony Walsh OP
and Fr Dom Murphy OP. Theme: “Grace and Truth”. Cost
$200 - includes meals and accommodation. Register by 10
February. For more information and to register contact
Br James Baxter Op - [email protected]
School of Community Languages
Enrolments form students who want to study Maltese at
the Saturday School of Community Languages at The Hills
Sports High School, Seven Hills and Skola Maltija Sydney (Rouse
Hill & Smithfield West) are now open. Students who wish to join
the SSCL can apply through their high school or by visiting
www.sscl.schools.nsw.edu.au/how-to-enrol or by contacting
Charles Galea at [email protected].
For Skola Malitja Sydney primary (K-6) call Jane Borg on
0411 478 233 or email Lucy on [email protected].
For adult enrolments, call Mrs. Anna Cuschieri on 0406 188 136
or Email: [email protected] or [email protected] or Rhonda Balzan Bastow on
[email protected]
World Day of Prayer
This year World Day of Prayer service will be held at
Wesley Uniting Church, Castle Hill. The World Day of
Prayer committee in Egypt has prepared the Order of
Service for 2014, the theme being ‘Streams in the Desert’. The
service will be held at 32 Showground Rd, Castle Hill, on Friday
7th March, starting at 7.30pm. All are welcome.
Family Camping Weekend
A group of St Michael’s families are going camping on
28-30 March 2014 at Wiseman’s Ferry. Anyone “
interested please contact Peter or Megan on 9639 5716.
Diocesan Pastoral Plan
Preparation for the Parramatta Diocesan Pastoral Plan
commenced in 2012 with parish gatherings providing input for
consideration - St Michael’s was held in February 2012. Since
then much work has been taking place to formulate the Plan and
several parish members attended an information session. The
Plan, which will be entitled Faith in Our Future, will be launched
over the weekend of 22/23 February 2014.
OUR WORSHIP TODAY ~ Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ Yr A
Today’s :
1st Reading: Is 58:7-10
2nd Reading: 1 Cor 2:1-5
Mt 5:13-16
Next Week: 1st Reading: Sirach 15:15-20
2nd Reading: 1 Cor 2:6-10
Mt 5:17-37
Entrance Antiphon:
O Come, let us worship God and bow low before the God
who made us, for he is the Lord our God.
Responsorial Psalm: Vigil, 10am, 6pm
Responsorial Psalm: 8am
A light rises in the darkness for the
Gospel Acclamation: 8am
A light rises in the darkness for the upright.
Alleluia, alleluia! I am the light of the
world, says the Lord; the man who follows
me will have the light of life. Alleluia!
Communion Antiphon:
Let them thank the Lord for his
mercy, his wonders for the
children of men, for he satisfies
the thirsty soul, and the hungry
he fills with good things.
Gospel Acclamation: Vigil,10am, 6pm
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Daily Masses: Mon to Fri, 9.15am, Sat 9.00am
Rosary: Mon to Fri, 8.55am
Morning Prayer of the Church ~ Sat. morning beginning 8.25am
Holy Communion to the Sick ~ Contact Parish Office. Phone: 9639 0598
Sacrament of the Sick ~ First Friday of the month at 9.15am Mass
Discount prices on new Pumps,
Filters, Salt Water Chlorinators
Repair of all Pool and Spa
Cleaning and regular maintenance
Specific problem solving
Call Henry at any time: 9634 7470
Mobile: 0412 265 823
Deadline for Parish Bulletin Notices:
All notices for the Parish Bulletin must be
at the Parish office by 4.30 pm each
Wednesday. Getting your bulletin notice in
early would be appreciated. Thank you.
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